Art History 1 Test 3

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Which of the following terms is used to describe the Roman Temple of "Fortuna Virilis" also know as Temple of Portunus?


What is a distinct aesthetic characteristic of the Late Roman Empire?


Which of the following is not an example of the characteristics of Early Christian mosaics?


What century marks the full incorporation of Etruria into the Roman Empire

1st century BCE

Gardenscape, from the Villa of Livia, is an excellent example of what Roman style of painting?

1st style

One of the most popular forms of Buddha in Japan, pictured to the right is known as?

Amida Buddha

Which of the following is a roman architectural innovation?

Barrel vault

Which of the following would be located in the Roman forum and would house the law court for the city?


Christianity was recognized as the official religion of Rome in the early 4th century by which of the following?


The column used on Etruscan temples is similar to which type of Greek column?


The large palace/fort built at Split in Croatia was a retirement home for who?


Which of the following best describes and distinguishes the "First Style" of Roman painting?


Which initials of Christ are represented by this image?


Which symbol of Christ did Constantine use on the shields of his army at the battle of Milvian?


Which of the following best describes and distinguishes the "Second Style of Roman painting?

Illusionistic and expansive spaces

How does the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia typify Early Christian architecture?

It has a heavy brick exterior and ornately mosaic interior

Which of the following are among the earliest Japanese artifacts?

Jomon ceramics

What city is located Pont-du-gard, created during the reign of Augustus?

Nîmes, France

What is the name of this early Christian symbol?


Coffering was used to lighten the weight of the dome in which of these structures?


Which of the following is an Early Christian symbol for immortality?


Which of the following descriptions best describe the Pantheon?

The design is based on the intersection of two circles

Early Christians repeatedly used which symbol in tombs and catacombs as image of hope?

The good shepherd

A major theme of Etruscan tomb decoration is which of the following?

The joy of life

Which of the following is a uniquely Greek in style and was imported to Rome in the first century?

Tholos style temples

What stone did both the Etruscans and the early Christians carve into for subterranean tombs?


Kamakura period sculptures were easily distinguished from earlier japanese sculpture because of their _________.

Use of the gold flaming mandorla for Buddha

Which deity did the Julian line believe that they were descended from?


Roman portraiture during the Republic was generally of elderly male statesmen executed with what quality by the sculptor?


The fibula excavated from the Regolini-Galassi Tomb illustrates motifs borrowed from the Orient. Which of the following was one of them?

Walking lions

Where would an oculus be found?

at the center of a dome

Which of the following structural materials allowed the architects of the Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia to raise such a grand and eloquent expression of Roman power?


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