bible 11 semester exam

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which one of the following verses does not teach anything about the deity of Jesus Christ ?

"but God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (romans 5:8)

which one of these Bible statements was not used in lesson 5 ("the goal of the trine God") to describe God's goal in all He does ?

"for God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son" (john 3:16)

where in the Bible has God abrogated (that is, removed or nullified) His original command to mankind to "have dominion" over and "subdue" the earth ?

God has never set aside this command

define revelation

God's act of communicating truth about Himself to us

write a paragraph essay (3 sentences) explaining God's overall goal in all His works and giving at least one example proof of your answer from scripture (whether a reference or a brief quotation or paraphrase).

God's goal in all His works is His own glory. the scripture reference is jeremiah 13:11

in church history, what was (or who presented) the first major expression of the view of Christ that is now promoted by Jehovah's Witnesses ?


summarize the story of the bible in 3 points, writing at least two sentences about each point.

creation - God created man and woman. we were created in His image. fall - sin entered the world. one of the major effects was the noetic effects. redemption - Jesus died for our sins. because of Him we are forgiven and can be redeemed through Christ.

list two of the major effects of the fall

death, noetic effects, effective effects

what is the most important old testament passage that teaches there is only one God? quote from or cite the reference.

deuteronomy 6:4

subduing the earth will entail all except which of the following ?

establishing a theocracy in every nation on earth in order to hasten Christ's return

God has nothing to do with a baby being born disabled; He allows the free will of the parents' choice to determine how healthy their child will be.


authority and submission do not exist within the trinity because all three persons are equal.


christians should avoid focusing on any doctrines that are controversial but instead devote their attention to what all christians agree on.


everyone has presuppositions except scientists, who base their beliefs on objectively provable scientific facts.


human flesh - bones, blood, skin, organs, - is a bad thing for christians, will one day be redeemed and replaced by spiritual bodies.


it is "mercenary" to be motivated by God's promises of reward when you obey Him.


jehovah's witnesses believe the same things about Jesus that orthodox born-again christians do; they simply fail to recognize the deity of the Holy Spirit.


since the Father and the Son are equals, they play the same role in the process of redemption.


work is a necessary evil in a fallen world.


worship has nothing to do with your enjoyment or what you value; it is solely a gift you give to God for His benefit.


cite the reference of or quote from one of the passages in the old testament that points toward the fuller new testament doctrine of the trinity. (only have to name one)

genesis 1:26, genesis 3:22, genesis 11:7 (God refers to Himself as us), isaiah 9:6, and isaiah 7:14 (immanuel means God with us)

sanctification is the process of ______________

growing spiritually as a believer

which of the following literary genres are found in the Bible ?

history, biography, poetry, & prophecy

"the worth and excellency of a soul," wrote Henry Scougal, "is to be measured by the object of its __________"


define inerrancy

means that the bible contains only truth and has no errors

write out the class covenant (micah 6:8) and explain the three points.

micah 6:8 says, "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" to do justly means to do the right thing to love mercy means to love with all your heart to walk humbly means to follow the plan God has for you

write out the romans road memory black.

romans 3:23 - "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." romans 6:23 - "for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ our Lord." romans 5:8 - "but God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." romans 10:9-10 - "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. for with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." romans 10:13 - "for "whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.""

what is the most popular metanarrative in the west (north america and europe) ?

secular materialism

which of the following was not included in the list of major covenants involved in the story of divine redemption of the world ?

solomonic covenant

what are the two major aspects of God's will ?

sovereign will & moral will

mention at least one of the three aspects of an energetic dance (perichoresis) that make it an illusion the trinity.

the 3 persons of the trinity are active, they are powerfully joyful, & each one has a role to play

who is the person of the trinity whose role it is to bring attention to the Son ?

the Spirit

in what ways is a work of art or music an expression of God's original purposes for mankind ?

the arts are an outworking of the creation mandate and expression of God's creative image in man

name one aspect of technology that can be hindrance to your prayer life

the fast pace life it creates and the interruptions it creates

how does the relationship husband and wife in a good marriage reflect the very structure of the trinity ?

the husband and the wife are equal, but the husband has the final authority. in the trinity, all 3 persons are equal, but the Father has the final authority.

brian clegg, quoted in the lesson on the fall, says that the big bang doesn't really solve the conundrum of the universe's origins- because what or who began the big bang? he comments that a good number of scientists are somewhat "nervous" about the big bang. they would "prefer," he says, a model of the universe that doesn't involve a supernatural being "poking a finger in" and starting the universe off. this comment from clegg illustrates which of the following?

the noetic effects of the fall and the fall's effects on human will and desire

the first new covenant promises were made in _____________

the old testament

what is a worldview ?

the overall perspective from which one sees or interprets the world or a collection of beliefs about life and the universe

what is a metanarrative ?

the overarching story to which all other stories fit

which of the following was not one of the arguments used by the lesson on spiritual gifts against the continuing existence of the "sign gifts" of the Spirit, such as tongues and healing ?

the pentecostal-charismatic movement is only a hundred years old

define inspiration

the process by which He converted His truth to humans so it could be written down

which of the following is not evidence that the Holy Spirit is divine ?

the spirit is invisible

lesson 22 is about developing biblical standards included a story about Donna Freitas, a teacher at Boston University who had her generally secular and liberal class read a conservative christian book on dating. what was the students response to this book, a work that assumed that readers would save themselves sexually for marriage ?

they seemed to think that the book was describing a wonderful fantasyland

which of the following is not one of the two key purposes of preaching mentioned in "considering the ministry" ?

training future pastors

"as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. for it is God which worketh in your both to will and to do of his good pleasure." (phil 2:12-13). this passage is saying that we should work hard because it's God who does the work.


a husband and wife have equal personal worth, just as the persons of the trinity are different but equal.


all people have intrinsic worth and value because all people are made in God's image.


the 3 main responsibilities God gave mankind in genesis 1:26-28 are to replenish the earth, subdue it, and take dominion over it.


verse divisions in the bible were not included in the original autographs.


the lesson about developing biblical standards encouraged you to make decisions in light of a goal. what was the question it encouraged you to ask to help you reach that goal ?

what's right with this?

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