BIO 377 Chapters 1&2

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Carbon atom has 6 electrons. Innermost shell has _ electrons and second shell has _ electrons.


What percentage of total-body water does interstitial fluid contain?


How many general categories of differentiated tissues are there in the body?


Number of covalent bonds each atom can form... Carbon- Nitrogen- Oxygen- Hydrogen-


__-__% of an adult's body weight is comprised of water.


What percentage of total-body water does intracellular fluid contain?


What percentage of total-body water does plasma contain?


The normal average pH of extracellular fluid is __


A chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms with an acidic carboxyl group at one end is a(n)... A. fatty acid B. carboxypeptidase C. carbohydrate D. amino acid E. steroid


When ionic forms of mineral elements are dissolved in water _______. A. they can conduct electricity and are called electrolytes B. the anions and cations combine irreversibly into uncharged compounds called electrolytes C. the anions and cations combine irreversibly into uncharged compounds called isotopes D. they can conduct electricity and are called isotopes


One mole of a compound... (select all that apply) A. is the amount of the compound in grams equal to its molecular weight B. contains 6x10^23 of individual molecules C. weighs one gram D. is the amount that will dissolve in one liter of water

A and B

Which TWO of the following are true for all steroids? A. they are nonpolar B. they are poorly soluble in water C. they contain a phosphate group D. they have the same functional groups E. they have double covalent bonds between the same carbon atoms

A and B

Which of the following are true of a hydrophobic molecule? A. does not dissolve readily in water B. is nonpolar C. is polar

A and B

Which characteristics do all lipids share? A. nonpolar B. have equal number of carbon and oxygen atoms C. low solubility in water D. have a hydroxyl group

A and C

Which are true regarding amphipathic molecules? A. They contain polar or ionized regions at one site, and nonpolar regions at other sites. B. They are unable to dissolve in water, except at very high concentrations. C. They can't be mixed with water, unless a nonpolar solvent is present in equal proportions with the water. D. When they dissolve in water, they cluster with the nonpolar regions oriented toward the center of the cluster and polar regions facing the water.

A and D

Select all of the following that normally contribute to the entrainment of circadian rhythms in humans. A. Social cues from other individuals B. The light-dark cycle C. External environmental temperature D. The timing of meals E. The release of melatonin from the pineal gland

A, B, C, and D

Select the general categories of organic substances found in the body. A. lipids B. proteins C. nucleic acids D. carbohydrates E. electrolytes

A, B, C, and D

Which of the following are general tissue types of the body? A. connective B. nervous C. epithelial D. muscle E. blood F. bone

A, B, C, and D

Which of the following are considered to be connective tissue or formed by connective tissue? A. tendons B. bone C. adipose D. neurons E. blood F. skeletal muscle

A, B, C, and E

Select EACH of the following that accurately describes a general principle observed in the study of physiology. A. Most physiological functions are controlled by multiple regulatory systems, often working in opposition B. The functions of organ systems are coordinated with each other. C. Most physiological control systems include positive feedback pathways. D. Information flow between cells, tissues, and organs is an essential feature of homeostasis and allows for physiological integration. E. Homeostasis is essential for health and survival.

A, B, D, and E

Select all that are subclasses of lipid. A. triglycerides B. Fatty acids C. amino acids D. steroids E. phospholipids

A, B, D, and E

An amino acid contains .... Select all that apply. A. carboxyl group B. amino group C. side chain (R) D. glycerol backbone

A, B, and C

The four bases that make up DNA in the human body include: A. thymine B. amine C. guanine D. cytosine E. ribose F. adenine

A, C, D, and F

Select all that are TRUE about triglycerides in the body. A. They are stored in great quantities in adipose tissue B. They can be hydrolyzed into 3 fatty acids and one glucose molecule C. They are present in the blood and can be synthesized in the liver D. They serve as an energy reserve for the body, particularly during times when a person is fasting or exercising.

A, C, and D

Select the THREE principal components that make up a nucleotide. A. phosphate group B. three fatty acids C. glycerol molecule D. organic base E. five-carbon sugar

A, D, and E

Which example is a local homeostatic response? A. When a tissue is metabolically active, blood vessels within that tissue dilate to allow more blood to flow into it. B. When blood pressure falls, stretch receptors in blood vessels send signals to the brain that stimulate an increase in the heart rate. C. When the blood glucose concentration increases, insulin is released by the pancreas and causes increased uptake of glucose into muscle cells. D. When temperature receptors detect a drop in body temperature, shivering of skeletal muscles is stimulated.


Epithelial cells rest on an extracellular protein layer called the... A. gap junction B. basement membrane C. junctional complex


Homeostatic variables... A. vary constantly throughout the day so there's no such thing as a normal range of values B. can undergo oscillations around an average value but still be considered to be in balance C. do not vary from their normal value except in cases of disease


Primary structure of a protein includes ________. A. alpha helix or beta pleated sheet due to hydrogen bonds B. specific type of amino acids at each position in the chain of a particular protein C. bending or folding of the polypeptide chain in on itself


Tertiary protein structure is most likely to be denatured because of the weak nature of the forces that hold it together. The weakest of these forces are ____________. A. ionic bonds B. van der Waals forces C. hydrogen bonds D. hydrophobic interactions


What distinguishes the 20 amino acids found in living organisms from each other? A. Each contains a different number of amino groups B. Each contains a unique side chain (R) C. Each contains a different number of carboxyl groups D. Each contains a unique ration of amino groups to carboxyl groups


Which is a dehydration synthesis reaction? A. XY + H2O -> X-OH + Y-H B. X-OH + Y-H -> XY + H2O


Which of the following is NOT one of the five major factors that directly determine the tertiary structure of a polypeptide chain? A. disulfide bonds B. Van der Waals forces C. ionic bonds D. hydrogen bonds E. amino acid sequence


Choose exampleS of negative feedback loops: A. When contractions of a pregnant woman's uterus force a fetus' head into birth canal, a hormone is released that stimulates uterine contractions. B. When blood glucose concentration decreases, hormones are released that induce the production of glucose by the liver. C. When body temperature is increased, sweating occurs which increases heat loss from the body.

B and C

Select all of the following that are effectors in the negative feedback homeostatic reflex involved in thermoregulation. A. Nerves carrying info away from specific neurons in the brain B. Skeletal Muscle C. Smooth Muscle D. Specific neurons in the brain E. Nerves connecting skin receptors to brain cells

B and C

Select the ions that are NOT found in extracellular fluid... A. Na+ B. C12+ C. O2- D. H+ E. Cl- F. Ca2+ G. Mg2+ H. K+

B and C

Select all functions of fatty acids in the body. A. Linked together, they form proteins. B. They provide energy for cellular metabolism. C. They can be modified to produce signaling molecules called eicosanoids. D. They form part of the structure of triglycerides.

B, C, and D

Which three are categories of chemical messengers for intercellular communication? A. Exocrine substances B. Hormones C. Neurons D. Neurotransmitters E. Paracrine Substances

B, D, and E

In an experimental subject observed for several weeks the total amount of calcium is measured in ingested food, in urine, and in feces. If the amount of calcium in the urine plus the amount of calcium in the feces is greater than the amount of calcium ingested, which of the following is most likely true? A. The amount of calcium removed from bones is greater than the amount of calcium ingested in the food. B. The amount of calcium deposited in bones is greater than the amount of calcium removed from the bones. C. The amount of calcium removed from the bones is greater than the amount of calcium deposited in bones. D. The amount of calcium in the feces is equal to the amount of calcium in the urine.


Tertiary structure of a protein is best defined as... A. bonding of separate protein subunits B. alpha helix or beta pleated sheet due to hydrogen bonds C. bending or folding of polypeptide chain in on itself in three dimensions D. sequence of amino acids in the particular protein


What signals the pineal gland to release melatonin? A. Neural signals from the pons when bright light strikes the eye. B. Neural signals from the muscles when they are stretched to long lengths. C. Neural signals from the suprachiasmatic nucleus during darkness. D. Neural signals from the stomach during a meal. E. Neural signals from the skin when external temperature decreases.


Which correctly lists molecules that reduce the damage caused by free radicals by donating electrons to them without becoming free radicals themselves? A. ions like Cl- and HCO3- B. ions like Na+ and K+ C. antioxidants like vitamins C and E D. isotopes like vitamins C and E


Which describes a homeostatic control system? A. When a person's body temperature is elevated above normal, hormones are released that decrease cellular glucose uptake. B. When a person exercises on a hot day, the kidneys increase the amount of urine that's produced. C. When blood glucose becomes elevated above normal, hormones are released that cause glucose uptake from the blood into cells. D. When blood sodium becomes elevated above normal, a person's appetite to eat salty foods increases.


Which of the following is a specific collection of neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain that functions as the principal "time clock" for circadian rhythms? A. Basolateral alternator B. Pons C. Suprachiasmatic nucleus D. Epithalamus E. Substantial nigra


Which one of the following chemical structures does NOT commonly undergo ionization in biological molecules? A. R-COOH B. R-NH2 C. R-CH3


Which pair is most similar in composition? A. interstitial fluid and intracellular fluid B. intracellular fluid and plasma C. interstitial fluid and plasma


What two terms are used to describe this type of chemical reaction? C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 -> C12H22O11 + H2O A. hydrolysis B. catabolic synthesis C. dehydration synthesis D. condensation

C and D

Which pairs of molecules that tend to form nonpolar bonds with each other. A. sulfur-hydrogen B. hydrogen-oxygen C. carbon-carbon D. carbon-hydrogen E. nitrogen-hydrogen

C and D

Which two of the following are true of hydrophillic molecules? A. all organic molecules are hydrophillic B. nonpolar molecules are hydrophillic C. polar molecules are hydrophillic D. hydrophillic molecules dissolve readily in water

C and D

Which are isotopes of hydrogen? A. hydrogen atom with 2 protons, 1 neutron, and 1 electron B. hydrogen atom with 1 proton, 2 neutrons, and 2 electrons C. hydrogen atom with 1 proton, 1 neutron, and 1 electron D. hydrogen atom with 1 proton, 2 neutrons, and 1 electron E. hydrogen atom with 1 proton, 0 neutrons, and 1 electron

C, D, and E

Body temperature is an example of a... A. randomized variable B. steady-state equilibrium C. free-running rhythm D. circadian rhythm


One result of training is that an athlete's nervous system becomes programmed such that heart rate will increase before exercise begins. This is an example of a ___________. A. positive feedback mechanism B. negative feedback mechanism C. dynamic equilibrium D. learned feedforward mechanism


What information is required to define whether a specific intercellular messenger is a hormone, a neurotransmitter, or a paracrine substance? A. The cell type it is released from B. The pathway it travels is all that is needed C. The location of its target cells D. The cell type it is released from, the pathway it travels, and the location of its target cells all need to be known


When you travel to a different time zone, environmental cues such as the timing of sunrise will cause a ________ of the body's circadian rhythm that brings it into balance with the new time zone. A. positive balance B. free-run C. negative balance D. phase-shift


Which one is NOT a steroid? A. estrogen B. cortisol C. testosterone D. cholesterol E. thyroxine


True or false: An atom is most stable when all of the orbitals in its outermost shell are filled with two electrons each.


True or false: A chemical messenger may act as an autocrine and paracrine substance simultaneously.


True or false: hormones released by endocrine glands can participate as components of homeostatic reflex arcs.


_________ is when a person is exposed to a hot external environment and they sweat, removing heat from the body which favors homeostasis of body temperature... _________ is when after several weeks in a hot environment a person produces larger volumes of sweat than on the first day of exposure to that environment...


A polypeptide is a chain of individual subunits called _____ _____.

amino acids

When a single class of molecule is neither purely hydrophilic nor hydrophobic but has elements of both, it is referred to as a(n) _________ molecule


The region of an epithelial cell's membrane that faces away from the interstitial fluid

apical side

Chemical Messengers- Target is same cell: Target is nearby cell: Target is nearby cell with electrical signal: Target is a distant cell traveling through blood vessel:


The ______ membrane is a layer of proteins and polysaccharides that anchor epithelial cell membranes to underlying connective tissue.


The region of an epithelial cell's membrane that faces the interstitial fluid

basolateral side

_________ is an organic molecule that contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the ratio 1:2:1.


By convention, the atomic mass scale is based upon comparing other atoms to _______, which is assigned a value of exactly 12.


Which types of muscle tissue are involuntary?

cardiac and smooth

Positively charged ion


The term used to describe the process of transforming an unspecialized cell into a specialized cell type is _____ _________.

cell differentiation

protein fibers of extracellular matrix consist of rope-like ______ fibers and rubber band-like _____ fibers.


A _______ bond is formed when atoms share electrons


A ________ is a molecule that forms when two monosaccharides covalently bond together.


Unsaturated fatty acid has _________ (single or double) covalent bonds within the hydrocarbon chain while a saturated fatty acid has ________ (single or double) covalent bonds


Within a water molecule, hydrogen atoms become slightly positively charged while the oxygen atom acquires a slightly negative charge; this unequal distribution of electrons between hydrogen atoms and oxygen is the result of the greater __________of oxygen relative to hydrogen


The type of tissue that covers the body surface and lines the inner surface of tubular and hollow structures such as the trachea and gut is __________ _______.

epithelial tissue

An important function of some connective tissue is to form a mixture of proteins, polysaccharides, and in some cases minerals that provides a scaffold for cellular attachments between cells. This material is called the _____________ ______

extracellular matrix

To help minimize deviation from a variable's set point, _______ (negative feedback, positive feedback, or feedforward) regulation initiates compensatory mechanisms before deviation of the regulated variable from normal actually occurs.


A ___ ______ is an unstable molecule containing an unpaired electron in its outer shell, that oxidizes other molecules by transferring an electron from them.

free radical

Biological rhythms that occur in the complete absence of environmental cues are known as ____-________ rhythms


Small subunits of an organ that each perform the function of a given organ are referred to as __________ _____.

functional units

A molecule consisting of one or more monosaccharides bound to the side chain of specific amino acids of a polypeptide is called a __________


A molecule consisting of one or more monosaccharides bound to the side chains of specific amino acids of a polypeptide is called a _________


The concentration of dissolved proteins in plasma is ____ (greater or less) than the concentration of dissolved proteins in interstitial fluid.


Walter Cannon was the American physiologist who proposed the use of the word "______" to describe the concept of constancy of the internal environment that was proposed by Claude Bernard.


A bond that forms due to the electrical attraction between a slightly positive hydrogen atom in one molecule and a slightly negative oxygen or nitrogen atom in another molecule is called a _______ bond.


Although _____ bonds are weak individually, they are extremely important in that they affect molecular interactions within large molecules like proteins, which in turn determines their shapes and abilities to interact with other molecules


The acidity of a solution refers to the free (unbound) ____ ion concentration; the negative logarithm of that concentration is the solution's __


What type of reaction is represented by this chemical equation? C12H22O11 + H2O -_ C6H12O6 + C6H12O6


________ is a chemical reaction that uses water to break the bond between glucose and fructose


In a(n) _____ bond, one or more electrons are lost from one atom and transferred to a second atom; therefore no electrons are actually shared.


______ have the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons.


One type of cell signaling is of particular importance in the growth and differentiation of tissues, and involves a plasma membrane-bound molecule on one cell that stimulates a second cell when the two come into physical contact. This type of signaling is referred to as __________ signaling.


The simplest form of a carbohydrate that can't be broken down into smaller sugars is known as a(n) _______


Glucose, a simple carbohydrate, is classified as a _______, while glycogen which contains many glucose molecules bound together is classified as a _______.


Generation of mechanical force is a function that is most characteristic of ______ tissue.


ATP inhibits the activity of the enzymes that create ATP from ADP and Pi. This is an example of _______ feedback.


_______ (neg or pos) feedback loops are more common in physiology than ______ (neg or pos) feedback loops.


In the pool diagram, the left section is ___ ____, the middle section is ______ _____ _____, and the right section is ___ ____.

net gain/distribution within body/net loss

A ______ ______ bond is formed when the valence electrons are distributed equally between the bonded atoms

nonpolar covalent

____ ____ are the category of organic molecules responsible for the storage, expression, and transmission of genetic information.

nucleic acids

In a process called ________, water moves from a region of low solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration.


Chemical messengers that travel through interstitial fluid from once cell to other nearby cells are known as _______ substances or agents.


A ______ bond is one formed between the amino and carboxyl groups of amino acids.


________ are generally amphipathic molecules


A ______ ______ bond is formed when electrons of two atoms are unequally shared

polar covalent

A _____ is a macromolecule composed of many individual, similar subunits


What molecule is formed when many monosaccharides bond together to form a large starch molecule?


The ____ occupies a position of central importance in the balance of a chemical substance in the body and is often identical to the amount of the substance present in the ______________ fluid.


Which has no means of stopping? Positive or negative feedback loops?


Atomic number equals number o _____


Isotopes of atoms that spontaneously degrade and emit energy are called _______


When weak hydrogen bonds form and bend a polypeptide chain into an alpha helix or beta pleated sheet, it creates a level of structure referred to as _______ structure.


In a homeostatic control system, the normal target value of a variable that the system works to maintain is called the ___ ____.

set point

When a person has a fever, the ___ ____ temperature is reset to a higher value, inducing mechanisms that increase the body temperature.

set point

Water is the most abundant ________ in the body


Epithelial cells... ________: thin and flat shape ________: all sides approximately equal in length ________: elongated, rectangular shape


_______ have six carbon rings


Epithelial cells are held together along their lateral surfaces between the apical and basolateral membranes by extracellular barriers called ___ junctions.


A _______ is a subcategory of lipids that contains one glycerol bound to three molecules of fatty acids


When the number of protons and number of electrons in an atom are equal, the net electrical charge of an atom is _____


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