BIO 1103 Final Exam Study Guide

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Largest source of C02 emission in the U.S. Second largest

1.Electric Production 2. Transportation

Ethanol is inferior compared to many energy sources because it has only

7 bonds that can be changed by cellular respiration or combustion to release energy

Functions happen because of photosynthesis over different seasons. There is less CO2 during the winter months than the summer months. Except when very hot

Apply knowledge of photosynthesis to explain the annual pattern of atmospheric fluctuations depicted in the Keeling curve

-C-C bonds and C-H bonds have more energy than C-O bonds -When carbon switches to C-O bonds, energy is released. -The greater the H-C ratio the more energy released during combustion.

Based on your knowledge of how energy is released when carbon switches bonding partners, if given two molecules, be able to explain which molecule would release more energy when combusted.

-CO2 in atmosphere is taken up by plants for photosynthesis( 6CO2 + 6H2O+ energy →C 6H12O6 + 6O2) -Cellular Respiration: 6O2 + C6H12O6 →e nergy+ 6CO2 + 6H2O (releases more energy than used)

Be able to describe the different ways that carbon can enter or leave an organism including carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the different possible fates of this carbon as it is passed through a producer, consumer, and decomposer.

- Decomposer Removal: Carbon would accumulate in organic matter - Producer Removal: More CO2 in the air

Be able to describe what would happen to carbon levels if certain organisms (like decomposers) would have a sudden removal or sudden excess in the ecosystem

1. ROCKS !!!!!! (Largest), Carbon can be gas or coal 2. Oceans, Carbon is organic matter, erosion from land and photosynthesis from land into ocean 3. Land, Carbon is in organic forms, Photosynthesis and soil respiration from the atmosphere goes to the land. 4. Atmosphere: Carbon is CO2 and methane, burning fossil fuels; cellular respiration goes from land and ocean into atmosphere.

Be able to identify the 4 major pools of carbon on earth, compare their sizes and the different ways that carbon can enter or leave each pool.

Adds 7-8 gtons of carbon to the atmosphere each year

Burning Fossil Fuels

-It has been fluctuating for many years but now there is a predication that instead of fluctuating it will just rise.

Compare these fluctuations to those seen over the past 600,000 years

-Dead Zone: Place where there is no form of life -Eutrophication: Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, due to runoff from the land, which causes dense growth from plants and death of animal life from lack of oxygen.

Define "dead zone" and eutrophication

-Most of the mass of these sugar molecules comes from carbon and oxygen atoms originally contained in carbon dioxide molecules from the air. -Also plants can be grown without soil: hydroponics -Because in the soil the mass does not change over the course of plant growth

Explain where the majority of the mass of a plant comes from and how we know that this is not from the soil.

Movement of carbon between pools


-Nitrogen is found in amino acids -Nitrogen is also found in DNA

Identify the reasons why living things need nitrogen

1. Legumes have a mutualistic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria which in turn convert N2 gas into Ammonium 2. Lightening converts some N2 in the atmosphere into compounds that mix with rain water to form nitrate ions (NO3-) 3. Waste and dead animals provide ammonium to the soil to where non legume plants absorb nitrogen, (In form of ammonium and nitrate ions) from the soil

Identify three ways living things get the nitrogen they need

-No water + Sun=Nothing 1.96g (No CR or PS) -Water + Sun= Growth straight 2.63g -Water + No sun=Little growth but crooked 1.70g (Lose carbon through Cellular Respiration) -Moldy bread=mass of bread is less

If given a scenario, such as a plant left in a sunny or dark window, or mold growing on bread, be able to predict the change in weight under these circumstances and explain the reason.


N2 cannot be used by plants, but ___ can

1. Runoff from nitrates and phosphates (Chemical fertilizers) 2. The excess nutrients reach the river and causes increased aquatic growth plant. 3. Increase algae growth depletes oxygen and blocks sunlight getting though the other plants 4. Dead material decomposes which further depletes the oxygen levels 5. Oxygen levels become so depleted that all plants and animals die. At this point the ecosystem is dead.

Outline the process that goes from excess fertilizer entering streams to a fish kill.

-Ethanol: has less energy because energy is lost when fermenting glucose -Glucose: When it is fermented to two ethanol's it loses energy so it has seen more energy just as glucose

Use this information to explain how much less energy would be provided by ethanol compared to glucose, for example.

atmospheric nitrogen is __ to most organisms (80% is in the atmosphere)


the conversion of CO2 to an organic compound

Which statement correctly describes carbon fixation?

1, 2

___ glucose can produce ___ ethanol molecules

decrease oxygen levels through cellular respiration

an increase in the population size of decomposers will:

2, 3

atmospheric nitrogen (N2 gas) is composed of ___ nitrogen atoms with ___ chemical bonds with each other

idea of using living things as sources of energy



coral has an mutualistic relationship with algae called ____


plants and animals need nitrogen in other forms like ___


which pool of carbon is most likely to be affected by changes?

the mass was released as CO2 and H2O

you have a friend who lost 15 pounds of weight on a diet. where did the atoms in the molecules of fat go?

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