BIM Unit 3

Lakukan tugas rumah & ujian kamu dengan baik sekarang menggunakan Quizwiz!

What does a red "wavy" underline appearing under a word mean?

The word is misspelled

. What does a blue "wavy" underline appearing under a word mean?

There is a grammar issue with the word

Where are Templates found?

Under the File Tab

I want to create a second copy of an opened document under a different name. What should I do?

Use "Save As"

MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and is called?

Word Wrap

ctrl - z


Where can you find the commands to change a paragraph from left justified to center justified?

In the Home tab's Paragraph section

Where are Comments visible?

In the review pane.

If you open a .pdf file in Word, and save, what happens by default?

It is saved as a word document

You want to print pages 1 through 5 and page 7. What do you enter in the Print Custom Range box?


You use the Shift+F1 keyboard command to reveal formatting. What happens?

A Reveal Formatting pane opens on the right, which details fonts, paragraph formats, etc.

You have opened the Paragraph dialog box in the Paragraph Expansion Ribbon. There, you select Widows and Orphans and Keep Lines Together. What happens?

Paragraphs will not be split between two pages. If there is not enough room, and entire paragraph moves to the next page.

What is the default view of a document?

Print view

You have created a list. What is the fastest way to make it a bulleted list?

Select all lines. Select bullets on the Mini Toolbar popup that appears.

You select Send Using Email. Which of these options does not exist?

Send as Excel document

The following statements are true:

You can have two page sizes in one document. If you sort a column, all columns will be sorted. The Bookmark feature allows you to pick up where you left off. By default, the Find/Replace function will find not only the word "color" (which you entered as a search term) but also words like "colored" or "colorized."

You make several changes to a Word document. You want to undo a few of them. What happens if you use the Undo function on the Quick Access Toolbar?

You must undo all changes up to and including those three. You cannot select specific changes.

ctrl - b


ctrl - c


ctrl - x


ctrl - f


ctrl - v


ctrl - p


ctrl - a

select all

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