ATTR 210 - Exam 1 Review

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The two most important characteristics that determine the quality of cotton athletic tape

# of fibers and adhesive mass

What two bones form the 2nd metatarsophalangeal joint in the foot?

2nd metatarsal and 2nd proximal phalange

If the patient actively positions a joint in the test position for a manual muscle test against gravity, what is the minimum score the patient will earn on the MMT?


What is the desired spacing between the top of the crutches and the axilla (armpit) when fitting the athlete for crutches?

3 finger widths

A manual muscle test should be held for

5 seconds

Manual Muscle Testing grading scale

A manual muscle test is graded 0 through 5 0 means there is NO muscle contractility 1 is slight contractility with NO movement 2 is complete ROM with NO gravity 3 is complete ROM with NO resistance 4 is complete ROM with SOME resistance 5 means there is complete ROM with FULL resistance

How to apply an elastic bandage correctly

Apply pressure uniformly and firmly, but not too tightly

Where is the dorsal pedal pulse palpated?

Between extensor hallucis longus tendon and extensor digitorum longus tendon

The talar tilt-inversion test assesses what ligament?

Calcaneofibular ligament

As a precaution, what should an AT check before and after application of an elastic bandage to an extremity?

Circulation and sensation

What you are feeling for during the palpation portion of an evaluation

Crepitus, deformity, increased muscle tone, pain, increased temperature, swelling

In what direction does the clinician apply pressure during the manual muscle test for gastrocnemius?


The main action of the lateral compartment muscles


In what direction does the clinician apply pressure during the manual muscle test for extensor hallucis longus?


Difference and similarities between HOPS evaluation and SOAP evaluation

HOPS helps a clinician remember to perform essential parts of the evaluation SOAP incorporates HOPS into the subjective and objective portion The SOAP format leads the clinician to form a diagnosis and to make a treatment plan for the patient

The most inferior aspect of the fibula

Lateral malleolus

components of secondary survey

Life-threatening condition ruled out Gather specific information about injury Assess vital signs and perform more detailed evaluation of conditions that do not pose life-threatening consequences

types of special tests

Manual Muscle Testing Range of Motion Assessment Orthopedic Special Tests

purpose of off-the-field evaluation

May be the evaluation of an acute injury or one several days later following acute injury HOPS

An interdigital neuroma between the third and fourth metatarsals

Morton's neuroma

Types of history questions

Pain rating Pain description Pain location Pain pattern Mechanism of injury Previous history Hear any snap/crackle/pops? Activities of daily living

When performing the anterior drawer test, what would indicate a positive test?

Pain, laxity

crutch/cane fitting

Patient should stand with good posture, in flat soled shoes Crutches should be placed 6" from outer margin of shoe and 2" in front Crutch base should fall 1" below anterior fold of axilla Hand brace should be positioned to place elbow at 30 degrees of flexion Cane measurement should be taken from height of greater trochanter

components of primary survey

Performed initially to establish presence of life-threatening conditions: Airway, breathing, circulation, shock and severe bleeding

What is the soleil line?

Point of proximal attachment of the soleus

Components of the on-the-field assessment

Primary and secondary survey ABCs and vital sign assessment

The athletic trainer must make what decisions after the on-field assessment?

Seriousness of the injury and type of first aid necessary Need for immediate referral to a physician for further care Manner of transportation from the injury site

When instructing an athlete to use one crutch for a partial weight-bearing gait, how should you determine which side of the body the crutch should be on?

The crutch is placed on the uninjured side when using one crutch.

Why would you palpate the medial calcaneal tubercle?

To determine if the plantar fascia is inflamed

A tripod gait when using crutches can be either non-weight bearing or partial weight bearing. (T/F)


Examples of open-ended questions you would ask the patient to determine the mechanism of injury

What happened? How did this happen? Can you describe how this happened?

pes cavus

an abnormally high arch

In which of the following lower leg compartments is the extensor hallucis longus located?


Ligaments that provide lateral stability to the talocrural joint

anterior talofibular ligament calcaneofibular ligament posterior talofibular ligament

Part of the deltoid ligament

anterior tibiotalar ligament tibionavicular ligament posterior tibiotalar ligament tibiocalcaneal ligament

The anterior talofibular ligament controls

anterior translation of the talus

purpose of on-the-field evaluation

assess the extent and seriousness of injury

possible indications of a fracture

athlete reports hearing and feeling a pop noticeable deformity loss of function of injured body segment

How can we determine if a patient has normal range of motion at a particular joint?

compare to the contralateral (opposite) side

Which of the following ligaments is not typically injured with an inversion ankle sprain?

deltoid ligament


deterioration of the cartilage under the patella



Which two muscles are located in the anterior compartment and attach proximally to the interosseus membrane?

extensor hallucis longus extensor digitorum longus

What position should the toes be in to test the flexor digitorum longus muscle?



generalized tissue swelling

The appropriate anatomical landmark to use when fitting a patient with a cane

greater trochanter

When performing a manual muscle test, the clinician should instruct the patient to ___

hold the position

the supportive elements of the closed basketweave ankle taping

horseshoes? stirrups? heel locks figure 8's

positive sign for the percussion test

increased pain at the site of the chief complaint


inflammation of the joint capsule


injury to a bone


injury to a ligament


injury to a muscle

The most common mechanism of ankle injury


The anterior compartment is located ___ to the tibial crest.


The correct patient position for the posterior tibialis manual muscle test

lying on the same side as the muscle being tested

What is the proximal attachment of the gastrocnemius muscle?

medial and lateral epicondyles of the femur

The articulations of the metatarsals and phalanges are known as the

metatarsophalangeal joints


ongoing without trauma


partial dislocation

Which of the following types of Range of Motion (ROM) requires the examiner to move the joint for the patient?

passive ROM

Which bony landmarks are located on the calcaneus?

peroneal tubercle, dome, medial tubercle, sustentaculum tali

Which of the following muscles attaches distally to the base of the fifth metatarsal?

peroneus brevis peroneus tertius

Which of the following muscles attaches proximally on the head of the fibula?

peroneus longus

Which muscles attaches distally to the base of the first metatarsal?

peroneus longus tibialis anterior

A highly specialized band of tissue on the plantar surface of the foot that provides support for the medial longitudinal arch

plantar fascia

deep posterior compartment of lower leg

posterior tibialis flexor digitorum longus flexor hallucis longus



The purpose of heel and lace pads is to

reduce friction from tape over superficial tendons

purpose of the great toe taping

restrict first toe hyperextension

Ligamentous stress tests are designed to assess which type of injury?


true inversion and eversion occur at what joint

subtalar joint


swelling in a joint

The talocrural joint is comprised of which bones?

talus, fibula, tibia

muscles that assist with inversion of the ankle

tibialis anterior flexor hallucis longus


traumatic or recent

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