Back and upper extremity

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unilaterally: laterally flex vertebral column to the same side bilaterally: extend the vertebral column

erector spinae group motion


erector spinae group nerve

locate oleranon, proximal shaft of ulna, and lateral epicondyle

how to isolate the anconeus

seated -bend elbow and shake hands with partner flex elbow against resistance palpate anterior surface of arm follow belly distally to inner elbow where muscle becomes tendon

how to isolate the bicep muscle belly

locate intertubercular groove gently flex elbow against resistance in order to feel the tendon become taut in intertubercular groove

how to isolate the bicep-long head

shake hands with partner -flex elbow to 90 degrees with the forearm in neutral position flex elbow against resistance

how to isolate the brachioradialis

supine -laterally rotate and abduct shoulder to 45 degrees locate fibers for pectoralis major lay a hand along the medial side of the arm and move fingerpads into armpit horizontally adduct gently against resistance isolate edge of pec major and slide off posteriorly

how to isolate the coracobrachialis

seated locate spine of scapula, acromion, lateral one-third of clavicle locate deltoid tuberosity palpate between

how to isolate the deltoid

partner prone alternately raise and lower feet extend spine and neck slightly

how to isolate the erector spinae

shake hands and flex the elbow to 90 degrees locate the brachioradialis slide laterally of its muscle belly and onto ECRL and B fibers alternately abduct and relax against resistance

how to isolate the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

shake hands with parter and flex the elbow to 90 degrees locate the shaft of the ulna adduct wrist against resistance

how to isolate the extensor carpi ulnaris

shake hands and flex elbow to 90 degrees slide laterally of ECRL and B fibers extend wrist and fingers follow belly distally

how to isolate the extensor digitorum

anatomical snuffbox

how to isolate the extensor pollicis longus and brevis and abductor pollicis longus

-flex partners elbow to 90 degrees and supinate the forearm begin at distal tendons flex wrist against resistance two superficial tendons at center of wrist-palmaris longus is most medial

how to isolate the flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus

shake hands with partner with elbow flexed to 90 degrees and supinate the forearm locate the pisiform slide proximally off the pisiform to superficial tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris adduct and relax against resistance

how to isolate the flexor carpi ulnaris

begin at wrist, locate tendons of superficial flexors

how to isolate the flexor digitorum superficialis

prone with forearm off side of table locate spine, medial border, and lateral border of scapula form triangle around infraspinatus palpate follow laterally as they converge under deltoid

how to isolate the infraspinatus

prone with arm off of table locate lateral border medially rotate shoulder against resistance

how to isolate the latissimus dorsi

prone place one hand on the proximal elbow and ask partner to bring elbow toward ceiling against resistance follow muscle belly

how to isolate the long head of triceps

shake hands and flex elbow to 90 degrees locate tendon of bicep slide distally off of tendon into valley between brachioradialis and forearm flexors sink thumb into this space

how to isolate the pronator teres

prone locate medial border palpate all sides

how to isolate the rhomboids

sidelying -flex shoulder and pull arm anteriorly locate lateral border of scapula slide thumb under latissimus dorsi and teres major

how to isolate the subscapularis

prone locate spine of scapula slide fingers up palpate through trapezius follow belly laterally until it tucks under acromion

how to isolate the supraspinatus

prone with arm off side of table grasp latissimus dorsi fibers move fingers medially to where you feel scapula lateral border follow fibers to axilla

how to isolate the teres major

prone with arm off side of table locate lateral border of scapula move inferiorly grasp belly of teres minor in axilla laterally rotate shoulder

how to isolate the teres minor

upper- prone grasp tissue on top of shoulder follow fibers to base of head middle- find spine of scapula slide medially from spine lower- draw a line from spine of scapula to spinous process of T2 palpate hold arms out in front like superman

how to isolate the trapezius

prone with arm off side of table palpate posterior aspect of arm extend elbow

how to isolate the triceps

transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae 1-3 and posterior surface fo ribs 6-12 transverse processes of lower cervicals

iliocostalis insertion

common tendon (lumborum) posterior surface of ribs 1-12

iliocostalis origin

lower nine ribs and transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae transverse processes of cervical vertebrae mastoid process of temporal bone

longissimus insertion

common tendon (thoracis) transverse process fo upper five thoracic vertebrae

longissimus origin

spinous processes of upper thoracic spinous processes of crervicals, except C1

spinalis insertion

spinous processes of the upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7

spinalis origin

spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis

three parts of erector spinae

lateral one third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula

trapezius insertion

bilaterally: extend the head and neck unilaterally: laterally flex the head and neck to the same side rotate the head and neck to the opposite side elevate the scapula upwardly rotate the scapula middle fibers: adduct the scapula stabilize the scapula lower fibers: depress the scapula upwardly rotate the scapula

trapezius movement

accessory nerve and ventral ramus C2, C3, C4

trapezius nerve

external occipital protuberance, medial portion of superior nuchal line of the occiput, ligamentum, nuchae, and spinous processes of C7 through T12

trapezius origin


what ribs are false ribs


what ribs are floating ribs


what ribs are true ribs


what vertebrae is at the base of the neck


what vertebrae is at the level of the top of the iliac crest


what vertebrae is found at the level of the xiphoid process


what vertebrae is located at the inferior angle of the scapula


what vertebrae is located at the level fo the jugular notch


what vertebrae is located at the level of the superior angle of the scapula


what vertebrae is located at the level of the twelfth rib


what vertebrea is found at the level of the sternal angle

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