Bio quiz 4

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4. Explain what secondary succession is and distinguish it from primary succession.

In primary succession, newly exposed or newly formed rock is colonized by living things for the first time. In secondary succession, an area that was previously occupied by living things is disturbed, then re-colonized following the disturbance.

List the names of the living things in this forest ecosystem that are producers.

Plant parts


a series of changes that describe how communities gradually replace each other.

5. List those things that are only secondary consumers.

foxes, hawks, owls, robins, snakes

What organisms make soil from bare rock?

moss and lichens

What events can lead to secondary succession?

natural disasters, volcano, fire, and meteor

How does primary succession always start?

takes place on bare rock colonization of new sites by communities of organisms -

Primary Succession-

takes place on bare rock colonization of new sites by communities of organisms -

Pioneer organisms-

the first organisms to colonize a new site Ex: lichens

7. What would happen to the food web if all the plants were removed? Explain your answer.

Everything would die because plants are the only organisms that can make their own food.

2 Types of Succession

Primary Succession Secondary Succession

2. In how many food chains do plants (parts) appear?

all of them 14.

4. List those things that are only primary consumers.

crickets earthworm, small insects, land snail, rabbits, sparrows.

6. List the consumers that eat both plants and animals.


Secondary succession-

- Natural Disturbance: - large environmental changes due to 'natural disasters' Ex: fire, volcano, meteor

10. If 2000 kcal of energy are available in grass, how much energy would be available to a cow that eats the grass? To the human that eats the cow?

10% of energy is available for the next consumer (.1)(2000 kcal) = 200 kcal of energy to the cow. Human (0.1)(200kcal)=20 kcal to the human. The human would only receive 1% of the original energy produced by the plant.

1. Describe an ecosystem and explain how the biological community interacts with its environment.

All the populations living and interacting within a particular geographic area make up a biological (or biotic) community. The living organisms in a community together with their nonliving or abiotic environment make up an ecosystem. ... A very large, general biotic community such as the boreal forest is called a biome.

How is a marine ecosystem different from others during succession?

Coral is the perfect example of both types of succession. Primary succession occurs as a volcano erupts and lava creates a blank slate with no plant life. Coral is deposited and begins to grow on the lava flow. This makes coral an r-selected species because it is the first to colonize.

Food Web:

Food Web: Visually Connects how organisms feed on one another and how energy moves using arrows.

11. Which organism in this food web has the greatest influence on the ecosystem? Justify your answer.

I think that the plants in the food web have the greatest influence on the ecosystem because they produce energy for most of it.

2. Explain the role of disturbance in (natural and managed) ecosystems and its relationship to succession.

Natural disturbances include fires, insect outbreaks, disease epidemics, droughts, floods, hurricanes, windstorms, landslides, avalanches, and volcanic eruptions. In terms of frequency and area affected, the two major natural disturbances affecting wilderness areas are fire and insect outbreaks. Which can initiate secondary succession.

Primary succession-

New bare rock examples: 1. volcanic lava flow cools and forms rock

Primary succession-

New bare rock examples: 2. Glaciers retreat and exposes rock

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave Background:

Plants use light energy of the sun to make food. The food is stored in the cells of the plant. Plants are called producers because they make food. Some of the stored energy in the food plants make is passed on to the animals that eat the plants. Plant-eating animals are called primary consumers. Animals that eat other animals are called secondary consumers. The pathway that food takes through an ecosystem is called a food chain. A food chain also shows the movement of energy from plants to plant eaters and then to animal eaters. An example of a food chain can be written: seeds → sparrow → hawk Some of the food energy in the seeds moves to the sparrow that eats them. Some of the food energy then moves to the hawk that eats the sparrow. Normally, only about 10% of the energy produced by the "food" moves to the consumer. Most of the other energy is used to keep the organism alive and allow it to reproduce. Because a hawk eats animals other than sparrows, you could make a food chain for each animal the hawk eats. If all the food chains were connected, the result is a food web. A food web is a group of connected food chains. A food web shows many energy relationships.

3. Explain what primary succession is and give some real world examples.

Primary succession is a change in vegetation which occurs on previously unvegetated terrain. takes place on bare rock colonization of new sites by communities of organisms - Examples of where primary successionmay take place include the formation of new islands, on new volcanic rock, and on land formed from glacial retreats.

8. Describe how 3 animals might be affected if owls were removed from the food chain.

Rabbit, mice, and snakes population would probably increase, since their predators would be gone.

Ecological Succession Project: Background

Succession comes from the Latin, "succedere", which represents "Change in the species composition of a community over time." (Lewis, Life glossary) Primary Succession follows the formation of new land surfaces consisting of rock, lava, volcanic ash, sand, clay, or some other exclusively mineral substrate. This means that there is NO SOIL present. Soil is a mixture of mineral material, decaying organic material, and living organisms. Secondary Succession follows the destruction or partial destruction of the vegetation area by some sort of disturbance, like a fire, windstorm, or flood that leaves the soil intact. Pioneer species initiate recovery following disturbance in both primary AND secondary successions. Pioneers "pave the way" for later colonists by altering the biotic and abiotic environment in the following ways:: a) Soil stabilization b) Soil nutrient enrichment (organic matter) c) Increased moisture holding capacity d) Light availability e) Temperature f) Exposure to wind Species composition tends towards a Climax Community through succession. The climax community describes an end product of succession that persists until disturbed by environmental change. Succession occurs on large scales involving higher plants and animals, but may involve microbial communities on a smaller scale.

Food Chain:

Trophic Pyramid: An order that puts organisms in groups depending on what they eat (a pyramid with 4-5 levels).

5. Describe how living components in the ecosystem change nonliving components during succession.

When changes to either abiotic or biotic factors affect an entire ecosystem, ecological succession occurs. Ecological succession is when one community of organisms, such as plants or animals, is replaced by another. ... The fire burns down the species of trees present in the forest and forces out many animal species.

Climax community-

a stable, mature community that undergoes little or no succession

What is a climax community ?

a stable, mature community that undergoes little or no succession

1. In how many food chains do the following animals appear?

hawk __4___ earthworm __2___ fox __6___ owl ___3__ snake __4___ small insects ___1__

9. Since only 10% of the energy produced by a level in a food chain is passed on to its predator, there have to be many more "prey" than "predators".

plant parts → land snail → mouse → raccoon

What is succession?

takes place on existing soil

secondary succession-

takes place on existing soil

What are pioneer organisms? examples?

the first organisms to colonize a new site Ex: lichens, and moss

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