Art History II Test 4

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Which of the following influenced Degas in his technique of using spatial projections and off-center empty space to create illusion and direct the viewer's attention into the picture? a. 18th century Japanese woodblock prints b. 16th century German woodcuts c. 15th century German engravings d. Mughal miniatures

a. 18th century Japanese woodblock prints

Timothy O'Sullivan documented which of the following wars? a. American Civil War b. War of Spanish Succession c. Crimean War d. Boer War

a. American Civil War

Which of the following artists was most concerned with painting realistic scenes of poor and oppressed peoples? a. Courbet b. Eakins c. Bouguereau d. Bonheur

a. Corbet

Which of the following artists was most concerned with painting realistic scenes of poor and oppressed peoples? a. Courbet b. Eakins c. Bouguereau d. Bonheur

a. Courbet

Which of the following works functions as an "altarpiece" for the new civic religion of inspiring the viewer with the martyr's dedication to service? a. Death of Marat b. Death of General Wolfe c. Cornelia, Presenting Her Children as Her Treasures or Mother of the Gracchi d. Oath of the Horatii

a. Death of Marat

Throughout history, artists have regularly served political ends by using their art to make visual statements. Which of the following artists has created an overtly political statement with his/her work? a. Dorothea Lange b. John Sloan c. Wassily Kandinsky d. Barbara Hepworth

a. Dorothea Lange

The Champs de Mars or The Red Tower by Robert Delaunay depicts which of the following structures? a. Eiffel Tower b. Tower of Babel c. Coit Tower d. Tatlin Tower

a. Eiffel Tower

Her work is often described as autobiographical because of her unflinching self-portrait portrayals. She gives the viewer a personal glimpse into herself and suffering. Which of the following artists does this describe? a. Frida Kahlo b. Hannah Höch c. Georgia O'Keeffe d. Dorothea Lange

a. Frida Kahlo

In Rosa Bonheur's most famous work, The Horse Fair, the dramatic lighting, loose bushwork, and rolling sky reveal her admiration for which of the following artists? a. Gericault b. Manet c. Courbet d. Millet

a. Gericault

Which of the following artists was a Berlin Dadaist? a. Hannah Höch b. Barbara Hepworth c. Georgia O'Keeffe d. Frida Kahlo

a. Hannah Höch

One aspect of Rodin's work that ties him to Impressionism is ____. a. His concern for light on sculpted surfaces b. the pastel coloring of his sculptures c. his focus on exotic and imaginative themes d. breaking up the surface into intersecting planes

a. His concern for light on sculpted surfaces

Which of the following artists presented a sumptuous and sensual image in the Apparition? a. Moreau b. Manet c. Redon d. Puvis de Chavannes

a. Moreau

Which of the following architects were the most influential in Thomas Jefferson's re-design of Monticello? a. Palladio and Robert Adam b. Soufflot and Vignon c. Palladio and Soufflot d. Vignon and Robert Adam

a. Palladio and Robert Adam

Which of the following artists is categorized as a Symbolist? a. Redon b. Cassatt c. Morisot d. Whistler

a. Redon

Who is the Surrealist? a. Salvador Dalí b. Jacob Lawrence c. Henri Matisse d. Pablo Picasso

a. Salvador Dalí

How did Bouguereau depict fictional themes or mythological subjects in his paintings? a. Through the use of polished illusionism b. Through the use of radical representation c. Through the use of rough techniques d. Through the use of non-traditional representation

a. Through the use of polished illusionism

Which of the following works of art was melted down for ammunition by the Nazis in 1937? a. War Monument b. Bird in Space c. Unique Forms of Continuity in Space d. Column

a. War Monument

La Madeleine in Paris was intended for which of the following purposes? a. a temple of glory for Napoleon's armies b. a center of the nineteenth-century Jesuit revival c. a monument to the success of middle-class bankers d. a monument to the success of French revolutionary leaders

a. a temple of glory for Napoleon's armies

Monet's Rouen Cathedral is a series that observed the same viewpoint during which of the following? a. different times of the day b. only at noon c. only at noon during winter d. from different elevations

a. different times of the day

What is the name of the specific style of Rococo painting that depicted the outdoor amusements and entertainments of the upper classes? a. fête galante b. pays bonheur c. sans souci d. fête de jou

a. fête galante

What did Thomas Eakins believe was a prerequisite for his art? a. knowledge b. poetry c. fortune d. support

a. knowledge

What message is portrayed in Edward Hopper's Nighthawks? a. the pervasive loneliness of modern humans b. the seediness of city life c. the energetic rhythm of city life d. the cosmopolitan atmosphere of big city life

a. the seediness of city life

Courbet used which of the following techniques in The Stonebreakers to convey the drudgery of manual labor? a. use of a palette of dirty browns and grays b. use of soft pastels for the stones c. use of swirling, diagonal line d. use of bright color to highlight the labor

a. use of a soft palette of dirty browns and grays

The Chrysler Building by William van Alen has elements from which of the following styles? a. Art Nouveau b. Art Deco c. Cubist d. Fin-de-siècle

b. Art Deco

Who wrote, "All my life I have sought the essence of flight. Don't look for the mysteries. I give you pure joy. Look at the sculptures until you see them. Those nearest to God have seen them." a. Barlach b. Brancusi c. Hepworth d. Moore

b. Brancusi

What style is described as compositions of shapes and forms abstracted from the conventionally conceived world? a. Fauvism b. Cubism c. De Styl d. Neoplasticism

b. Cubism

Which of the following works demonstrates the Futurists' interest in motion? a. The City b. Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash c. Champs de Mars or The Red Tower d. The Portuguese

b. Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash

The hovering figure that served as a memorial to those who died in World War I was created by ____. a. Wilhelm Lehmbruck b. Ernst Barlach c. Ernst Kirchner d. Max Beckmann

b. Ernst Barlach

Who among the following artists liked to paint images of the Romantic transcendental landscape? a. Cole b. Friedrich c. Turner d. Bierstadt

b. Friedrich

Georges Seurat differed from the Impressionist painters in which of the following ways? a. His concern for the emotional qualities of color, which he depicted using broad, passionate brush strokes. b. His disciplined and painstaking application of the color theories of men like Delacroix, Helmholtz, and Chevreul. c. His return to Classical subject matter. d. His depiction of dream imagery using the visual techniques discovered by the Impressionists.

b. His disciplined and painstaking application of the color theories of men like Delacroix, Helholtz, and Chevreul

Antonio Gaudi longed to create an architectural style that was both modern and appropriate for his native country of Spain. How does Casa Milá represent his ability to conceive a building as a whole and mold it almost as a sculptor would create a figure from clay? a. It is a squared structure sheathed in concrete. b. It is a free-form mass wrapped around a street corner. c. It is a vertical mass soaring above the landscape. d. It is a horizontal mass tied to the earth.

b. It is a free-form mass wrapped around a street corner

The artist whose work best spoke for the French Revolution was which of the following? a. Angelica Kauffmann b. Jacques-Louis David c. Honore Fragonard d. Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun

b. Jacques-Louis David

Cassatt's style of work owes much to which of the following? a. Giorgione b. Japanese prints c. Leonardo's sketchbooks d. Michelangelo

b. Japanese prints

Symbolism and fantasy were joined to create works filled with visionary joy and despair by which of the following artists? a. Franc Marc b. Marc Chagall c. Frida Kahlo d. Emile Nolde

b. Marc Chagall

Although many artists dealt with the theme of war or other societal ills, ____ believed above all in the expressive use of color, saying that the whole arrangement of his pictures were expressive. a. Picasso b. Matisse c. Max Beckmann d. Otto Dix

b. Matisse

The mood in The Thankful Poor by Tanner is one of quiet devotion, not far removed from the Realism of which of the following artists? a. Courbet b. Millet c. Manet d. Sargent

b. Millet

Neoclassicism invoked classical references of patriotism and trust in unshakable authority serving imperial agendas. Which of the following leaders embraced these aspects of Neoclassicism? a. Thomas Jefferson b. Napoleon c. George IV d. George Washington

b. Napoleon

At the turn of the century, the French Academy was divided rather sharply between two doctrines. Which taught that color was the most important element? a. Grand Manner b. Rubenistes c. Poussinistes d. Naturalists

b. Rubenistes

What message did Vera Mukhina convey in her work entitled The Worker and the Collective Farm Worker? a. She conveyed the horror of war b. She glorified the communal labor of the Soviet people c. She glorified urban lifestyles d. She showed motion through dynamic line

b. She glorified the communal labor of the Soviet people

Extreme subjectivity and the need to see through reality to a deeper reality was most typical of which of the following styles? a. Impressionists b. Symbolists c. Neoclassicists d. Realists

b. Symbolists

In The Night Café, the artist has shown us a benign scene yet the scene has a sense of charged energy and oppressive atmosphere. How did the artist communicate this? a. Through use of a bar always a bad place b. Through us of vivid hues whose juxtaposition augmented their intensity c. Through use of soft color and tilted perspective d. Through use of the crowds create the tension

b. Through us of vivid hues whose juxtaposition augmented their intensity

Who was a denizen of the night world of Paris, consorting with the tawdry population of entertainers, prostitutes and other social outcasts? a. Millais b. Toulouse-Lautrec c. Eakins d. Degas

b. Toulouse-Lautrec

A leading advocate of the Enlightenment in France was which of the following? a. Louis XVI b. Voltaire c. Isaac Newton d. John Lock

b. Voltaire

Which of the following conditions is characteristic of the 19th century agrarian working class and is missing from the Haywain by Constable? a. love of the land b. civil unrest c. participation in home markets d. bondage to wealthy landowners

b. civil unrest

Which phrase best expresses the sculptural style of Boccioni? a. nervous agitation b. dynamic movement c. sinuous organic curves d. sharply intersecting planes

b. dynamic movement

A nonobjective work refers to work that ____. a. has been abstracted from a natural object b. has no reference to the external appearance of the physical world c. is not considered objectionable by anyone d. has no material form but is merely conceived in the mind

b. has no reference to the external appearance of the physical world

Géricault's Raft of the Medusa represents which of the following? a. a Romantic dream image b. the aftermath of a nineteenth-century French shipwreck and was considered an attack on government ineptitude c. a piece of historical Romanticism related to the Greek war for independence d. the Gothic emphasis on terror and the sublime

b. the aftermath of a nineteenth-century French shipwreck and was considered an attack on government ineptitude

Which of the following artists created large-scale, kinetic sculptures? a. Henry Moore b. Brancusi c. Alexander Calder d. Boccioni

c. Alexander Calder

Which of the following architects conceived the building as a whole and molded it almost as a clay sculpture? a. Louis Sullivan b. Henry Richardson c. Antonio Gaudi d. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel

c. Antonio Gaudi

The influences of Vitruvius, Palladio, and Inigo Jones are most apparent in which of the following? a. Houses of Parliament b. Monticello c. Chiswick House d. Pantheon

c. Chiswick House

Which of the following artists explored the properties of light, plane, and color and their interrelationships? a. Gauguin b. Toulouse-Lautrec c. Cézanne d. van Gogh

c. Cézanne

Who said: "I want to make of Impressionism something solid and lasting like the art in the museums"? a. Monet b. van Gogh c. Cézanne d. Gauguin

c. Cézanne

Who belonged to the Pittura Metafisica movement, which greatly influenced Surrealism? a. Matisse b. Ernst c. De Chirico d. Kandinsky

c. De Chirico

The great "Romantic dialogue" about color and form was carried on in the famous contest between which of the following artists? a. Delacroix and Courbet b. Girodet-Troison and Gros c. Delacroix and Ingres d. Ingres and Géricault

c. Delacroix and Ingres

Which artist, even though he was older than the Die Brücke artists, was invited to join them because he was pursuing similar ideas in his work? a. Henry Matisse b. André Derain c. Emile Nolde d. Kirchner

c. Emile Nolde

Which artists criticized the greed and capitalism that served as the root of war in works such as The Eclipse of the Sun? a. Picasso b. Marc c. Grosz d. Kandinsky

c. Grosz

Which of the following artists represented what was called the "sublime" in eighteenth-century art? a. Jacques-Louis David b. Gainsborough c. Henry Fuseli d. Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun

c. Henry Fuseli

In Klimt's The Kiss, the artist has captured the flamboyance and decadence of the period. How was this painting a visual manifestation of the fin de siècle? a. It captured a decadence conveyed by he formalism of the subject matter. b. It captured a decadence conveyed by the linearity of the form. c. It captured a decadence conveyed by opulent and sensuous image. d. It captured a decadence conveyed by soft tonalities of the image.

c. It captured a decadence conveyed by the linearity of the form

Which of the following describes the focus of the Ashcan School? a. It focused on the horror of trench warfare in WW II. b. It focused on the hurley-burley activity of farm life. c. It focused on the bleak and seedy aspects of city life. d. It focused on the dynamism of the machine.

c. It focused on the bleak and seedy aspects of city life

Vigée-Lebrun portrayed herself as a self-confident painter looking directly at the viewer (and pausing to return their gaze) this has been copied from an earlier artist. Which of the following is that artist? a. Artemisia Gentileschi b. Caravaggio c. Judith Leyster d. Vermeer

c. Judith Leyster

Sargent, an expatriate American artist living and working in London, developed a style of applying paint in thin layers in order to create a quick and lively illusion. He learned this technique after studying which of the following works? a. Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan b. Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp c. Las Meninas d. Conversion of St. Paul

c. Las Meninas

William Morris helped to shape the Arts and Crafts movement through his support of high quality craftsmanship and design based on natural forms. Which of the following artists was also a member of the Arts and Crafts movement? a. Auguste Rodin b. Aubrey Beardsley c. Louis Comfort Tiffany d. Louis Sullivan

c. Louis Comfort Tiffany

Who is the artist who created a work of art that can be described as "a wickedly funny gift"? a. Edward Weston b. Alfred Stieglitz c. Man Ray d. Marsden Hartley

c. Man Ray

Of the following, who is the best example of a twentieth-century artist who believed that art should delight, inspire, and enhance our lives as human beings? a. Beckmann b. Malevich c. Matisse d. Ensor

c. Matisse

A painting that was done in reaction to World War I was ____. a. Ernst Kirchner's Street, Berlin b. Wassily Kandinsky's Improvisation 28 c. Max Beckmann's Night d. Kurt Schwitters's Merz pictures

c. Max Beckmann's Night

Which of the following artists developed the theory of neoplasticism or the new pure plastic art? a. Picasso b. Chagall c. Mondrian d. Marc

c. Mondrian

Who studied with Eakins before moving to Paris? a. Whistler b. Cassatt c. Tanner d. Muybridge

c. Tanner

In his painting, ___, Thomas Eakins portrayed things as he saw them and not as the public might want them portrayed. a. Three Women in a Village Church b. The Thankful Poor c. The Gross Clinic d. Beata Beatrix

c. The Gross Clinic

Henry Moore's great series of reclining nudes is said to have been inspired by ____. a. an African ancestral figure b. a Chinese figure of Guanyin c. a pre-Columbian figure, the Chacmool d. a medieval representation of Mary Magdalene

c. a pre-Columbian figure, the Chacmool

The term "sublime" was considered to inspire which of the following feelings? a. heroic action b. sentimentality c. awe mixed with terrror d. the natural goodness of all beings

c. awe mixed with terror

Berthe Morisot focused her work in the only area allowed her as a woman in upper-class French society. Which of the following was that area? a. business world b. night life c. domestic scenes d. demimonde

c. domestic scenes

Julia Margaret Cameron used a short focal length lens that allowed only a small area of sharp focus. What kind of effect would a lens like this produce? a. small, intimate images b. precise character studies c. ethereal, dreamlike images d. intense, psychological images

c. ethereal, dreamlike images

The French viewing public were greatly horrified by Manet's Olympia not only because of the portrayal of a naked prostitute as a work of art but also due to which of the following? a. her look of coyness b. her look of pleasure c. her look of cool indifference and shamelessness d. her look of embarrassment

c. her look of indifference and shamelessness

Courbet preferred to paint which of the following themes? a. mythology in the Pompeian style b. the "beautiful" as defined by the Academy c. realistic scenes as he saw them d. scenes of suffering, pathos, and ecstasy

c. realistic scenes as he saw them

In Rossetti's Beata Beatrix, the model for this image was the artist's wife, Elizabeth Siddal. She died shortly before Rossetti began the painting. He incorporated two symbols commemorating her death. Which of the following is one of those symbols? a. black dove b. white dove c. red dove d. blue dove

c. red dove

The Age of Enlightenment had its roots in which of the following centuries? a. early sixteenth century b. mid-sixteenth century c. seventeenth century d. eighteenth century

c. seventeenth century

The work of Ernst Kirchner shows ____. a. the influence of the Pre-Raphaelites b. the influence of Italian Renaissance frescoes c. subjects drawn from the industrialized urban bourgeoisie d. the influence of Analytical Cubism

c. subjects drawn from the industrialized urban bourgeoisie

What is the most important feature of Sullivan's Prudential Building that distinguishes it from earlier structures? a. its use of cast iron structural supports. b. his use of modular construction. c. the reflection of the subdivision of the interior spaces in the outer structure. d. the elimination of revival decorative elements.

c. the reflection of the subdivision of the interior spaces in the outer structure

Thomas Hart Benton, a Regionalist artist, focused his attention on which of the following subjects? a. Times Square, New York b. the waterfront c. the social history of Missouri d. the farming landscape of the Midwest

c. the social history of Missouri

Which of the following ideas did Vincent van Gogh attempt to communicate in his Starry Night? a. Stygian darkness of night b. birth of a galaxy c. vastness of the universe d. myopia of humanity

c. vastness of the universe

" . . . I believe in the future resolution of the states of dream and reality, in appearance so contradictory, in a sort of absolute reality, or surreality." This definition of Surrealism was written by ____. a. Guillaume Apollinaire b. Friedrich Nietzsche c. Salvador Dalí d. André Breton

d. André Breton

Which of the following artists painted in the United States? a. Friedrich b. Constable c. Turner d. Cole

d. Cole

Which of the following statements about Dada is true? a. Dada originated in Copenhagen b. All Dada works were created in marble c. The Dada artists were Marcel Duchamp, Pablo Picasso, and Kurt Schwitters d. Dada had no fixed ideas

d. Dada had no fixed ideas

Who photographed the rural poor displaced by the Great Depression in the 1930s? a. Alfred Stieglitz b. Charles Sheeler c. Edward Weston d. Dorothea Lange

d. Dorothea Lange

Which of the following artists shared Stieglitz's concern to position photography as an art form with the same fine-art status as painting and sculpture? a. Dorothea Lange b. Georgia O'Keeffe c. Edward Hopper d. Edward Weston

d. Edward Weston

Which of the Blaue Reiter artists found animals superior to humans as the subject for his art? a. Wassily Kandinsky b. Paul Klee c. Emil Nolde d. Franz Marc

d. Franz Marc

Who said: "...we rejected imitative colors, and that with pure colors we obtained stronger reactions..."? a. Pablo Picasso b. Ernst Kirchner c. Max Beckmann d. Henri Matisse

d. Henri Matisse

Which of the following eighteenth-century philosophers stressed the importance of the natural goodness of human beings and was an important forerunner of the Romantic sensibility? a. Isaac Newton b. Voltaire c. John Locke d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Who was the artist who portrayed contemporaries participating in the great events of the latter half of the eighteenth century? a. Gainsborough b. Stubbs c. Wright of Derby d. Reynolds

d. Reynolds

Which of the following is executed in the Synthetic Cubist style? a. The Dance b. Fate of the Animals c. Demoiselles d'Avignon d. Still-Life with Chair-Caning

d. Still-Life with Chair-Caning

Which of the following artists created a modern American art style combining Synthetic Cubism with jazz tempos and his perception of the fast-paced American culture? a. Marsden Hartley b. Charles Demuth c. Georgia O'Keeffe d. Stuart Davis

d. Stuart Davis

Which of the following artists had firsthand knowledge and experience of the American Civil War? a. Thomas Eakins b. John Singer Sargent c. Henry Tanner d. Winslow Homer

d. Winslow Homer

In the artist's eyes, the Fate of the Animals was almost a premonition of which historical event? a. World War II b. the Great Depression c. the Russian Revolution d. World War I

d. World War I

The Return from Cythera represents a group of lovers preparing to depart from the island of eternal youth. Watteau emphasized that elegance and grace using which of the following? a. form b. shape c. line d. color

d. color

François Rude's sculpture La Marseillaise for the Arc de Triomphe represents which of the following moments in French history? a. Louis XV's entry on the battlefield b. a mythical battle c. the people of France protecting their borders against foreign enemies of the revolution d. the birth of individual freedoms in the country

d. the birth of individual freedoms in the country

How did historical fact replace the fanciful notions of Rome and its ancient society? a. the monumental work of Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire b. the work of Johann Winckelmann, History of Ancient Art c. the paintings of David d. the discovery and excavations of Herculaneum and Po

d. the discovery and excavations of Herculaneum and Po

Muybridge used his device, the zoopraxiscope to project a series of images. Based on the motion studies he performed, Muybridge proved that the brain holds whatever the eye sees for a fraction of a second after the eye stops seeing it. The illusion of motion was created. Which of the following was also created as a result of he illusion of motion? a. the illusion of fractured change b. the reality of continuous change c. the illusion of broken change d. the illusion of continuous change

d. the illusion of continuous change

Who said: "Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use color more arbitrarily so as to express myself forcibly . . . I have tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green . . ."? a. Monet b. Cézanne c. Seurat d. van Gogh

d. van Gogh

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