Bio Review #3

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__________ selection favors organisms that have character values at one extreme of the phenotypic distribution. A. Directional B. Intermittent C. Stabilizing D. Disruptive

A. Directional

How does a cell typically know when to divide? A. Proto-oncogenes code for growth factor proteins that initiate cell division B. Oncogenes code for growth factor proteins that initiate cell division C. Tumor suppressor genes code for growth factor proteins that initiate cell division D. They have an internal clock and only divide when they reach a certain age

A. Proto-oncogenes code for growth factor proteins that initiate cell division

If DNA directs the production of RNA, what does RNA make? A. RNA makes proteins B. RNA makes hereditary molecules C. RNA makes membranes D. RNA makes more DNA

A. RNA makes proteins

The type of mutation that alters the nucleotide sequence of a gene but does not alter the amino acid sequence of the protein produced from that gene is called _____ mutation. A. Silent B. Frameshift C. Missense D. Nonsense

A. Silent

What is the smallest unit that can evolve? A. The population B. The cell C. The individual D. The community

A. The population

Despite an abundance of habitat, why will it be difficult for the human species to recover? A. Modern humans lack the ingenuity needed to survive without an extended social network B. The reduced genetic diversity will make it difficult for the population to adapt to new diseases or other environmental changes C. The founder effect will slowly kill off the survivors in a small population D. Related humans are not able to reproduce

B. The reduced genetic diversity will make it difficult for the population to adapt to new diseases or other environmental changes

From an evolutionary perspective, behavior can be viewed best as: A. not subject to the normal evolutionary process because it involves a neurological system B. a trait that can satisfy the three conditions required for evolution by natural selection C. something that is too complex to arise through natural selection D. None of the above is correct

B. a trait that can satisfy the three conditions required for evolution by natural selection

Why or why is it not accurate to say that individuals evolve? A. It is not accurate because the evolution of one individual would not affect the entire species B. It is accurate because they are the ones that mechanisms of evolution act upon C. It is not accurate because individuals do not change over time in a way that can be passed on to the next generation D. It is accurate because they are the smallest unit of the hierarchical order that changes over time

C. It is not accurate because individuals do not change over time in a way that can be passed on to the next generation

Which of the following is the best way to distinguish male from female? A. Males are larger B. Males are more aggressive C. Males produce motile gametes D. Males are more brightly colored

C. Males produce motile gametes

What is original source of variation? A. Gene flow B. Genetic drift C. Mutation D. Natural selection

C. Mutation

What is different from one DNA nucleotide to the next? A. The phosphate group B. The protein C. The base D. The sugar molecule

C. The base

In many ways a mule is a superior animal to the horse or donkey. They are often stronger and can jump higher than either of their parents. Why then are they considered to be a "weak hybrid"? A. Their offspring are progressively weaker B. They are more prone to disease C. They are sterile D. They do not live as long

C. They are sterile

How is translation initiated? A. DNA ligase binds to the AUG start sequence B. RNA polymerase binds to the promoter sequence C. Two ribosomal subunits bind to the mRNA transcript D. DNA helicase binds to the origins of replication

C. Two ribosomal subunits bind to the mRNA transcript

What does "transfer RNA" actually transfer? A. Ribosome B. Transcripts C. Codons D. Amino acids

D. Amino acids

Why does transcription occur in the nucleus and not in the cytoplasm? A. RNA cannot exist in the cytoplasm B. Ribosomes cannot leave the nucleus C. Codons are only found in the nucleus D. DNA cannot leave the nucleus

D. DNA cannot leave the nucleus

Sexual dimorphism refers to: A. sexually reproducing species in which females are larger than males B. sexually reproducing species in which males are larger than females C. the situation in which males and females have identical genitalia D. the situation in which males and females differ physically and/ or behaviorally

D. the situation in which males and females differ physically and/ or behaviorally

Which of the following is a true statement? A. All mutations are caused by mutagens B. All mutagens cause cancer C. All mutagens are carcinogens D. All mutations are bad E. None


Assume that you carry an allele, R, that causes you to help individuals to whom you are not related. This help increases their fitness and decreases yours. The frequency of allele R may still increase in the population: A. if you and your relatives share this allele B. if individuals you help are likely to return the favor and help you at some point in the future C. if the decrease in fitness to you is significantly greater then the increase in fitness to the recipient of your help D. Under these circumstances, the frequency of allele R cannot increase in this population

B. if individuals you help are likely to return the favor and help you at some point in the future

Which nucleic acid acts like an enzyme, stabilizing and orienting different molecules to facilitate the formation of bonds between them A. tRNA B. rRNA C. mRNA D. DNA


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