Barnes A&P I Lecture Ch 8-10 Test Study Guide

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"arthro" JOINT "itis" INFLAMMATION of one or more joints, resulting in pain & decreased range of motion


"cytoplasm" of muscle cell


"plasma membrane" of muscle cell

Lever Systems

*1st Class* - fulcrum b/w applied force & load (dribbling ball) *2nd Class* - fulcrum farther from force & load is in the middle (standing on tippy toes) *3rd Class* - fulcrum closer to applied force & load farther away, like a shovel, (pulling up on fishing rod ... MOST LEVERS IN HUMAN BODY)

Superior/Inferior Rectus eye

*ELEVATE/DEPRESS* front of eye *medially*

Triceps Brachii



*HUMEROULNAR* joint (b/w humerus' trochlea & ulna's trochlear notch) + *HUMERORADIAL* joint (b/w humerus' capitulum & radius' head)

Angular Movements

*INCREASE OR DECREASE ANGLE* b/w articulating bones Flexion/Extension - decrease/increase angle by bringing bones closer together/moving them further apart Hypertension - extension beyond anatomical position of joint Abduction/Adduction - motion of body part away/toward the midline Circumduction - cone-shaped motion ; freely moveable bone moves around stationary proximal bone

Knee joint

*LARGEST DIARTHROSIS* in human body ; tibiofemoral joint + patellofemoral joint

Twitch Contraction Periods

*LATENT* - 1-2 ms of time for "ap" to spread thru sarcolemma *CONTRACTION* - increase in tension ; repeated cross bridge cycles *RELAXATION* - decrease in tension due to Calcium ion concentration decreasing in cytosol

Special Movements

*Opposition/Reposition* - (THUMB) - travel across palmar surface/returning to anatomical position "OK" Sign *Depression/Elevation* - movement of body part in INFERIOR/SUPERIOR direction *Protraction/Retraction* - movement of body part in ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR direction *Inversion/Eversion* - (FOOT) - ROTATIONal motion MEDIALLY/LATERALLY from midline *Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion* - (FOOT & ANKLE) - angle b/w foot & tibia DECREASES/INCREASES *Supination* - forearm w/ palms anterior, thumb lateral *Pronation* - palms posterior, thumb medial

Medial/Lateral Rectus eye

*PULLS* front of eye medially/laterally

Types of Synovial Joints *least-greatest motion allowed*

*Plane* - 2 bones whose flat surfaces sit next to each other "Intercarpal joint" *Hinge* - convex surface of 1 bone fitting into concave depression of another "Elbow" *Pivot* - uniaxial joint ; rounded surface of 1 bone fits into groove on surface of another "Atlantoaxial" *Condylar* - biaxial joint ; oval, convex of 1 bone fits into shallow concave surface of another "Metacarpophalangeal" *Saddle* - surface has CONVEX & CONCAVE regions complementing each other "carpometacarpal joint of thumb" *Ball & Socket* - MULTIAXIAL; ball-shaped articulating surface of 1 bone fits into cup formed by articulating surface of another ; *SHOULDER & HIP JOINTS*

Gliding Movements

*SLIDING* motion b/w articulating surfaces of bones in a joint, wrist and hand, ankle and foot

Hip Joint

*coxal joint* ; b/w acetabulum & ball-shaped femur head

Synovial Joints

A Diarthrosis "freely moveable" joint where the articulating bones are covered in a layer of Hyaline Cartilage and has a JOINT SPACE or CAVITY.

Suture (FE)

A Synarthrosis "no movement" Fibrous Joint between the edges of bones that make up the cranium.

Syndesmosis (Interosseous Membrane)

A amphiarthrosis fibrous joint of dense regular collagenous connective tissue that form the Interosseous Membrane found between the radius and ulna, and the tibia and fibula.


A joint classification type that allows only a small amount of movement between articulating bones

Diarthrosis (FE)

A joint classification type that is freely moveable, allowing a wide variety of specific movements

Gomphosis (tooth)

A synarthrosis fibrous joint between a tooth and its corresponding osseous pocket in the mandible or maxilla.

Adductor Magnus





ADDUCTS, FLEX, & medially ROTATES thigh

Teres Major

Adducts arm


Assists abduction


Atlantoaxial joint of C1 & C2 that allows the head to turn side to side. nonsingular, *PIVOTING MOTION* ; 1 bone twits/rotates on imaginary line (LONGITUDINAL AXIS) going down it's middle

Medial/Lateral Meniscus

C-shaped fibrocartilage pads ON TIBIAL CONDYLES provide shock absorption & cushioning

Crossbridge cycle

Ca2+ binds to troponin, tropomyosin moves and exposes the active site of the Thin filament. ATP hydrolysis "cocks" the myosin head and then attaches to the Thin filament, ATP energy is spent and by-products ADP & P are now attached to the myosin head. The binding of the myosin head and actin produces a powerstroke and contraction of the muscle.

Ligament (FE)

DRCCT that connects *BONE TO BONE* ; strengthens & reinforces articulating bones

Tendon (FE)

DRCCT that connects *MUSCLE TO BONE*

Rectus Femoris


Vastus Lateralis/Medialis/Intermedius

EXTEND knee & lateralis/medialis STABILIZE knee

Gluteus Maximus (FE)


Extensor Digitorum

EXTENDS fingers & EXTENDS wrist

Trapezius superior


Diarthrosis-Elbow/Knee-Synovial (FE)

Elbow and Knee: A Synovial joint is a structural classification. An example is the Elbow or Knee. The articulating bones are covered in hyaline cartilage and separated by a fluid filled joint cavity with an articular capsule. This uniaxial hinge is a Diarthrosis: it is Freely Moveable.

Trapezius minor

Elevates the scapula

Skeletal Muscle Structure

Epimysium - surrounds the Muscle ^ Perimysium - surrounds a Fascicle ^ Endomysium - surrounds a Muscle Fiber

T-tubule depolarization (FE)

Excitation-contraction coupling: T-tubule depolarization leads to the opening of voltage-gated Terminal cisternae of the Sarcoplasmic reticulum which release Ca2+ ions into the cytosol

Palmaris Longus

FLEX WRIST ; tense dense connective tissue in palm of hand

Biceps Brachii

FLEX elbow & supinates forearm


FLEX elbow (prime mover)

Psoas Major

FLEX thigh & LATERALLY FLEX vertebral column


FLEX thigh & leg @ KNEE ; ADDUCTS & LATERALLY rotates thigh; longest muscle in the body

Pectoralis Major

Flexes arm

Sacromere Bands

I band, the light colored area: elastic filament, Z-disc, Thin filaments A band, the dark colored area: zone of overlap; Thick & Thin filaments H zone, M line; middle area Thick filament only

Na/K ATPase Pump

MAINTAINS NA & K concentration gradients * moves 3 NA out to make NA cytosol concentration low * moves 2 K in making K cytosol concentration low

Gluteus Medius

MEDIALLY rotates thigh & ABDUCTS thigh

Fine muscle control

Muscles that require FINE CONTROL, like around larynx, will have MULTIPLE small motor units, often containing as few as 10 muscle fibers per unit

Cartilaginous Joints

NO JOINT SPACE IS PRESENT, Synarthrosis "no motion" Synchondroses Examples: "Epiphyseal Plate, Costochondral & First Sternocostal Amphiarthrosis "small motion" Symphysis Examples: Intervertebral & Pubic Symphysis

Fibrous joints

NO JOINT SPACE IS PRESENT, Synarthrosis or Amphiarthrosis. DRCCT Examples: Sutures, Gomphosis, Syndesmosis



Gastrocnemius (FE)


Pectoralis Minor

PROTRACTS & depresses scapula

Amphiarthrosis-Cartilaginous-Symphysis (FE)

Pubic Symphysis: A Cartilaginous joint is a structural classification. An example is a Fibrocartilage Plug of the Pubic Symphysis, which is found between the hyaline cartilage on the two pubic bones. The functional classification of this fibrocartilage plug is Amphiarthrosis: it provides for Some Movement, such as that of the birthing process.



Teres Minor

ROTATES humerus LATERALLY INSERTS to greater tubercle of humerus

Functional Classification of Joints

SYNARTHROSIS - NO Movement AMPHIARTHROSIS - Small Amount of Movement DIARTHROSIS - Freely Moveable, allowing a wide variety of specific movements

Synarthrosis-Fibrous-Suture (FE)

Suture: A Fibrous joint is a structural classification. An example is the Sutures in the skull. The cranial bones of the parietal and frontal are held together by the coronal suture, and is fused by short fibrous connective tissue; the functional classification is a Synarthrosis: once fused, it provides for No Movement.

Articular Capsule

The outer fibrous layer is DICCT that keeps articulating bones from being pulled apart.


Unfused - sustained contraction w/ partial relaxation Fused - tension @ constant maximum level & no relaxation

Tibialis Anterior


Fibularis Longus

a MAIN muscle of foot EVERSION ; evert & plantarflex foot

Perimysium (FE)

a connective tissue that surrounds a Fascicle


a joint classification type that doesn't allow movement between articulating bones


abducts arm


activation of more more units as greater force is needed

Lastissimus dorsi

adduct the arm

Range of Motion

amount of MOVEMENT joint is capable of UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES

Active site

area in ACTIN that can bind to myosin head

Serratus Anterior

attaches to upper 9 ribs ; prime mover of scapula in PROTRACTION

Common Muscle Head Origins

biceps - 2 heads triceps - 3 heads quadriceps - 4 heads


bones united by hyaline cartilage that are synarthrosis, examples are epiphyseal plate and the costochondral/ first sternocostal joint

Common Muscle Regions

brachii - arm oculi - eye cervicis - neck oris - mouth gluteal - booty pectoralis - chest pollicis - thumb

Glycolytic Catabolism *anaerobic catabolism*

break down of glucose to produce 2 ATP per glucose ; in cytosol of all cells

Common Muscle Sizes

brevis - short vastus - wide

Thick Filament

bundles of contractile protein MYOSIN

Pacemaker Cells

cells w / unstable membrane potentials causing them to spontaneously depolarize in rhythmic fashion

External Anal Sphincter

closes anal opening

Orbicularis Oris

closes and protrudes lips, kissing

Orbicularis Oculi

closes eyes

Thin Filament

contractile protein ACTIN & 2 regulatory proteins TROPOMYOSIN (spirals around actin to cover active site) & TROPONIN (holds tropomyosin in place)

Origin biceps brachii

coracoid process and supraglenoid tubercle are less moveable, *anchoring point* fixed attachment on bone


decrease in muscle fibers due to loss of myofibrils (result = decline in STRENGTH & ENDURANCE)

Transversus Abdominis

deepest ab muscle ; Compresses ab cavity

Common Muscle Shapes

deltoid - triangular maximus - largest minimus - smallest serratus - jagged, serrated


each connection of motor neuron to muscle fiber

Membrane Potential

electrical potential across plasma membrane

Resting Membrane Potential

electrical potential across sarcolemma AT REST (-85mV)

External/Internal Intercostal Muscles

elevate/depress rib cage ; b/w ribs

Terminal cisternae

enlarged SR sections flanking t-tubules

Gouty Arthritis

excess Uric Acid, a waste product, may crystallize and form deposits in the connective tissue surrounding a joint.


expels semen and urine in males; assists erection of penis and clitoris; constricts opening of vagina

Semitendinosus/membranosus & Biceps Femoris


Quadratus Lumborum

extend vertebral column, maintains posture, lateral bends vertebral column when contracted on ONE side

Tibial/Fibular Collateral Ligament

extrinsic ligaments on either *SIDE OF KNEE* that tighten when knee is extend for weight bearing / walking stabilization tibial - connect femur w/tibia & medial meniscus fibular - link femur w/ fibula & prevents hyperadduction


fan-shaped convergent muscle ; elevates & retracts mandible

Type 2 Fibers

fast-twitch fibers w/ larger diameter ; fatigue quickly; low myoglobin, *WHITE MEAT*

Fast-Twitch Fibers

fibers w / HIGH myosin ATPase activity ; rapidly proceed through contraction cycles

Slow-Twitch Fibers

fibers w / LOW myosin ATPase activity ; slowly proceed through contraction cycles

Glenoid Labrum

fibrocartilaginous RING sitting on GLENOID CAVITY rim


flattens to lower thoracic cavity floor

External/Internal Oblique

flex & laterally bends trunk; compress ab cavity


flex metacarpophalangeal joints ; "wormlike" appearance run from palm to fingers ; EXTEND FINGERTIPS

Rectus Abdmoninis

flexes the trunk & compress ab cavity


functional unit of contraction that extends from one Z-disc to the next Z-disc.

What are the 4 general types of movement that can take place at synovial joints?

gliding, angular, rotation, & special movements

Oxidative Catabolism *aerobic catabolism*

in mitochondria ; electrons remover from carbon-based molecules & liberated energy then fuels ATP Synthesis

Common Muscle Locations

infra - below supra - above profundus - deep


instrument recording twitches & then generating recordings

Transverse Tubules (T-tubules)

inward extension of sarcolemma that dive deeply into the muscle fiber and SURROUND each myofibril


is functionally an Amphiarthrosis, in which the bones are united by a tough fibrocartilage plug or pad. There are two examples: the Pubic Symphysis, located between the two pubic bones of the pelvic girdle. an Intervertebral Joint located between adjacent vertebral bodies of the spinal column.

Sarcoplasmic reticulum (FE)

its primary function is the storage and release of Calcium ions, activities vital to muscle contraction and relaxation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

less common, b/w 30-50; the IMMUNE SYSTEM ATTACKS connective tissues & damages the articular cartilage

Common Muscle Actions

levitator - raise a part depressor - pulls down erector - holds straight, ERECT


lowers lip and opens mouth by depressing the mandible


maintains erection of penis or clitoris

Zygomaticus Major

major - smile & laugh, pulls superiorly and laterally

Synovial Membrane

membrane made of loose connective tissue that secretes "synovial fluid" and lines the entire joint cavity except where hyaline cartilage covers bone.


most common, *"wear & tear"*; in individuals over 65

Common Muscle Fiber Orientations

oblique - @ angle rectus - straight orbicular - circular

Voltage-Gated Channels

open & close in response to membrane potential changes across plasma membrane

Ligand-gated channels

open in response to the presence of certain chemicals


oxygen-carrying protein in blood ; found in cytosol ; binds to diffused oxygen


pivot/hinge point of lever system

Calmodulin *CAM*

protein in sarcoplasm calcium ions bind to

Superior/Inferior Oblique eye

pull front of eye *DOWNWARD/UPWARD & LATERALLY*


pulls scalp posteriorly

Lactic Acid *LACTATE*

pyruvate compound converted due to lack of oxygen abundance

Action Potential

quick, temporary change in membrane potential in a single region of plasma membrane

Insertion biceps brachii

radial tuberosity more mobile. Insertion end of the muscle is attached to the bone or structure that will be moved when the muscle contracts.


raises eyebrow

Rhomboid Major

retracts scapula


rhythmic waves produced by 2 layers of smooth muscles alternately contracting & relaxing

glenohumeral joint

shoulder, the most freely moving joint n the body; ball & socket ; constitute pectoral girdle & upper extremities

Motor Unit

single motor neuron along w / muscle fiber it innervates (avg = abt 150 muscle fibers)

Type 1 Fibers

slow-twitch fibers small in diameter ; maintain extended periods of contraction; high myoglobin content, "red muscle", *DARK MEAT*

Synaptic Cleft

space b/w axon terminal & muscle fiber where ACh released

Motor End Plate

specialized sarcolemma region w/ folded surface containing ACh receptors



Rotator Cuff

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, & subscapularis & their corresponding tendons

Axon terminal

swollen end of AXON (cytoplasmic extension to muscle fiber) that contains SYNAPTIC VESICLES (contain neurotransmitters)

Neuromuscular Junction *NMJ* (FE)

synapse of motor neuron w / muscle fiber -function = transmit signals (NERVE IMPULSES). The NMJ contains three parts: Axon Terminal, Synaptic Cleft, Motor End Plate


synovial fluid-filled structure resembling a limp water baloon; in regions of high stress w/ interactions in SMALL spaces


the combination of the T-tubule and the two terminal 2 terminal cisternae on either side


thick, bandlike muscle ; *ELEVATES MANDIBLE*

Synovial Fluid


Elastic Filament

thinnest myofilament composed of structural protein TITIN


together: flex head


tone in skeletal muscle abnormally low/high hypo - flat, soft feeling hyper - rock-hard feeling, shorten & cause painful joint contractions

Anterior/Posterior Cruciate Ligament *ACL* / *PCL*

within *JOINT CAVITY OF KNEE* & limit motion of knee joint in anterior/posterior directions acl - prevents hyperextension pcl - prevents tibia displacement

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