BA 350 exam 1

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Despite being the majority religion in many​ countries, Muslims in the United States are expected to number​ ____ million by​ 2030, which will be about 1.7 percent of the population.


Muslims are a minority group in the United​ States, however, it is predicted that their population will double to​ _____ million in the United States by 2030.


Since​ 1990, global longevity rates have increased by​ ____ years, reflecting a shift toward an older workforce.


What percentage of the growth in the labor force from 2006 to 2016 came from workers over age​ 54?

93 percent

According to​ Holland, which of the following represents the most incongruent situation​ possible?

A realistic person in a social job.

In the integrated model of contemporary motivation​ theories, for effort to lead to​ performance, which of the following must be​ present?

Ability and Objective performance evaluation system

What is the correlation between intelligence and job​ satisfaction?

About zero

Which of the following makes employees more engaged in their​ jobs?

Access to sufficient resources.

Which term describes when people experience the same emotions with diverse​ strengths?

Affect intensity

Which component of attitude reflects the feeling​ part?


Which of these argues that people respond emotionally to things that happen to them at​ work, and this response influences their work performance and​ satisfaction

Affective events theory

Why is mood an important factor when selecting and hiring​ employees?

An​ employee's good mood can have a positive effect on​ others' performance.

Which of the following is NOT one of the most powerful moderators of the​ attitude-behavior relationship?

An​ individual's indirect experience with the attitude.

Which of these is a characteristic of the target being perceived that impacts the perception​ process?


​______, _______, and​ ______ all represent types of physical​ abilities.

Balance, dynamic​ strength, and dynamic flexibility

Which of the following describes an​ organization's self-regulated activities to help society or the environment beyond what is required by​ law?


Which of these is LEAST likely a heredity​ factor?


Meagan had been working towards a​ promotion, but another colleague received it instead.​ Afterwards, Meagan decided she had not really wanted the promotion after all. What does this best​ illustrate?

Cognitive dissonance

Which of the following describes the incompatibility experienced by Amy between her behavior and the attitude she holds toward drinking and​ smoking?

Cognitive dissonance

Which of the following is NOT a category of​ Holland's occupational personality​ types?


Which term describes the extent to which cues regarding work duties and responsibilities are compatible with one​ another?


Which term describes individuals who trust in their internal worth and basic​ competence?

Core​ self-evaluations

Which statement about the relationship between age and different aspects of the job is most likely​ FALSE?

Creativity lessens as people age.

According to​ research, the​ "average" manager spent the most time on which of the following​ activities?

Decision​ making, planning, and controlling

What is one global challenge where OB concepts can help make managers more​ effective?

Differing cultural and regulatory norms.

When you observe​ Lexi, you see that she displays different behaviors in different situations. According to attribution​ theory, which of the following describes​ Lexi's behavior?


Which of these is concerned with the fairness of the​ outcomes, such as pay and recognition that employees​ receive?

Distributive justice

Which of the following most likely makes people more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of​ others?

Diversity management

Which statement about emotional intelligence​ (EI) is most likely​ true?

EI is wildly popular among consulting firms and in the popular press.

Which of the following disciplines does NOT contribute to our understanding of​ OB?


Which term describes when people project one emotion while actually feeling​ another?

Emotional dissonance

Which term describes a​ person's ability to observe emotions in the self and​ others, realize the meaning of these​ emotions, and adjust his or her emotions​ accordingly?

Emotional intelligence

Which of these describes your expression of desired emotions during interpersonal​ transactions?

Emotional labor

As a​ manager, why should Sebastian be concerned with employee emotions at​ work?

Emotional reactions to events influence job satisfaction and job performance.

​_______ involves recognizing and altering the emotions that you feel.

Emotional regulation

Which of these is an emotional regulation​ technique?

Emotional suppression

which term describes the participative process that uses​ employees' input to increase their commitment to organizational​ success?

Employee involvement and participation

Which of these encourages specific behaviors by formally appreciating specific employee​ contributions?

Employee recognition program

Which of the following is affective events​ theory's important​ message?

Employees and managers​ shouldn't ignore emotions or the events that cause​ them, even when they appear​ minor, because they accumulate.

Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of a country with low power​ distance?

Equality and opportunity are stressed.

Which of the following is LEAST likely a potential influence on moods and​ emotions?


Which of the following arguments best supports emotional​ intelligence?

Evidence suggests that a high level of emotional intelligence means that a person will perform well on the job.

Being assigned to a marginal job or not being given work to demonstrate talent for a promotion describes what common type of​ discrimination?


Which of the following serves as the basic foundation of the integrated model of contemporary motivation​ theories?

Expectancy model

​____ serves as the basic foundation of the integrated model of contemporary motivation theories.

Expectancy model

Which of the following customizes rewards by letting each worker to choose the compensation package that best satisfies his or her current needs and​ situation?

Flexible benefits

Which of these is NOT true about flexible​ benefits?

Flexible benefits substitute for higher salaries when it comes to motivation.

What is true of diversity in a group​ setting?

Groups of individuals who have varying types of expertise and education are typically better than uniform groups.

According to​ Hofstede's research, which nation is the most​ collectivist?


Which of the following is TRUE about the relationship between job satisfaction and job​ performance?

Happy workers are productive workers.

Which of the following refers to factors determined at​ conception?


From 2014 to​ 2044, which of the following groups is expected to grow to over 25 percent of the workforce in the United​ States?


Which term in the GLOBE​ framework, refers to the extent to which a culture rewards people for being​ altruistic, generous, and kind to​ others?

Humane orientation

What is said to be occurring when Amy associates two events that in reality have no​ connection?

Illusory correlation

Which term describes the abilities needed to perform mental​ activities?

Intellectual abilities

​Jerome, a​ 25-year veteran at ABC Manufacturing has started to bully the two new​ African-American hires at his firm. Which of the following describes​ Jerome's behavior?


Kyle is a quiet and shy individual. According to MBTI​ assessment, which of the following best describes​ Kyle?


Your manager tells​ you, "You just have to go with your gut​ feeling." She is suggesting that you should make decisions based on which of the​ following?


Which of the following is true of fundamental attribution​ error?

It can cause people to underestimate the influence of external factors on others.

Which of these is true of a​ profit-sharing plan?

It distributes cash or stock based on company profitability.

Which of the following best describes the impact of demographic diversity on team​ performance?

It does not appear to either help or hurt team performance.

How is creativity useful to decision​ makers?

It permits the generation of ideas that are novel and useful.

What is a key factor that improves a​ person's job​ engagement?

Job meaningfulness

Which of these shifts employees to other tasks where they can use the same​ skills?

Job rotation

Which of the following is NOT a drawback of job​ rotation?

Job rotation reduces job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

According to the​ MBTI, which personality types want control and prefer order and​ structure?

Judging type

Which of the following suggests that rules should be justly and objectively enforced to ensure a rightful distribution of benefits and​ costs?

Justice view

What is a drawback of telecommunicating from​ employee's standpoint?

Lower job satisfaction.

Which three traits are included in the Dark​ Triad?

Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy

Which of the following is a​ variable-pay program that is based primarily on individual performance appraisal​ ratings?

Merit-based pay

According to a global study of job satisfaction levels of workers in fifteen​ countries, which country had the highest​ score?


Jokes and negative stereotypes describe which of the following form of​ discrimination?

Mockery and insults

Sympathy for the suffering of others is an example of which of​ these?

Moral emotions

According to​ surveys, what percent of Fortune 500 firms have policies that cover sexual​ orientation?

More than 90 percent

Jerome has always had an exaggerated sense of​ self-importance, needs constant​ admiration, feels​ entitled, and is conceited. Which of the following terms best describe​ Jerome's personality?


Which term refers to a mood dimension comprising of​ nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high​ end, and​ contentedness, peace, and serenity at the low​ end?

Negative affect

According to​ research, which of the following best summarizes​ male-female differences in the areas of​ problem-solving ability, analytical​ skills, or learning​ ability?

No consistent differences exist between men and women.

Which of the following is TRUE about organizational behavior​ (OB)?

OB investigates relationships among​ individuals, groups, and structure to improve organizational effectiveness.

Which of the following is a field of study that investigates the impact of​ individuals, groups, and structure on behavior within​ organizations?

Organizational behavior

Which of these include people talking positively about their​ organizations, helping​ others, and going beyond the normal expectations of their​ jobs?

Organizational citizenship behavior

Jorge feels strongly about his employer ABC​ Manufacturing, identifies with it and its​ goals, and wishes to remain a member. Which of the following best describes​ Jorge's attitude?

Organizational commitment

Which of these influences decision makers by suggesting which choices have better personal​ payoffs?

Organizational reward systems

Which of the following refers to subordinates and immediate supervisors sharing some​ decision-making authority?

Participative management

______ refers to a process by which people organize and interpret sensory impressions for the purpose of understanding their environment.


jeff has been working hard to lose weight for past six years. Which dimension of motivation measures how long Jeff can maintain his​ efforts?


Which characteristic represents​ deep-level diversity?

Personality and values

Which theory articulates the effort to match work requirements with personality​ traits?

Personality-job fit theory

Which of​ these, according to​ Herzberg, is a hygiene​ factor?

Physical working conditions

Which term best describes the feeling of inclusiveness in​ organizations?

Positive diversity climate

Which of the following describes the degree to which people in a country accept that power in institutions and organizations is distributed​ unequally?

Power distance

Which type of personality recognizes​ opportunities, displays​ initiative, takes​ action, and endures until meaningful change​ occurs?


Which of these terms relates to the perceived fairness of the process used to determine​ outcome?

Procedural justice

Which of these plans distributes compensation based on some established formula designed around a​ company's success in making​ money?


In rights​ approach, individuals make decisions based on which of the​ following?

Protecting the basic rights of others

Which behavioral discipline contributes to the field of OB primarily at the individual level of​ analysis?


Which discipline makes the most important contribution to organizational behavior at the individual level of​ analysis?


Which term defines the heritage people use to identify​ themselves?


According to a survey mentioned in the​ text, which of the following was considered the most powerful workplace​ motivator?


One method of enhancing workforce diversity is to target recruiting messages to specific demographic groups underrepresented in the workforce. Which of the following activities would LEAST likely help an organization to enhance workforce​ diversity?

Recruiting from the internal workforce.

Which theory enters the integrated model of contemporary motivation theories by recognizing that the​ organization's rewards fortify the​ individual's performance?

Reinforcement theory

Which of the following designs work so workers are inspired to promote the​ well-being of the​ organization's beneficiaries?

Relational job design

Which of the following methods has a focus on prosocial​ motivation?

Relational job design

Which of the following balances power in an organization between​ labor, management, and stockholders by letting a small group of employees participate in decision making on behalf of their​ coworkers?

Representative participation

Two weeks​ ago, Sid from ABC Manufacturing contacted government officials and blew the whistle on his​ company's managers offering bribes to foreign officials. Which ethical decision criterion protects​ whistle-blowers like​ Sid?

Rights approach

Raj has interviewed at 28 places for a job. He chooses the first acceptable job offer he​ encounters, rather than the optimal one. Which term describes​ Raj's choice?


Which of these factors is LEAST likely to influence the​ goals-performance relationship?


Which of these focuses on the strength of the consistency between employee goals and core values or​ interests?


Kendra is preparing to take the exams for CPA certification. She has a strong belief that she is capable of successfully passing these exams. Which theory refers to​ Kendra's belief that she is capable of performing these​ tasks?


Which term describes the tendency when people attribute vague information as relatively​ flattering, accept positive​ feedback, and reject negative​ feedback?

Self-serving bias

Riya can be described as an individual with positive core​ self-evaluations. Which of the following is true for​ Riya?

She provides better customer service and is​ well-liked among her coworkers.

Which term refers to the extent to which​ norms, cues, or standards dictate suitable​ behavior?

Situation strength

Which term describes the degree to which work requires diverse activities using specialized​ skills?

Skill variety

In the job characteristics​ model, which three core job dimensions combine to create meaningful work for​ employees

Skill​ variety, task​ identity, and task significance

What are two of the most powerful moderators of the attitudes and behavior​ relationship?

Social pressures and direct experience

According to a global study of job satisfaction levels of workers in fifteen​ countries, which country had the lowest​ score?

South Korea

Which of the following describes the degree to which we internally settle with the generally adverse stereotyped perceptions of our​ groups?

Stereotype threat

Susan is facing three important decisions that come with explicit deadlines. This represents which of the following organizational constraints on decision​ making?

System-imposed time constraints

Which of these in the job characteristics​ model, describe the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of​ work?

Task identity

​__________ increases employee feelings of isolation and reduces job satisfaction.


What is one noncontroversial​ way employers assess intellectual​ ability?

The Wonderlic Test

Which statement about the sexual orientation and gender identity is​ TRUE?

The complete acceptance and accommodation of LGBT employees is still in progress.

Which of the following is the most important predictor of job​ satisfaction?

The intrinsic nature of the work itself

According to​ research, people are least satisfied with which facet of their​ jobs?

Their promotion opportunties

Which of the following does not prohibit discrimination against employees based on sexual​ orientation?

U.S. federal laws

Ursula strongly believes that decisions should be made based on providing the greatest good for the greatest number.​ Ursula's belief describes which of these decision​ criteria?


What is the most widely used intelligence test in hiring​ decisions?

Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test

ABC Manufacturing is becoming more heterogeneous in terms of​ gender, age,​ race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Which of the following describes this shift in​ ABC?

Workforce diversity

______ are groups of elected employees who must be consulted when management makes decisions about employees.

Works councils

The science of OB was developed by applying general concepts to​ __________.

a particular​ situation, person, or group

If you are facing a discrepancy between your current state of affairs and a different desired​ state, it describes​ _____.

a problem

Flexible benefits​ ___________.

accommodate differences such as​ age, marital​ status, and dependents

High-self monitoring individuals are most likely to​ ____________.

adapt their behavior depending on the situation

People who experience emotions more​ strongly, both positive and​ negative, are said to have​ ____________.

affect intensity

Much of our current understanding of organizational​ culture, organizational​ environments, and differences among national cultures comes from the field of​ _________.


Biographical characteristics​ ________.

are easily definable ways to look at employees

Recognition programs​ ______.

are highly susceptible to political manipulation by management

Which of these is an​ individual's personal trait that impacts what is being​ perceived?


Leon Festinger argued that​ _____.

attitudes follow behavior

Benefits are both​ ____ and​ ______.

a​ provision; a motivator

​Evidence-based management​ (EBM) bases managerial decisions on the​ ______________.

best available scientific evidence

____ refers to the degree to which cues about work duties and responsibilities are available and clear.


The three components of attitudes are​ _____.

cognition, affect, and behavior

Which component of attitude represents a belief in the way things​ are?


Country A is characterized by tightly knit social groups and it places importance on belonging to​ organizations, families, and other​ groups, it has​ ________.


If​ Jason, Jamie,​ Julie, and John face a similar situation and respond in the same​ way, we can say their behavior shows​ _____.


The extent to which your freedom to decide or act is limited by forces outside your control refers to​ _______.


In​ OB, _________ reflect situational considerations that aid in explaining human behavior.

contingency variables

When we say a leads to b​, but only under conditions specified in c​, it exemplifies


Which of these describes the ability to generate unique and worthwhile​ ideas


Riya has to make a choice between taking a​ 6-month co-op internship at Marriott or a regular summer internship at Under Armour. Riya is faced with​ a(n) ________.


Performance evaluations can influence​ managers' decisions by​ _____________.

determining the criteria that matter most

Envy and anger at work will most likely cause​ _____________.

deviant workplace behavior

Melissa is interested in implementing the teachings of​ goal-setting theory at work.​ Accordingly, she should understand that goals should be​ _________.

difficult and​ specific, as long as employees accept the challenge

Which term refers to powerful feelings focused at​ someone?


If you try to cheer yourself up when​ you're feeling​ down, you are engaging in​ _______.

emotion regulation

Susan encounters emotional dissonance practically every day at work. This most likely leads to​ _____ for Susan.

emotional exhaustion

Engaging in trying to improve your mood is known as​ ________.

emotional regulation

​__________ refers to ignoring initial emotional responses to situations.

emotional suppression

Flexible benefits relate to expectancy theory by showing that compensation should be linked to​ __________.

employee needs

Whereas​ _______ measures how much​ employees' perceived efforts in the workplace contribute to their​ self-worth, ______ refers to how much employees feel their organization values their work contributions.

employee​ engagement, workplace engagement

In intuitive decision​ making, we typically​ _________.

engage our emotions and previous experience

What is a drawback of using intuition to solve managerial​ problems?

erroneous predictions

when we stay with a decision even if there is clear evidence its​ wrong, it refers to​ _____.

escalation of commitment

Affective events theory suggests that​ ________.

events at work cause employees to react​ emotionally, which influences job satisfactio

______ is measured by looking at individual terminations and collective​ turnover, whereas​ _____ is measured by chronic​ absenteeism, reduced​ effort, and more errors on the job.

exit, neglect

According to the​ text, our perceptions are influenced by our​ ______________.


Which of these represents the single most important predictor of creative​ potential?


Which term describes the competitiveness of a​ firm's pay in comparison to pay in its​ industry?

external equity

If you show the actual emotions in a given​ situation, they are called​ ____.

felt emotions

Jim works at a Warehouse​ Shopper's Club as a​ full-time stock clerk and cashier. The​ club's operating hours are from​ 8:00 a.m. to 9 p.m. Employees are free to set and vary their work schedules as long as they work at some point during the​ club's peak hours between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Jim usually works from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m.​ Jim's schedule at WSC is an example of​ _____.


Most organizations make guidelines and policies to program decisions and get employees to abide by them. In doing​ so, they limit decision choices that represent which of these organizational constraints on decision​ making?

formal regulation

When looked at​ together, situation strength and trait activation theories are likely to​ ____________.

frame the debate over what determines behavior as both nature and nurture

Organizational behavior applies​ ________ to a particular​ situation, person, or group to understand them better.

general concepts

In the integrated model of contemporary motivation​ theories, the goals—effort loop is meant to remind us that​ _____

goals direct behavior

The three determinants of behavior in organizations that are primarily studied in OB are​ individuals, structure, and​ _______.


​______ refers to factors determined at conception.


When discussing​ motivation, intensity refers to​ _______.

how hard a person works towards an organizational goal

Which of these represents the third step of creative​ behavior?

idea generation

The second step in the rational​ decision-making process is to​ _____________.

identify the decision criteria

When people associate two events that in reality have no​ connection, it describes​ ______.

illusory correlation

Research suggests that people​ ________ tend to be more creative.

in good moods

Which of the following is TRUE about recognition​ programs?


Which of the following represents the second step of creative​ behavior?

info gathering

Leaders who focus on​ __________ generate greater optimism and enthusiasm in​ employees, which leads to more positive social interactions with coworkers and customers.

inspirational goals

An element of motivation that explains how hard a person tries is called​ _________.


Generally, which of these satisfy most​ employees?

interesting jobs

The job characteristics model claims that​ ___________ rewards contribute to higher job​ satisfaction, motivation, and organizational benefits.


Evidence suggests job satisfaction​ ______ with organizational citizenship behavior​ (OCB).

is moderately correlated

One problem with​ Maslow's hierarchy of needs is that​ ___________.

it lacks empirical validation

Which of the following measures the degree to which individuals relate psychologically with their jobs and consider their supposed performance levels important to​ self-worth?

job involvement

Which term refers to a positive sentiment about a​ job, resulting from an assessment of its​ characteristics?

job satisfaction

Lindy invests her total​ physical, cognitive, and emotional energies into her job performance at City​ Coffee, Inc. Which of the following term describe​ Lindy's investment?

jon engagement

If you are asked to give an example of an instrumental​ value, which of the following should you​ choose?


Emotional intelligence​ (EI) is​ __________.

linked to work performance

The perception process is influenced by which of these situational context​ factors?


Organizations with highly engaged employees are LEAST likely to have​ ________.

lower task performance

The​ __________ response means passively but positively waiting for conditions to​ improve, including speaking up for the firm in the face of outside disparagement.


Based on equity​ theory, employees who perceive inequity will make any of these choices EXCEPT​ ________.

maintaining perceptions of self

If you are making a choice from among two or more​ alternatives, you are​ ____.

making a decision

Country​ A's culture favors traditional roles such as​ achievement, power, and control. According to​ Hofstede's framework, which term best describes this​ culture?


A drawback of employee recognition programs is that they​ ________.

may allow for manipulation

Which of the following refers to an abstraction of​ reality, a simplified representation of some​ real-world phenomenon?


Which of the following refers to the processes that account for an​ employee's intensity,​ direction, and persistence of effort toward accomplishing a​ goal?


According to​ McClelland, which is the drive to​ excel, to achieve in relationship to a set of​ standards?


​Sandra, a shop level manager at Toys for​ Toddlers, has the drive to​ excel, to achieve in relationship to a set of standards. According to​ McClelland's, Sandra can be described as having which of these​ needs?


The​ _________ response inactively allows conditions to worsen and includes chronic absenteeism or​ lateness, and increased error rate.


The OB model in the text illustrates that inputs lead to processes that lead to​ _____.


If Yolanda works hard towards a desired goal at her firm ABC​ Tools, but gives up​ easily, it can be said that she lacks​ ________.


Personality-job fit theory


The sum total of ways in which Susan reacts to and interacts with other people refers to her​ ______.


According to​ Maslow, which of these represents the lowest level​ needs?


JoAnna works at a​ children's clothing factory where her job is to sew an ornament on each piece of clothing. She does not get a base salary but receives payment for the number of items she sews. This is an example of​ _______.

piece pay

A mood dimension comprising of emotions such as​ excitement, enthusiasm, and euphoria at the high​ end, and​ dullness, depression, and tiredness at the low end is known as​ _________.

positive affect

People with​ ________ view themselves as being​ effective, capable, and in control of their environment.

positive core​ self-evaluations

What is the relationship of the satisfaction of frontline employees in service organizations to customer​ satisfaction

positive correlation

Research finds that​ _______ enhance(s)​ problem-solving skills.

positive emotions

Global Business Systems can be described as engaged in​ ________ when the company studies how it develops human​ strengths, foster vitality and​ resilience, and unlock potential.

positive organizational scholarship

​Jermaine, a production manager at Garden​ Tools, strives to fulfill duties and obligations and avoid conditions that pull him away from desired goals. Jermaine can be described as a manager with​ a(n) ___________ focus.


We generally need to make decisions when we perceive there is​ a(n) _________.


While a simple survey of employees​ asking, "How satisfied are you with your​ job?" is a useful tool for assessing job​ satisfaction, a more complex tool that asks about specific job facets​ ________.

provides essentially the same results as the simple survey

Bianca is known for making​ consistent, value-maximizing choices within specified constraints. She can be described as​ _________


Better decisions can be made by​ _______.

recognizing potential perceptual biases during the decision process

When managers design work so employees are motivated to promote the​ well-being of the​ organization's beneficiaries, it refers to​ ______.

relational job design

Terminal values​ ___________.

represent end goals a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime

What percent of workers reported being satisfied with their jobs in​ 2014?

roughly 48 percent


seeks to​ measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals.

Training programs that help employees learn and practice new skills help build​ _______.


Jasmine has the capability to modify her behavior to​ external, situational factors. Which of the following terms best describe​ Jasmine's capability?


Mostly EI is measured with​ _____.

self-report inventories.

The most common tool for measuring personality is the​ _______.

self-report survey

In an effort to offer reasonable explanations for human​ behavior, OB uses​ what's known as contingency​ variables, which are based on​ ____________.

situational conditions

When we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which that person​ belongs, we engage in​ ______.


Chris has very low emotional stability. He is more likely to react

strongly to negative events.

Hiding your inner feeling and emotional expressions in response to display rules is called​ _______

surface acting

Good reward systems are most likely to​ ________.

sway managers towards certain choices that promise greater gains

Brooke is required to complete a report in two days on the status of her​ department's financial position. She will write the report by herself following strict guidelines. Although it is a small piece of a larger companywide​ report, Brooke is excited about the responsibility and completing the report because this is the first solo piece of work she is responsible for. This report for Brooke scores high on​ _________.

task identity

John, an accounting assistant at ABC​ International, works at home three days a week via a computer linked to​ ABC's office. This is an example of​ _______.


Big data refers to​ ______.

the extensive use of statistical compilation and analysis

Job engagement refers to​ __________.

the​ physical, intellectual, and emotional energy an employee invests at work

​Self-determination theory is based on the idea that people prefer​ ________.

to willingly choose activities

Why does job satisfaction lead to organizational citizenship​ behavior?


Juanita is ranking her values in terms of intensity. The end result would be her​ _________.

value system

Which term describes basic beliefs that a particular type of behavior or​ end-state of existence is personally or socially desirable to a contrary or converse type of conduct or​ end-state of​ existence?


Which response includes actively and beneficially attempting to improve​ conditions?


Which response to dissatisfaction best characterizes unions that use grievance procedures to improve working​ conditions?


Flextime, or​ __________, reduces absenteeism and has been shown to improve productivity.

working a specific amount of hours that may vary

The two most common forms of representative participation are​ _________ and​ _________.

works​ councils; board representatives

​_______ are​ specific, intense feelings a person has about a particular person or​ situation; ______ are more general feelings that happen without a particular event or person provoking them.

​Emotions, moods

Which of the following​ argue(s) that managers should become more scientific in how they think about management​ problems?

​Evidence-based management

What are the three levels of analysis in the OB​ model?​

​Individual, group, and organizational

What are the three determinants of behavior in​ organizations?

​Individuals, groups, and structure

Which three types of variables are components of the OB​ model?

​Input, processes, and outcomes

Those with​ _______ will do whatever it takes to get​ ahead, whereas those with​ _______ require admiration and have a strong sense of entitlement.

​Machiavellianism, narcissism

Which theory essentially argues that individuals are attracted to and chosen by organizations that match their​ values, and that they leave organizations that are not compatible with their​ personalities?

​Person-organization fit theory

Which of the following are two stages of​ diversity?

​Surface-level and​ deep-level

Which type of individual reveals an​ organization's unethical practices to the media or government​ agencies?


Stating​ "I'm upset that my boss is​ unfair," reflects the​ ______ component of​ attitude; saying​ you're going to seek another job demonstrates the​ _______ component.

​affective, behavioral

The three factors of attribution theory are​ ____, ______, and​ ______.

​distinctiveness, consensus, consistency

Whereas​ _________ is based on performance appraisals and average​ performance, __________ serves as a reward for recently achieved performance.

​merit-based pay, bonus pay

Millennials seek out employers that are focused on the triple bottom​ line: ____,​ ____, and​ ____.

​people, planet, revenue

Demographics mostly reflect​ __________.

​surface-level diversity

​Values, according to Milton​ Rokeach, can be divided into two​ groups: _____ and​ ______.

​terminal; instrumental

All of the following​ present opportunities for managers to use OB concepts EXCEPT​ _____.

​understanding technical competencies

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