Bio 223, Chapter 8, The Appendicular Skeleton.

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What area of the leg does the "LEG" indicate?

Lower leg.


Sacroilliac joint is the articulation of the illium with the sacrum.

Describe and identify the features on the POSTERIOR side of the SCAPULA. What does the scapular spine separate?

Scapular spine is a ridge across posterior surface of the scapular body. Separates two regions. 1. supraspinous fossa 2. infraspinous fossa

Describe the FEMALE PELVIS. Heavy? Lighter? Hard? Smooth? Less what that results in less attachments?

Smoother & Lighter. Less prominent muscle and ligament attachments.

Describe the PELVIS. Consists of what types of bones? Stabilized by what?

Consists of two coxal bones- the sacrum, and the coccyx. Stabilized by ligaments of the pelvic girdle, sacrum and lumbar vertebrae

The PROCESSES that belongs to the GLENOID CAVITY are known as? What are their functions?

Coracoid process (anterior & Smaller)- ligaments and tendon attachment. Acromion (posterior & larger) - Articulates with clavicle.


Coronoid process enters the coronoid fossa.

Describe and identify the regions on the SHAFT of the humerus.

Deltoid tuberosity- A bulge in the shaft Attaches deltoid muscle. Radial groove- For radial nerve, Posterior to deltoid tuberosity.

The long, upper arm bone is known as? What does this bone articulate with? (NOT SPECIFIC BUT BROAD STRUCTURE)

Humerus. Articulates with pectoral girdle.

Name the THREEE different bones that make up the COXAL BONES.

Illium (articulates with sacrum) Ischium Pubis


Interosseous membrane.

Describe interosseous membrane.

Is a fibrous sheet that connects lateral margin of ulnar shaft to radius.

Describe the REGIONS (MARKS) and STRUCTURES of the ISHIUM.

Ischial tuberosity-posterior projection you sit on. Ischial ramus-meets inferior ramus of pubis.

The shoulder joint is also known as? What specific structures articulate to make up this joint?

Known as the glenohumeral joint. The humerus and the glenoid cavity articulate with each other.

Describe the ACETABULUM. Know as what? Meeting point of what three bones? What surface is on and on what bone?

Known as the hip socket. Is the meeting point of the ilium, ischium, and pubis. Is on the lateral surface of the coxal bone.

The KNEE CAP is also called? What is the shape of the bone? Where it is formed?

Known as the patella The shape is a sesamoid bone. Formed within the tendons of the quadriceps of femoris muscles.

Describe and identify the STRUCTURES and regions of the RADIUS.

Lateral bone of the forearm. Disc-shaped radial head above the neck. Radial tuberosity is below the neck, attaches biceps.

The lateral projection of the ankle is ?

Lateral malleolus.

Describe the regions and structures on the SHAFT of the FEMUR.

Linea aspera is the most prominent ridge of shaft Attaches hip muscles.

The PHALANGES of the hand contain how many finger bones? Describe the PHALANGES.

14 total fingers bones. Pollex (thumb)- Has two phalanges proximal & distal) Fingers- Three phalanges (proximal, middle, distal) .

Describe the BODY OF THE SCAPULA. How many sides? Names of the side? How many corners? Name of the corners?

3 sides - superior, medial, & lateral border. 3 corners- superior, inferior, lateral angle.

Describe the METACARPALS. How many? How are they numbered? Which one starts with 1?

5 long bones of the hand. Numbered 1-5 (THUMB IS ALWAYS ONE) Lateral side starts with carpal # 1.

How many CARPAL BONES are there? Identify and describe the FUNCTION of the CARPAL BONES.

8 carpal bones. Allow wrist to bend and twist.

The acromion and clavicle articulate with each other at what joint?

Acromioclavicular joint.

The FOREARM is also called the? What does it consist of ?

Also called the antebrachium. Consists of two long bones. Ulna (medial) Radius (lateral)

The CLAVICLES are also called what? What is the length and shape?

Also called the collarbone. Long, S-shaped bones.

The Tibia is also called? What is the function of the bone? It is larger than ? It is medial to ?

Also called the shinbone Supports body weight Larger than fibula Medial to fibula

The SCAPULAE is also called ? Length and shape?

Also called the shoulder blades. Broad, flat triangular shape.

The Pectoral Girdle is also known as the ? What does it connect? What does it position? What does it provide a base for? What does it consists of?

Also known as the shoulder girdle. Connects the arms to the body. Positions the shoulder. Provides a base for arm movement. Consists of two clavicles and two scapulas.

Describe the regions and structures on the SHAFT of the TIBIA

Anterior margin is the sharp ridge of the "shinbone."

Describe the general functions of the APPENDICULAR SKELETON. How many bones? Allows us to do do what with objects? Includes all bone including those of what other skeleton?

Appendicular skeleton has 126 bones. Allows us to move and manipulate objects. Includes all bones besides axial skeleton.


Articulates with Tibia. At the superior and inferior joints -Tibiofibular joints

What is the function of Fibula? What muscles does it attach? Smaller than the _____. Lateral to _____.

Attaches muscles of feet and toes. Smaller than the TIBIA. Lateral to TIBIA.

Describe the PELVIC MODIFICATION for CHILDBEARING of the FEMALE PELVIS. Outlet? Angle? Curvature ? Shape?

Enlarged pelvic outlet. Broad pubic angle >100 degrees. Less curvature of sacrum and coccyx. Wide, circular pelvic inlet. Broad, low pelvis.

Describe the regions and structures on the PROXIMAL EPIPHYSIS of the FEMUR. What articulates with what ? Ligaments attach where? Describe the neck, where is it? Sites of tendon attachments?

Femoral head articulates with pelvis at acetabulum Ligaments attach at fovea capitis. The neck is the narrow area between head and trochanters. Trochanters are sites of tendon attachments Greater trochanter and lesser trochanter.

What are the BONES of the LOWER LIMB?

Femur (thigh) Patella (kneecap) Tibia and fibula (leg) Tarsals (ankle) Metatarsals (foot) Phalanges (toes)

Describe and name the articulation that occurs with the METATARSAL BONES. How many bones & what types of bones? How are they numbered? Articulates with what?

Five long bones of foot. Numbers 1-5, medial to lateral. Articulates with toes.

Describe and identify the regions on the PROXIMAL end of the humerus. What types of tubercles? Why are they important?

Greater and lesser tubercles-are important sites of muscle attachment. Head is rounded, articulating surface Contained within joint capsule. Anatomical neck marks the margin of joint capsule. Surgical neck is the narrow region corresponding to the metaphysis. Frequent location of fractures

Describe the REGIONS (MARKS) and STRUCTURES of the ILLIUM.

Greater sciatic notch- for sciatic nerve. Iliac crest -upper brim for attachment. Iliac fossa- depression between iliac crest and arcuate line. - supports abdominal organs


Head of the femur (LUNATE SURFACE).

The PELVIC GIRDLE is made up of what two bones?

Hip Bones (COXAL bones)

Describe the HEAD OF THE SCAPULA. What cavity does it hold? Articulates with what?

Holds glenoid cavity. Which articulates with Humerus.


Humerus & Clavicle

Describe and identify the regions on the DISTAL EPIPHYSIS of the humerus.

Medial and lateral epicondyles- muscle attachment. Condyle of the humerus articulates with ulna and radius. Trochlea articulates with ulna- Coronoid fossa and olecranon fossa. Capitulum articulates with radius- Radial fossa.

Describe the regions and structures on the PROXIMAL EPIPHYSIS of TIBIA

Medial and lateral tibial condyles are separated by intercondylar eminence (posterior.)- Articulate with medial and lateral condyles of femur. Tibial tuberosity attaches patellar ligament.

Describe the regions and structures on the DISTAL EPIPHYSIS of the FEMUR.

Medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle Above the knee joint. Medial condyle and lateral condyle Separated by intercondylar fossa (posterior) and patellar surface (anterior. Form part of knee joint.

Describe the regions and structures on the DISTAL EPIPHYSIS of the TIBIA

Medial malleolus is the medial projection at the ankle.

What are the meaningful characteristics that are revealed by STUDYING THE SKELETON.

Muscle strength and mass (bone ridges, bone mass) Medical history (condition of teeth, healed fractures) Sex and age (bone measurements and fusion) Body size


Olecranon enters the olecranon fossa.

The APEX attaches what?

Patellar ligament.

Describe the PHALANGES OF THE FOOT. How many bones? Describe the HALLUX. What is it also called? How many phalanges? Describe the OTHER FOUR TOES. How many phalanges?

Phalanges- 14 bones of the toes in each foot. Hallux- big toe or (GREAT TOE) has two phalanges (distal & proximal) Other four toes are three phalanges (distal, medial, proximal).


Proximal phalanges.

Describe the REGIONS (MARKS) and STRUCTURES of the PUBIS.

Pubic symphysis-gap between pubic tubercles, padded with fibrocartilage. Obturator foramen-formed by ischial and pubic rami -Attaches hip muscles.

The BASE of the PATELLA attaches what?

Quadriceps femoris.

Described and identify the OTHER ARTICULATIONS in the radius.

Radial notch articulates with head of radius Forms proximal radioulnar joint.

What is the function of the PELVIC GIRDLE?

Strong bones used to bear body weight, stress of movement.

Name and describe the functions of the BONES OF THE ANKLE.

Talus- Articulates with the tibia. Talus helps transmit weight from tibia toward toes. Calcaneus (heel bone)- helps transfer weight from talus to ground. Attaches calcanea (achilles) tendon which connects to calf muscles.

The Ankle is also called _______ and it consists of _________ bones. (FILL IN THE BLANKS)

The ankle is also called the TARSUS and it consists of SEVEN TARSAL bones.

The UPPER LIMBS consist of?

The arms, forearms, wrists, & hands. NOTE: arm (brachium) = 1 bone that is the humerus.

The clavicles articulates with the ________ at the sternal end.(FILL IN THE BLANK)

The clavicle articulates with the MANUBRIUM at the sternal end.

The clavicle articulates with the ________ at the acromial end (FILL IN THE BLANK)

The clavicle articulates with the SCAPULAE at the acromial end.

The SUBSCAPULAR FOSSA is ? (Definition of fossa and location)

The depression on the anterior surface of the scapula.

Aside from the bones in the axial skeleton, the BONES of the APPENDICULAR SKELETON INCLUDE?

The limbs. The supportive girdles.

Where does the PECTORAL GIRDLE CONNECT with the axial skeleton?

The manubrium, located on the sternum.

Describe and identify the structures on the PROXIMAL EPIPHYSIS region of the ULNA.

The olecranon is the point of the elbow. The trochlear notch of the ulna articulates with the trochlea of the humerus. The coronoid process of the ulna articulates with the trochlea of the humerus.

The ulnar head also articulates with ___________ of the ________. What does it form? (FILL IN THE BLANK)

The ulnar head also articulates with the DISTAL END of the RADIUS. Forms the distal radioulnar joint.

The prominent styloid process that attaches to articular discs is found where? Attachment between ?

The ulner head has a prominent styloid process. Attaches to articular disc between forearm & wrist.

Describe the DISTAL ARTICULATIONS of the radius.

Ulnar notch- articulates with the wrist and ulna. Styloid process - stabilizes wrist joint.

What area of the leg does the "THIGH" indicate?

Upper leg.

What are the functions of the lower limb?

Weight bearing and motion.

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