Assessment Questions

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C) Recommending that IT create a policy defining Internet use at work Rationale Certainly a written policy could set limits for employees' personal use of the Internet and reduce the influx of computer viruses. Other benefits are possible, too. A policy may never eliminate employee misconduct, but it could help the employer avoid incidents that may lead to embarrassment for the company and/or potential legal problems. Further, having a formal policy in place and communicating it to employees reduces the employer's exposure to invasion-of-privacy claims.

A company is experiencing computer system problems from Internet viruses introduced by employees opening files that are not work-related. Which action can HR take to reduce the problem? A) Identifying employees with virus issues and providing training B) Creating a progressive discipline policy to deal with infractions C) Recommending that IT create a policy defining Internet use at work D) Publishing a policy that prohibits opening files that are not work-related

B) Performance objective Rationale A performance objective is a specific achievement required to meet a strategic goal. It is a path toward a strategic goal. This statement does not reflect what will be required to accomplish the target performance (resources) or how it will be accomplished (an action plan).

A company that formally commits to training 60 members of its programming staff in a designated programming language within a 12-month time period is articulating what type of communication? A) Resource allocation B) Performance objective C) Action plan D) Strategic goal

C) Threat of substitution Rationale Threat of substitution occurs when customers' needs can be fulfilled equally by different products/services. If the threat of substitution is high, organizations may be forced to compete on the basis of price; their products become commodities. When the threat of entry is high, there are few barriers to competitors entering a market; competition increases. Suppliers have bargaining power when there are few providers of the required resource; organizations may need to pay the price suppliers demand. Bargaining power shifts to buyers when the resources an organization needs are relatively common; competition among suppliers increases and the organization's costs decline.

A firm manufactures glass used in commercial building projects. Their advantage lies in the variety of their offerings and the technologies they use. However, other firms can take business from them by offering similar products with different technologies. Which of Porter's "Five Forces" does this illustrate? A) Threat of entry B) Bargaining power of buyers C) Threat of substitution D) Bargaining power of suppliers

D) State engagement Rationale State engagement is influenced by workplace conditions or practices (e.g., task variety, opportunities to participate in work decisions) that can be improved through organizational interventions directly under management's control.

A manager wants to implement a new program for employees to participate in work decisions. What is the best facet of employee engagement that the manager should focus on to achieve this goal? A) Behavioral engagement B) Transactional engagement C) Trait engagement D) State engagement

B) Solicit support from top management. Rationale While all of the options are appropriate steps to take, the most important issue is gaining top management support. HR needs management involvement to get and keep the resources necessary to implement the effort, and employees need to see that management supports the effort.

A company has a high record of work-related injuries, absenteeism, and substance abuse. HR intends to address these issues by first keeping records of all reportable incidents and then encouraging employee participation in corrective action. Which next step is the most important for HR to take? A) Review policies related to drug abuse. B) Solicit support from top management. C) Rotate workers between jobs. D) Review the company's selection procedures.

C) Mentorship program Rationale A mentorship program may identify potential leaders from diverse backgrounds and then focus on preparing them for top management positions through mentoring relationships with current leaders.

A company has been successful in recruiting a diverse workforce but has not seen a diversification of top management ranks. Which program might be most successful in addressing this problem? A) Hiring quotas and targets B) Sensitivity and diversity training C) Mentorship program D) Sexual harassment training

A) Referent Rationale Referent power derives from the strength of a leader's personality, which can create feelings of admiration and loyalty in others. Legitimate power derives from official position or title. Reward power exists when the leader has the ability to motivate with rewards, and coercive power exists when the leader has the power to punish. Expert power derives from the leader's superior knowledge, skills, or experience in an area.

A leader of a function tries to influence her staff's satisfaction and productivity by being friendly and asking questions about their non-work lives. What type of power is she using? A) Referent B) Expert C) Reward D) Legitimate

C) Collaborate Rationale A collaborative approach to conflict resolution tries to find a "third way" that meets the needs of both sides. It is referred to as a win-win solution.

A manager notices that two employees are having a debate regarding a project's management. Although they both agree that the current way the project is being managed is incorrect, they have two completely different views as to what the solution is, and both are determined to implement their own solution. The manager recognizes that there could be value in both of the proposed solutions and suggests that a hybrid of the two could be used. What mode of conflict resolution is being used? A) Accommodate B) Avoid C) Collaborate D) Assert

C) Immediately secure commitments from contractors to provide temporary workers. Rationale This scenario focuses on how to manage high-priority risks that are immediate and costly in impact. These risks call for prompt action that avoids the risk or mitigates the effects of the risk. The risk here probably cannot be avoided; there may be valid business reasons that agreement cannot be reached. However, its effects can be mitigated by securing temporary replacements. Monitoring the negotiations will not prepare the organization to respond quickly when the strike is called. Training managers to substitute for workers would have been a good idea before the strike became imminent.

A vice president (VP) of HR consults with the experts who have been hired to manage the organization's labor strategy. They report that it is very likely that the organization's major union will call a strike due to lack of progress in contract negotiations and that the work interruption could be lengthy. How should the VP of HR manage this risk? A) Plan a program that trains managers to perform union workers' tasks. B) Continue monitoring closely and actively the progress of negotiations. C) Immediately secure commitments from contractors to provide temporary workers. D) Urge management to come to terms speedily with the union to avoid a work interruption.

B) Develop and schedule a culture assessment. Rationale When considering a cultural intervention, the first step is to describe the current culture. This information would be obtained by conducting a culture assessment of the entire enterprise.

After a merger, new company leadership has tasked the vice president of HR with implementing a cultural transformation initiative. Which is the best course of action to take? A) Identify results-based metrics and analytics. B) Develop and schedule a culture assessment. C) Decide which is the dominant new culture. D) Communicate cultural obstacles to management.

A) Skill deficiencies may not be discussed candidly by managers at the acquired company. Rationale In an organization with a high power distance culture, employees are conscious of power structures. Managers may be reluctant to discuss their skill deficiencies for fear of losing respect and power. individuals may be reluctant to share skill deficiencies for fear of losing respect. Employees are unlikely to challenge performance evaluations or participate in focus groups. While individuals expect to be consulted in low power distance societies, those in high power distance cultures would prefer to simply be told what to do.

After an organization with low power distance acquires an organization with high power distance, HR is tasked with completing a workforce management plan. What is the global HR professional likely to discover? A) Skill deficiencies may not be discussed candidly by managers at the acquired company. B) Individual employees may challenge the performance evaluations used to assess the competencies in the acquired company. C) Employees will be eager to participate in needs assessment interviews and focus groups. D) Cultural differences will not affect how data for the supply analysis is gathered.

A) Develop an approach to assign ownership, manage, and monitor the risk. Rationale The strategy implementation should be designated to a chief risk officer with the organizational expertise, communication skills, credibility, and managerial support to execute the plan.

After the board and the senior administrator have reviewed, assessed, and prioritized the items that pose the highest risk to the organization's strategic goals, which is the next step in their process? A) Develop an approach to assign ownership, manage, and monitor the risk. B) Implement the risk management plan and share it with all employees. C) Allow the department managers to communicate with their staff about the strategic goals. D) Hold a communication meeting with management and leadership to address questions.

B) How much warning the organization would have if the event occurred Rationale The amount of warning or the speed of onset can help those working on risk management strategies to prepare adequate responses. Cost and effectiveness of responses can be studied after risks are thoroughly analyzed. Industry-specific risks should already have been identified.

An HR manager has identified the probability of occurrence of a particular risk event and the outcomes if the event should occur. Which other factor should the manager consider? A) Cost of various management strategies B) How much warning the organization would have if the event occurred C) Risks unique to the organization's industry D) Effectiveness of possible management strategies

B) Regression analysis Rationale Regression analysis establishes the relationship of one or more independent variables (here, type of degree) on a dependent variable (performance rating). The correlation can be strong or weak. A variance analysis shows deviation (greater or less) from a target, such as a budget or a performance objective. A trend analysis shows how the same metric changes over time (e.g., percentage of women in a workforce over the last 20 years). A root cause analysis traces a problem backward by identifying possible causes and then identifying possible causes for each of those causes.

An HR manager wants to detect a correlation between possession of a certain type of degree and job performance ratings. What type of analysis would help? A) Root cause analysis B) Regression analysis C) Trend analysis D) Variance analysis

B) Determine if the data entry policies and procedures effectively provide employees with specific, clear instructions. Rationale The fact that there are policies and procedures for data entry employees does not mean that they are clear or provide specific instruction. In reviewing the policies and procedures, HR needs to determine if the data entry policies and procedures effectively provide employees with specific, clear instructions. If not, HR can work with subject matter experts to ensure that appropriate changes are made and implement training for employees. HR should not rewrite the policy themselves, as members of the HR team do not have that expertise. Spelling out consequences in the policy will not fix the problem, and it would not be appropriate to ask customers to contribute directly to policies and procedures.

An assessment indicates that data entry employees are making too many input errors and putting customers at risk by handling data improperly. How can HR best add value to a review of the data entry policies and procedures? A) Make sure that the consequences for input errors are clearly spelled out in the policies and procedures. B) Determine if the data entry policies and procedures effectively provide employees with specific, clear instructions. C) Ask customers to review the policies and procedures and incorporate their input into the final version. D) Rewrite the policies and procedures based on HR's understanding of how the word should be performed.

D) Learning management system Rationale A learning management system (LMS) tracks enrollment and attendance at training and can produce development plans.

An organization has experienced continuing challenges trying to track the training that employees have had and their development plans. Which type of HR technology system could help facilitate this tracking? A) Mobile learning B) Skills bank and skills tracking C) Knowledge management system D) Learning management system

A) Encourage employee participation in a pilot program. Rationale Stakeholder buy-in is critical for success. It involves employees in the organizational effectiveness and development process. People support what they help create. Encouraging stakeholders to participate in a pilot program provides them with another opportunity to stay involved with the program and gives them a sneak peek at the program content. They will then be able to communicate the benefits of the program to the rest of the organization and, in effect, assist with the internal marketing campaign. They can also provide feedback on the design and content of the program.

Based on the recommendation of a consultant, HR creates a program to increase employee engagement. Which is the best method to generate organizational support? A) Encourage employee participation in a pilot program. B) Use employees as peer mentors. C) Ask management to choose the pilot location. D) Target the program's marketing to different employee groups.

B) Make a business case for diversity and inclusion. Rationale There are numerous ways in which diversity and inclusion may contribute to the financial performance of an organization. Top executives, whose support is essential for the success of diversity and inclusion initiatives, are likely to be more receptive of such initiatives if they see them as being aligned with organizational performance.

Diversity and inclusion efforts in an organization appear to lack the full support of several executive managers. Which step might HR take? A) Make a legal case for diversity and inclusion. B) Make a business case for diversity and inclusion. C) Engage women and minorities to lobby for diversity and inclusion. D) Persuade managers individually about diversity and inclusion.

C) Legal risks Rationale Legal risks and liability concerns are of primary importance when determining the staffing arrangements.

Due to a tight labor market, the organization is having difficulty finding skilled labor for an upcoming project. The HR director recommends using a staffing agency to find employees for the project. Which of the following is a critical consideration when determining the best staffing arrangement? A) Geographic location B) Benchmark with competitors C) Legal risks D) Client approval

A) How relevant the surveyed jobs are to the organization's jobs Rationale When using an external survey, it is important to consider the relevance/match of the surveyed jobs to the organization's jobs.

During a review of the organization's pay competitiveness, which is the best factor a compensation director should consider before using an external pay survey? A) How relevant the surveyed jobs are to the organization's jobs B) How many institutions participated in the survey C) Whether the survey contains the minimum qualifications for each job studied D) How frequently other institutions have used the survey

C) Identify influential managers and discuss decisions and milestones with them as the project proceeds. Rationale It is critical to a project's success to keep key stakeholders informed as a project proceeds about issues and decisions and to invite their feedback. This helps build internal customer satisfaction with and acceptance of the final product. These key stakeholders can become champions for the MSS product. The survey probably did not yield a representative sample of key manager stakeholders, so focusing stakeholder management activities on them will not be enough to ensure stakeholder needs and expectations are met. Stakeholders do not have to be active members of a project; they need to be informed and consulted.

HR is purchasing and customizing a manager self-service (MSS) product. At the beginning of the project, the HR director asked managers to complete an online survey about their needs and then used this information to create project objectives. How can the HR director make sure that the managers will support the final product when it is launched? A) Put one manager on the project team as a fully participating member. B) Send e-mails to the managers who completed the survey, reporting project progress. C) Identify influential managers and discuss decisions and milestones with them as the project proceeds. D) Invite the managers who responded to the survey to a formal launch party to thank them publicly

D) By identifying unintended consequences of contract provisions Rationale HR can demonstrate its strategic value during contract negotiations by identifying any unintended consequences of contract provisions. For example, in a work environment with multiple unions, other unions can demand the same provisions in their contracts.

How should HR demonstrate its strategic value during contract negotiations? A) By withholding information concerning profits and losses B) By advising the removal of bargaining precedents C) By adopting a positional bargaining strategy D) By identifying unintended consequences of contract provisions

D) Determine the probability and criticality of potential losses. Rationale In conducting a risk analysis, the basic tool is the risk equation. The risk level equals the probability of occurrence times the magnitude of impact.

Human resources is tasked with developing a new risk-focused security strategy for a company plant. Which is the best approach for providing the company with a cost-efficient, comprehensive system? A) Analyze all security incidents over the previous 12 months. B) Engage a government-approved security consultant. C) Track the replacement costs of stolen instruments and research data. D) Determine the probability and criticality of potential losses.

C) Period of conflict driving decision-making authority downward in the company Rationale When authority is redistributed in a merger, decision making may move downward toward line managers. None of the other answers is related to redistribution of decision-making authority in a merger.

In a merger, one leader is known for breaking the rules to innovate and the other is known for maintaining strict control over decision making. Which outcome is most likely to occur? A) Rapid increase in institutional learning and capacity for organizational change B) Strengthening of the employment brand and employee value proposition C) Period of conflict driving decision-making authority downward in the company D) Diminished significance and perception of the value of human resources

A) Multiple evaluations by different managers Rationale Unlike replacement planning, which emphasizes evaluation of an employee's performance on the job over time, succession planning systems use multiple evaluations by different managers on different assignments.

In a succession planning system, how are employees generally evaluated? A) Multiple evaluations by different managers B) Appraisals by the employee's manager C) Discussions between the employee and HR D) Feedback from peers

D) Completing a job analysis to understand the job requirements and interconnections with other jobs Rationale To focus on core products, the organization should begin with job analysis. This systematic study of all jobs, including tasks, qualifications, education, experience, and training, will help identify the best options for supporting the new approach.

In an attempt to turn around a floundering organization, a new CEO has recently tightened the organization's focus on core products to cut spending, boost revenue, and reduce task redundancy. Since all jobs must be interrelated to accomplish the organization's updated mission, vision, and goals, which action should HR recommend the organization take first? A) Reviewing job specifications to ensure that they describe the minimum qualifications necessary to perform a job B) Shoring up talent retention efforts by offering title promotions until salary increases can be put in place C) Streamlining outside talent acquisition recruiters to save money on recruiting costs and time comparing candidates D) Completing a job analysis to understand the job requirements and interconnections with other jobs

D) Expansion of benefit options Rationale New benefits could include options of interest to a range of employees.

Older employees in an organization are upset about a new benefit that favors young parents. Which might be a solution to this problem? A) Increased hiring of older employees B) Improved employee communication C) Diversity and inclusion training D) Expansion of benefit options

D) Whether to build, customize, or outsource development Rationale The organization must determine whether to build or customize the HRIS or to outsource its development.

Once an organization determines that it needs to invest in an HRIS, which is the next decision that needs to be made? A) What types of transactions users will perform B) What the front end will look like to users C) What the systems policy will be for the organization D) Whether to build, customize, or outsource development

C) Social audit Rationale A social audit will allow the organization to review policies and procedures in terms of their social impact. It can then focus on areas that are lacking and need improvement.

The HR director has noticed that employee demographics do not support the organization's corporate social responsibility focus. Which action may be used to help demonstrate the need for attracting diverse talent? A) Employee audit B) Internal review C) Social audit D) Ethics review

B) Strategic plan Rationale An organization's strategic plan should generate a list of the workforce capabilities needed to execute the business strategy as well as a monetary value for each capability based on how critical it is to generating new revenues or reducing costs. Afterward, if staff terminations are needed to support cost reduction, the termination policy, performance evaluations, and a seniority list can be considered.

The newly appointed CEO directs all functional leaders to submit plans to reduce costs by 10% while increasing revenue by 10%. Operations requests HR to assist in identifying positions to eliminate. What should HR recommend operations review first? A) Performance evaluations B) Strategic plan C) Termination policy D) Seniority list

D) Designating integration leaders Rationale Throughout the merger and acquisition process, the job of HR is to maintain focus on the people dimension while it conducts HR due diligence and plans the merger and acquisition integration strategy. The HR integration plan should include designating integration leaders, securing management support and resources, developing communication plans, setting measurable objectives for the integration, and establishing a realistic timeline.

The vice president of human resources is tasked with aligning the leadership and functions of an organization that has recently acquired a supplier in a different country. Which factor will be key in completing HR's integration plan? A) Creating integrated pay scales B) Securing an employment attorney C) Developing integrated policies D) Designating integration leaders

A) The organization should adapt from OECD and ISO 26000 those elements that seem most consistent with their own strategic goals and values. Rationale The frameworks and guidance offered by the OECD and ISO serve as an excellent starting point for organizational principles and guidelines. However, organizations must tailor them as appropriate in consideration of their own unique requirements and metrics for their industry and local environment.

To develop its corporate social responsibility strategy, a global corporation is reviewing existing international principles and guidelines. They find that, while the OECD Guidelines and ISO 26000 are in general agreement on most issues, there are some significant differences. Which set of guidelines should the organization follow? A) The organization should adapt from OECD and ISO 26000 those elements that seem most consistent with their own strategic goals and values. B) The organization should follow ISO 26000, because these standards were created by business people so they are more likely to be realistic and appropriate to a global corporation's needs. C) The principles the organization adopts should be independently developed and implemented, with the OECD/ISO guidelines used as reference. D) The organization should follow the OECD Guidelines, since the OECD is the more prestigious organization and their principles will carry more weight with outside stakeholders.

D) Annually benchmark positions using a salary survey. Rationale Many organizations use a combination of surveys and benchmarking to help them remain competitive.

To ensure that a large organization's pay structure is consistently competitive, which is the best practice an HR leader should consider? A) Use a job classification system to compare jobs. B) Use the job ranking system to adjust hierarchical ordering. C) Automatically adjust pay grades up one grade each year. D) Annually benchmark positions using a salary survey.

D) Protecting the integrity and security of the organization's information Rationale Since HR generally controls the code of conduct, employee policies and handbooks, and new employee orientation, HR is is a good position to communicate the need for data security and policies to uphold security. IT or procurement will enforce purchasing guidelines, although HR is responsible for its own compliance with the guidelines. Managing investment in the infrastructure is beyond HR's expertise. Identifying key business processes should involve all functions, although HR could provide expertise in consultation.

What information technology (IT) priority is HR in a good position to support? A) Managing the organization's investment in information system infrastructure B) Identifying the organization's key business processes for continuity and contingency planning C) Enforcing IT's vendor requirements when procuring IT products and services D) Protecting the integrity and security of the organization's information

B) Team members feel accountable not just to the leader but to other team members. Rationale High-functioning team members should feel accountable to not just the leader but to each other.

What is a good end result that should be worked toward while forming a new team or partnership? A) Trust should lead to synergy, which is when team goals outweigh individual goals. B) Team members feel accountable not just to the leader but to other team members. C) Team goals are kept fluid so the leader can reshape them on the fly. D) The storming phase of team building can be omitted, and they can go straight to norming.

D) Addressing unethical or harmful actions and preventing recurrences. Rationale A compliance program must ensure that responses to transgressions are appropriate and consistent (as well as thoroughly grounded in full, impartial, and comprehensive investigations into wrongdoing) and that such responses protect both organizational liability and individual rights. The organization must have a system in place that both addresses unethical or harmful actions and prevents recurrences.

What is required to ensure that a compliance program's responses to transgressions are appropriate, consistent, impartial, and comprehensive? A) Disciplining employees strictly and swiftly for transgressions. B) Punishing employee transgressors and rewarding whistleblowers. C) Following the code of conduct and complying with local laws. D) Addressing unethical or harmful actions and preventing recurrences.

B) Strategies must include agreements with local workforce groups. Rationale Downstream strategies allow for decision making at a local level rather than at headquarters.

What is the implication for global HR of a downstream strategy? A) Knowledge and experience sharing is part of the strategy. B) Strategies must include agreements with local workforce groups. C) Organizational development becomes a key strategy focus. D) Staffing policies are made at headquarters and acted on locally.

D) Act in the best interest of the employee. Rationale A fiduciary duty implies a legal obligation of the employer to act in the best interest of the employee.

When administering a retirement plan, how can an HR benefits manager best fulfill her fiduciary responsibility? A) Offer only what is mandated by the government. B) Grant specific benefit amounts upon retirement. C) Set up the plan so employees bear the investment risk. D) Act in the best interest of the employee.

B) Shared services model Rationale In a shared services model, each business unit can supplement its resources by selecting what it needs from a menu of HR services (usually transactional) that the units agree to share.

What is the name of Ulrich and Brockbank's alternative structural model that is frequently used in organizations with multiple business units? A) Functional model B) Shared services model C) Dedicated model D) Centralized model

D) Reevaluating current measures and then determining what changes may be needed based on internal and external factors Rationale Since new or evolving strategies may require new types or levels of performance, targets for measurement should be reviewed regularly and revised as needed. This is the primary purpose of adding the E (evaluated) and R (revised) components to the SMART acronym, thus making it SMARTER. Additionally, only strategically significant aspects of performance should be measured to avoid being overwhelmed with data. Measures should be mindful of both past and future performance, and data should be shared to stimulate performance improvement.

When measuring organizational performance, which approach should HR take to identify strategic aspects while avoiding being overwhelmed by data? A) Sharing raw data only with organizational leaders for their thoughts and interpretation of meaning B) Focusing only on leading indicators of a balanced scorecard that will affect future performance C) Measuring as many facets of an activity as possible to ensure ample data for analysis D) Reevaluating current measures and then determining what changes may be needed based on internal and external factors

C) Weigh the cost savings against the risk factors. Rationale Identifying potential risks and analyzing the costs of the occurrence of those risks are two parts of the due diligence process.

Which action should HR recommend an organization take as part of due diligence in the outsourcing process? A) Promote consistency in standardizing processes. B) Define the boundaries of local responsiveness. C) Weigh the cost savings against the risk factors. D) Evaluate the competitive environment.

D) Dual system Rationale In a dual system, a supervisory board with employee representation has authority to accept or reject the management board's decisions.

Which form of codetermination gives the greatest amount of power to employees dissatisfied with the lack of influence on managerial decisions? A) Mixed system B) Employee resource group C) Employer association D) Dual system

B) They can provide a basis for job-related performance standards. Rationale Job descriptions provide written definitions of jobs for employees. They establish standards that help to assess employee performance, specifying how the incumbent performing a job will be evaluated against goals, objectives, and organizational performance factors.

Why is it important to have job descriptions that are well-written, accurate, and current? A) They are necessary for a job analysis. B) They can provide a basis for job-related performance standards. C) They serve as the starting point for reengineering efforts. D) They preclude litigation under disability laws.

A) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) access could be extended to the vendor, eliminating communication delays. Rationale The most effective use of technology in this case is to include the vendor in the ERP. This would allow the vendor to see operations' work flow and worker requirements and to act independently to secure the necessary resources. Staffing metrics have probably been defined in order to estimate resource requirements. Simulations and submitting invoices directly to accounting will probably not affect efficiency in staffing.

A manufacturer's new strategy is focusing on increasing customer satisfaction by avoiding shipping delays. The vice president of HR has been charged with making sure that operations has access to the labor it needs to meet scheduled orders. This sometimes requires hiring temporary workers. HR has outsourced its hiring to a trusted vendor. How could technology most effectively support the vice president of HR in achieving this goal? A) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) access could be extended to the vendor, eliminating communication delays. B) Historical staffing data could be analyzed to establish staffing metrics. C) The can submit invoices through a vendor portal in the ERP. D) Simulations can be run with advanced analytic software to determine future staffing needs.

B) By reviewing the skills inventory Rationale HR can compare the competencies the organization needs with the skills inventory of current employees.

A mature organization is pursuing a new customer market. How can HR offer value to sales and operations? A) By updating job descriptions B) By reviewing the skills inventory C) By revising HR policies D) By redesigning performance evaluations

A) It will build goodwill in the community. Rationale The most immediate result of the organization's participation will be the goodwill that it builds in the community. This type of publicity can be more valuable than that generated by an advertising campaign.

A program pairs at-risk young people with corporate mentors who encourage them to stay in school. Which is the primary advantage to an organization participating in the program? A) It will build goodwill in the community. B) The organization will receive a tax deduction for its efforts. C) Employees will feel good about helping at-risk young people. D) The organization can hire some of the young people for hard-to-fill jobs.

A) Conduct focus groups to identify work/life balance issues and prepare a report/recommendations by mid-year. Rationale The best objective defines a specific and reasonable action and sets a date by which the task will be accomplished. Developing and launching a program may be overly ambitious and misguided at this stage. The objective about surveys is not ambitious enough and contains no time frame. Improving employee morale is a goal, and the statement does not describe how the goal will be accomplished.

A recent employee survey identified work/life balance as a problem for an organization. Which objective should HR include in the business plan? A) Conduct focus groups to identify work/life balance issues and prepare a report/recommendations by mid-year. B) Develop and launch a work/life balance informational program for all employees and communicate it via a web-based platform. C) Survey all employees to identify work/life balance issues and provide data to the executive team for feedback. D) Improve employee morale by implementing a flexible work benefit during the next open enrollment period.

D) Redeployment Rationale During solution analysis, an organization decides whether to "build," "buy," or "borrow" the talent needed to attain the staffing levels and competencies required to meet the organizational goals and objectives. Redeployment is a solution to pursue to meet the organizational future needs and is a "build" approach. It would be a quick solution with a decreased learning curve compared to other options. Redeployment is the process of moving people within the organization and from units where there are excess employees to the departments where there is shortages.

An organization has restructured. Which tactic should HR consider first to fulfill staffing needs? A) Cross-training B) Wage concession/adjustments C) Recruitment D) Redeployment

C) Open and sustain communication lines between HR and function leaders. Rationale The change may be resisted by functions, which may not feel involved and may not trust HR to deliver this important service. Involving functional leadership early in the process and inviting continual feedback after implementation will help acceptance. Incorporating measurement tools and training are necessary but do not address the source of resistance. Locating the center in one function will not ensure support from other functions.

An organization is shifting to the use of a shared service center for career development. Previously, functions handled this themselves with some support from HR. How can the HR leader ensure that this shift will be accepted internally? A) Physically locate the service center in the organization's largest function. B) Define key performance objectives and implement measurement practices. C) Open and sustain communication lines between HR and function leaders. D) Ensure adequate training of service center staff.

B) Increased recruiting efforts at urban colleges and universities Rationale One approach to increasing the diversity of the applicant pool is to recruit from institutions that serve minorities. Urban areas have larger concentrations of minorities than do non-urban areas, and urban colleges and universities have higher percentages of minority enrollees than do other higher education institutions.

An organization would like to respond to concerns that too few minorities are applying for positions. Which step might address this? A) Increasing mentorship of minorities in the organization B) Increased recruiting efforts at urban colleges and universities C) Increasing starting salaries for newly hired minorities D) Including more images of minorities in recruiting materials

B) Improving organizational effectiveness Rationale As HR evolves to become more strategic, its focus will shift from more administrative aspects, like training, job descriptions, and compensation benchmarks, which can be managed by a dedicated vendor, to improving organizational effectiveness, which capitalizes on HR's internal expertise.

As technology provides HR with new strategic capabilities, which HR activities will take on greater significance? A) Revising job descriptions B) Improving organizational effectiveness C) Updating orientation training D) Reviewing compensation benchmarks

D) During the development phase, where the employee and the manager collaborate on developing performance objectives and goals Rationale During the development phase, HR, management, and the employee collaborate in setting goals and objectives to align with organizational needs and the evaluation process.

At which stage of the employee life cycle would the management by objectives appraisal method be effective in driving ongoing employee commitment? A) During mentoring, where the employee can better understand what is required for success B) During onboarding, where departments clarify work rules and expectations C) During the recruitment phase, where the organization clearly communicates specific performance goals and objectives D) During the development phase, where the employee and the manager collaborate on developing performance objectives and goals

B) Policies, contacts for evaluation and relocation, communication, training, continuity. Rationale In contingency plans, HR is usually responsible for policies, contacts for evacuation and relocation, communication, training, and continuity. Information technology is responsible for cybersecurity and other technology issues. Financial issues are generally the responsibility of the accounting or finance functions. Communications systems and related issues are generally the responsibility of the public relations or marketing group.

HR is usually responsible for which components of contingency plans? A) Cybersecurity, backup procedures, data protection, privacy, incident response, system capacity. B) Policies, contacts for evaluation and relocation, communication, training, continuity. C) Budge, cash management, contracting and purchasing, reserve fund, investment oversight. D) Communication systems, government and community relations, vendor and client relationships.

D) Establish softer systems including mentoring programs and alumni networks. Rationale Softer systems used for knowledge retention include meetings and other activities that take place to share knowledge and help people connect with one another. Actions such as job sharing, cross-training, mentoring, Internet messaging, and alumni networks are also examples of softer systems.

HRIS data reveals that a significant number of account relationship managers in customer service have identified their desire to retire in the next 18 to 24 months. Which solution offers the best opportunity to retain tacit knowledge that may be lost as these employees retire? A) Offer increased health benefits and retention bonuses to the experienced workers. B) Upon notice of retirement, have employees enter daily tasks into a database. C) Expedite the search for new, replacement employees in future gap areas. D) Establish softer systems including mentoring programs and alumni networks.

D) High feminine Rationale Hofstede's masculine/feminine dimension assesses the degree to which a culture prefers values traditionally associated with male characteristics (ambition, competition, achievement) or female characteristics (nurturing, collaboration, empathetic).

How would Hofstede label a culture that is nurturing, empathetic, and oriented toward quality of life and that strives for consensus? A) High individualism B) High power distance C) High uncertainty avoidance D) High feminine

B) Return on investment Rationale Cost of hire is calculated by dividing the total recruiting costs by the number of new employees. It is used to provide recruiting cost projections for budget planning.

Human resource professionals can use a variety of metrics to demonstrate contributions to the organization. Which metric best reflects recruiting costs? A) Cost of hire B) Return on investment C) Days to fill D) Full-time equivalency

B) Majority backlash from parents of students who are not at risk Rationale Because this is a targeted effort to attract at-risk students, students who are not at risk will not qualify, and their parents may feel that their children should not be excluded from the benefits of this initiative. Since at-risk students are the target audience, similarity bias doesn't apply; neither does bias-based exclusion. Although students (rather than parents) might engage in "covering" behavior, it is not the dynamic most likely to work against this initiative.

In a targeted effort to attract more diverse talent, a global organization is sponsoring after-school training that prepares any at-risk student for entry-level internships. Which potential dynamic is the most likely to work against this initiative? A) Covering behavior by parents to get their children access to the program B) Majority backlash from parents of students who are not at risk C) Similarity bias in selection of students to participate in training D) Bias-based exclusion of minority students based on dress and appearance

D) By supporting employees in developing and defining team needs Rationale Organizational effectiveness and development interventions aimed at teams or units are often triggered by reports of poor performance. The causes may include high levels of unresolved conflict within the team, poor leadership, and poor communication. Teamwork produces success in quality management. This teamwork requires supervisors to create a more participative work environment. HR can provide support by empowering employees to develop and define their team decisions. The other activities are ongoing HR management processes.

In addition to initiating a new quality management program, a company is planning to simultaneously implement a workshop to increase employee buy-in and a customer service pilot program. How can HR best support these initiatives? A) By disciplining employees who have poor attitudes or low motivation B) By being consistent and prompt in terminating employees for lapses in quality C) By conducting annual employee performance appraisals D) By supporting employees in developing and defining team needs

C) Put the data into a Pareto chart. Rationale A Pareto chart will help HR prioritize actions by showing which types of complaints were most common and therefore contributed more strongly to the campaign's failure. A full process analysis is needed before the start of a department restructure. Customer satisfaction metrics are a good idea, but customer satisfaction may not be the most important problem here. Analysis must be performed before reporting to stakeholders. A Pareto Chart is a chart the incorporates both a line graph and a bar graph, commonly used in quality assurance to find areas that need attention.

In an effort to determine specific causes for the failure of a marketing campaign, HR identifies complaints related to satisfaction with the product, delays in delivery time, and shipping errors. What would be a good next step? A) Restructure the shipping department. B) Communicate issues with stakeholders. C) Put the data into a Pareto chart. D) Create metrics for customer satisfaction.

D) Consider scheduling a screening interview. Rationale It is a warning sign when an applicant takes too much credit for a team project. However, rather than automatically rejecting the applicant, HR should consider a screening call to clarify the red flag.

In his curriculum vitae (CV), a well-qualified applicant takes a lot of credit for team initiatives. Which is the most appropriate action for HR to take? A) Reject the applicant as being overqualified for the position. B) Consider reference checking to assess if there is a consistent career path. C) Reject the applicant as being dishonest. D) Consider scheduling a screening interview.

A) Strategic, financial, operational, compliance Rationale The categories of risk used in the COSO ERM framework are strategic, financial, operational, and compliance.

In order to help employees better understand risk, companies identify and define risk broadly, being sure to communicate the definition. Which are the primary categories of risk used in the COSO Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework? A) Strategic, financial, operational, compliance B) Asset growth, technology, privacy, reporting C) Goals, attitude, capacity, loss expectancy D) Classification, key risk indicators, risk controls, owner

D) Assessment Rationale Assessment allows the organization to determine where it currently is at with CSR and what is lacking.

In order to help with recruitment and retention of employees, HR has determined that it is necessary to implement a corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy. Leadership has already committed to the idea. What is the next step? A) Employee buy-in B) Implementing C) Reporting D) Assessment

C) Relationships between two variables and whether they remain consistent. Rationale The key to accurate projections is whether the relationships will continue to hold. The length of time it takes to complete the analysis could affect the relationships, but it is the relationship, not the time, that is the key factor. The acceptance and support of key management has nothing to do with the ability to project past figures into the future.

In trend and ratio analysis, which can most affect the ability to accurately project past figures into the future? A) Length of time it takes to complete the analysis. B) Acceptance of the analysis by the entire organization. C) Relationships between two variables and whether they remain consistent. D) Support of senior management for the analysis findings.

C) Advising the organization not to discipline an employee for refusing to work under unsafe conditions. Rationale An employee cannot be forced to work under unsafe conditions.

In which of the following situations involving an employee investigation is HR demonstrating its value to the organization? A) Translating the employee handbook into the local employees' language. B) Reinstating an employee who was terminated for theft because he had previously made an EEOC complaint. C) Advising the organization not to discipline an employee for refusing to work under unsafe conditions. D) Inviting the union representative to be part of the disciplinary decision for a union member.

A) Reducing individual pressure to contribute Rationale Some organizations foster a caring, paternalistic feeling and want employees to feel that they are a "part of the family." These organizations usually provide employees with a variety of benefits. Typically, as benefits increase, less emphasis is put on individual employee contributions, initiative, and responsibility and more emphasis is put on the profitability/success of the organization as a whole.

Which best describes employees in an entitlement-oriented culture? A) Reducing individual pressure to contribute B) Assuming shared responsibility for benefits C) Paying a bonus for exceptional performance D) Feeling less a part of the organization

C) Senior HR leadership contributes to the development of organizational strategy, advising the organization on the human capital implications of strategic decisions. Rationale HR leadership interacts directly with executive management, contributing to the development of organizational strategy and advising the organization on the human capital implications of strategic decisions.

What is the level of interaction that senior HR leadership has with executive management? A) Senior HR leadership reviews strategic plans, appoints and approves compensation of executive management, and oversees organizational governance. B) Senior HR leadership manages the efficient use of resources, handling issues of quality, environmental impact, and worker health and safety to meet regulatory standards. C) Senior HR leadership contributes to the development of organizational strategy, advising the organization on the human capital implications of strategic decisions. D) Senior HR leadership supports operations and strategic initiatives through the monitoring of operating and capital expenditures.

B) Predicting future performance Rationale Leading indicators predict future performance. For example, improved customer loyalty (a customer measure) will translate into increased revenue and profits (a financial measure).

What is the purpose of leading indicators in relation to a balanced scorecard? A) Highlighting past trends B) Predicting future performance C) Defining the status quo D) Indicating performance shortfalls

B) Comprehensive employee database Rationale A build of a human capital analytics application (analytical software designed to solve people and productivity problems) should begin with a comprehensive employee database for tracking skills and performance. The other items are important, but the employee database is primary since it is the foundation from which the others are developed.

What should a progressive build of an application to analyze an organization's human capital begin with? A) Sophisticated workforce planning B) Comprehensive employee database C) Real supply chain analytics D) Differentiated actions for focusing HR investments

B) The ability to appeal to all groups and offend none. Rationale While credibility, comfortability with technology, and consulting skills are all important when selecting an instructor, with the organization being international in scope and hoping the instructor will be able to train across all areas necessitates that the instructor be skilled at approaching the group in a manner that will appeal to all groups while offending none.

What should an international organization specifically consider when choosing instructors to execute organizational training across all organizational areas? A) Strong background in consulting. B) The ability to appeal to all groups and offend none. C) Credibility with the audience at the main corporate location. D) Comfortability with new training technologies.

D) Building a common organizational culture Rationale In a global integration strategy, building a common organizational culture is an important step for standardizing people, processes, and performance.

What should be the focus of HR in an organization pursuing a global integration strategy? A) Promoting cultural awareness in the organization B) Aligning local HR practices with the global strategy C) Examining practices for signs of cultural bias D) Building a common organizational culture

C) Managing change involves employees' cognition, emotions, and behavior. Rationale Leaders need to understand that announcements of change often trigger a variety of emotions. Moving past those emotions requires helping employees understand the reasons for change and supporting them as they implement the change. This support takes the form of ongoing communication, development of new skills and knowledge, and providing necessary tools and resources. Leaders can shorten the amount of time employees take to adjust to change through their actions. However, groups respond to change differently, and leaders must be able to identify each group's unique needs.

What should leaders understand about managing change? A) Most employees will embrace the promise of change. B) Acceptance of change cannot be expected until long after the change has been made. C) Managing change involves employees' cognition, emotions, and behavior. D) Global organizations must standardize their processes for introducing organizational change.

D) Code of conduct Rationale A code of conduct helps workers determine what they should do in the case of an ethical dilemma.

What type of document does HR need to create with other key leaders in the organization to help employees make correct decisions in dealing with ethical dilemmas? A) Compliance directory B) CSR strategy C) Workers' code D) Code of conduct

C) Considering both visible and invisible diversity traits will create the most benefits. Rationale Organizations receive the greatest benefits from diversity and inclusion initiatives when those efforts consider multiple dimensions of diversity, including both visible and invisible traits.

What valuable guidance in the area of diversity and inclusions can HR provide? A) Supporting employee-inspired initiatives is often sufficient to achieve outcomes. B) Limiting efforts is sometimes appropriate to prevent employee backlash. C) Considering both visible and invisible diversity traits will create the most benefits. D) Focusing efforts on specific identity groups will yield the best outcomes.

D) Men receive higher wages than women for the same work. Rationale The ILO standards prohibit unequal pay and opportunities for men and women. Management may not prohibit employees' from associating and organizing, but it is allowed to state its reasons for not wanting a unionized workplace. Prisoners are exceptions to the ILO ban on forced labor. Children under 18 may be employed as long as they have completed schooling required in their communities and the work is not hazardous.

Which action violates the International Labour Organization standards? A) Children under 18 are allowed to work if they have finished required schooling. B) Prisoners are required to spend a number of hours on site maintenance. C) Management explains to workers why it opposes unionization. D) Men receive higher wages than women for the same work.

C) Employees in some cultures will not participate fully. Rationale There are challenges to implementing policies across a diverse organization, including remaining aware that the organization's cultural assumptions may not be universally shared.

Which anticipated outcome should be considered when a new, global, company-wide policy allowing employees to participate on management committees in each of a company's global locations is implemented? A) Coherence of the company's strategy will be compromised. B) Managers and supervisors will resist this change. C) Employees in some cultures will not participate fully. D) The policy will be viewed as unfair in some locations.

B) The compliance program ensures understanding and adherence to the code of conduct. Rationale Key to good governance are developing organizational standards for behavior, communicating principles and standards throughout the organization, and training managers and employees in how to apply these standards to common work-related situations. The foundation for this is the code of conduct, which forms the basis of the organization's specific policies and procedures regarding compliance and ethical issues. The compliance program, in turn, proactively ensures that all members of the organization understand and adhere to the code of conduct and are able to apply it to new situations and issues as they arise.

Which best describes the impact of an organization having both a code of conduct and a compliance program? A) The code of conduct and the compliance program both address ethical and legal issues. B) The compliance program ensures understanding and adherence to the code of conduct. C) The code of conduct is for management; the compliance program is for employees. D) The code of conduct and the compliance program determine appropriate punishments for infractions made by employees only.

D) Principled Rationale Principled negotiation aims to create win-win solutions that are based on the negotiators' needs. It avoids taking hard positions in favor of developing trust and mutual understanding. This is consistent with most global definitions of leaders as honest, interested in learning other perspectives, and committed to problem solving rather than winning.

Which form of negotiation is most consistent with the leadership characteristics found to be effective in global settings? A) Hard B) Collaborative C) Soft D) Principled

D) Both sides agree to accept the decision of the arbitrator. Rationale Both parties willingly submit to arbitration and agree to accept the decision of the arbitrator as final. They must accept, not just consider, the arbitrator's decision.

Which identifies a key feature of arbitration? A) A strict time frame for settlement of the dispute is observed. B) Both sides reach a mutually acceptable solution. C) The arbitrator is a trained third party. D) Both sides agree to accept the decision of the arbitrator.

D) Knowledge, skills, and abilities Rationale A job analysis looks at the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for a person to have a reasonable chance of successfully performing the job.

Which information should an HR leader review when conducting an analysis of a vacated position? A) Behaviors, context, and competencies B) Duties, responsibilities, and content C) Purpose, criteria, and performance D) Knowledge, skills, and abilities

A) Implementing stay interviews to better understand employees' perspectives and values Rationale Stay interviews provide perspective on what current employees value about the organization and the work they do and why they remain with the organization. This data would best support a strategy to be an employer of choice.

Which initiative would be pursued by an HR leader in an organization with a strategy to be an employer of choice? A) Implementing stay interviews to better understand employees' perspectives and values B) Completing a SWOT analysis of the human resources function to determine areas of focus C) Sharing turnover trends with business leads to provide a summary of reasons for resignations D) Benchmarking relevant market turnover data to compare with the organization's current turnover rate

B) Community resistance Rationale A threat comes from an environment that is external to the company. In this case, local citizen resistance to a chemical plant may be an external threat to the organization's plans.

Which is considered a threat for a company that wants to build a chemical-producing factory in a small town? A) Organizational resistance to expansion B) Community resistance C) Partners who will invest in the company's technology D) Strong relationships with key vendors

C) Cross-sectional committee Rationale According to Bob Kelleher, effective management of employee survey projects includes establishing a cross-sectional committee to review overall company results and to make recommendations to management.

Which is the best approach for an HR director to select for managing an employee survey project? A) Peer review B) Functional work group C) Cross-sectional committee D) Focus group

C) Using multiple measures to ensure reliability Rationale By using several data-gathering techniques, the weaknesses of one technique can be minimized and a more reliable and accurate representation of the candidate can be obtained.

Which is the best approach for gathering information about prospective candidates? A) Interviewing that focuses on interpersonal dimensions B) Ensuring that processes are simple and efficient C) Using multiple measures to ensure reliability D) Using standardized testing that has been professionally developed

B) Employee assistance program Rationale Employee assistance programs provide confidential expert advice to employees on topics such as financial information.

Which is the best resource an HR generalist should recommend to an employee who has confidentially shared that she is having financial problems? A) Health-care provider B) Employee assistance program C) Wellness program D) Financial support group

B) A team leader posts progress toward milestones in the project room and engages the whole team in problem solving. Rationale The path-goal leadership theory emphasizes the leader's role in coaching and developing the team. The leader does this by focusing the team on achievable but challenging goals, providing the support and direction each member needs to achieve those goals, and allowing the group to participate in decision making. The team leader who keep project goals in front of the team and encourages group problem solving is a "path-goal" leader.

Which leader demonstrates the path-goal approach to leadership? A) A team leader takes a less visible role and lets more experienced members assume leadership roles. B) A team leader posts progress toward milestones in the project room and engages the whole team in problem solving. C) A team leader frequently meets individually with team members to check in on their motivation and needs. D) A team leader motivates the team by setting goals that are not really achievable but that spur competition among team members.

C) Communication and consultation; monitoring and review Rationale Communication and consultation and monitoring and review are ongoing activities that are core to the continuous improvement of the risk management process.

Which of these are ongoing activities in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) risk management process? A) Plan and do; check and adjust B) Avoidance and reduction; sharing and retention C) Communication and consultation; monitoring and review D) Analyze and design; develop and implement

D) Headquarters articulates values and develops HR tools, and HR functions embedded in business units develop local policies and practices. Rationale Dedicated HR allows businesses with different strategies in multiple units to apply HR expertise to each unit's specific strategic needs. There is an HR function at headquarters and a corporate function embedded in companies or business units.

Which organization is using a dedicated HR model structure? A) Each country or unit supplements its resources from a menu of shared services, resulting in consolidation of functions. B) Headquarters HR specialists craft policies, and HR generalists in divisions or locales implement and adapt them as needed. C) Centers of excellence provide services to internal clients, charge fees to other functions, and offer expertise. D) Headquarters articulates values and develops HR tools, and HR functions embedded in business units develop local policies and practices.

C) Conducting a root cause analysis of why HP employees stay at or leave the organization. Rationale Prior to implementation of any intervention for employee retention, it is essential to determine and develop a deep understanding of the reasons why employees want to stay or leave. The other answers assume a reason without conducting the analysis.

Which practice for improving employee retention would best mitigate future loss of high-performing (HP) employees? A) Benchmarking the organization's salaries against those of its competitors. B) Providing increased benefits, incentives, and perquisites (a privilege) to HP employees. C) Conducting a root cause analysis of why HP employees stay at or leave the organization. D) Implementing programs for job enlargement and enrichment for HP employees.

A) Online social networks and blogs Rationale Online sites can effectively expand an organization's talent database, extend the employment brand, and help in acquiring top talent.

Which recruiting source would be the most effective way to extend the employment brand for a global enterprise? A) Online social networks and blogs B) Employee referrals C) Contract agencies D) Job postings

C) Absence of integration of diversity and inclusion into business culture Rationale Many diversity and inclusion efforts fail because organizations have not fully been able to integrate diversity and inclusion into their business culture. Successful diversity and inclusion efforts cannot be implemented with command-and-control mandates, such as required training, ties to performance assessments, and formal grievance procedures. Diversity and inclusion must become shared principles that shape the organization's culture and processes.

Which statement explains why many diversity and inclusion efforts falter? A) Absence of remedial grievance procedures for all employees B) Absence of mandated training for all levels of employees C) Absence of integration of diversity and inclusion into business culture D) Absence of performance measures tied to diversity and inclusion outcomes

C) Create opportunities for managers to travel and to work on teams. Rationale HR can effectively develop the ability of managers to work in a diverse and inclusive environment by creating opportunities for travel, teamwork, training, and transfers. Although learning a foreign language may increase cultural sensitivity, it may be too time-consuming and expensive to justify, except for international assignees. Off-site training may help develop managers in diversity and inclusion, but it is not as effective as other means.

Which steps can HR use to develop managers to effectively work in a diverse organization? A) Find opportunities for managers to learn foreign languages. B) Encourage all managers to enroll in intensive off-site training. C) Create opportunities for managers to travel and to work on teams. D) Require all managers to enroll in intensive off-site training.

C) Span of control Rationale Spans of control that are too large can slow organizational productivity, making it difficult for supervisors to make needed decisions quickly and efficiently. Chain of command refers to the line of authority. Layers of hierarchy refers to the ratio of direct to indirect employees, and decision-making authority refers to how decisions are made in the organization and levels of authority.

Which structural characteristic should an HR director consider in a company where the manufacturing division has grown in workers by 20% over the last two quarters but productivity has grown by only 10%? A) Layers of hierarchy B) Decision-making authority C) Span of control D) Chain of command

A) Using a more sophisticated algorithm for candidate searching. Rationale Using a more sophisticated algorithm for candidate searching will allow recruiters to focus on the most qualified applicants for each position. Algorithm can even be used to make sure that your staff has diversity (such as who is different races or sexes).

Which technology strategy enables a company to compete more effectively for talent? A) Using a more sophisticated algorithm for candidate searching. B) Providing real-time metrics of open requisitions C) Advertising on the websites of select schools and universities. D) Taking a paper HR process and putting it online

C) Loner Rationale A leader should not be a loner but should establish relationships with team members and stakeholders, using those relationships to understand these individuals better. In this way, leaders can satisfy stakeholders' expectations and motivate team members toward a shared goal.

Which trait is not desirable in a leader in any culture? A) Dependability B) Win-win mentality C) Loner D) Affability

A) Structural, cognitive, cultural Rationale The primary barriers are structural, cognitive, and cultural. Organizations are generally structured in a silo fashion and respond operationally rather than strategically. Breaking through cognitive barriers requires imagination and openness to change. Cultural barriers involve what types of mindsets are sought and rewarded.

Which type of barriers to risk management would you find in an organization? A) Structural, cognitive, cultural B) People, policies, processes C) Denial, resistance, anger D) Technology, budget, facilities

D) International assignee Rationale "International assignee" is a term for an employee who is reassigned to an international location. "Expatriate citizen" is an incorrect term; "expatriate" refers to anyone who is not a citizen of the country in which they reside. A home-country employee would be any employee who works for the home-country organization regardless of country. The term "foreign appointee" does not indicate reassignment to an international jurisdiction.

Which type of global assignment refers to an employee who is being reassigned to an international jurisdiction? A) Home-country employee B) Foreign appointee C) Expatriate citizen D) International assignee

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