Asian Americans (chap 8: set 1)

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Chinese immigrants utilized the minority group response of __________ when they formed Chinatowns. A) segregation B) expulsion C) xenophobia D) rebellion


Asian Indians have a __________. A) higher birth rate than any other Asian group B) significantly lower birth rate than any other Asian group C) similar birth rate to other Asian groups D) slightly lower birth rate than any other Asian group

significantly lower birth rate than any other Asian group

The Hmong __________. A) technically are Laotians B) society is patrilineal C) identify with a national identity D) have a lot of exposure to the modern world

society is patrilineal

Koreans have utilized __________ to successfully immigrate to the United States. A) sojourning B) return migration C) chain-migration D) segregation


Generally, traditional Asian values emphasized __________. A) freedom of behavior B) strict control of aggressive or assertive impulses C) independent thought and behavior D) atheism

strict control of aggressive or assertive impulses

For Asian Indians, __________. A) the ease of population pressures has caused their emigration to decline B) the exodus restrictions have caused their emigration to decline C) their immigration has been fairly constant since 1970 D) the Asian-Indian population in the U.S. has increased dramatically in recent years

the Asian-Indian population in the U.S. has increased dramatically in recent years

Early Korean immigrants were recruited by the __________. A) railroad companies B) U.S. school system C) petroleum industry leaders D) Hawaii Sugar Planters' Association

Hawaii Sugar Planters' Association

Between 1820 and 1900, fewer than __________ immigrants came to the U.S. from India A) 500 B) 800 C) 750 D) 900


Which legislative effort prohibited any person who was ineligible for citizenship from owning land in California? A) Alien Landholding Law of 1913 B) Gentlemen's Agreement of 1908 C) Immigration Act of 1965 D) Simpson Bowles Act of 1910

Alien Landholding Law of 1913

For Asian and white Americans it is generally true that __________. A) Asian men are less educated than white men B) Asian women have the highest education of all races C) Asian poverty level is lower than that of the white population D) More Asian families own their home than white families

Asian poverty level is lower than that of the white population

__________ is a current pattern in Asian-American assimilation. A) Low family median income B) High rates of poverty C) High rates of racial intermarriage D) High residential segregation

High rates of racial intermarriage

Which Asian immigrants first came to the United States during the California gold rush in the 1850s? A) Chinese B) Japanese C) Korean D) Filipinos


__________ brought an end to the forcible detention of the Japanese in 1945. A) Korematsu v. United States of America B) Endo v. United States of America C) The Japanese American Citizens League D) The Foreign Visitors Act

Endo v. United States of America

It was not until the passage of the __________ that the Chinese were able to enter the United States under regular immigration regulations. A) Immigration Act of 1965 B) Burlingame Treaty of 1868 C) Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 D) Taft and Hartman Act of 1864

Immigration Act of 1965

__________ was a major social problem affecting most Asian immigrants up through the 1940s. A) Alcoholism B) Suicide C) Shortage of women D) Nationalism

Shortage of women

A "push" factor spurring early Japanese migration was__________. A) religious persecution B) political unrest C) primogeniture D) famine


Asian Indians in the early twentieth century experienced __________. A) racial prejudice B) affirmative action C) forced assimilation D) extermination

racial prejudice

The term "inscrutable" is __________. A) used almost exclusively to describe Hispanics, especially the Mexican and Puerto Rico immigrants B) exemplified by Asians who defy understanding due to their markedly non-Western physical appearance, language, belief systems, customs, stoicism, and observable behavior C) a way of explaining that diversity of Asian ethnic characteristics should be understood in terms of their own traditions D) a way of describing the lack of acculturation and assimilation of minority groups

exemplified by Asians who defy understanding due to their markedly non-Western physical appearance, language, belief systems, customs, stoicism, and observable behavior

In the early 20th century, migrants from India were __________. A) middle class B) college educated C) agricultural laborers D) professionally trained

agricultural laborers

Since the Immigration Act of 1965, Filipino immigration has __________. A) been quite high B) been severely restricted C) stayed the same D) resulted in strict segregation

been quite high

Japanese-Americans' emphasis on conformity, aspiration, competitiveness, discipline, and self-control has resulted in __________. A) changes in Japanese family structure and husband-wife roles B) more rapid assimilation C) increased opportunities due to resettlement D) better school performance than other American students

better school performance than other American students

Bias-motivated hate crimes against Pacific Americans have __________. A) declined throughout the years B) increased significantly C) remained virtually non-existent D) remained at about the same moderate level

declined throughout the years

Some ethnophaulisms about the Chinese dealt with perceptions of them being __________, A) industrious B) dirty C) quiet D) violent


The Immigration Act of 1965 __________. A) ensured both sexes equal opportunity to enter the United States B) restricted female Asian immigrants from entering the United States C) restricted Asian children from entering the United States D) allowed for unlimited Asian immigration to the United States

ensured both sexes equal opportunity to enter the United States

One way the Gentlemen's Agreement improved the personal lives of U.S. Japanese was __________. A) the authorization of small business loans B) giving permission for wives to enter the United States C) the right to own land D) the liberalization of immigration regulations

giving permission for wives to enter the United States

Chinatowns today are __________. A) declining in size, like many European ethnic communities B) growing larger than in earlier years C) primarily tourist attractions, not residential clusters D) being replaced by Hispanic communities

growing larger than in earlier years

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is significant because __________. A) it was the first federal legislation against a particular race of immigrants B) it was the first restrictive bill passed over a presidential veto C) it was the first act to stop completely immigration from any one country D) its passage brought organized labor into opposition with the government

it was the first federal legislation against a particular race of immigrants

A very recent example of deviance in the Chinese community is __________. A) gambling B) tongs C) brothels D) juvenile delinquency

juvenile delinquency

Many Japanese settled in rural areas instead of urban regions because __________. A) labor union hostility prevented their finding much work in the cities B) they came from an agrarian country and preferred farming C) they did not get along with the Chinese who lived in the cities D) they did not think cities were a good place to raise children

labor union hostility prevented their finding much work in the cities

High levels of church involvement among Korean immigrants was the result of __________. A) marginalization B) religious beliefs C) middle class status D) stronger religious foundations


In 1923, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that Asian Indians were__________. A) whites B) non-white and ineligible for citizenship C) eligible for citizenship D) too culturally inferior to be citizens

non-white and ineligible for citizenship

With respect to the Asian American populations __________. A) the Chinese is the largest population B) the Filipino is the largest population C) Los Angeles has the largest Asian population D) San Francisco has the largest Asian population

the Chinese is the largest population

After the Gentlemen's Agreement Act of 1908 curtailed Japanese emigration, the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association recruited laborers from __________. A) China B) the Philippines C) Vietnam D) the continental United States

the Philippines

Phuc duc is __________. A) the belief in astrology as important in child-rearing practices B) the amount of good fortune accumulated over generations of conduct C) the belief in the ability to determine one's own fate D) another term for reincarnation

the amount of good fortune accumulated over generations of conduct

The differences in the Japanese experience in Hawaii and on the mainland are best understood by recognizing __________. A) the differences in structural discrimination B) fear of the "perfidious" character C) mass evacuation of the Japanese D) the Japanese experience in internment camps

the differences in structural discrimination

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