Bible Hell Quiz Review

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Hell is necessary for fallen angels and those who refused to be with God.

Why is hell even necessary?

This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:3-4

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

No it is most likely eternal damnation rather than annihilation

Aren't people's souls just annihilated after going to hell?


Did Jesus teach about hell?


Does the Greek word "eternal" translate to forever and ever?


Doesn't everyone eventually escape hell?

God is wrathful because it is people who wrong Him and without wrath love does not exist

How can God be loving and wrathful at the same time?

Heaven is a one soul and there is no personal God while Christians believe we are individual and God rescued us.

How does the New Age view of the next life differ from the Christian teaching on heaven?

The existence of hell shows God's love and mercy because he sent his son to provide an alternative and justice because those who rebel will be sent there rightfully.

How does the reality of hell underscore God's justice, love, and mercy?

He set a physical example of what it was like to be saved from hell

How is Jesus's death and resurrection intimately tied to the teaching of hell?

almost 50%

How many of Jesus' parables refer to hell, punishment, and judgement?

over 600

How many times is God's wrath mentioned in the Bible?

Say hell is a place for people who reject God's loving relationship

How should we respond to those who question hell?


Is hell based around restoration or retribution?

Most likely

Is hell forever?


Is hell just?


Is suffering in hell physical or spiritual?

We don't know

What about those who have never heard about Jesus?

They are all narcissistic and hold sin rather than God's love

What are some traits everyone in hell will have in common?

Jesus talks about hell, the justness of God requires hell, and Jesus' sacrifice would have been pointless.

What are the three strongest arguments for the existence of hell?

How bad it is and how rebellious we are

What do Jesus' teachings on hell reveal about sin?

Hell is a quarantine and the people from hell would spoil heaven

What does C. S. Lewis mean when he says the door of hell is locked on the inside?


What does Jesus say hell is like?

Delivered from wrath or hell

What does it mean to be "saved"?

Our bodies will be resurrected and be both fully spiritual and physical

What happens to our physical bodies in heaven?


What is the most mentioned attribute of God in the Bible?


What percentage of Jesus' teachings is based around punishment, hell, and judgement?

All sin, suffering, space, and time will stop and we will enjoy the new heaven and earth and eternal glory of the Lord.

What physical experiences will we enjoy in heaven? What physical experiences won't be continued in heaven?

Jerusalem's city dump where death was represented, false gods were worshipped, and child sacrifices occurred.

What were two aspects of Gehenna?


Who mentioned hell the most in the Bible?

God does it is a matter of whether we choose to accept the forgiveness

Why can't God just forgive everyone?

People don't like accepting that they are sinners who deserve eternal punishment.

Why do people criticize Christians for their belief in hell?

Hell is real because Jesus talks about it, it is necessary, and hell is being cast out of God's presence forever.

Why is hell a nonnegotiable doctrine in the Bible?

No they are fully spiritual and we are both physical and spiritual

Will we be like angels in heaven?


Do people get a second chance?

No but they lived a life that dictated that they did not want God

Do those who go to hell want to be there?

Yes because they are physical and the new heaven will be physical.

Do you think there will be animals in heaven?


Does God send children to hell?


Does God want people to go to hell?


Does the Bible actually teach the doctrine of hell?

A place of outer darkness and anguish away from the presence of God

How does the Bible describe hell?

They read words like perish and interpret and ceasing to exist, eternal does not always mean forever in Greek, and it is inconsistent with a loving God.

List three arguments that annihilationists use to argue that people cease to exist in hell.

Heaven means being in God's presence and desiring God and hell is being cast out of God's presence.

What is the main difference between heaven and hell?

Punish sinners

What is the purpose of hell?

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