Avit 222 Block 6

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What is an Abbreviated Clearance?

"Cleared as filed" - ATC will still state name of departure procedure and transition if applicable •If ATC states "climb via the SID" - Refer to chart for altitudes

What is a Cruise Clearance?

"Cruise _______" - Authorizes pilot to conduct flight at any altitude from minimum IFR altitude up to and including the altitude specified in the clearance - Climb/descend at pilot's discretion •Cannot return to an altitude the pilot has descended from and verbally reports to ATC

What minimum visibility is required to legally depart an airport using Part 91 regulations?

0 statute miles

What is the minimum required climb gradient for a standard IFR departure?

200ft per nautical mile

FAA/NACO/NOS charts must be replaced every blank days

56 days

What is a ASDE-X? What is its operational equipment?

A "ground radar" at some airports (usually large Class B) that allows ATC to track surface movement of aircraft and vehicles - Requires transponder to be in ALT mode

What is the purpose of Holding?

A maneuver that keeps an aircraft within a specified area while awaiting further clearance May Hold due to Weather, Traffic management, part of approach procedure or pilot requested

What is the purpose of an Instrument Approach Procedures (IAPs)

A procedure designed to put the aircraft into a position in which a safe landing can be made using instrument flight rules •All approved instrument approaches must comply with US Standard for Terminal Instrument Approach Procedures (TERPs)

What is ATC responsible in IFR?

ATC is responsible for separating IFR traffic from IFR traffic and known VFR traffic

How do you obtain a clearance at a Towered Airport?

Clearance Delivery -A dedicated ATC frequency for obtaining clearances only -Frequency will be listed on airport diagram

What are Pre-Departure clearances?

Component of NextGen - Clearance is transmitted and received via datalink - Displayed on ACARS

Which of the following should be reported to ATC (per the regulations) when established in holding?

Current time (Zulu)

True or False, you need a clearance to fly an ODP?


What are the legs, fixes and sides of a hold?

Fix is your point to hold around Sides are inside or outside the hold Legs are the outbound or inbound

What are the maximum holding airspeeds? What is the requirements for speed reduction? How long prior to holding the fix must speed reduction happen?

Ground-6000ft 200KIAS 6000-14,000ft 230KIAS Above 14000ft 265KIAS Speed reduction must happen 3 minutes prior to holding fix

What are the requirements to become Instrument rated?

Hold current Private Pilot certificate (or be concurrently applying for Private Pilot certificate) with category appropriate to rating sought - Be able to read, write, speak, understand English - Receive and log ground training required in paragraph (b) of this section - Receive endorsement from instructor certifying the applicant is prepared for knowledge test Pass knowledge test - Pass practical test - Meet aeronautical experience requirements in paragraph (d) of this section

What does Hold for Release mean?

Hold for Release - Issued for traffic management when obtaining IFR clearance at a non-towered airport •ATC will only allow 1 IFR operation at a time -Other aircraft may be inbound or preparing to depart

How do you log Instrument (or simulated instrument) time?

Include name of safety pilot (if applicable) - Actual vs. simulated instrument conditions - Log only when you operate the aircraft solely by reference to instruments under actual or simulated IFR conditions

What does Clearance Void Time mean?

Issued when obtaining IFR clearance at a non-towered airport - Must depart prior to clearance void time! •Search and rescue procedures will be initiated 30 minutes after clearance void time if no contact is established "Released at 21:25 Zulu, void if not airborne by 21:30 Zulu, time now 21:20 Zulu"

Which wake turbulence category is the Cessna 172S?


How do you measure the timed legs?

Lengthen or shorten outbound leg by the difference over/under 1 minute on the inbound leg-Ex. Outbound = 1:00, inbound = 1:10» Shorten outbound leg by 10 seconds

What does an "A" indicate in the notes section of an FAA approach chart?

Non-standard alternate minimums exist for that airport

What does a "T" indicate in the notes section of an FAA approach chart?

Non-standard takeoff minimums exist for that airport An obstacle departure procedure exists for that airport

How do you obtain a clearance at a Non-towered airport?

Non-towered airports •Leidos Flight Service (formerly Lockheed Martin) -Phone »1-800-WX-BRIEF »1-888-766-8267 (Dedicated IFR clearance number) -Radio »122.2 or frequency listed in chart supplement or on airport chart •Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) •Ground Communications Outlet (GCO)

Who is responsible for traffic avoidance in controlled airspace while IFR?


Which of the following sections of an approach chart provides a "top-down" (view from above) of the approach procedure?

Plan View

Which type of approach procedure always provides both lateral and vertical guidance to the runway?

Precision Approach

What is the purpose of an ILS Critical Area?

Prevents aircraft/vehicles from blocking the localizer/glideslope signal

What is the purpose of an ODP?

Purpose is to ensure obstacle protection

What is the purpose of a SID?

Purpose is to standardize traffic flow, ensure aircraft separation, and enhance capacity - Also provides obstacle protection

What are the Part 91 Alternate minimums?

Required when weather conditions are above takeoff minimums, but below landing minimums - Allows aircraft to return to a landing in the event a situation occurs during takeoff

Which of the following describes a standard holding pattern?

Right Turns 1 minute legs

What are the differences between Standard and Non-Standard Holding turns

Right turns All turns should be conducted at 30° of bank or standard rate, whichever is less- 1 minute legs (1.5 minute legs above 14,000 ft)• Non-Standard Holding Pattern:- Does not meet either or both of the above criteria

Which of the following is a type of departure procedure designed to standardize traffic flow, ensure aircraft separation, and enhance airspace capacity?

Standard Instrument Approach (SID)

What is the PIC responsible for in IFR?

The PIC is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to the operation of the aircraft If ATC issues a clearance that would cause a pilot to deviate from a rule or regulation, or in the PIC's opinion, would place the aircraft in jeopardy, the PIC MUST REQUEST AN AMENDED CLEARANCE

How do you become IFR Current?

To act as PIC under IFR, must accomplish •Within preceding 6 calendar months preceding the month of the flight (and including the current month) in an airplane or simulator/FTD: -6 instrument approaches -Holding -Intercepting and tracking

What are the requirements to fly an SID?

To fly them you must have the graphical charts and a clearance from ATC.

What is the purpose of STARs?

To standardize traffic flow, ensure aircraft separation, and enhance capacity

How do you estimate a wind correction angle

Triple the inbound leg correction angle to determine the outbound leg correction angle

Which of the following is true about a decision altitude?

Upon reaching the decision altitude, you must continue descending to the runway (if you meet the requirements to do so) or you must begin the missed approach procedure. You must not level-off at the decision altitude.

When must you hold short of an ILS critical area?

When Advised by ATC

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