Biology 156 chapter 28: protists

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Which of the following are not found in red algae?

Flagella Centrioles

Protists that possess two flagella, plates made of a cellulose-like material, and may be bioluminescent or produce toxins are [blank]


True or false: All multicellular organisms are descended from a single ancestral multicellular protist.


Radiolarians secrete glassy exoskeletons made of silica. Those exoskeletons

give them distinct symmetrical shapes

True or false: Most amoeba are parasites and live in freshwater habitats.


Euglenozoans exhibit extreme flexibility; they change shape while swimming thanks to strips of [blank] encircling their cells rather than a cell wall.


Select all structures used by protists for locomotion.

pseudopods, flagella, cilia

Apicomplexans are [blank] -forming parasites of [blank]

spore, animals

Choanoflagellates have a single flagellum surrounded by a contractile collar, a structure that is found in which of the following animals?


Select all features of ciliates.

Unicellular Heterotrophic

Most dinoflagellates can be described as which of the following?

Unicellular and photosynthetic

Cellular slime molds are important model organisms used in the study of cell [blank]


A distinguishing characteristic of red algae is that they lack [blank] and [blank]

flagella, centrioles

during cell division, the separation of replicated chromosomes into two daughter cells is called


Autotrophic protists include those that are

photosynthetic, chemoautotrophic

Parabasalids move by means of an [blank] membrane as well as by using [blank] for propulsion.

undulating, flagella

What group of protists is characterized by their lack of a cell wall, having instead flexible protein strips that give them extreme flexibility and allow them to change shape while swimming?


The archaeplastid group that shares a common ancestor with the land plants is


What group of protists primarily dwell in the soil, use either flagella or pseudopods for movement, and sometimes have shells made of silica?


Because of its simple developmental system, this cellular slime mold is used as a model organism in studies of cell differentiation.

Dictyostelium discoideum

Chlorophytes and charophytes are two lineages of which type of protist?

Green algae

Stramenopile protists with double silicate shells are commonly called


Stramenopile protists with double silicate shells are commonly called [blank]


The [blank] life cycle of the brown algae is marked by alternation of generations between multicellular sporophyte and gametophyte generations.


Diplomonads are unique because they possess two [blank] per cell.


Oomycetes are distinguished from other protists by

the structure of their motile spores

Which of the following are features of parabasalids?

They have undulating membranes, They move with flagella

Select features common to members of the supergroup Excavata.

They move using flagella. They possess a feeding groove. They are unicellular.

What do amoebas use their pseudopods for (choose the best answer)?

To move or engulf their food

which statement best describes protists? all are mullticellular all are autotrophic all are microscopic all are eukaryotic

all are eukaryotic

Which supergroups include organisms that primarily use pseudopods for locomotion?

Amoebozoa, Rhizaria

Spore-forming parasites of animals that are characterized by a structure at one end of the cell that facilitates the invasion of a host are members of what group?


Members of the phylum Foraminifera are

heterotrophic marine organisms

Diplomonads are unique because they possess two [blank] per cell.


Some slime molds produce a non-walled, multinucleate mass of cytoplasm called a(n) [blank]


the RNA transcripts produced by the mitochondria and chloroplast are translated by smaller [Blank], which are very similar to those found in bacteria.


The alternation of generations in brown algae involves the production of diploid [blank] and haploid [blank] generations

sporophyte, gametophyte

Which of the following is a branch of the supergroup Chromalveolata that is distinguished from other protists by the presence of flattened vesicles stacked in a continuous layer beneath their plasma membrane?


In members of the branch of supergroup Chromalveolata known as the alveolates, a common trait is the presence of flattened vesicles below the plasma membrane called which of the following?


The archaeplastid group that shares a common ancestor with the land plants is


Which of the following protist groups is most closely related to the land plants?


Green algae include which of the following protist groups? Select all that apply.

Chlorophytes, Charophytes

The common ancestor to all animals was most likely similar to which of the following organisms?


What is a unique carbohydrate produced by diatoms?


Which of the following are features of at least some ciliates?

Cilia for locomotion A macronucleus and a micronucleus Contractile and food vacuoles Alveoli under the plasma membrane

Stramenopile protists with elaborately ornamented double shells made of silica are called which of the following?


Which of the following describes the similarity between Diplomonads and parabasalids the best?

They have modified mitochondria and multiple flagella.

Select all features of the feeding phase of a plasmodial slime mold.

It has multiple nuclei, It does not have cell walls.

Which of the following are characteristics of at least some cercozoans?

May exhibit primary endosymbiosis Use of pseudopods for movement Live in the soil

Select all lines of evidence that support the endosymbiotic theory.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own circular DNA, Mitochondria and chloroplasts have smaller ribosomes than eukaryotes, Mitochondria and chloroplasts divide by binary fission

Which of the following statements about amoeba is correct?

Most amoeba are free-living, but some are parasitic, and they live in the soil as well as freshwater.

Select all features of water molds.

Motile spores Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

Which of the following is the best description of how many times multicellularity has arisen?

Multiple times among the eukaryotes

Which of the following are particularly susceptible to Toxoplasma parasites?

Patients with AIDS, Developing fetuses, infected by Toxoplasma parasites that have crossed the placental barrier

which of the following describes the similarity between Diplomonads and parabasalids the best?

They have modified mitochondria and multiple flagella.

Which of the following best describes reproduction among protists?

Protists typically reproduce asexually, but some undergo sexual reproduction regularly and others reproduce sexually only at times of stress.

Members of the supergroups Rhizaria and Amoebozoa primarily use which of the following for locomotion?


Radiolarians secrete glassy exoskeletons made of which of the following?


Which of the following are characteristic of Foraminifera?

They are heterotrophic., They are marine., They are a prominent part of the fossil record.

Which of the following are characteristics of red algae?

They have a haplodiplontic life cycle with both haploid and diploid phases. They can be as large as 2 meters. They have unique accessory pigments, e.g., phycoerythrin.

Individuals with HIV/AIDS are particularly susceptible to Toxoplasma infection for which reason?

They have a weakened immune system.

Select all features of diplomonads.

They have two nuclei. They are unicellular. They lack functional mitochondria.

protist can exhibit both [blank] and [blank] reproduction

asexual, sexual

The protist group that is characterized by rows or spirals of beating hairs is called the


Amoebas use their pseudopods to (choose all that apply)

engulf food, move

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