Bio 101 Final Multiple Choice

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A pea plant that is heterozygous for the flower color gene makes gametes. What is the probability that a specific gamete contains the recessive allele for flower color?


If there are 5,000,000 kcal of energy stored in a grain that could be fed either to beef cattle or humans and you choose to feed the grain to the cattle to fatten them up for the humans, how many kcal would now be available as beef to feed the humans?


If a chipmunk hunk has a total of 18 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will be present in each of his sperm?


cutting down trees in a forest can affect the flow of a river. this is an example of what?

A biotic factor affecting an abiotic factor

Evolution can be described as

A change in genetic make up of a population of organisms over time

Two populations of lizards live in the same area. Which of the following evidence would convince you that they're two distinct species? A. 2 populations are not capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring B. 2 populations are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring C. Individuals in one population display a different color pattern than individuals in the second population D. Individuals in One population are noticeably larger than individuals in the second population

A. 2 populations are not capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring

In which of the following situations would you expect successions to take the longest? A. A volcanic island forms far from any mainland B. A forest fire burns 1,200 acres in Texas C. Sand dunes form a new island within a half mile of a mainland D. Humans log an area and then burn remaining undergrowth

A. A volcanic island forms far from any mainland

Which of the following best describes the source of DNA? A. Half of my DNA was inherited from my mother and half for my father B. This question is impossible to answer without a karyotype C. Depending on my sex, all my DNA was inherited from one parent D. Depending on my sex, 75% of my DNA was inherited from one parent, and 25% from the other

A. Half of my DNA was inherited from my mother and half for my father

which of the following statements accurately describes similarities between asexual and sexual reproduction in animals? A. both processes generate offspring that carry parental genes B. both forms of reproduction produces offspring that have double the amount of genetic information of the parents C. both asexual reproduction and sexual production rely on parental chromosomes to mix in new ways D. both processes increase genetic variation in offspring

A. both processes generate offspring that carry parental genes

This is an evolved trait that confers selective advantage in a competitive environment


A large population is split into two by a physical barrier. Over time, the genetic make up of the two resulting populations becomes more and more different into each population becomes a separate species, this is an example of?

Allopatric speciation

Insecticides are used to kill insects. However, Incesticide resistant insects are being found. What is the mechanism for this new insect trait?

An insect with the random mutation is not killed by an insecticide and reproduces.

If you compare an egg cell (ovum) in a human female to a skin cell from the same individual, which of the following differences would you expect to find? A. The egg cell would contain 4 alleles for a given gene; the skin cell would contain two alleles B. The egg cell would only contain one allele for a given gene; the skin cell would contain two alleles C. Both egg and skin cells may carry different alleles for an individual gene D. Both egg and skin cells would contain 46 chromosomes found as homologous pairs

B. The egg cell would only contain one allele for a given gene; the skin cell would contain two alleles

Which of the following is an example of postzygotic barrier? A. The gametes cannot join B. The hybrid offspring is feeble and dies C. The breeding seasons are different D. The courtship behaviors are different

B. The hybrid offspring is feeble and dies

Two organisms that are each homozygous for a certain genetic characteristic mate and their offspring are analyzed. Which of the following statements about this situation is true? A. The parents are identical B. The offspring are either 100 percent homozygotes or 100 percent heterozygotes C. The offspring represent a blending of their parents traits D. A gamete produced by one offspring will Carey both alleles for this gene

B. The offspring are either 100 percent homozygotes or 100 percent heterozygotes

Which of the following statements about communities is true? A. They usually have few species of organisms B. There can be complex interactions between the organisms that make up a community C. They are most abundant in temperate areas D. They are made up of mammal species only

B. There can be complex interactions between the organisms that make up the community

An ecologist working in East Africa has heard a version of super predator the price online. He submits a grant proposal to find an expedition to find the super predator. You're an expert on the Mac Arthur foundation panel evaluating this proposal and have a feeling that this expedition will be a waste of time and money. How could you best argue your position with solid biological thinking?

Because of entropy and the inefficient use of energy, there are unlikely to be enough top carnivores ( the lions ) to feed a potential super predator

Population size can increase or decrease by:

Births and deaths in the population Average life spans Earlier or later marriages (age of parents when they have children) How many children parents have Immigration and emigration Environmental factors

Which of the following reflects concerns about biological magnification for human health? A. The mandatory labeling of genetically modified GMO health care products B. Unvaccinated children being denied admission to public schools and theme parks C. Guidelines for children and pregnant women to limit consumption of certain fish such as swordfish or tuna D. Instances of hybridization between native and introduced African honeybees

C. Guidelines for children and pregnant women to limit consumption of certain fish such as swordfish or tuna

Which of the following is true? A. Primary succession occurs after disturbances, such as floods B. Secondary succession only occurs after human intervention C. Primary succession tends to take a longer period of time than secondary succession D. It typically takes 25 years or less for a climax community to develop after a disturbance

C. Primary succession tends to take longer than secondary succession

Which of the following is NOT a major factor in shaping the climate of a local region? A. The intensity of solar radiation B. Global patterns of atmospheric circulation C. The dominant herbivorous organisms of a region D. Global patterns of oceanic circulation

C. The dominant herbivorous organisms of a region

The maximum sustainable population size in a given environment

Carrying capacity

An increase in ocean temps tire off the coast of Oregon decreased the range of sea stars, a top predator in intertidal zones. The sea stars feed on clams, which in turn feed on small invertebrates. What do you expect to have happened to the species abundance in the intertidal communities where sea stars were no longer able to live, and so were eliminated?

Clams increased in abundance, while small invertebrates decreased

convergent evolution involves unrelated or distantly related, organisms with developing similar traits. how is thus coevolution similar to convergent evolution?

Coevolution also involves changes in unrelated or distant organisms

Grasses have represented a significant food source for large herbivores like cows and horses for the millennia. Because it's not beneficial for plant to have their photosynthetic tissue (like blades of grass) eaten, the plants incorporate abrasive silica compounds into their tissues. In response, herbivores have developed more efficient and tougher teeth with features such as thicker, harder enamel surfaces. This scenario represents an example of?

Coevolution of plant and herbivore

The rough skin newt produces one of the most potent toxins on the planet. Scientist in Oregon have found that as newts evolve to produce a more deadly toxin, their primary predator, the garter snake, evolves ways to resist the toxin. This is an example of?

Coevolution of predator and prey

Ecological community

Communities can be nested within a larger one

Which of the following could represent the linear flow of energy within a food web A. Wolves > Lions > Cheetahs B. Grass > Shrubs > Trees C. Sheep > Cows > Horse D. Grass > Rabbits > Foxes

D. Grass > Rabbits > Foxes

In which of the following situations would secondary rather than primary succession be most likely to occur? A. On an island that has just risen out of the ocean B. On bare ground exposed by the retreat of a glacier C. On the surface of recently cooled lava D. In a forest that had burned due to lightning

D. In a forest that has burned due to lightning

Which of the following groups would NOT be considered consumers? A. Herbivores B. Predators C. Decomposers D. Photosynthesizers

D. Photosynthesizers

Which of the following series best represent the energy flow of the ecosystem? A. Sun > consumer > producer > metabolic heat B. Consumer > producer > decomposer > sun C. Producer > consumer > decomposer > sun D. Sun > producer > consumer > metabolic heat

D. Sun > producer > consumer > metabolic heat

which of these nutrients is essential for life functions but does not provide caloric energy? A. carbohydrate B. protein C. lipid D. vitamen

D. vitamin

What would happen to nutrient cycling in a forest ecosystem if all of the bacteria, protozoans, fungi, worms and scavengers were eliminated?

Dead plant and animal matter would accumulate more quickly than it is decomposed and the soil would become depleted of nutrients

Unlimited growth of a population with no constraint on resources

Exponential growth

Why would a food web rather then a food chain be the preferred way to represent the movement of food through the community?

Food chains are oversimplified and suggest that a consumer only eats a single food item

This is the basic unit of information that codes for the formation of protein


Which of the following groups of primates is most closely related to each other? Lemurs and tarsiers, gorillas and chimpanzees, New World monkeys and old world monkeys, or lesser apes and lemurs

Gorillas and chimpanzees

Feather color in a certain species of bird is controlled by a single gene with a pair of alleles that exhibit incomplete dominance. If birds that are homozygous for one allele are black and birds that are homozygous for the other allele are white, then heterozygous birds would be?


As you move from high latitudes (near the poles) to low latitudes (near the equator), biomes tend to

Increase in number of types and species richness

An example of evolution that has been readily observed is

Increased resistance of bacteria to an antibiotic that is used to kill them

This is the unit upon which natural selection acts


A giant puffball mushroom is capable of producing and releasing trillions of spores. With this many spores produced, why do giant puffball mushrooms undergo logistic growth in established habitats?

Limiting resources, such as food, water, and space control the maximum population size of all species.

Rapid initial growth that eventually tapers to a constant value

Logistic growth

New alleles arias by


Antibiotic therapy sometimes reduces the population of gut-inhabiting microorganisms. Bloating and diarrhea often follow until the populations reestablish themselves. This observation suggests that these microorganisms participate in a ??? relationship with humans?


Peppered moths are generally light in color blend into the trunks of trees they live on. Population of peppered moths found in areas where soot has blackened the tree trunks are dark in color. This example demonstrates?

Natural selection

In an ecosystem, energy differs from nutrients in that

Nutrients are recycled, but energy eventually moves out of the system and is lost

One of the first medical tests a newborn receives determines if the child has PKU. PKU is the result of a mutation in a single gene that causes mental deficiencies and a host of other phenotypes (light hair and skin color, eczema, and a "mousy" smell). By detecting PKU early, doctors are able to reduce the effect of this condition with a modified diet. PKU is an example of?


This is the unit that actually evolves due to natural selection, sexual selection, genetic drift, etc


Total number of individuals in a population

Population size

Each of the following is a characteristic typical of most primates except...prehensile tail, binocular vision, large brain size, slower reproduction?

Prehensile tail

During ??? A newly habitat is inhabited

Primary succession

In the absence of ???, nutrients would not move from the abiotic to the biotic portion of the nutrient cycle within the ecosystem


In a particular plant, two genes control leaf shape and color. Round leaves (R) are dominant to jagged leaves (r). Yellow fruits (Y) are dominant to white fruits (y). A true-breeding round-leaves, yellow-fruited plant is mated with jagged-leaved, white-fruited plant. What are the genotypes of the plants involved?

RRYY and rryy

Which of the following is not a great ape? Human, Bonobo, snow macque, or sumaTran orangutan

Snow Macque

The sex of a human child is determined by


What two factors most strongly contribute to a biomes identity?

Tempature and percipitation

In humans, X-linked genetic diseases

Tend to be expressed more in males than females

The effects of pollution are generally considered to be density-independent because?

The contamination level of any organism is unaffected by variations in population density.

Tuna are predatory fish that consume smaller, carnivorous fish that have fed in zooplankton. The zooplankton has fed in phytoplankton. When you eat tuna, you are consuming what level of the food chain?

The fourth trophic level

Would a hominin evolutionary tree look thin and spindly or full and bushy?

The hominin evolutionary tree would look for and bushy because it started about 6 billion years ago with multiple branch to lineages throughout the millennia.

In directional selection, over time

The population is strongly selected for in one direction (e.g, larger beak size)

In disruptive selection, over time

The population is strongly selected for in two directions (e.g, larger beak size and smaller beak size)

If a recessive allele causes a fatal disease that kills the affected individual before he or she can reproduce, why doesn't that allele quickly become extinct in the population?

The recessive allele is carried in the genome of heterozygotes , who do not suffer from the disease.

what is ecology?

The study of organisms and their interactions with each other and with their environment and the study of the distribution and abundance of organisms

Zero population growth ZPG is possible only if

The sum of births and immigration equals the sum of deaths and emigration

Autosomal dominant diseases are exhibited by anyone who carries at least one dominant ally for that gene. How is it that dominant lethal genes, such as the one that causes Huntington disease, and persist in a population?

These diseases usually take affect later in life after people have had children

A species of cave beetle that lives in total darkness is blind but has remnants of what looks like eyes. These eye spots are?


what is population?

a group of organisms of the same species living in a defined area

which of the following sequences correctly describes the pathway that signals travel in a neuron? a. dendrite to cell body to axon b. axon to dendrite to cell body c. dendrite to axon to cell body d. cell body to axon to dendrite

a. dendrite to cell body to axon

an individual without a gallbladder would have difficulty digesting which of the follwing? a. fried butter b. plain white bread c. lean baked chicken d. nucleic acid surprise casserole

a. fried butter

the lower region of the lower intestine is structured to create large amounts of surface area so it can more efficiently?

absorb the chemical building blocks that are produced by digestion

which of the following traits was likely deleterious for early humans? A. a large brain compared to body size b. an opposable big toe in the foot c. pronounced arch and heel in the foot d. bipedal walking

b. an opposable big toe in the foot

The hydrologic cycle includes a. biotic factors only. b. both biotic and abiotic factors. c. abiotic factors only. d. neither biotic nor abiotic factors.

b. both biotic and abiotic factors.

which of the following statements distinguish gamete formation in human males from gamete formation in human females? a. human males have shorter reproductive life spans than human females b. human males make sperm throughout their lives, beginning at puberty, whereas human females are born with all the eggs that may be fertilized c. human males produce gametes in the gonads, whereas human females produce eggs in the gut d. human males make two polar bodies during spermatogenisis, whereas human females do not

b. human males make sperm throughout their lives, beginning at puberty, whereas human females are born with all the eggs that may be fertilized

The Amazon rainforest a. is an example of a biosphere. b. contains one biosphere. c. is part of the biosphere. d. contains multiple biospheres

c. is part of the biosphere.

which of the following sensory receptor types is NOT found in humans? a. chemoreceptors b. mechanoreceptors c. magnetoreceptors d. thermoreceptors

c. magnetoreceptors

In 1978, a drought on the Galapagos Islands caused a reduction in the production of seeds that one of Darwin's finches, a kind of bird, fed upon. This caused a decrease from 1,400 to 200 birds. This population change factor a. would not be considered a part of the carrying capacity for these birds. b. was density-dependent. c. was density-independent. d. resulted in exponential growth for the bird population.

c. was density-independent.

A population will remain at a constant size when emigration equals immigration and is not a limiting factor. b.predators leave the area. c.births equal deaths. d.available space remains the same.

c.births equal deaths.

when eating dessert, you notice the sweetness of sugar when ??? are stimulated


Which of the following statements about carrying capacity is true? a. An S-shaped curve represents a population's ability to increase its numbers above the carrying capacity of its habitat. b. J-shaped curves show the immediate limiting effect of carrying capacity on a newly introduced organism. c. The carrying capacity is the same for all organisms in the same area. d. The carrying capacity is established by the factor with the most limited availability.

d. The carrying capacity is established by the factor with the most limited availability.

each of the following ideas contributes to the theory explaining menopause in human and orca whales EXCEPT? a. intrafamilial conflict, competition between concurrent offspring of mothers and daughters b. changing emphasis from mothers reproduction to supporting her offspring and their reproduction c. changing emphasis from mothers own reproductions to providing ecological knowledge and experience d. reducing parenting ability with age

d. reducing parenting ability with age

The roots of a sunflower plant growing downwards while the shoot grows upwards and the flower turns towards the sun are examples of what characteristic of all living organisms? a.They reproduce using DNA. b.They evolve through time. c.They make their own energy. d.They sense the environment and respond to it.

d.They sense the environment and respond to it.

what is logistic growth?

growth occurs exponentially at first, then stabilizes at the maximum size the environment can support

Limiting resources determine both a population's carrying capacity and its doubling time:

habitat, food, water

what can be said regarding trends in brain case size and teeth over time?

more recent hominin fossils have larger brain cases and generally smaller, more humanlike teeth

what is population density?

number of individuals per unit area (often per square kilometer)

what is exponential growth?

population size increases at a constant rate

Density-independent population change is what?

population size is held in check by factors not related to density, like weather and natural disasters

what are examples of biotic factors?

primary producers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and detrivores

Which of the following is not an advantage of bipedalism for early human ancestors? The hands would be free to carry food, tools and weapons. Standing on 2 feet elevates the head making it easier to see over obstacles in to see farther, allowing earlier detection of predators. Walking on 2 feet is more efficient means of locomotion, requiring fewer muscle groups and less energy than walking on all fours. Standing on 2 feet makes it easier to climb trees.

standing on two feet makes it easier to climb trees

what are examples of some abiotic factors?

sunlight, preciptation, tempature, water or moisture and soil

the most likely potential problem faced by a person who is following a low protein diet is the failure to

take in enough essential amino acids

what part of the human body is the main site for the vitamin D synthesis?

the skin

what is population ecology?

the study of the number of organisms in a defined place

population doubling time is what?

the time it takes for population size to double

for humans, vitamins and minerals are similar because...?

they are each needed in small quantities, but do not provide caloric energy

what is population size?

total number of individuals in a population

carbohydrates and fats are both

used as energy sources

Density-dependent population change is what?

when birth and death rates change as density changes, like disease and decrease in resources

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