Bio 102- Cancer

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81) Individuals receive ______ (how many) chromosomes from their mother?


48) If a breast cancer patient has not responded to treatment and the cancer has spread to the brain the patient is classified as having Stage ______ cancer.


79) RNA polymerase copies a gene to provide a transcript of mRNA. What would be the transcript from the following DNA nucleotide sequence?


84) Chemicals, radiation, and viruses can cause ______ to occur in genes. This may lead to the cell becoming cancerous.


85) In breast cancer patients there is over expression of the proto-oncogene ERBB-2. This causes an increase production in the ______ protein.


13) The two strands of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary nucleotides. The following correctly matches the complementary nucleotides of DNA.

Adenine:thymine and cytosine:guanine

56) There are different drugs that interfere with the M phase of the cell cycle. ______ interfere with the formation of the spindle fibers and ______ prevent the breakdown of the microtubules.

Alkaloids, Taxines

46) Cells within the inside of a tumor secrete growth factors which cause capillaries to grow toward the tumor. This process is called ______, and contributes to the growth and spread of the tumor.


23) In a normal cell G1 phase is the checkpoint for DNA damage. If the damage is too extensive, the cell will undergo __________.


35) If a gene mutation occurs that results in a premature stop codon in the mRNA sequence the protein will __________.

Be smaller

88) A ______ procedure is used to remove a small piece of tissue to test for the presence of cancer cells.


49) If cancer invades the ______ this can cause an accumulation of blood calcium and may lead to a coma.


You are reading an article about a person being diagnosed with a type of sarcoma. This type of cancer affects __________ tissue.


5) DNA encodes for proteins that are involved in __ (DNA is the genetic material called the genome. )

Cellular regulation

9) During the division of eukaryotic cells the ______ assists by dividing the genetic material and cell contents into the two resulting cells.


25) Your instructor is showing you a model of prophase in mitosis. There is an arrow pointing to a structure holding the two sister chromatids together. What structure is your instructor asking you to identify?


83) Short sections of DNA called ______, are located on chromosomes.


24) The DNA is compacted into multiple ______ that condense and organize the genetic information before cells divide.


82) In cellular division the two parts of M phase are mitosis and ______.


51) There are several ways a person can be tested to assess their risk of cancer. One is genetic testing. What genetic testing technique provides multiple copies of a gene?

DNA Cloning

40) Mutations in tumor-suppressor genes and in proto-oncogenes can result in cancer. If both are mutated

DNA damage will go unrecognized and cell division will increase.

28) Normal cell division is highly regulated by proteins to prevent mutations from occurring. If the cell division is stalled due to excessive DNA damage the cell is placed in ______ phase in an attempt to repair the DNA.


32) At which checkpoint is DNA assessed for accuracy before cell division?


60) Chemotherapy can interact with different phases of the cell cycle. What are the main phases that these drugs target?

G1, S, G2, or M,

66) There are three checkpoints during cell division. Which checks for DNA damage?


75) There are three checkpoints during cell division. Which checks for DNA replication?


38) A mutation in the _ ERBB-2_____ results in uncontrolled cell division. This mutation can lead to cancer.


80) A ______ is a short segment of DNA that encodes a functional protein.


41) A breast cancer patient may be diagnosed with being hormone receptor positive. This receptor protein is known as the ______ protein.


87) Cancer affects the normal operation of the body and the response to the external environment. The normal operation is maintained by a process called ______.


27) In which stage does the cell spend most of its time?


61) There are two types of brachytherapy. ______ brachytherapy is when the "seed" is placed in the tumor and ______ brachytherapy is when the "seed" is placed near the tumor.

Intersistial, Intracavitary

62) Internal radiation that requires the seeds to remain in the body is referred to as ______ treatment.


30) Cell division occurs in ______ phase.


67) There are three checkpoints during cell division. Which checks for proper alignment of chromosomes?


16) The purpose of transcription is to ___

Make mRNA that will carry the instructions for making proteins outside of the nucleus.

8) What cell organelle converts the energy found in food into a form usable by cells?


22) In eukaryotic cell division what are the two major parts of the cell cycle?

Mitosis and Interphase

44) Benign tumors are not considered a threat because they do not have

Mutations, have controlled cell division, do not spread or cause more tumors, maintain their original function.

45) Malignant tumors need nutrients and oxygen to grow. From what structures do they obtain nutrients and oxygen?

Nearby blood vessels

42) The appearance of cancerous cells differs from normal cells. If you were to view cancerous cells under the microscope you would notice enlarged __________.


14) In animal cells DNA is located in the __________.


78) In eukaryotic cells transcription occurs in the ______.


6) Know the hierarchy of biological organization

Organelle, Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ systems, Organism.

50) Which of the following blood cells would be measured to evaluate a patient for cancer?

Platelets, Osteocytes, White blood cells, Red blood cells.

15) Ribosomes are located on the __________ endoplasmic reticulum.


26) Chromosomes are copied during the ____ phase


53) In which stage of breast cancer would a physician most likely use radiation and chemotherapy to treat a cancer patient?

Stage 3

86) The ______ enzyme allows for continuous cell division of cancerous cells.


33) Telomere length can change with age and the type of cell.

Telomeres are the longest in stem cells and cancer cells.

70) Which characteristic corresponds with Stage 3 of breast cancer?

The cancer has become more invasive and is beginning to affect more tissues of the breast and surrounding tissues, but has not yet spread to distant organs of the body.

55) In a normal cell what is the function of topoisomerase

Topoisomerases are nuclear enzymes that play essential roles in DNA replication, transcription, chromosome segregation, and recombination.

76) There are two stages of gene expression. The first stage ______, produces mRNA that is used in the second step.


77) There are two main steps in gene expression. This first step produces mRNA and the second step, ______, converts the mRNA into a protein.


17) The purpose of translation is to ____

Use mRNA codons to link together amino acids to form a polypeptide chain.

34) A base substitution can result in a change in DNA nucleotide sequence

a misfolded protein, a different codon sequence.

Tumor suppressor genes halt cell division if

an error is found in the DNA.

54) Radiation is targeted cancer therapy that works by

breaking the DNA and introducing mutations.

4) Cancer begins when

cells divide uncontrollably.

37) A mutation in a tumor suppressor gene can lead to cancer because these genes are involved in

checking the DNA for damage during the cell cycle.

There is one genome; it

consists of many genes that encode for multiple proteins.

59) Alkylating agents work by____________.

destroying the DNA in cancer cells

20) Nucleic acids serve as a ___

genetic code

39) Proto-oncogenes expression depends on external cell signaling. Under normal conditions

growth factors regulate the expression of proto-oncogenes.

64) Normally cancer cells can evade an immune response because the immune system

has a difficult time identifying cancerous cells.

12) DNA is a double strand of nucleotides arranged in a ___

helical structure.

58) Antimetabolites work by __________.

mimicking the molecules that a cell needs to grow.

31) Cells have checkpoints to regulate cell division. The G1 checkpoint allows the cell to ___

move into S phase, may delay division, may cause the cell to enter a resting phase and is regulated by growth hormones.

10) Cells are specialized to form tissues and organs through the control of gene expression. Gene expression is regulated (turning on and off genetic instructions) by ___

nearby cell signals and environmental factors.

11) Cancer cells are less specialized

no longer function with neighboring cells, divide rapidly and ignore the genetic information

19) At the end of gene expression the amino acids are in a _linear_____ structure. This is also the primary structure of a protein.


52) Physicians will request an analysis of proteins in the blood of possible cancer patients because_____

proteins from cancer cells are different from normal cells.

65) The role of the immune system is to continuously scan

recognize foreign agents, and destroy them, identify self versus non-self cells, create antibodies for future attacks by the same infectious agent, signal the body of infection.

68) In cancer vaccines macrophages that display tumor antigens are designed to

stimulate cytotoxic T cells to attack tumor cells.

7) Ribosomes use genetic information to __

synthesize proteins.

18) During translation the ______ reads the codon on the mRNA and brings in the corresponding amino acid.


63) Chemotherapy works by

targeting points during cell division

If a person has a cancer that interferes with organs of the urinary system

that person may have trouble with regulating the water-salt balance of the blood.

47) The main difference between Stage 0 and Stage 1 cancer is that in Stage 1

the cancer cells have begun to spread to a few lymph nodes.

69) Which characteristic corresponds with Stage 4 of breast cancer?

the cancer has metastasized, and spread to distant parts of the body, typically the lungs, heart, brain or liver.

57) Topoisomerase inhibitors work by

the cell's ability to unwind DNA during DNA replication.

43) As cancerous cells accumulate mutations

the cells will continue to divide rapidly. This uncontrolled division results in a change in cellular appearance, cells becoming less specialized cells growing in blood vessels, cells moving to different parts of the body.

74) Prophase is a step of mitosis. What key event happens during prophase?

the condensation of chromosomes, the movement of the centrosomes, the formation of the mitotic spindle, and the beginning of nucleoli break down.

29) There are three steps in interphase that prepare the cells for cell division. Select the correct order of steps that prepare cells for division.

the first gap phase (G1), the synthesis (S) phase, and the second gap (G2) phase.

71) Metaphase is a step of mitosis. What key event happens during metaphase?

the nucleus dissolves and the cell's chromosomes condense and move together, aligning in the center of the dividing cell.

73) Anaphase is a step of mitosis. What key event happens during anaphase?

the sister chromatids moving to opposite poles of the cells, due to the action of the condensing spindle fibres.

36) In normal cells

tumor suppressor genes, monitor the rate of cell division and check newly synthesized DNA for damage before being passed on to daughter cells.

72) Telophase and cytokinesis is a step of mitosis. What key event happens during telophase and cytokinesis?

two daughter nuclear membranes are formed, forming chromatin, while during cytokinesis, a cleavage furrow forms in animal cells and a cell plate forms in plant cells.

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