Battle of the Books: I Am Malala

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How long was Malala in the hospital before she saw her parents?

10 days

How old was Malala when she met with US special ambassador Richard Holbrooke?

11 years old

How old was Malala when she was shot by the Taliban?

15 years old

What is a burqa?

A burqa is a head-to-to veil.

Who was the first person that Malala met after she was shot?

A muslim chaplain named Rehonah was the first person to visit Malala after she was shot.

What network did Malala write her diary entries for?

BBC's Urdu Website

After Malala was shot, where was she taken?

Birmingham, England

Who gave Malala a teddy bear and a notebook to communicate with when Malala was hospitalized?

Dr. Fiona

Why was Dr. Fiona hesitant at first to come get Malala from Pakistan?

Dr. Fiona knew that foreigners, especially female ones, weren't very welcome, and that because of that, it wasn't very safe. She eventually went despite that, though.

Who was Malala's main doctor in Birmingham?

Dr. Fiona, or Fiona Alexander

What color did Malala think her teddy bear was when she couldn't see too well?


While writing a secret diary for BBC, what pseudonym did Malala use so the Taliban wouldn't know she was writing the entries?

Gul Makai

What did Malala's father find when he Googled her name?

He found a death threat from the Taliban.

What did Malala's father find on their front doorstep when he came home one day?

He found a threatening letter directed to him.

Who is the "Radio Mullah"?

He is one of the leaders of TNSM (Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Sharia-e-Mohammadi). He is known as Maulana Fazlullah.

Why was the Radio Mullah collecting donations?

He needed money to buy weapons.

What did the peace agreement that the "Radio Mullah" started call for?

He said that he would stop his campaign against the polio vaccination and girls' education, as well as his attacks against government property, in exchange for his ability to continue his broadcasts.

Who was the person who Malala heard say, "I am going to kill you!" actually talking to?

He was talking to someone on the phone, but Malala got scared because she thought that he said it to her.

Why did Malala have to sneak out the staff door of the hospital and hide her face when she was going to meet with the president of Pakistan?

Her caretakers made her take those precautions because they didn't want the media to swarm her.

Why was it very special that Malala's father bragged about her to his friends and wrote her name on the family tree?

In Malala's culture, boys are celebrated, not girls. When her father wrote her name on the family tree, it was very special because hers was the first female name on it in three hundred years.

What was the big lump that Malala found in her abdomen region while she was in the hospital?

It was a portion of her skull that they needed to keep for a later surgery.

What is the Malala Fund?

It's an organization started by Malala that promotes all that she has campaigned for, like education for children- especially girls, ending child labor, and many other things.

What is Malala's father's nickname for her?


What were the names of Malala's brothers?

Khushal and Atal

Who was the author of the book "I Am Malala"?

Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb

What were the two questions that Malala kept on having in her first conscious days at the hospital?

Malala kept asking where her father was and how/who was going to pay for the hospital bills.

Where did Malala speak on her sixteenth birthday?

Malala spoke at the United Nations meeting on her sixteenth birthday.

Where was Malala shot?

Malala was shot in the head, right above her eyebrow, and then again in her shoulder.

Why was the success of the school that Malala attended so important to her father?

Malala's father was the founder, principal, and main operator of the school.

Who is Malala's best friend?


what day was Malala shot?

October 9, 2012

Pakistan and America reached a conflict when who was found in Pakistan?

Osama Bin Laden

What is Malala's favorite color shalwar kamiz?


What is Malala's favorite color?


What was the name of the final hospital that Malala stayed at?

Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Who was Malala's childhood best friend?


What toy did Safina steal from Malala?

Safina stole Malala's pink plastic phone.

What did Safina do that made Malala mad, even though they soon made up?

Safina stole Malala's toy phone.

What village did Malala's parents grow up in?


Who were the other girls on Malala's bus that also got shot?

Shazia and Kainat

What did Malala compare herself to when she had a metal head plate put in?

She compared herself to the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz.

What has Malala not worn since her mother caught her stealing?

She has not worn any form of jewelry.

Why did Malala love visiting her extended family?

She said it was like visiting a whole other world.

Why wasn't Malala worried when she received a threatening email?

She said that everyone will die someday, and if the Taliban gets her, she would have gone another way someday.

When she was 15, what did Malala want to be when she grew up?

She wanted to be a political leader.

Malala states that she wants to be known not for being shot by the Taliban, but for what?

She wants to be known as the girl who stood up for girls' education and rights.

What was the "extraordinary gift" that Malala was given on her sixteenth birthday?

She was given the opportunity to speak to the United Nations.

What happened to the first woman prime minister when she returned to Pakistan?

She was killed.

How did Malala feel about her new home in Birmingham?

She was mesmerized by all of the wonderful, new things to look at, but she felt very homesick and missed the warm weather, her school, her friends, etc.

What prize was Malala nominated for after returning from the mountain?

She was nominated for the International Peace Prize.

Where was Malala when she was shot?

She was riding the school bus.

What did Malala wish for on her twelfth birthday?

She wished for the magical pencil that she had seen on the television show that she liked to watch.

What town/village does Malala live in?


What area of Pakistan did Malala live in? What city?

Swat Valley; Mingora

What were her parents informed of that was later said to be false?

That the bullet was far away from her brain.

What did Malala's father find out about the "mullah"?

The "mullah" is a high school dropout who doesn't have religious credentials.

Where does Malala go to school?

The Kushal School for Girls

Where did the Kushal School take their annual field trip to?

The White Palace

Who was sent to jail after the shooting?

The bus driver was sent to jail.

Why was it such a big, wonderful deal when Malala finally went on a field trip with her school?

The field trip was a big deal because for years, while Fazlullah was in control, the girls' school couldn't go on field trips because women and girls weren't allowed to be seen in public alone.

What is the peculiar object that the Birmingham hospital sent Malala home with?

The hospital gave her the piece of her skull that was being stored in her tummy.

How do Malala and her family escape the valley?

They split up and went in their friends' cars.

What did BBC want someone from the school to write?

They wanted her to keep a diary about life under the Taliban.

True or False: Malala is the youngest person to receive a Nobel Peace Prize.


What marked the start of the "shadow that cast over Malala's valley"?

When the "Radio Mullah" started deeming things like music, movies, and later, Malala's school as haram, or forbidden by Islamic law.

Fazlullah influenced the culture of what terrorist group?

the Taliban

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