behav. ch.8

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What are 4 common elements of organization's proposed by EdgarSchein

(1) common purpose, (2) coordinated effort, (3) division of labor, (4) hierarchy of authority

How do employees learn about their company's culture?

1. Symbols 2. Stories 3. Heroes 4. Rites and rituals 5. Organizational socialization

Don't Delegate Emergencies

By definition, an emergency is a crisis for which there is little time for solution, and you should handle this yourself.

To implement an organization's strategy, what are 2 important areas that managers must determine

Culture & structure Structure: "who reports to whom and who does what

The Functional Structure:

Grouping by Similar Work Specialties The second organizational form is the functional structure. In a functional structure, people with similar occupational specialties are put together in formal groups. This is a quite commonplace structure, seen in all kinds of organizations, for-profit and nonprofit.

what are two types of organizations in the Burns and Stalker model

Mechanistic Organizations: When Rigidity and Uniformity Work Best Organic Organizations: When Looseness and Flexibility Work Best

span of control

Narrow (or Tall) versus Wide (or Flat) The span of control, or span of management, refers to the number of people reporting directly to a given manager. There are two kinds of spans of control, narrow (or tall) and wide (or flat). N Wide Span of Control This means a manager has several people reporting—a first-line supervisor may have 40 or more subordinates, if little hands-on supervision is required, as is the case in some assembly-line workplaces. An organization is said to be flat when there are only a few levels with wide spans of control.


The shared assumptions that affect how work gets done This is how we do things around here

The Divisional Structure: Grouping by Similarity of Purpose

The third organizational form is the divisional structure. In a divisional structure, people with diverse occupational specialties are put together in formal groups by similar products or services, customers or clients, or geographic regions.

Wide Span of Control

This means a manager has several people reporting—a first-line supervisor may have 40 or more subordinates, if little hands-on supervision is required, as is the case in some assembly-line workplaces. An organization is said to be flat when there are only a few levels with wide spans of control.

Three factors that should be considered when determining the best organizational culture involve whether an organization's environment

is mechanistic or organic, whether its environment stresses differentiation or integration, and how its strategy can affect its structure.

Edgar Schein

proposed the four common elements of

Delegate Tasks That Help Your Subordinates Grow. Let your employees

solve their own problems whenever possible. Let them try new things so they will grow in their jobs.

coordinated effort

the coordination of individual efforts into a group or organization-wide effort. Although it's true that individuals can make a difference, they cannot do everything by themselves

vertical heirarchy

the official communication network—who talks to whom. In a simple two-person organization, the owner might communicate with just a secretary or an assistant. In a complex organization, the president talks principally to the vice presidents, who in turn talk to the assistant vice presidents, and so on. A glance up and down an organization chart

The common purpose

unifies employees or members and gives everyone an understanding of the organization's reason for being.

what are three other common elements of organizations

(5) span of control, (6) authority, responsibility, delegation, (7) centralization versus decentralization of authority

Organic Organizations: When Looseness and Flexibility Work Best

. authority is decentralized, there are fewer rules and procedures, and networks of employees are encouraged to cooperate and respond quickly to unexpected tasks. Tom Peters and Robert Waterman called this kind of organization a "loose" structure. sometimes termed "adhocracies" because they operate on an ad hoc basis, improvising as they go along. As you might expect, information-technology companies favor the organic arrangement because they constantly have to adjust to technological change. New York-based Dark Arts Consulting, a technology consulting firm, has used the practice of co-working—sharing office space with other businesses— to expand into territories in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, enabling it to hire salespeople and engineers without having the added expense of an underutilized office.119 Companies that need to respond to fast-changing consumer tastes also favor organic arrangements

Delegate Routine and Technical Matters.

Always try to delegate routine tasks and routine paperwork. When there are technical matters, let the experts handle them.

Don't Delegate Special Tasks That Your Boss Asked You to Do—Unless You Have His or Her Permission.

If your supervisor entrusts you with a special assignment, such as attending a particular meeting, don't delegate it unless you have permission to do so.

Don't Delegate Confidential and Personnel Matters. Any tasks that are

that are confidential or that involve the evaluation, discipline, or counseling of subordinates should never be handed off to someone else.

when should you delegate and when should you not

1. Delegate Routine and Technical Matters. 2. Delegate Tasks That Help Your Subordinates Grow. Let your employees 3. Don't Delegate Confidential and Personnel Matters. Any tasks . 4.Don't Delegate Emergencies. 5. Don't Delegate Special Tasks That Your Boss Asked You to Do—Unless You Have His or Her Permission. 6. Match the Tasks Delegated to Your Subordinates' Skills and Abilities.

What are the 3 levels of an organization's culture

1. Observable artifacts - physical symbols of the culture 2. Espoused values - explicity stated values and norms enacted values 3. Basic assumptions - the core values of the organization

Why is culture important?

1.An organization's culture matters 2. Employees have more positive work attitudes when working in organizations with clan cultures. 3. Clan and market cultures are more likely to deliver higher customer To satisfaction and market share. 4. Operational outcomes, quality, and innovation are more strongly related to clan, adhocracy, and market cultures than to hierarchical ones 5. An organization's financial performance (profit and revenue growth) is not strongly related to organizational culture. 6. Companies with market cultures tend to have more positive organizational outcomes.

What are some ways that a culture gets established in an organization

1.Formal statements 2. Slogans & sayings 3. Rites & rituals 4. Stories, legends, & myths 5. Leader reactions to crises 6. Role modeling, training, & coaching 7. Physical design 8. Rewards, titles, promotions, & bonuses 9. Organizational goals & performance criteria 10. Measurable & controllable activities 11. Organizational structure 12. Organizational systems & procedures

horizontal hierarchy

A glance to the left and right on the line of an organization chart the different jobs or work specialization. The husband-and-wife partners in a two-person desktop-publishing firm might agree that one is the "outside person," handling sales, client relations, and finances and the other is the "inside person," handling production and research. A large firm might have vice presidents for each task—marketing, finance, and so on.

Why is it important for managers to align a company's vision and strategies with its organizational culture and structure

Strategy, consists of the large-scale action plans that reflect the organization's vision and are used to set the direction for the organization. To implement a particular strategy, managers must determine the right kind of (1) organizational culture (2) organizational structure, which mutually influence each other.

The Simple Structure: For the Small Firm

The first organizational form is the simple structure. This is the form often found in a firm's very early, entrepreneurial stages, when the organization is apt to reflect the desires and personality of the owner or founder. An organization with a simple structure has authority centralized in a single person, a flat hierarchy, few rules, and low work specialization. There is only one hierarchical level of management beneath the owner. Hundreds of thousands of organizations are arranged according to a simple structure—for instance, small mom-and-pop firms running landscaping, construction, insurance sales, and similar businesses. Examples: Both Hewlett-Packard and Apple Computer began as two-man garage startups that later became large.

The Matrix Structure: A Grid of Functional and Divisional for Two Chains of Command

The fourth organizational form is the matrix structure. In a matrix structure, an organization combines functional and divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures—vertical and horizontal.

Narrow Span of Control

This means a manager has a limited number of people reporting—three vice presidents reporting to a president, for example, instead of nine vice presidents. An organization is said to be tall when there are many levels with narrow spans of control. This means a manager has a limited number of people reporting—three vice presidents reporting to a president, for example, instead of nine vice presidents. An organization is said to be tall when there are many levels with narrow spans of control.

Match the Tasks Delegated to Your Subordinates' Skills and Abilities.

While recognizing that delegation involves some risk, make your assignments appropriate to the training, talent, skills, and motivation of your employee

Division of labor

also known as work specialization, is the arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people. Even a two person crew operating a fishing boat probably has some work specialization—one steers the boat and the other works the nets. With division of labor, an organization can parcel out the entire complex work effort to be performed by specialists, resulting in greater efficiency

mechanistic organization

authority is centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified, and employees are closely supervised. are bureaucratic, with rigid rules and top-down communication. This kind of structure is effective in certain aspects of hotel work because the market demands uniform product quality and cleanliness. In general, mechanistic design works best when an organization is operating in a stable environment. Yet new companies that have gone through a rough-and-tumble start-up period may decide to change their structures so that they are more mechanistic, with clear lines of authority

The hierarchy of authority

or chain of command, is a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time. If coordinated effort is to be achieved, some people—namely, managers—need to have more authority, or the right to direct the work of others. Even in member-owned organizations, some people have more authority than others, although their peers may have granted it to them

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