Bio Final Study Guide

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Of the following values, which indicates the most basic pH?


The gene for a certain sex-linked trait is found only on the Y chromosome. If the male parent has this gene, the trait will be expressed in

100 % of the male offspring

Humans have __________ pairs of homologous chromosomes.


If a segment of double-stranded DNA has 20 percent adenine (A), how much of it is cytosine (C)?


Sickle-cell disease is an inherited chronic blood disease caused by an autosomal recessive allele. Suppose a man with sickle-cell disease fathers a child by a woman who is a carrier for sickle-cell disease. What are the chances this child will exhibit the disease?


If a giraffe skin cell has a total of 18 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be present in each of its gametes?


When bases of DNA correctly bind to the complementary strand,

A always pairs with T

Which of the following examples indicates a situation where the researcher is MOST likely to have a possible bias regarding his or her work?

A privately funded researcher is working on developing a genetically engineered and patented microbe to quickly digest oil spills. If successful, the microbe would be marketed worldwide.

What is the sequence of the codon to which the transfer RNA shown in the following figure would bind during translation?


Which of the following is either consumed or synthesized in virtually every cellular reaction?


Select the correct statement regarding experimental design.

An experiment can have multiple dependent variables but only one independent variable.

Some antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections kill the bacteria by chemically punching holes in the cell wall of the bacteria, by preventing the bacteria from replicating their DNA, or by many other actions that ultimately cause cell death. Why do these antibiotics not work to kill viruses and cure people of viral infections?

Antibiotics cannot kill a virus because viruses are not living cells with cell walls to puncture, nor do they have the structures necessary for autonomous reproduction.

Which of the following choices represents the genotype of an individual diploid organism?


Which of the following statements comparing photosynthesis and cellular respiration is accurate?

Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration require electron transport chains

Which of the lettered arrows in the diagram of translation below indicates a codon?


Which of the following must be true for a woman who is heterozygous for a given gene?

Each of her eggs will contain one allele or the other but not both alleles

Which of the following statements is true of proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids?

Each of these molecules is built from a common set of monomers.

Which of the following is a part of accepted cell theory?

Every living organism is composed of one or more cells, and all living cells arise from preexisting cells.

Which of the following represents all possible gametes that can be formed by an individual with the genetic makeup FfGgHH?

FGH, FgH, fGH, fgH

If crossing-over does not occur and homologous chromosome pairs are not independently assorted during meiosis I, resulting in all maternal chromosomes being sorted to one cell while all paternal chromosomes are sorted to another cell, what would be the genetic results in the gametes produced at the end of meiosis II?

Fifty percent of the gametes would contain only maternal DNA and 50 percent of the gametes would contain only paternal DNA

If a strand of DNA has the sequence CGTAA, the RNA made from this molecule will have the sequence


If one strand of DNA has the sequence CGATT, the sequence of the other strand of the same molecule will be


Which of the following statements regarding genes is NOT true?

Genes are found as single copies in cells other than sperm or egg.

During cell division, a piece of a chromosome breaks off and reattaches to the same chromosome, but the piece is now in reverse order. How would this abnormality affect the chromosome?

Genes in the section that was inverted may lose normal function

Rick has high blood pressure and decides to try an herbal supplement recommended by his friend. Which of the following questions should Rick ask first to scientifically evaluate his friend's recommendation before he begins taking the herbal supplement?

Has this herbal supplement been studied in a clinical trial by trained medical professionals?

A scientist notices that a population of birds has decreased dramatically within one year and suspects that a newly introduced snail population may be affecting the bird population. Some individuals within the bird population eat snails primarily, while other individuals avoid eating snails. Which of the following statements represents a prediction based on a well-constructed hypothesis/prediction for this observation?

If the birds are affected by eating snails, then there will be a difference in the survival rate of birds that eat snails and those that avoid snails.

Which scenario demonstrates a cause-and-effect relationship?

In a laboratory, 100 healthy bats exposed to a fungus develop white-nose syndrome and die.

Which of the following would NOT be a situation where your own scientific literacy would be helpful in decision-making?

Is the space travel in Star Wars really possible?

Which of the following statements about cell division is correct?

It is the process by which organisms reproduce and grow

Select the observation that supports endosymbiotic theory.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain DNA just like prokaryotic cells.

Which of the following molecules carries electrons to the electron transport chain of oxidative phosphorylation?


When Lori was diagnosed with breast cancer, the doctor recommended a lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy. Lori underwent the prescribed treatment recommended by the doctor. However, she also continued to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, walk three miles every day, and practice daily yoga. Within about three months, Lori was cancer-free. Afterward, Lori told everyone that her healthy lifestyle had helped to cure her. Is this conclusion reasonable given the circumstances?

No, there are too many confounding factors to know exactly what happened.

Jean-Baptiste Lamark proposed that populations evolve when traits acquired during the lifetime of a parent are passed down to offspring. What is wrong with this proposal?

Only changes in the DNA sequence of an organism can be inherited. Traits acquired throughout life generally do not directly involve DNA.

Homeostatic pathways are a sequence of steps that reestablish the "normal state" of a living organism's internal environment. What determines the parameters of this "normal state"?

Organisms have a genetically predetermined set point that must be internally maintained.

Which of the following statements accurately distinguishes tissues from organs?

Organs consist of multiple tissue types, whereas tissues consist of one or more cell types.

Which of the following would NOT be a reason for a peer-reviewed paper to be retracted by its publisher untrue or inaccurate?

Other researchers have published work that appears to contradict the paper in question.

Which of the following examples accurately describes how crossing-over results in genetic diversity?

Paternal chromosome 7 exchanges segments of DNA with maternal chromosome 7

Why is it important that white blood cells are able to travel outside the human circulatory system?

Pathogens may be found in other areas of the body besides the circulatory vessels.

What is the importance of photosynthesis to organisms other than plants?

Photosynthesis captures energy that other organisms access when they ingest or absorb nutrients from photosynthetic organisms

Which of the following statements regarding the evolutionary history of an organism is FALSE?

Predictions of evolutionary relatedness based on DNA usually contradict those based on anatomical evidence

Scientific understanding can always be challenged, and even changed, with new ways of observing and with different interpretations. For example, new tools and techniques have resulted in new observations and the discovery of additional information. Hence, there is no certainty in science, only degrees of probability (likelihood) and potential for change. In light of this understanding, which of the following statements is most meaningful?

Scientific knowledge is based on current knowledge.

Which of the following observations would naturally lead to a hypothesis that increased studying improves student performance on assessments?

Students who appear to spend more time engaging with course materials have the highest exam scores.

A component of the immune system's third line of defense is/are

T cells

Based on the scientific evidence presented in more than 100 peer-reviewed, published research articles that evaluated millions of children, which of the following is NOT the reason for the observed increase of autism in the United States and other countries since the 1970s?

The MMR vaccine is being more broadly administered, so more children are getting autism.

A study of the effect of neckties on blood circulation randomly divides a group of 1,000 male executives into two groups. For one week, half the participants wear ties at work while the other half do not. The researchers hypothesized that the sustained pressure of the necktie could lead to a detectable reduction in blood circulation to the brain. Using MRI scans, they found a 10 percent decrease in blood flow to the brain, on average, in the tie-wearing group. No decrease in blood flow was observed in the group without ties. Select the appropriate conclusion for these findings.

The data support the hypothesis that wearing a necktie reduces blood circulation to the brain.

If a recessive allele causes a fatal disease that kills the affected individual before he or she can reproduce, why doesn't that allele quickly become extinct in the population?

The recessive allele is carried in the genome of heterozygotes, who do not suffer from the disease

A researcher noticed that as the prevalence of cell phone usage increased between the years of 1998 and 2010, so did the number of individuals diagnosed with autism. He decided that cell phone usage by expectant mothers was causing autism. Which of the following would be the first step in evaluating his assumption?

The researcher should develop a clearly testable and falsifiable hypothesis.

Astronauts returning from outer space studied samples taken from their lunar landing. They found that one of their samples was coated with organic compounds. Which of the following statements must be correct?

The samples must contain carbon atoms.

Which of the following statements is a basic summary of one of Mendel's laws?

The separation of alleles for one gene does not affect the separation of alleles for other genes.

The graph below shows which of the following? (Organic/autism)

There is a strong correlation between the sale/consumption of organic food and the number of individuals diagnosed with autism between 1998 and 2007.

Autosomal dominant diseases are exhibited by anyone who carries at least one dominant allele for that gene. How is it that dominant lethal genes, such as the one that causes Huntington disease, can persist in a population?

These diseases usually take effect later in life, after people have had children

Which of the following statements is true of chloroplasts?

They capture energy from sunlight.

The roots of a sunflower plant growing downward while the shoot grows upward and the flower turns toward the sun are examples of what characteristic of all living organisms?

They sense the environment and respond to it.

Cultivation of corn over thousands of years has resulted in a modern corncob that looks very different from the tiny ancestral cob. Does this support the concept of evolution?

Yes; artificial selection demonstrates that evolution can occur, even though the driving force was humans rather than natural selection

Evolution can be described as

a change in the genetic characteristics of a population of organisms over time

A population of 8,250 mice occupies the sand dunes in a coastal area. A severe hurricane washes out several miles of sand dunes. As a result, only 50 mice remain. The population has experienced

a genetic bottleneck

An allele is

a version of a gene

The primary role of the immune system's first line of defense is to

act as a barrier to prevent the entry of pathogens

After receiving a vaccine a person, begins to produce antibodies. This demonstrates a(n) __________ immune response.


The function of genes is to control the production of

all proteins

Each set of three bases in an mRNA molecule codes for one of 20 specific

amino acids

A researcher in a laboratory tests a food item and identifies protein in it. The food item must also contain

amino acids.

During a primary immune response,

antibodies are immediately made

Each T cell and each B cell binds to only one specific type of


A research team funded by a pharmaceutical company is studying the adaptation of grasshopper mice to the neurotoxic venom of scorpions in an attempt to determine how the mice's adaptation could be used as a possible solution to pain management in humans. This is an example of ______ research.


The processes of mitosis, meiosis, and binary fission all

are used to produce daughter cells

Disruptive selection operates whenever

both extremes of the phenotype are more successful

In humans the tRNA with the anticodon AAU carries the amino acid leucine. In plants, this tRNA would

carry the same amino acid.

Which of the following embryos will look similar to human embryos for the longest?


Select the smallest and most basic unit of life.


Which of the following pairs of processes encompasses the entire eukaryotic cell cycle?

cell division and interphase

Mitochondria are required for

cellular respiration

The reaction sugar + oxygen > carbon dioxide + water + ATP is part of

cellular respiration

The enzymes needed to perform photosynthesis in plant cells are closely associated with


The chromosomes in a homologous pair

consist of one maternal and one paternal chromosome.

Some daughter cells are described as clones. For this description to be appropriate, the daughter cells must

contain a set of DNA that is identical to that of the parent cell

The fossil record

contains strong evidence that major new groups of organisms arose from previously existing organisms

Two unrelated species evolving to look more similar due to environmental pressures is called

convergent evolution

The fact that the onset of autism symptoms typically occurs at about the same age children receive many of their vaccinations, including the MMR, is an example of an observed

correlation but not necessarily evidence of a cause-effect relationship.

In genetic engineering, molecular biologists often combine segments of DNA from two separate organisms. This is an example of genetic recombination that occurs in a laboratory setting. Which of the following is a form of genetic recombination that occurs naturally within cells?


The graph below shows that after the childhood vaccination program was initiated in the United Kingdom in 1999, the annual number of meningitis cases in children

decreased to nearly zero by 2004, as did the meningitis rate for adults.

An acid is a polar substance that dissolves in water and

donates hydrogen ions to the solution.

Which of the following is a component of the immune system's first line of defense?


The subatomic particles that possess a single negative charge and surround the nucleus are the


When ATP breaks down into ADP and a phosphate group,

energy is released and can power cellular activities

Two genes control fur color in Labrador retrievers. The first gene determines whether the pigment to be deposited in the hairs will be black or brown. The second gene determines whether the pigments are put into the dog's hairs at all. A dog homozygous for the recessive allele of this second gene will always be yellow because no pigment is deposited in its hairs, regardless of the alleles of the first gene. This is an example of


Which of the following is associated with mitosis?

equal distribution of chromosomes

Recently, beekeepers have noticed an alarming and sudden disappearance of honeybees from their hives. Some beekeepers and environmentalists worry that crops genetically engineered to produce Bt insecticidal toxin may be killing the bees. Select the controlled experiment that tests the hypothesis that Bt toxin is killing the bees.

exposing 100 bees to plants that make the protein for Bt toxin, while another 100 bees of the same species are exposed to normal plants; the survival rate for both sets of bees would be calculated and compared

Although it seems contradictory, real science does not intend to "prove" a hypothesis to be true. This is because

future experiments or discoveries may provide data that refute the hypothesis.

Mendel used __________ as his research organism to study patterns of genetic inheritance.

garden peas

While on a camping trip, Brian collects a white tadpole from a pond and takes it home. The tadpole develops into a white bullfrog. When the frog gets too big, he releases it into a local pond. The next year, several white bullfrogs are observed in the pond. This is an example of

gene flow

The three stages of cellular respiration (in order) are

glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation

When comparing certain amino acid sequences in the protein hemoglobin of humans to those of other animals, scientists found that baboons had seven amino acids that were different than the human protein, dogs had 10 amino acids that were different than the human protein, gorillas had one amino acid that was different than the human protein, and lemurs had eight amino acids that were different than the human protein. Which of these animals is most closely related to humans?


Feather color in a certain species of bird is controlled by a pair of alleles that exhibit incomplete dominance. If birds that are homozygous for one allele are black and birds that are homozygous for the other allele are white, then heterozygous birds would be


The individual indicated by the arrow in the pedigree represents a(n)

healthy female

Living organisms maintain a constant internal environment by sensing and responding to their internal conditions. This stable maintenance of internal conditions is known as


Both humans and whales evolved from a common ancestor. Although our forelimbs are quite different, they are made of the same bones. This is an example of a(n)

homologous structure

The following image shows genetic comparisons of human, chicken, mouse, and chimpanzee. The shaded regions show nucleotide differences. This data supports that __________ are more closely related to __________ than to __________.

humans; mice; chickens

Individual water molecules orient toward each other because of the __________ bonds that form between them.


A patient often experiences numbness and pain in the thumb and first two fingers on his right hand. He goes to his doctor, who suspects that carpal tunnel syndrome is the reason for the numbness and pain. The doctor then orders a simple test to see1. how fast nerve impulses move up and down the patient's arm. The doctor's preliminary diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is a(n)


When scientists generate a single informed, logical, and plausible explanation for a question and observations of the natural world, they are proposing a scientific _____.


Memory cells

include B cells and T cells that remain in the body for long periods of time after the first exposure to a pathogen.

An example of evolution that has been readily observed is

increased resistance of bacteria to an antibiotic that is used to kill them

The figure below, based on data collected by The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, graphically illustrates that as

increasingly more individuals in a community are vaccinated against a particular pathogen, future outbreaks of the disease are limited to fewer individuals because fewer people will become infected and then pass it on.

In bacteria, the antibiotic chloramphenicol prevents amino acids from bonding. The most likely reason that bacteria die from treatment with chloramphenicol is because the antibiotic

inhibits translation

In bacteria, the antibiotic erythromycin prevents ribosomes from functioning. The most likely reason that bacteria die from treatment with erythromycin is because the antibiotic

inhibits translation

Hypotheses can be tested through observational studies or experimental studies. Which of the following represents an experimental approach to testing a hypothesis?

injecting trees with insecticide to determine whether it protects against a certain insect pest

Natural selection

is the principle cause of evolutionary change

A scientist has assembled 1.0 gram of protein, lipid, carbohydrate, and nucleic acids in separate tubes. They add each of these samples to a calorimeter, a device that determines the amount of energy present in the sample. Based on the role of these molecules in the body, predict which test tube will produce the most energy.


Which molecules are involved in translation?

mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA

Which of the following is an example of the immune system's second line of defense?

macrophages engulfing pathogens during inflammation

The karyotype in this image is from a(n)


Sexual selection can result in an increased frequency of alleles, which

may be harmful to the individual's survival but is always beneficial to its reproductive rate.

Which two processes combine to create genetic diversity and maintain chromosome number?

meiosis and independent assortment

Scientists analyzed 62 studies and determined that a strong physician recommendation for the HPV vaccine was a positive determining factor in whether or not parents chose to vaccinate their children. This analysis of various studies is referred to as


Chromosomes are lined up at the middle of the cell during the __________ portion of cell division.


Human muscle cells need large amounts of ATP to function in the movement of the body, which is why __________ are especially abundant in muscle cells.


The proteins and DNA of organisms that share a recent common ancestor are __________ the proteins and DNA of organisms that do not share a recent common ancestor.

more similar than

A solution with a pH of 4 is _______ acidic than a solution with a pH of 5. The solution with the pH of 4 has a ______ concentration of hydrogen ions than the solution with a pH of 5.

more; higher

Compared to a large mainland population, genetic drift in a small island population is__________ important because__________.

more; of a smaller gene pool

If the concentration of sugar molecules in water on side A of a selectively permeable membrane is 5 percent, and the concentration of sugar molecules in water on side B of a selectively permeable membrane is 15 percent, the water molecules will

mostly move from side A to side B because the water concentration is higher on side "A."

Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal are all types of __________ tissue; they generate force to move structures within the body by contracting.


For a population to evolve, there must be genetic differences between organisms in that population. These differences arise by


New alleles emerge in a species via


The color of a certain species of beetle is determined by a single gene. Two beetles homozygous for green coloration (meaning they have two copies of the green allele) produce a single offspring with brown coloration. Brown color appeared in this offspring as a result of


After about an hour of basking in the sun, the body temperature of the marine iguana reaches 37°C. Then it dives into the water to feed. Once in the water, its body temperature rapidly drops and the iguana must return to the rocks to warm up. This process is an example of

negative feedback

Announcing "scientific" findings in a press conference before they have been published in an established scientific journal is an example of

neither primary nor secondary literature because it has not yet undergone peer review to be primary literature, and secondary literature follows primary literature.

The genetic material found in all living things is made of building blocks called


Fossils found in deeper layers are __________ than fossils found in more shallow layers.


During meiosis I, the chromosome number is reduced to haploid by separating

one of each homologous chromosome pair into two different daughter cells

Once replication in a DNA molecule is complete, each new DNA molecule contains

one old strand and one new strand

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes are primarily distinguished by the absence or presence of


During exercise, the increase in respiration rate and heart rate are driven by the need to replenish the oxygen used to support

oxidative phosphorylation in muscle cell mitochondria

Which of the following is a product of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?


A __________ is a chart that shows genetic relationships within a family over several generations.


A white blood cell (WBC) encounters bacteria in a scrape on the knee of a child who has fallen off a bicycle. The WBC's job is to take the bacteria inside itself and destroy it. If the bacteria are too large to be transported via transported proteins, how will the WBC most likely take them in?


When one nucleotide in a single base pair is swapped out with another during DNA replication, the resulting change in the DNA is called a

point mutation

A detective finds a miniscule spot of blood on a murder suspect's shirt. What method would the police lab be expected to use to get enough DNA from the blood droplet to perform DNA fingerprinting?

polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

A Punnett square is used to

predict the genotypes and phenotypes of a genetic cross

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to

produce many copies of a selected DNA sequence.

A human gene put into a plant cell will

produce the same protein produced in a human cell

Activated B cells are responsible for

producing antibodies that bind to pathogens

In animals, the outcome of meiosis is the

production of eggs and sperm.

The process of cell division is different for prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cells because

prokaryotes have a single circular chromosome

Select the correct order of mitotic cell division stages

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Ribosomes are very small non-membranous structures that can either exist freely in the cytoplasm or be embedded in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of a cell. They are associated with the synthesis of


In photosynthesis, the carbon used to make sugars is

provided by carbon dioxide

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), by the end of September 2014, roughly 8,000 cases of whooping cough had been reported in California for that year; more than 250 patients (mostly infants and young children) were hospitalized, with 58 of them requiring intensive care. Several other childhood diseases that were once common but then eradicated through high vaccination rates have returned since the anti-vaccination movement grew in the 1990s. The epidemiological data collected by the CDC indicates this resurgence of childhood diseases is most likely the result of

reduced herd/community immunity

Glycolysis is an anaerobic process, indicating that the glycolytic reactions

require no oxygen

In science, when a hypothesis or group of hypotheses supported by repeated experimental evidence holds true through time, it can be developed into a

scientific theory

DNA technology can be used with all organisms because they all

share the same chemical DNA structure

If a bottle of perfume were spilled in the corner of a large lecture hall, the students sitting near that corner of the room would very quickly smell the perfume. Over time, the students sitting in the far corner of the room would smell the perfume. What phenomenon will have occurred to the perfume molecules that have entered

simple diffusion

The Golgi apparatus

sorts proteins and lipids and sends them to their final destination.

When robins lay a clutch of more than four eggs, their chicks are often malnourished because they have so many to feed. If the robins lay fewer than four eggs, they may not have any viable offspring. As a result, robins typically lay a clutch of four eggs. This is an example of

stabilizing selection

Which of the following are composed of the same monomers?

starch and cellulose

As shown in the following figure, the highest concentration of free hydrogen ions is found in

stomach acid

Evolution is

strongly supported by scientific evidence

A scientist uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to compare the sequence of a disease gene and a healthy gene. The scientist finds that these two genes are identical except for one G in place of a T at position 256 in the gene. This type of mutation is a(n)

substitution mutation

Photosynthetic organisms capture energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical bonds by forming


A group of researchers conducted an experiment and collected the data that is presented in the following graph. The hypothesis that the fungus is sufficient to cause death is __________ by the data because all members of the control group __________ while most of the members of both treatment groups __________ by the end of the study.

supported; survived; died

Which RNA molecule brings new amino acids to the growing protein chain in translation?


In humans, X-linked genetic diseases

tend to be expressed more in males than in females.

Which of the following does NOT represent a phenotype?

the alleles in a mouse that control hair color

Which of the following prevents both blood loss and the invasion of pathogens in vertebrates?

the formation of blood clots

Which of the following does NOT take place in the nucleus?


Which of the following is NOT a base found in DNA?


A species of cave beetle that lives in total darkness is blind but has remnants of what looks like eyes. These "eyes" are


Each time a person takes a breath, they are bringing in the oxygen needed to stay alive. The ultimate source of the oxygen used by all aerobic organisms comes from a reaction that breaks down


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