Bio Exam 2

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Describe the sexual life cycle of bread mold.

(1) Multinucleate gametangia are produced and compatible strains undergo plasmogeny, and form (2) a heterokaryotic zygosporangium. (3) Karyogamy of the haploid nuclei takes place to form many diploid nuclei and the zygosporangium develops into a thick-walled zygospore. (4) Meiosis occurs and produces many haploid spores, that (5) are dispersed in air and germinate when finding a suitable environment.

A turgid cell that you are studying has a solute potential of -1.3MPa. What is its approximate water potential?


The water potential of a flaccid cell you are studying is -1.5. What is its solute potential?


The number of animal species now known is about

1 million

Match the taxonomic designations to the common names: 1) Piciformes 2) Galliformes 3) Accipitriformes 4) Anseriformes 5) Passeriformes

1) woodpeckers 2) chickens, pheasants, quail 3) eagles, hawks, vultures 4) ducks, geese, swans 5) robins, starlings, sparrows, warblers

If a given plant loses 200 L of water in a day, how much of this do you expect will be lost through the cuticle?

10 L

In the process of nitrogen fixation, if you start with 5 molecules of N2, you will need _____ hydrogen atoms and _____ ATP molecules to make _____ molecules of ammonia.

30, 80, 10

Seeds appeared in the fossil record by

365 million years ago.

Some lichens can reach ages of at least

4,500 years

You want to calculate the relative water content of a sapling. You measure the fresh weight to be 11.95g, the turgid weight to be 12.5g, and the dry weight to be 11.5g. What is the RWC of this plant, and is it likely to live or die?

45%, die

The human lineage began to diverge from those of other primates about

6 million years ago.

Water typically makes up about what percentage of a plant?


Compare a pseudocoelom to a coelom.

A coelom is completely enclosed by mesoderm whereas a pseudocoelom has an outer covering of mesoderm and an inner one of endoderm.

Why did the dinosaurs become extinct?

A meteorite or comet crashed into the Earth, causing smoke and ash that blocked the sun and caused death of the plants that were food for herbivorous dinosaurs.

Which of the following would bear the most resemblance to Archaeopteris, an ancient plant genus that preceded gymnosperms and angiosperms?

A pine tree that does not produce cones.

Which statement best describes the relationship between a carpel and a pistil?

A pistil can be composed of either a single carpel (in which case the two terms are synonymous) or of two or more carpels fused together.

What type of plant would be least affected by the loss of the guard cell function that closes stomata?

A rainforest plant.

What is the most likely consequence of a mutation that causes sporopollenin to degrade quickly after it is synthesized?

A reduction in the ability of pollen and spores to disperse to new areas.

The route followed by a sperm from production to fertilization in a flowering plant is:

A sperm cell, enclosed in a pollen grain with another sperm, is produced in the anther, transported to the pedicel where it passes through a pollen tube that grows down the style to the ovary, enters the ovule and joins with the egg cell.

Mutant plants that wilt easily under strong sunlight and high temperatures have been isolated. The stomata in these plants are functional, but do not respond to ABA. What protein may be missing from these plants?

ABA receptor

What hormone plays a role in the closing of stomata in response to water stress?

Abscisic acid

Which of the following would you expect to be happening if a plant is showing water stress?

Abscisic acid is being transported to the guard cells.

Which one of the following is considered to be an important plant hormone that helps plants cope with environmental stresses?

Abscisic acid.

You leave for winter vacation and forget to water your plants for two whole weeks! You also turned down the heat and closed the blinds. What hormone is most likely to be produced in response to these conditions?

Abscisic acid.

Check all of the following that are required for stomate opening:

Active Transport, Channels, Facilitated Diffusion, ATP Hydrolysis, Proton Pump

As a naturalist, you are responsible for training volunteers in the identification of the types of amphibians. The volunteers will use this information to correctly describe the animals to school groups that will visit your nature center. The training documentation for the volunteers lists important characteristics of the different groups of amphibian, but you notice that one of the items on the list is incorrect. Indicate which description is not correct.

Adult frogs, toads, and salamanders are predators of insects and other small animals whereas caecilians are herbivores.

Many insects make larvae that are very different from the adults. What do you think are advantages of this system? Check all that apply.

Adults and offspring would not compete for food sources., Adults and offspring would not be vulnerable to the same predators., Adults and offspring would not compete for habitats.

What phyla of animals has the greatest number of species?


You are given a new animal species to study. You note that it possesses segmentation. Knowing only that it is segmented, which of these are segmented? Check all that apply.

Arthropoda., Chordata., Annelida.

Which hormones would be the most relevant to commercial fruit growers? Check all that apply.

Auxin, Ethylene

The fungus Botrytis cinerea infects grapes. When grapes infected with this fungus are picked at the appropriate stage, they produce a delicious sweet wine. In order for wine producers to encourage this infection, they could try to enhance the function of which fungal genes?

Avirulence genes.

Which of the following best explains why bees aren't attracted to red flowers?

Bees can't see red.

Phototropism is a plant response controlled largely by which color of light?


Which hormone might be able to counteract the leaf drop caused by leaking street lanterns observed by Dimitry Neljubov?


What is a feature of woody stems (in temperate regions) but not of herbaceous stems?

Bud scale scars.

A farmer decides to plant his crops in a desert. What adaptation would give them the greatest advantage in this climate?

C4 photosynthesis

Which of the following are physical stimuli that influence plant responses?

CO2, light, water vapor, gravity.

A plant lacking this macronutrient is likely to be deficient in which step of root nodule development?

Calcium, curling of root hairs around rhizobia

Indicate the statements that are true about carnivorous plants: (check all that apply)

Carnivorous plants are likely to be green., Some carnivorous plants engage in symbioses., Some carnivorous plants produce substances that enhance their ability to attract prey.

Plant roots that are in a horizontal position grow down because

Cells on the upper side elongate more than those on the lower side.

A scientist is working with fungi in his lab, and in doing so he chemically modifies the cellular environment of the fungi so plasmogamy can occur, but karyogamy cannot occur. Explain what would happen with the fungi in this new circumstance

Cells would fuse but maintain separate nuclei.

Match each mollusk with the correct taxonomic class. 1)nautili 2)chitons 3)clams 4)snails

Cephalopoda, Polyplacophora, Bivalvia, Gastropoda

Which are fungal phyla? Check all that apply.

Chytridiomycota, Ascomycota

Which fish were thought to be extinct, but were actually found in living populations?


Match the structure of the amniotic egg with the correct description: 1) allantois 2)chorion 3)amnion 4)yolk sac

Compartmentalizes wastes, gas exchange, Protection of the embryo, contains nutrients

Imagine an insect that is making its way from the outside of a tree to the inside of the tree. Put the layers that it would it encounter in order, starting with the outermost later.

Cork, Cork cambium, Remains of primary and older secondary phloem., secondary xylem, Primary xylem and pith.

Match each root adaptive type with the plant in which it is found.: 1) Prop Roots 2)Pneumatophores 3) Buttress Roots

Corn, Mangrove Trees, Tropical Trees

(1) Lack chitnous cell wall (2) flagellated reproductive stems (3) parasitize animal cells (4) black bread mold (5) sac fungi (6) club fungi

Cryptomycota, Chytrids, Microsporidia, Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes

Gymnosperm phyla include

Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta.

Select the plant behavior that arises from internal stimuli.

Cytokinins promoting cell division.

Molecular barcodes are

DNA sequences used to identify and catalog biodiversity.

In Barrow, Alaska, the sun does not set for several months in the summer. Based on what you know about photoperiodism, what type of plant is most likely to flower during the summer in Barrow?

Day-neutral plants.

Arabidopsis irx4 mutants have a collapsed xylem phenotype. What process is likely to be defective in these mutants?

Deposit of lignin

You discover a new plant hormone that stimulates cell division. Which experiment will allow you to determine if it is a cytokinin or gibberellin?

Determining where the hormone binds its receptor will allow you to differentiate.

What is the closest parallel in animal structural levels of complexity to the branches, buds, flowers, seeds, and fruits of flowering plants?

Digestive system, reproductive system, skeletal system.

Molecular techniques led to the reinterpretation of morphologically based phylogeny such that

Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa were designated as clades.

Which of the following is the role of calcium-dependent protein kinases?

Effector molecule.

Apoplastic movement of water and minerals is possible until they reach which cell type?


The transcription factor called SHOOT ROOT is involved in the specialization of root cells into what type of tissue?


Which cells in the root have a suberin layer called the Casparian strip?


Which of the following describes the difference between fungal endomycorrhizae and fungal endophytes?

Endomycorrhizae form arbuscules that facilitate exchanges of water and food between the fungus and plant root cells, whereas endophytes invade plant cells and provide the plant with protective antibiotics and toxins.

Which of the following is NOT required for passive transport?


Which one of the following is not a major plant hormone?


What is true of eudicots but not monocots?

Eudicots have flower parts usually in multiples of 4 or 5.

Soil nutrients that are leached from soils into ponds or other bodies of water can contribute to such phenomena as: (Check all that apply)

Excess growth of certain algae, reduced fertility of soils

If a mutation occurred in a flatworm such that the flame cells no longer functioned, what do you predict would be the consequence?

Excretory function would be impaired.

Active transport in plants works against a concentration gradient and this allows for substances to pass through plant cells without an energy input.


All Platyhelminthes are parasitic.


All materials passing from one hyphal cell to another must diffuse across the septal wall.


Conidia are sexual spores produced by mushrooms.


Each arm of the starfish differs internally, one being specialized for reproduction, another for respiration, a third for digestion, a fourth for the water vascular system, and the fifth for the nervous and circulatory systems.


Echinoderms have an exoskeleton.


Horizontal gene transfer is restricted to prokaryotes and protists.


Lichens are monophyletic.


Millipedes have a thousand legs whereas centipedes have only a hundred legs.


Most plants transport sucrose over long distances through the xylem.


One reason auxins are called the "master plant hormones" is because they mostly work apart from other hormones.


Roots have axillary buds that allow for the development of lateral or branch roots.


The Casparian strip prevents apoplastic movement through epidermal cells.


The K/T event was the transition of plants from water to land.


The conspicuous green patches of mosses that you see in the woods are mostly sporophytes.


The formation of feathers, hair, and reptilian scales is based on completely different developmental patterns and genetic influences.


The fossil record shows that angiosperms evolved directly from the Gnetophytes.


The nervous system of a cnidarian consists of a central ganglion leading into a nerve net.


The root hairs develop in the zone of elongation.


The root zone of maturation is immediately above the root apical meristem (RAM).


The two body forms of some radiates is an example of alternation of generations.


There are no parasitic crustaceans.


High levels of the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis were found in a local pond. What do you predict will be the consequence of this fungus?

Frog populations will decline.

Which of the following statements is the most accurate description of fruits and seeds?

Fruits are structures that contain seeds and foster seed dispersal.

Dwarf plants are often short because they produce less gibberellin than taller varieties of the same species. What other scenarios might lead to dwarf plants? Choose all that apply

GID proteins that can't bind gibberellin as well., DELLA proteins that bind transcription factors more strongly than normal., GID proteins that can't bind DELLA proteins as well.

In what stage of the alternation of generations in flowering plants is a process that is analogous to the production of eggs by frogs carried out?

Gametophyte stage.

If you want a plant to grow very large, which hormones might you want to treat it with? Check all that apply.

Gibberellins., Brassinosteriods., Cytokinins

Assuming the plant survives, predict what would occur if you removed the shoot apical meristem of a plant embryo.

Growth would only occur at in the roots.

What features are associated with the leaf epidermis? Check all that apply.

Guard cells., Trichomes., Cuticular wax., Pores.

Where in the eudicot plant root would you expect to find vascular tissue?

In the center.

Which of the following statements are true of xylem?

It assists in conducting materials, such as water and minerals, throughout the plant, It provides structural support to the plant, It contains specialized cells known as tracheids.

Conifer resin has what properties?

It hardens on contact with air, It flows through ducts in the wood and leaves, It forms amber, often trapping insects and other organisms, It can prevent attack by herbivores and pathogens.

You are given an embryo with eight cells and you carefully separate them and allow them to develop in separate containers. Each of the cells forms a complete embryo that develops normally into an adult animal. How would you categorize your animal?

It has indeterminate cleavage.

A weed in your garden is flowering. When you look very closely, you notice that what you thought was a single flower is actually a very tightly clustered group of tiny yellow tubular flowers. Upon further inspection, you find that each one of these tiny tubular flowers has petals, sepals, stamens, and a single carpel. What is true about this plant?

It has inflorescences, It has perfect flowers, It has complete flowers

Attributes of Welwitschia mirabilis include

It has only two leaves, It lives under desert conditions, It is a gnetophyte

Picea glauca is a seed-bearing plant. What other characteristic MUST be true of this species?

It has vascular tissue.

Which of the following is the advantage that plants in arid habitats experience when they keep their stoma closed during hot daytime hours?

It helps to conserve water.

Which of the following statements characterize heterospory?

It involves production of two different kinds of spores, one growing into male gametophytes and the other into female gametophytes, It increases the chance of cross-fertilization, It increases the potential for genetic variation and aids evolutionary flexibility

You are given the task of finding all the information that you can about a newly discovered species. Unfortunately the only material you have to study is a small tissue sample. You are able to sequence the DNA of this animal from the sample, and in doing so you find that the animal has multiple clusters of Hox genes. Without looking further, what can you conclude about this species? Check all that apply.

It is a vertebrate., It has the potential for tremendous structural complexity., It is a chordate.

Archaeopteris, the first known tree, had what characteristics?

It occurred in forests, it possessed wood, It had a eustele, It had a vascular cambium.

While strolling through an arboretum, a very tall tree bearing relatively small pollen-producing cones and short, needle-like leaves catches your eye. What else is also likely true of this species?

It produces resin, Its water-conducting cells are protected from desiccation by tori, Its leaf surfaces are protected from desiccation by a thick waxy cuticle.

What will happen if you place a turgid plant cell in a hypertonic solution? A hypotonic solution?

It will lose water, nothing

As a new curator for a large public aquarium in your city, you are in charge of correctly identifying some of the animals presently in your care. You have two adult animals in tanks in front of you, and you know that one is a lamprey, and the other is a hagfish. Which feature would allow you to correctly identify each animal?

Lampreys are parasitic, while hagfish are not parasitic.

How do the features of a larval tunicate differ from an adult tunicate? Check all that apply.

Larval tunicates have a conspicuous notochord that is lost by the time they reach adulthood., Larval tunicates have a hollow dorsal nerve cord that is reduced to a ganglion in adults., The tail of a larval tunicate is lost by the time it transforms into an adult, The pharynx of the larval tunicate becomes more prominent in the adult.

How do you think global warming is affecting leaf abscission?

Leaf abscission is happening later in the fall.

If auxin transport was limited at shoot tips, what would occur?

Leaf primordia formation would be limited to the cells where auxin was transported.

In tobacco plants, a H+/sugar cotransporter called NtSUT1 is required for sucrose loading into phloem. Levels of NtSUT1 are likely to be highest in what plant tissue?


Molybdenum is required for the nitrogenase enzyme. Based on this, what plants that you learned about are likely to need the most molybdenum in their soil?


A mother ship arrives from Planet Lichen to take all lichens on Earth back to their home planet. Which of the following would be consequences of the removal of lichens from Earth? Check all that apply.

Levels of chemical pollutants in the air can no longer be monitored using lichens., Levels of radiation in the soil can no longer be monitored using lichens., Nitrogen fixation will decrease.

Which of the following produce organic acids that may contribute to weathering of rocks?


If a cross section of a eudicot herbaceous stem were compared with the cross section of its root, how would they differ?

Location of vascular tissue.

After a decline to an historic low about 300 million years ago, carbon dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere rose again for a while. Hypothesize a reason why this occurred

Lower temperatures resulted in reduced plant growth; with less vegetation to absorb carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide levels rose.

A bird in your care has an infection in its air sacs. What do you predict would be the effect of this infection?

Metabolism and overall activity levels would decline as a result of lower oxygen flow.

Indicate which of the following are symbiotic relationships: (check all that apply)

Microbes living inside pitcher plants, Rhizobia living in legume roots, Mycorrhizae, Actinobacteria growing on shrubs or trees

Molecular-based phylogies place the phylum Platyhelminthes in the Protostomia. How do scientists best explain the morphological differences between flatworms and the other members of the Lophotrochozoa?

Modern Platyhelminthes do not have a coelom but did originate from an ancestor that had one.

Suppose you discover a new species of animal that does not have body segments, but is triploblastic, eucoelomate, and cephalized. Under the molecular phylogenetic scheme, you would allocate it to which phylum?


Which of the following statements best compares the two dominant lineages of modern angiosperms?

Monocots have only one cotyledon whereas eudicots have two.

How do monotremes differ from other mammals? Check all that apply.

Monotremes lay eggs., Monotremes are found only in New Guinea and Australia., Monotremes lack a placenta., Monotremes have poorly developed nipples.

Match each representative to the subphylum to which it belongs. 1) millipedes 2) shrimp 3) horseshoe crabs 4) insects

Myriapoda, Crustacea, Chelicerata, Hexapoda

What do eudicots have that is not present in monocots?

Netted venation.

Do mycorrhizal symbioses occur between fungus and non-photosynthetic plants?

No, non-photosynthetic plants cannot provide organic compounds to fungi.

During root nodule development rhizobia penetrate into root cortex cells. Next, proteins called __________ cause root cortex cells to divide, forming nodules.


You are observing the embryonic development of a new species in your laboratory. This species has indeterminate development. You note a mutation in which one of the blastomeres (early cells) mutates and loses its function. What do you hypothesize would happen to this being?

Nothing—the remaining blastomeres would accomodate the formation of the necessary structures of the embryo.

How many cell types would we expect to find in the simple primary tissues of plants?

One or two simple cell types.

Alternation of generations means

One phase of the life cycle is diploid and the other is haploid.

Plant hormones bind specific cellular receptor molecules that trigger gene expression responses. Which statement is correct concerning these responses?

Only cells that express the appropriate receptors can bind hormones.

When SEO gene expression is inactivated in tobacco plants, injured mutant plants exude nine times more sugar than injured wild type plants. What do SEO genes encode?

P proteins

You are asked to study a new species, and you are presented with a miniscule amount of DNA from that species. If you do not find a way to increase the volume of the DNA sample, you will not be able to work with the sample at all. which of these techniques amplifies DNA?


A plant that you are studying has sluggish wound healing abilities as well as an inability to store significant food reserves. You would like to enhance these properties. If you could enhance the growth of a tissue to improve these properties, which tissue would you enhance?

Parenchyma of the stem cortex

Arabidopsis plants that have mutant AtSUC2 alleles accumulate sugar and starch in their mature leaves. What process might these plants be unable to carry out?

Phloem loading

Based on the fact that CO2 limits photosynthesis in some current environments, what might you conclude about the evolution of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis evolved when environmental concentrations of CO2 were high.

Indicate which of the following mechanisms are used by carnivorous plants to trap or attract prey: (check all that apply)

Pitchers with slippery walls that collect water, Traps that are activated by touch, Sticky mucilage

Select the reaction that is most likely to be a tropism.

Plants bending away from a heat source.

Because of the environmental impact of inorganic fertilizers, scientists are working to engineer plants that more efficiently acquire phosphate. Which options below are likely to achieve that goal? (check all that apply)

Plants that express more phosphatase., Plants that make mycorrhizal associations with fungi.

A previously unknown animal is being studied so that it can be classified. It is an invertebrate, triploblastic, dorsoventrally flattened, acoelomate, and has flame cells. Which phylum would you place it in?


Check the phyla that are considered to be lophotrochozoans.

Platyhelminthes., Mollusca., Annelida., Rotifera

Which sequence of events is true about phtyochrome?

Pr is a receptor for red light in the cytosol, red light activates phytochrome, converting it to Pfr, then activated Pfr moves to the nucleus.

How would an animal compensate for a nonfunctional lateral line?

Pressure waves in the water would have to be detected by other sensory structures.

You are a botanist who is immersed in your attempt to increase a certain property in your plant of study. To that end, you induce a mutation that doubles the amount of vascular cambium (a type of meristem) in your plant. Assuming this brings the desired effect, what exactly was the property that you sought to increase?

Production of secondary xylem and phloem.

Leaf folding by the sensitive plant is due to changes in the water content of cells within structures called __________. This type of response is called

Pulvini, thigmotropism.

What type of flower should you plant in your garden if you are particularly interested in attracting butterflies?

Purple, tubular-shaped flowers with a light floral scent.

Where is the primary meristem located?

Root and stem tips.

Which of the following is the proper order of cells for water and minerals to travel from the soil into the xylem?

Root hair, cortex, endodermis, xylem

An agriculturalist is very concerned because his wheat crop is suddenly covered with red streaks. When consulted, you identify the issue as a condition known as rust. What would you advise the agriculturalist is the best preventive strategy for addressing the cellular basis of the rust?

Rust is caused by fungi that have reddish spores that emerge from the leaves of infected plants. Treat the plant to eliminate the fungi that causes the rust.

What are the characteristics of angiosperms? Check all that apply.

Seed production, Flower production, They prodce embryos

Which steps compose a plant's triple response to ethylene?

Seedling stem stops elongating, seedling stem thickens, and the seedling stem bends, forming a hook.

Which of the following statements describe advantages that seeds have over spores?

Seeds are able to store food, Seeds employ various means of dispersal, allowing colonization of more diverse habitats, Production of seeds does not require water as a medium for sperm transport.

This figure depicts the Briggs experiment, in which he tested the hypothesis that light causes auxin to move to the shaded side of seedlings. Based on what you remember about this experiment, which shoot do you expect to bend the most?

Shoot D

Which cells are likely to have a higher cellular water potential?

Sieve-tube elements near sink tissues

You find a sick plant in an arid environment. After studying it, you believe it is specifically defective in C4 photosynthesis. What nutrient might this plant be lacking?


Which is the best explanation for why plant roots use active transport to import solutes?

Solute concentration is higher inside the cell.

Characterize the life cycle of cnidarians.

Some have only polyps, some have both polyps and medusae, and others have medusae and a reduced polyp stage.

While conducting a plant diversity survey in a temperate rainforest in Washington state, you come across a number of individuals of a low-lying plant species. Back at the lab, tests indicate that the majority of the plant material is haploid. The plant you discovered is likely most closely related to

Sphagnum moss.

Which of the following statements describe the condition of fungal spores? Check all that apply

Spores can be produced asexually., Spores can be produced sexually, Spores grow into mature fungi.

What reptilian taxon is extant (has at least some members that are still living; opposite of extinct)?


Transpiration water loss occurs mostly through which of the following structures?


If a guard cell expressed a potassium channel that constantly pumped potassium into the cell, what would be the effect on the stomata?

Stomata would be always open.

_______ is the main sugar transported in phloem, plant biologists think it is less vulnerable to _______________ than monosaccharides.

Sucrose, metabolic breakdown

Select all of the following that are types of roots. Check all that apply.

Tap, Fibrous, Buttress

Which of the following is not a factor used directly in determining water potential of plant cells?


Among the mammals, only some primates (including most humans) have color vision. What was the likely advantage that probably drove the evolution of primate color vision?

The ability to find ripe fruit.

Ulva is a genus of algae in the phylum Chlorophyta. What characteristic does Ulva share with ferns?

The ability to synthesize organic nutrients using light.

Global deforestation remains a major concern as huge tracts of rainforest are cut down each day. How does the removal of such large numbers of trees from the world's forests affect the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

The concentration of carbon dioxide increases, which has a warming effect on the climate.

Which of the following statements best describes the life cycles of streptophyte algae and plants?

The diploid generation of streptophyte algae is unicellular whereas the diploid generation of plants is multicellular.

Advantages of retaining the young sporophyte as an embryo within the parent plant include

The embryo is protected from desiccation, The embryo is able to attain nutrients supplied by maternal tissues, The embryo is protected from pathogens, The embryo is protected from ultraviolet light.

A mutation results in the loss of the finger-like cell wall ingrowths found in normal placental transfer tissues. What effect is this mutation most likely to have on the development of the embryo?

The embryo will develop at a slower rate because the rate of nutrient transfer from mother to embryo will be decreased.

Which of the following correctly describes the fate of the embryonic germ layers?

The endoderm forms the gut, the ectoderm forms the epidermis and parts of the nervous system, and the mesoderm forms muscles and most internal organs.

If a mutation occurred in a human such that the pharyngeal slits never formed, what do you predict would be the consequence?

The eustachian tubes would not form.

A frog loses its ability to undergo buccal pumping. What must happen to compensate for this loss?

The exchange of gases through the skin must increase.

The main effect of burning peat, wood, coal, and petroleum on the Earth's climate is:

The fires release back into the atmosphere carbon dioxide that was once taken from the atmosphere by plants and stored in their own tissues; the increased carbon dioxide holds in solar heat and causes a rise in temperature.

The osculum of a sponge is entirely blocked by a fungal infection. Predict what will happen.

The flow of water out of the sponge will decrease.

What do you predict would happen if flower growth became indeterminate?

The flowers would be enormous.

You observe the symbiotic association of a green algae and a fungus in your backyard. After a time you note that the fungus has sickened, and it eventually dies. What do you predict will happen to the green algae?

The green algae will be more vulnerable to grazers and pathogens.

What does the mesoderm have to do with the designation of a true coelom?

The mesoderm gives rise to the lining of the coelom.

What is a unifying feature of all animals, but is not seen outside of the animal kingdom?

The nature of their small subunit rRNA gene sequences is different.

How does an open circulatory system differ from a closed one?

The open circulatory system has a combination of blood vessels and large thin-walled sinuses whereas a closed circulatory system has only vessels.

An organism has inherited a mutation that causes a loss of follicles. What do you predict would be the effect in this individual?

The organism would lack feathers or hair.

Which of the following statements best compares the ovary, ovule, and egg?

The ovary is the lower part of the pistil that houses the ovules that in turn contain the eggs.

In seed-bearing plants, what structure becomes the seed following fertilization?

The ovule.

Which of the following statements best compares the pedicel and receptacle?

The pedicel is the tip of the stem bearing the flower and the receptacle is the base of the flower.

You are studying a plant with mutant, nonfunctional PIN proteins. Assuming this plant could otherwise develop normally, predict how you might expect this plant to respond to directional light.

The plant will not move in response to light.

A sea star suffers from an infection that affects its ampullae. Due to the infection, the ampullae no longer function. What do you predict will be the effect on the sea star?

The sea star will be unable to extend its tube feet.

Forelimbs form at the junction of the neck and thoracic vertebrae, the position of which is controlled by HoxC-6 genes. Several kinds of vertebrates from different classes are limbless, including limbless lizards, and amphibians known as caecilians. All descended from limbed forms. On the basis of recent research in genetics, what would you conclude about the functioning of their HoxC-6 genes?

The site of expression of their HoxC-6 genes may have moved anteriorly until the level of expression has eliminated the neck region.

Which of the following comparisons between the moss life cycle and fern life cycle are valid?

The sporophyte generation is smaller than the gametophyte generation in mosses, but the sporophyte generation is much larger than the gametophyte generation in ferns, Both kinds of plants depend on wind for dispersal of spores.

How can one distinguish between annuals, biennials, and perennials?

The time from seed germination to seed production.

If two otherwise dissimilar organisms share similar genomic DNA, to what would you attribute the genomic similarity?

The two taxa are more closely related than formerly believed.

Differentiate between Parazoa and Eumetazoa.

The various cells types of Parazoa do not form permanent associations into tissues during their life cycle, whereas Eumetazoa possess true, stable tissues.

Conifers produce copious amounts of pollen during reproduction. What would be a likely consequence of a significant reduction in the amount of pollen produced by conifers?

There would be a decrease in the number of seeds produced because the chances of pollen reaching a female cone of the same species would be reduced.

Describe the characteristics of the Phylum Platyhelminthes. Check all that apply.

They are acoelomate., They are triploblastic., They exchange respiratory gases through the body wall.

Which of the following statements characterize euphylls?

They are believed to have evolved from a branch that flattened and developed photosynthetic tissue between the branches, They allow increased photosynthetic ability when compared to lycophylls.

Glittering wood-moss (Hylocomium splendens) is a species of moss that can be found in Alaska and Canada. Based on what you know about mosses, what is likely true of the female gametes of glittering wood-moss?

They are haploid, they lack flagella, They are housed in archegonia.

In earthworms, what do the nerve cord, the setae, the circular muscles, and the metanephridia have in common?

They are serially repeated in the body segments of the body.

What is a characteristic of most animals?

They have Hox genes.

What is a defining characteristic of members of the Class Testudines?

They have a hard shell.

Select all of the following that are true about the chondrichthyans.

They have internal fertilization., They were the first fish to develop teeth., Their buoyance is maintained by oil., Their teeth are composed of dentin and enamel.

Select all of the following that are true about cephalopods.

They may be very large and can weigh over 1000 pounds., They are very intelligent and are capable of learning by observation, They have a closed circulatory system

Which of the following statements are true of the stomata on the leaves of vascular plants?

They regulate intake of carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis, They regulate release of oxygen to the air, They regulate loss of water, They are able to open or close depending on environmental conditions.

What is the primary characteristic that groups phyla within the Ecdysozoa?

They shed their exoskeletons.

A prolonged period without rain is causing a major drought in the American Midwestern states. How would you expect crops to respond initially to the stress caused by the drought?

They will take in less carbon dioxide.

If ancestral humans did not develop an opposable thumb, grasping fingers, and binocular vision, how might their history have differed?

They would have been less able to occupy the trees.

In your observations of a new rotifer species, you note that diploid females can lay diploid eggs that in turn become diploid female adults. What do you conclude about this behavior?

This is asexual reproduction by way of parthenogenesis.

A group of AIDS patients and their families is exposed to the fungus Pneumocystis carinii. There is great concern among the individuals. You have been asked to address the situation. Explain what you would say to the group to give them a plausible treatment strategy.

Those with AIDS should be concerned as the fungus infects individuals whose immune system has been weakened by AIDS and causes pneumonia.

Which of the following is NOT part of the pathway that water and dissolved minerals (i.e., Fe, K, Mg, etc.) follow as they move from the soil into a plant to the xylem?

Through phloem

Which of the following is the best answer for why plants require nitrogen?

To make amino acids and nucleotides

Leaching is most likely to affect the nutrients plants need in which soil horizon?


Although a medusa and a polyp look different, they have similar body plans.


Although land plants, mosses are still tied to water because of their flagellated sperm.


Autotomy is the ability of an animal to lose a body part and subsequently regenerate it.


Brassinosteroids produced by plants are closely related chemically to animal steroid hormones.


Corn seeds have one cotyledon.


Flowers develop as a result of determinate shoot growth.


Flowers, fruits, and endosperm are defining characteristics of the angiosperms.


Ginkgo trees and humans have similar chromosomal sex-determination systems.


If scientists want to develop plants that can withstand cold conditions they would breed for the ability of the plant to increase solutes in cells.


In the evolution of plants, wood appeared before seeds


In the fall, squirrels often harvest large numbers of acorns and bury some of them for future consumption. Over the winter, however, many of these acorns are forgotten by the squirrels and germinate in the spring, producing the next generation of oak trees. This relationship between the squirrel and oak tree is an example of a coevolved seed dispersal mechanism.


Incomplete flowers can be perfect flowers but imperfect flowers cannot be complete flowers.


Liquids move faster in plant cells by bulk flow than by diffusion.


Many kinds of ascomycetes and basidiomycetes have lost the ability to reproduce sexually.


Meiosis does not occur in gametophytes.


Nitrogen is one of the most abundantly applied fertilizers worldwide.


One function of cell walls in plants is to prevent the continual increase in the expansion of the cell membrane.


One reason magnesium is important to plants is that it is part of the chlorophyll molecule.


Our species, Homo sapiens, had been in existence for approximately 1,40,000 years when it moved out of Africa and replaced Homo neanderthalis, another species of human, about 30,000 years ago.


Placental transfer tissues are necessary because plant embryos are incapable of photosynthesis.


Plant behavior is defined as response to stimuli.


Plants are unable to use nitrogen gas directly.


Plants that grow in salt marshes must have a mechanism for coping with potential osmotic stress in their cells.


Scorpions do not lay eggs but rather give birth to live young.


Some chytrids parasitize protists.


Some conifers shed their leaves seasonally.


Stamens and carpels are, in fact, modified sporangia-bearing leaves.


Sunlight can actually be so intense that photosynthesis can be stopped.


Tagmata are segments of the body that represent two or more previous body segments fused together.


The conspicuous green parts of ferns that you see in the woods are mostly sporophytes.


The direction in which a plant cell expands depends on the arrangement of cellulose microfibrils in its cell wall.


The disease schistosomiasis is caused by a parasitic trematode.


The diversification of insects is related to the diversification of food sources in the environment.


The expression "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch" probably has to do with the action of ethylene on fruit ripening.


The fig tree Ficus tremula produces unique inflorescences that are only accessible to a particular species of pollinating fig wasp Courtella wardi. The inflorescence provides a protected space for the fig wasp to lay eggs which then develop into the next generation of adult fig wasps. This relationship between the fig tree and the fig wasp is an example of coevolution


The fins of lobe-finned fish are supported by extensions of the skeleton and are moved by muscles within the fin whereas the fins of ray-finned fish are supported by flexible, nonskeletal elements and are moved by muscles from within the fish's body.


The first truly bipedal primates were the australopithecines.


The plant cell can move substances into cells using proton pumps that work against a gradient.


Tiktaalik is an important fossil for the understanding of phylogeny because it is an intermediate form between fish and amphibians.


Yeast contain genes that are similar to genes associated with human disease.


Which one of the following features of plant cells is NOT common with animal cells?

Turgor pressure

Harmful amounts of ________ may be absorbed by the leaf cuticle as well as by carotenoids and flavonoids.

UV radiation

The invertebrate group most closely related to the vertebrates is the


Which of the following are the water conducting cells of the xylem?

Vessels and tracheids

What is the advantage to the segmentation that is exemplified in the Phylum Annelida? Check all that apply.

Vital structures are repeated in each segment.,The annelid may still survive if one segment is damaged., Locomotion is more efficient., Segments can be specialized.

Predict what would happen to a sponge that could no longer produce spicules.

Vulnerability to predation would increase.

What is the route of water in the water vascular system of a starfish?

Water enters through the madreporite into the ring canal and from thence into the radial canals to the ampullae and finally into the tube feet.

Plants often do not survive indoors because they lack adequate amounts of: (Check all that apply)

Water, Minerals, Light

Recent studies on plants with mutations in certain cytokinin receptors show that these plants have strongly enhanced root systems. These data suggest that while cytokinins have a positive role in shoot growth, they may actually work to inhibit root growth. Do you think these mutant plants could still be used in plant tissue culture?

Yes, but they may develop bigger roots.

If proton pumps on companion cells were not functional, would the companion cells still be able to assist in phloem loading?

Yes, through symplastic phloem loading.

Which of the following are characteristics of Archaeopteryx lithographica? Check all that apply.

a beak with teeth, a small reptilian breastbone, claws, feathers on its wings

A clamp connection is

a bypass formed during cell division in basidiomycetes that aids distribution on nuclei.

The septum in a fungus is

a cross wall that separates hyphae into cells.

Ergot is

a fungal disease of rye crops and other grasses.

Mycorrhizal association with plant roots is best described as:

a fungus root interrelationship.

You discover a new species in which DELLA and GID1 proteins are present, but in which they do not interact or influence growth. This organism might be (choose all that apply)

a hornwart, a moss

Marsupials are distinguished by

a marsupium

If you were given a large showy flower with three petals, six stamens, and three carpels, would you consider it likely to be

a monocot.

Bilateria are characterized by

a plane of symmetry that forms mirror images around a vertical plane in the midline.

The protrusible rasping organ in a mollusk's mouth that is used to scrape food from the substrate is

a radula.

A tracheid is

a specialized vascular cell.

Sporopollenin is

a tough protective covering on spores.

Measurement of relative water content (RWC) can be used to predict a plant's:

ability to recover from a wilted condition.

What is the correct sequence of stages in the life cycle of the Chinese liver fluke?

adult, egg with miracidium, sporocyst, rediae, metacercaria, cercaria, adult.

Certain plants may form tissues called ________ when their roots are flooded, whereas other plants may always form these tissue types.


Active transport occurs ________ the concentration gradient across a cell membrane.


One difference between sieve-tube cells and vessels is that sieve-tube cells are _______, but vessels are dead.


Hominins are

all forms of humans, extinct and extant.

Spermatophytes are

all living and fossil seed plants.

Which of the following is considered to be a plant behavior?

all of the above (response to sunlight, touch, gravity, and plant hormones)

Predict what would happen if transport between the Golgi apparatus and a growing hyphal tip in a fungus was interrupted.

all of these are correct (transport by vesicles of enzymes would cease, uptake of water by osmosis would not occur, extension of the hyphal tip would be discontinued, transport by vesicles of cell-wall materials would be blocked)

The function of pits in the walls of tracheids is

allowing the passage of water.

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used as a tool for

amplifying the amount of DNA to provide a large sample.

A new plant nutrient is discovered that is needed at 5g/kg of plant dry matter and is required for photosynthesis. When this nutrient is added to the plant as a fertilizer, plant growth increases in comparison to a control group that did not receive the nutrient fertilizer.This nutrient is: (check all that apply)

an essential element, a macronutrient, a limiting factor

Potassium deficiency in plants occurs when plants grow on light, sandy soils and cannot obtain enough potassium ions. Such plants are deficient in: (check all that apply)

an essential element, a macronutrient, a limiting factor

Which feature do Bryozoans possess than brachiopods lack?

an exoskeleton.

Many flowers growing in a cluster along a stem are known as

an inflorescence.

Endosperm is found in


Coelomates are

animals that have a true coelom.

Moss sperm are produced in


What properties are attributable to phenolics?

antioxidants in red wine, the flavor of vanilla; the absorption of ultraviolet radiation, the flavor of chilies.

Match each insect order with the correct representative insects. 1) Hymenoptera 2) Coleoptera 3) Diptera 4) Hemiptera

ants bees wasps, beetles, flies, true bugs

FITC-boronic acid is a dye that stains cell walls and intracellular spaces. This dye is probably transported via:

apoplastic transport

Which of the following diseases are caused by an ascomycete? Check all that apply.

apple scab, powdery mildew, Dutch elm disease, chestnut blight

The primary reason certain plants grow well as houseplants is because they may be adapted to:

areas that normally lack direct sunlight

The function of nectar is

attraction of pollinators.

Which of the following are the closest ancestors of humans (genus Homo)?


Where would one find the leaf axillary bud in most eudicots?

between the leaf petiole and the stem.

In Earth's history, what might the cooling of the Earth and the resulting change from a forested to a grassy landscape have made adaptive in humans?


The nearest living relatives of crocodiles and alligators are


Which of the following are functions of decomposer fungi? Check all that apply.

breakdown of leaf litter, breakdown of wood, breakdown ofdead animals, recycling of essential nutrients)

One method plants use to obtain phosphorus when it is in limited supply is:

by roots associating with certain fungi.

Plants that are called C4 plants are better able to utilize ________ than C3 plants.

carbon dioxide

The response to touch by such plants as the sensitive plant is due to

changes in water content of cells.

Metamorphosis is

changing of one body form to another within a species, such as the change from an aquatic tadpole to a terrestrial frog.

The cell walls of most fungi are composed of


Plants and streptophyte algae share a number of derived traits, except

chlorophyll a and b

Your instructor has assigned you the task of identifying an unknown fungus. When you examine the cellular structure under the microscope, you note that the cells are flagellated. To which group does the unknown fungus belong?


Which cnidarian structures would be involved in mounting a defense against predation? Check all that apply.

cnidocytes., nematocysts., cnidocils.

Some vertebrates like frogs and humans do not have a conspicuous tail, yet even humans have the remnants of one known as the


The recent reassessment of animal classification is the result of

comparisons of DNA and rRNA among different taxa.

You are presented with an animal that resembles a jellyfish. As you examine it further, which characteristic would allow you to conclude that it belongs to the Phylum Ctenophora rather than the Phylum Cnidaria?

complete digestive tract.

The change of a larval form of insect to a different adult form is known as

complete metamorphosis.

Which activity may be helpful in reducing dependency on inorganic fertilizers?


Cephalization is

concentration of the sensory organs on the anterior end of the body.

Pseudoephedrine, based on the chemical structure of ephedrine from the Gnetophyte genus Ephedra, was used as a treatment for


A vascular bundle

contains xylem and phloem.

It is possible to make a form of nitrogen that is useable by plants, however, the major drawback to this process is:

cost of converting nitrogen to a useable form.

Select all of the following that are body growth forms of lichens.

crustose, fruticose, foliose

Which of the following kinds of fungi are categorized as ascomycetes? Check all that apply.

cup fungi, yeasts, truffles, morels

The waxy polymer on the leaves of vascular plants that protects them from pathogens is called


You are part of a team that discovers a new nitrogen-fixing bacteria in symbiosis with a plant. As you study this new bacteria, you discover that it is photosynthetic. This bacteria is likely to be:


While conducting a survey of biodiversity in Guam, you discover a rare plant with large, conspicuous conelike reproductive structures that are red in color. Taking a cross-section of an aboveground root, you notice a conspicuous blue-green ring just beneath the root surface. This plant is most likely a


One feature that phloem cells have that xylem cells lack is:


Adaptations of mosses for life on land include

delayed meiosis, wind dispersal of spores, enclosure of zygotes in the gametophyte, enclosure of gametes in gametangia.

Which of the following characteristics are shared by animals and fungi? Check all that apply.

derived from protists, absorptive nutrition, secrete digestive enzymes

You need to explain to your study group why the breathing ability of amniotes is different than that of amphibians. Your classmates argue that something like a terrestrial salamander is identical in its breathing mechanism to an amniote. To convince them of the critical breathing innovations of amniotes, you report that in order to breathe as an amniote does, the terrestrial salamander would have to

develop new muscular associations in the ribcage.

Echinoderms are classified as Bilateria, but although they start out as bilateral larvae, they change into radially symmetrical adults. You might hypothesize that their genes controlling the development of radial symmetry are

different from those controlling development of symmetry in all other radially symmetrical animals.

Cytokinins are plant hormones that usually affect cell


One application of the knowledge of sugar flow in xylem allows for the collecting of sap from maple trees in the:

early spring

Select the features that are lacking in amphibians but present in reptiles and that confer an advantage to reptiles for living on land.

egg with an amnion, yolk sac, allantois, chorion, and shell, skin resistant to water loss, ability to concentrate urine

Germ layers are

embryonic layers with different developmental potentials.

Gametophytes that are completely enclosed within the walls of a spore are known as

endosporic gametophytes.

Animals capable of producing their own body heat by way of metabolism and of retaining it are said to be


Describe the route of water through a sponge.

enters through pores into the spongocoel and exits via the osculum.

Which of the following plant hormones stimulates development of an abscission zone in the leaf petiole?


In a plant bending toward light, you would expect ______________ to have increased in activity


Cell extension involves

expansion of cellulose microfibrils.

A pseudocoelom is a cavity that develops into the coelom during embryonic development.


Sharks have cartilaginous skeletons because bone-forming ability had not yet evolved in vertebrates when they originated.


Stem cells have determinate cleavage.


The swim bladder is an organ in primitive fish from which the lungs of terrestrial vertebrates developed.


The terms "dorsal" and "oral" are synonyms.


Which of the following are examples of tracheophytes?

ferns, horsetails, conifers, oak trees

Double fertilization is

fertilization of an egg by one sperm and an endosperm-forming cell by another sperm.

Legume plants with reduced amounts of leghemoglobin would be expected to

fix less nitrogen than normal legume plants.

The leaves of ginkgo trees are unique because they have

forked veins.

You modify one species of rhizobia (Species A) to express flavonoid receptors and Nod factors from another species of rhizobia (Species B). This modified rhizobia is likely to:

form a symbiosis with the plant with which species B normally forms a symbiosis.

An individual basidium ultimately produces

four haploid spores, each genetically different.

Which are tetrapods? Check all that apply.

frogs, snakes, birds, humans

One application of auxins is its use in the production of

fruit lacking seeds

A sac fungus is exposed to a mutagen, and it mutates so that it cannot produce a functional ascocarp. The most likely consequence is

fruiting bodies would not occur.

The largest organism ever to have existed in the world is (was)


Which of the following describe sexual reproductive processes in fungi? Check all that apply.

fusion of different, but compatible hyphal branches, fruiting bodies produce haploid spores

Which of the following are primate characteristics? Check all that apply.

grasping hand, large brain, complex social behavior, forward-facing eyes

One of the ways agricultural production of such fruits as tomatoes or cucumbers can be increased significantly is to grow them in:

greenhouses supplied with extra carbon dioxide.

Gravitropism is defined as

growth in response to the force of gravity.

Which are characteristics that distinguish mammals from other vertebrates? Check all that apply.

hair, specialized teeth, enlarged skull, mammary glands

A turgid plant cell is one that:

has excess water in its cytosol.

An alteration occurs during the formation of a dikaryotic cell, such that it has twice the number of nuclei compared to a normal dikaryotic cell. Only the number of nuclei changes, the type of nuclei remains the same. This altered cell is most accurately described as having

has four haploid nuclei.

An acoelomate is an animal that

has neither a coelom nor a pseudocoelom.

The term herbaceous implies that a plant

has not developed a secondary vascular tissue.

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is important to human medicine because it

has programmed cell death and therefore is useful in cancer and AIDS research.

Birds are different from all other living vertebrates because they

have feathers

Triploblastic are animals that

have three germ layers.

Despite your best attempts to convince her otherwise, your friend is very afraid of spiders and all "bugs," which to her means insects. When you note that spiders are not insects, she claims they are the same thing. You finally convince her that spiders are not insects because, for one thing, spiders

have two body segments joined by a pedicel.

Match the molluscan body part to its function. 1)vusceral mass 2)mantle cavity 3)foot 4)mantle

houses organs, houses gills, movement, secretes the shell

Which are reasons for the Cambrian Explosion? Check all that apply.

increased oxygen, Hox genes, increased ozone, coevolution of predator and prey

In roots auxins tend to ________ cell elongation, in stems they promote cell elongation.


Animals that lack a vertebral column are known as


Phanerochaete chrysosporium

is a wood-decay fungus.

The mesophyll of the leaf

is made up of palisade and spongy parenchyma cells.

Attribute one of these statements to the blastopore.

it occurs in both protostomes and deuterostomes.

A distinguishing feature of the Squamata is their

kinetic skull.

Identify the crustaceans in this group. Check all that apply.

krill, barnacles, pill bugs, ostracods

Chlorosis in plants is a condition best explained by:

lack of certain minerals

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of shade leaves on a plant?

lacking an epidermal layer

Which of the following taxa are known to contain species that cultivate fungi for food? Check all that apply.

leaf-cutting ants, human, beetles, termites

You succeed in inducing a mutation that causes a loss of function in the fungal component of soredia. You excitedly inform your lab partner of this, but not being familiar with fungi, he does not understand the significance of what has occurred. The most likely outcome of this loss of function is

lichen dispersal will not occur.

Eutherian mammals are uniquely defined by

longer gestation periods because of more highly developed placentas.

Short-day plants are those that flower only when the night period of a plant is

longer than a defined period.

As you examine a soil sample under your microscope, you note the presence of tiny, wormlike organisms. You immediately suspect that these creatures are nematodes. The presence of which characteristics would support your hypothesis? Check all that apply.

longitudinal but not circular muscles, separate male and female individuals., shedding of the integument., a tough collagen-based cuticle

A horseshoe-shaped crown of tentacles used by many invertebrates for feeding is called a


Teosinte was the forerunner of modern


What plants have been significantly altered by humans through artificial selection?

maize, rice, wheat

Which one of the following is NOT considered to be one of the macronutrients needed by plants?


Ecdysis is

molting of the exoskeleton.

Alkaloid drugs include

morphine, caffeine, nicotine, THC

A sporic life cycle is characteristic of which groups?

mosses, ginkgos, angiosperms, conifers.

You discover a rare plant with white flowers that open at night and have a long, narrow floral tube. In developing a conservation plan for this species, what other organisms should you particularly focus on protecting in order to ensure this plant's continued reproductive success?


If a coelom had been present in a species but was then lost over time, which function would you hypothesize could be most affected?


You are presented with an organism that has not been identified previously. Which feature would identify it as a fungus?


Select all of the following that are names of immature stages in various animals.

nauplius., trochophore., caterpillar., nymph.

The main form(s) of nitrogen taken up by plant roots and useful to plants is/are:

nitrate and ammonia

One of the reasons study of nitrogen use in plants is of special interest is because:

nitrogen in its atmospheric form is not useable by plants.

Which of these nutrients are likely to be required for nitrogen fixation? (check all that apply)

nitrogen, hydrogen

Athlete's foot is caused by

none of the choices provided (Aspergillus, Ergot, Candida, Claviceps)

Select all of the following that are characteristics of chordates.

notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord., post anal tail., pharyngeal slits.

Which are members of the family Hominidae? Check all that apply.

orangutans, humans, gorillas, chimpanzees

Nitrogen mineralization is dependent on the ratio of nitrogen to carbon in the soil. Therefore, if you want to control the levels of nitrogen mineralization, it would be helpful to control soil levels of:

organic matter

Certain plants that grow in environments where their roots are often under water need to provide ways of getting which of the following to the roots?


One of the limiting factors in engineering plants for nitrogen fixation is to prevent the binding of ________ to the enzyme nitrogenase and the subsequent inhibition of the enzyme.


Why is potassium deficiency in plants most common on light, sandy soils?

percolation of water through sandy soils leaches potassium from the soil.

The conducting tissue found in vascular plants that functions in transportation of materials throughout the plant, but does not lend structural support to the stem is


The functions of vascular tissue in plants include

physical support of the plant, transport of water, transport of minerals, transport of organic compounds

Which creatures belong to the Phylum Platyhelminthes? Check all that apply.

planarians., monogeneans., tapeworms., trematodes

What traits do green algae and plants have in common?

plastids, chlorophyll a and b, beta-carotene.

Auxins primarily flow downward in shoots and roots and this transport is called


In conifers, microspores develop into

pollen grains

The production of root hairs is mostly dependent on

position of an epidermal cell.

What was a major morphological criterion on which traditional classification of animals was based?

presence or absence of a true body cavity.

Which of the following are arranged in the sequence in which the various taxa first appeared in time?

prokaryotes, protists, streptophytes, mosses, ferns, conifers, angiosperms.

Your colleague is studying a newly discovered organism. She is becoming increasingly convinced that the organism is an arthropod. You find that you must respectfully disagree when you note that the organism has a set of distinctly nonarthropod characteristics. The features that cause you to exclude the organism from the arthropod grouping are

pseudocoel, closed circulatory system, and ventral heart.

Data from what source led to the hypothesized relationship between the Craniata and nonvertebrate chordates?


You are examining a new animal species. You find that you can pass a line through any longitudinal plane and find equal halves. Evaluate the symmetry of this animal.


When division of the zygote reaches the eight-cell stage and the planes of cleavage of the upper four cells line up with those of the bottom four cells so that two tiers of cells result, one directly above the other, the type of cleavage is called

radial cleavage

You isolate a plant that expresses a phytochrome mutant that is always in the Pfr form. You expect these plants will germinate

regardless of the light conditions.

As observed in animal stem cells, plant stem cells are able to

remain undifferentiated but can divide to produce cells that generate new tissues.

Macronutrients are defined as those elements:

required in relatively large amounts.

Imagine that you are studying a mammal with a mutation that prevented the growth of hair. What issues do you predict would be problematic for this animal as a result of lacking hair? Check all that apply.

retaining body heat, sensing environmental changes, hiding from predators, defense against predators

Ethylene has the effect of causing fruits to


Wild cherry (Prunus avium) is a tree that is native to Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. It has been widely cultivated by humans for its fruit, which are also attractive to birds. Based on this information, wild cherry is most closely related to which of the following plants?


Reptiles are better adapted to life on land than are amphibians. Which external characteristic would a reptile have to lose to make it roughly externally equivalent to an amphibian in terms of ability to tolerate dry land?


The function of the torus in the walls of tracheids is

sealing off air bubbles.

An animal that is attached to the substrate and cannot move from one place to another is said to be


Why are choanoflagellates considered to be the ancestor of animals?

similarities in cell structure.

Most plants absorb water and minerals from the _______ and transport them through the _______.

soil, xylem

A genetic mutation results in the inability for a cycad to produce coralloid roots. What types of soils would be least conducive to the survival of this cycad relative to members of the species not affected by this mutation?

soils with lower nitrogen

In phloem, bulk flow occurs from regions of high to low ________ concentration.


Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide have rapidly increased since the industrial revolution. One effect of increased atmospheric CO2 is global warming. What effect does increased CO2 have on plants?

some crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers may experienced enhanced growth rates.

A pollination syndrome is

specializations of plants that attract a specific kind of pollinator.

Which groups of plants have at least some members that possess tissues capable of transporting water and nutrients?

spermatophytes, lycophytes, tracheophytes, embryophytes

The fruits of legumes

split down both sides and the seeds fall out.

If you could travel in a time machine back to the Cambrian Explosion, which animals would you expect to see commonly? Check all that apply.

sponges, anthropods, flatworms

Roots contain starch-heavy plastids known as


Secondary metabolites are organic compounds produced outside of primary metabolic processes essential for cell structure and growth. Based on this information, which of the following is an example of a secondary metabolite?


A plant's ability to absorb carbon dioxide is reduced when:

stomata are closed.

Abscisic acid is an important signal, transported from roots to the stem and leaves during times of water stress, that prevents

stomatal opening.

Select all of the following that are bryozoans and brachiophytes characteristics.

tentacles that are useful in breathing and feeding., U-shaped digestive tract

If it were found that all animals except the Parazoa had a particular set of genes, one could conclude

that those genes probably are related to the embryonic formation of tissues.

Terpenes include

the anti-cancer agent taxol, the insect repellent citronella, rubber, turpentine

The choanocytes have a flagellum that moves water through the sponge and a collar that extracts food particles from the water. In what group have you encountered very similar cells before?

the choanoflagellates.

The tracheae of adult terrestrial insects have been a factor in the great abundance of insects because they serve the same function in terms of the delivery of respiratory gases to the cells as do

the closed circulatory system of cephalopods

Conifers are particularly common in mountain and high-latitude forests. What key characteristics of conifers give them an advantage over other plant phyla in these biomes?

the conical shape of the tree, flexible branches, a waxy cuticle, tori

The term angiosperm refers to

the enclosure of the seed within a fruit.

In which part of a sponge's body does fertilization occur?

the mesohyl.

The perianth of a flower consists of

the petals and sepals.

When phosphorus is abundant in soils, it may by unavailable to plants because _____.

the phosphorus is bound to clay., the phosphorus is in a form that is not taken up by plants

The apprentice in your horticulture lab accidentally trims all of the axillary buds from a particularly prized specimen. After realizing his mistake, he rather glumly asks you, as lead horticulturalist, about the effects on the plant. You predict that

the plant will continue its vertical growth and will be a tall and skinny variety.

Plants have been shown to elicit defense responses upon recognition of part of the bacterial flagella, a structure important for bacterial locomotion. The flagella is likely to be sensed by

the product of a resistance gene.

Evolutionarily, the jaws of vertebrates developed from

the third pharyngeal arch of jawless fishes.

In an existing population of plants and mycorrhizae, disease strikes and the mycorrhizae are killed. Which of the following would be impacted? Check all that apply.

the water supply to the plant the water supply to the plant, the availability of mineral nutrients to the plant the availability of mineral nutrients to the plant, the binding of the soil and erosion

In the life cycle of a bread mold, the stage in which diploid nuclei occur is

the zygosporangium.

Which is an incorrect match of taxonomic category and common name?


The Glomeromycota are called AM fungi because

they produce arbuscular mycorrhizae in the cells of plant roots.

The main reason certain seeds germinate near the soil surface rather than deep in the soil is

they require light to germinate.

The growth response in plants that is related to touch is called


How would you describe the body of a fungus?

tiny threadlike hyphae collectively make up the mycelium

Endosperm is

tissue stored in seeds that provides nutrition for embryos.

Why is it particularly important for the endodermis to block transport in the specific location where it does?

to control access of transported materials to the plant vascular tissues, which can carry materials throughout the plant.

Kingdom Plantae is a clade comprised of bryophytes and what other group?


The cohesion-tension theory explains the role of ________ in long-distance water transport.


A function of rhizomorphs is

transport of water and minerals.

A distinctive type of larva shared by several phyla of invertebrates and considered to be important in phylogeny is the


A hydrostatic skeleton has no bones or cartilage.


All eumetazoans have cell junctions.


Gastrulation is brought about by an invagination of the wall of the blastocoel.


Hagfish are classified as vertebrates, but they do not have a vertebral column.


Large differences in body form can result from only small differences of gene expression.


Radiata have neither an anterior end nor a posterior end.


The animal kingdom is a monophyletic grouping.


The first aquatic vertebrates arose at approximately the same time as the plants on land.


When guard cells are ________ a stomatal pore opens between them.


Select all of the following that are characteristics of crustaceans.

two pairs of antennae., antennal glands., maxillary glands., calcium carbonate deposited in the exoskelton.

Coevolution is

two species reciprocally influencing each other's evolution.

Bulk flow in the phloem tissue is mostly downward whereas bulk flow in xylem is mostly:


If you were highly allergic to bee stings, which of the following would be dangerous for you to do?

wearing sweet-smelling perfumes.

Scientists discovered that the primary reason leaves either develop as simple or compound is related to

whether the KNOX gene is active or not active.

Traditional and molecular phylogenies disagree on which one of the following issues?

whether the appearance and type of coelom is important in interpreting phylogeny.

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