Bio 2 Exam 1

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Which of the following are mostly effective methods of contraception? Select all that apply

contraceptive diaphragms hormonal contraceptives intrauterine devices condoms

Human eggs...

contribute nearly all of the cytoplasm to the offspring.

muscle tissue


What hormone has the opposite effects of calcitonin?

parathyroid hormone

What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes

Type 1: little to no insulin 2: nonfunctioning receptors

The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates the _________ level in the blood; _________ , secreted by the thyroid gland, acts _________ with parathyroid hormone

calcium, calcitonin, antagonistically

Which of the following are not part of the external female sex organs? * 1 point cervix hymen labia minora vagina vulva

cervix vagina

The endocrine system transmits information using ______ signals, and the nervous system uses both chemical and electrical signals; the _______ system helps regulate many _______ responses.

chemical, nervous, endocrine

Which female part is analogous to the penis in males?


nervous tissue

communication, coordination, control

anterior pituitary hormones

FSH, LH, TSH, STH, ACTH, and prolactin, endorphins, GnRH FLAT PEG M?

One egg matures in one cycle. * 1 point True False


The formation of male and female gametes is called fertilization.


At birth, how many oocytes are present in both ovaries combined? * 1 point 200,000 1,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 500,000


How many mature sperm are usually formed from each primary spermatocyte?


connective tissue

A body tissue that provides support for the body and connects all of its parts - structural support Contains: Macrophages, fibroblasts, collagen, intercellular substance


A collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function of the body ex: kidney

Which of the following types of damage would most likely result in scar formation?

A cut that penetrates well into the dermal layer


A group of similar cells that perform the same specific specialized function. ex: muscle

How would you describe the structure of cholesterol?

A house with 3 rooms, a bathroom and antennae pentagon ring, 3 hexagonal rings, OH tail and carbon hydrogen chain - be able to recognize the general steroid structure


A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state; the regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood glucose, around a particular level


A tropic hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that targets the gonads. In females, FSH stimulates the ovaries to develop one follicle furthest along in development at the time---> follicle secretes estrogen to stimulate anterior pituitary hormone to produce LH to get the dormant follicle to start dividing again to complete Meiosis 1 and move on to Metaphase 2 (takes 14 days)---> once egg is release the corpus luteum ~crusty~ releases Progesteron, estrogen, and some inhibin to stop the release of FSH and LH (oogenesis) and secrete estrogen; in males, FSH stimulates spermatogenesis.

Which hormone type(s) can activate second messengers? * 1 point Amine Peptide Steroid Fatty Acid Derived

Amine Peptide

What allows water soluble hormones to create a one to many response? *

Amplification, signal transduction pathway/cascade and second messengers are all acceptable answers

Which one contains a portal system? * 1 point Posterior Pituitary Anterior Pituitary

Anterior Pituitary

What, in addition to the hormones they secrete, distinguishes the anterior and posterior pituitary glands? *

Anterior: affected by hormones from the hypothalamus, made of epithelial tissue, contains a portal system, hormone release is instantaneous Posterior: can store hormones until a signal is received for release, controlled by neurosecretory hormones and contains nervous tissue

Which of the following signaling mechanisms regulate at a distance/systemically? * Classical endocrine signaling Paracrine Regulation Autocrine Regulation Neuroendocrine Signaling

Classical endocrine signaling Neuroendocrine Signaling

Which of the following types of connective tissue contains osteocytes?


Hormones must be complex in structure and stable in order to perform their functions.


Which of the following types of muscle tissue are striated? Select all that apply.

Cardiac Muscle and Skeletal Muscle

Which of the following are non-tropic hormones? * 1 point Endorphins ACTH MSH TSH

Endorphins MSH

The adrenal medulla secretes which hormones in response to physical or psychological stress?

Epinephrone and Norepinenephron (M.E.N.= medulla. ep. norep)

______ connective tissue forms tendons and ligaments, and ________ connective tissue covers nerves, blood vessels, and muscles.

Dense, Loose

Overproduction if a mineral corticoide

Excessive water retention

exuate contains which of the following cell types?


simple squamous epithelium

Function: Allows passage of materials by diffusion and filtration in sites where protection is not important; secretes lubricating substances in serosae. Location: Kidney glomeruli, air sacs of lungs, lining of heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels; lining of ventral body cavity(serosae)

stratified squamous epithelium

Function: protects underlying tissues in areas subject to abrasion Location: nonkeratinized type forms the moist lining of the esophagus, mouth, and vagina; keratinized type forms the epidermis of the skin, a dry membrane.

In mammals: * 1 point the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the pineal gland controls both male and female reproductive systems. estradiol is produced by the hypothalamus to control ovulation. melatonin controls anabolic steroid production. GnRH stimulates LH to control testosterone production. progesterone increases the secretion of LH from the posterior pituitary.

GnRH stimulates LH to control testosterone production.

What is the order in which the following is released? LH, testosterone, GnRH

GnRH, LH, testosterone Feedback Hypothalamus --> GnRH --> Anterior pituitary --> LH --> testes --> testosterone

Which of the following is defined as a mature follicle containing a mature egg?

Graafian follicle (secretes estrogen)

Which of the following hormones belong to the group of steroid hormones?

Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex, ovary, and testis

Some of these gametes wait up to 50 years before completing meiosis.

Human eggs

fight or flight response

Hypothalamus--> corticotropin releasing hormone(CRH) which is water soluble binds to external target cell receptors--> anterior pituitary gland--> adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) travels through the bloodstream to--> adrenal cortex--> glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoid hormones - cortisol: inc. blood pressure, transfers glucose into bloodstream, shutting down non-emergency services -negative hormone feedback: Hypothalamus senses cortisol in blood and stops secreting CRH--> stop secreting ACTH

Which of the following symptoms could result from an anterior pituitary tumor?

Irregular ovulatory cycles, Breast swelling and nipple discharge

In this list of animals, the chicken does not belong in the group. Human, fox, whale, chicken The reason for this is _________.

It is classified as oviparous

Ovulation where the maturing egg is released from the follicle is stimulated by an increase in _____.

LH Luteinizing Hormone

What is the cause for a goiter?

Lack of iodine in the diet. - No iodine causing TH to be produced and too much is produced...

Which part of gametogenesis is exactly the same in spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

Meiosis inside the nucleus

tight junctions

Membranes of neighboring cells are pressed together, preventing leakage of extracellular fluid - plasma membrane proteins of adjacent cells interact to fuse the two cells partly together and create a barrier between the cells. For instance, tight junctions in the tissue lining the urinary bladder prevent waste molecules and ions from leaking out of the bladder into other body tissues, and tight junctions form the blood-brain barrier that blocks many potentially harmful substances in the blood from reaching the brain's extracellular fluid.

Advantageous of being a multicellular organism:

Multicellularity made it possible for animals to create an internal fluid environment for fulfilling the need for nutrient supply, waste removal, and osmotic balance in individual cells. As a result, multicellular organisms could evolve to occupy a variety of habitats, including dry terrestrial environments, in which single cells cannot survive. Multicellularity also allowed major life functions to be distributed among specialized groups of cells, with each group having a single activity. The specialized groups of cells are typically organized into tissues, the tissues into organs, and the organs into organ systems.

________ feedback loops are common in maintaining homeostasis because they counteract change, in contrast to ________ feedback loops, which intensify change.

Negative, Positive

The pancreas secretions aid in digestion via which of the following mechanisms?

Neutralizing the acidic chyme, Further digesting the chyme

Does the endocrine system have ducts?


From organism to cell, list in order the levels of organization. Liver, organism, hepatocytes, connective tissue, digestive system.

Organism, digestive system, liver, connective tissue, hepatocytes

What is produced by the acinar cells of the pancreas?

Pancreatic juices

Offspring have genes from only one parent, but are not genetically identical to the parent, in which type of asexual reproduction?


Which of the following are types of asexual reproduction? Select all that apply.

Parthenogenesis Fragmentation Budding

If melanocytes stimulates hormones increases....

Pigmentations increases

Which of these glands is known as the master gland, due to its role in the regulation of other glands? Pituitary gland Thymus Medulla Pineal gland

Pituitary gland

In spermatogenesis, what diploid cell divides into two smaller haploid cells?

Primary spermatocyte

Which of the following hormones are produced by the anterior pituitary gland? Select all that apply. Prolactin GH MSH TSH

Prolactin GH MSH TSH

Epthelial Tissue

Protection, transport, secretion, and absorption of nutrients released by digestion of food

Superficial lacerations are repaired via which of the following mechanisms?

Regeneration of epithelial cells

What is the difference between Sertoli cells and Leydig cells?

Sertoli cells supply nutrients to the sperm and leydig cells secrete testosterone

seminiferous tubules (testes)

Sertoli cells: nourish nutrients FSH-->Sertoli cells--> supply nutrients Leydig cells: testosterone LH--> Leydig cells---> testosterone

Order of maturation of sperm starting from spermatagonia. (secondary spermatocyte, spermatazoa, spermatagonia, primary spermatocyte, spermatid) *

Spermatagonia, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte, spermatid, sperm/spermatazoa

What type of hormone is estradiol? * 1 point Amine Peptide Steroid Fatty Acid derived


What type of hormone is estrogen? * 1 point Amine Peptide Steroid Fatty Acid Derived


Does function determine structure OR structure determine function?

Structure determines function

external environment

The environment outside of the bodies of multicellular organisms. - works well in stable environments

internal environment

The fluid within an organism that supplies all the needs of individual cells. - good in unstable or changing environments

Which hormone aids in metamorphosis in amphibians? * 1 point Parathyroid Hormone Thyroid Hormone Growth Hormone Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone

Thyroid Hormone (T3&T4)

In oogenesis, what is the function of a polar body?

To get rid of excess genetic material

Females produce androgens as well. * 1 point True False


When the corpus luteum degenerates, menstruation begins due to _____.

a drop in progesterone levels

What proteins are involved in muscle contraction?

actin and myosin


an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs

apical surface

an upper free surface exposed to the body exterior or the cavity of an internal organ - that may be exposed to water, air, or fluids within the body, and an inner

Whats the definition for acclimation and acclimitization respectively? When set point changes: artificially in a lab; due to changes in the environment due to changes in the environment; artificially in a lab

artificially in a lab; due to changes in the environment

Amine hormones are usually: * 1 point hydrophilic when secreted by the thyroid gland. based on tyrosine. paracrine but not autocrine. not transported by the blood. repelled by the plasma membrane.

based on tyrosine. - don't need to know all the amino acids and know the other more obvious characteristics of amine hormones

When blood glucose rises: * 1 point alpha cells increase glucagon secretion. beta cells increase insulin secretion. urination decreases in a person with type 1 diabetes who has not recently received an insulin injection. glucagon stimulates the breakdown of amino acids into glycogen. target cells decrease their insulin receptors.

beta cells increase insulin secretion.

During stress, the adrenal _____ secretes _____ , which ensures adequate fuel for rapidly metabolizing cells; this release is begins as the hypothalamus secretes _____, which stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete _______, which regulates cortisol secretion.

cortex, cortisol, corticotropin-releasing factor, adrenocorticotropic hormone

Which tissue type consisting of sheetlike layers of cells can both exchange oxygen and act as a barrier to bacteria? nervous epithelial muscle connective

epithelial - has a layer of connective tissue under the epithelial

Hydrophillic hormones are typically used for _______ responses in an organism.


anchoring junctions

fasten cells to one another or to EC materialcommon in tissues subjected to friction & stretching outer layer of skin, muscle tissue of heart, neck of uterus, epithelial lining of GI tract - form buttonlike spots or belts that attach cells to each other, or to the extracellular matrix. They are most abundant in tissues subject to stretching, such as skin and heart muscle.


glands release hormones into the interstitial fluid


glands that secrete their product through a duct onto an exposed epithelial surface

organ system

group of organs that work together to perform a specific function ex: digestive

Sperm cycle

hypothalamus--> GnRH-->anterior pituitary--> LH spurs the Leydig cells to release testosterone/stimulates sperm production and controls growth of reproductive structures; FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to secrete a protein (ABP)--->increases concentration of large local testosterone---> mature sperm flow from the seminiferous tubules into the epididymis--> sperm move into the vas deferens---> sperm is led into the urethra 7-UP s- seminiferous tubules e- epididymis v- vas deferens e- ejaculatory duct (prostate) n-- o~~~ u- urethra p- penis

What is considered a virtual endocrine organ?

gut microbiome

What hormone is released by cells that are associated with an embryo and excess is excreted in the urine?


Menstrual Cycle

happens in the uterus to prepare for a fertilized egg

The endocrine system acts to maintain ____________ in the body.


They contain a specialized secretory vesicle called an acrosome under the plasma membrane.

human sperm

They undergo equal cytoplasmic division during meiosis.

human sperm

Nervous and endocrine regulation is integrated by the ______ , which regulates the activity of the ________.

hypothalamus, pituitary gland

What is the role of inhibin?

inhibit the release of FSH

What is the purpose of the hormone relaxin?

inhibits contractions of the uterus until the time of birth is near allowing for relaxation of the cervix and pelvis

When blood sugar levels are too high, pancreatic cells secrete ________ to stimulate the uptake of sugar into the cells of the body.


What is the purpose of the scrotum?

keeps the testes cooler than the body core, at a temperature that provides an optimal environment for sperm development


lay eggs (birds)


live birth (humans)

Low estrogen levels trigger ________ feedback and high estrogen levels trigger ________ feedback. * (Ovaries are the primary source of estrogen which stimulates the development of female sexual characteristics) 1 point negative; positive positive; negative

negative; positive

In which of the following types of endocrine signaling is the hormone transported in the blood? Select all that apply.

neuroendocrine signaling endocrine signaling

New Menstral Phase

no fertilization--> no corpus luteum---> no progesteron---> contractions---> mentral flow b/c shedding--- prostaglandins=cramps hCG- pregnancy test detected (hCG would signal to body that fert occured)

Lipophilic hormones are: * 1 point one to one one to many

one to one

Gametogenesis has parallel stages in egg and sperm formation. The stage in eggs that is equivalent to spermatids is the: * 1 point primary oocyte. oogonium. ovum ootid and polar bodies secondary oocyte and polar body

ootid and polar bodies

gap junctions

open direct channels between cells in the same tissue, allowing ions, small molecules, and electrical signals to flow rapidly from one to another. For example, gap junctions between muscle cells help muscle tissue function as a unit.

Eggs are fertilized in the _________ and implant in the __________.

oviduct/fallopian tube; uterus

What is the term for when oocytes are released into the oviducts?


Which of the following hormones stimulates contraction of the uterus and ejection of milk by the mammary glands?


posterior pituitary hormones

oxytocin, adh/vassopressin

Which of the following processes does not increase genetic diversity? * 1 point parthenogenesis random DNA mutations genetic recombination independent assortment random combinations of paternal and maternal chromosomes


Fusion of what part of the cell due to acrosomal reaction allows for the egg to begin development?

plasma membrane

Oogonia differentiate into ______, which together with the surrounding _______ make up a _______

primary oocytes, granulosa cells, follicle


producing living young from eggs that hatch within the body

What hormones inhibit FSH and LH? * 1 point testosterone progesterone GnRH inhibin

progesterone and inhibin

What hormone causes cramps? *


Ovary functions

secretes estrogen, production of ova, secretion of progesterone

During spermatogenesis in mammals, sperm travels from the: * 1 point -Sertoli cells past the epididymis and urethra, through the vas deferens to the prepuce. -seminal vesicles past the prostate gland, through the glans and prepuce to the bulbourethral glands. -vestibular glands past the Leydig cells, through the accessory glands and epididymis to the vas deferens. -labia past the bulbourethral glands, through the vas deferens and urethra to the epididymis. -seminiferous tubules past the Sertoli cells, through the epididymis and vas deferens to the urethra.

seminiferous tubules past the Sertoli cells, through the epididymis and vas deferens to the urethra.

sperm pathway (SEVE(N)) UP

seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vans deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra, penis

In a homeostatic mechanism, a sensor detects a deviation from the ___________ and signals an ___________ , which based on the output of the sensor activates ____________ , processes that restore the steady state.

set point, integrator, effectors

___________ promotes genetic variety and is adaptive in changing environments, and _________ is energy efficient and most successful in ___________

sexual reproduction ,asexual reproduction, stable environments

What muscle type are the walls of blood vessels? cardiac skeletal smooth


Note that epinephrine is relatively hydrophilic. Therefore, epinephrine receptors are more likely to be ________ receptors that initiate changes in __________

surface, kinase activity

basal surface

that adheres to a thin layer of ECM secreted by the epithelial cells called the basal lamina (also called basement membrane). The basal lamina fixes the epithelium to underlying tissues, often connective tissues.

What makes the estrous cycle different from the menstrual cycle?

the estrous cycle absorbs their placenta

Ovarian cycle

the maturation of the follicle and egg + feedback:Hypothalamus--> GnRH--->anterior pituitary--->FSH&LH---->Ovary--> Oestrogen & Progesterone---> Uterus - feedback: Ovary--> Inhibin---> stops Anterior Pituitary from producing FSH&LH--> stops Hypothalamus from producing GnRH

Regulation of hormone secretion by negative feedback systems typically proceeds via the following pathway: ______, _______, _______and as a result homeostasis is restored.

there is a change in the steady state, a hormone is released, a response counteracts the change

When the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the _______ sheds. This process is referred to as menstruation.


Humans are considered: * 1 point oviparous ovoviviparous viviparous


What does fusion of a sperm and egg create during fertilization?


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