Biology 256 Exam 3

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The sliding filament model of contraction involves

Actin and myosin sliding past each other and partially overlapping

Cancer of lymphoblasts developing quickly in a young child would be called

Acute lymphatic leukemia

What factors influence heart rate?

Age, body temperature, sex

The most abundant plasma proteins are the


What blood vessel would you find has the highest blood pressure?


Skeletal muscle assists the heart in moving blood through


Which blood vessels play the most important role for local regulation of capillary blood pressure?


The blood vessel type bringing oxygen and nutrients to the tissues is the


The Lubb heart sound occurs with the _________________ valves closing, while the Dub heart sound occurs as __________________ valves close.

Atrioventricular, semilunar

Intense exercise can cause

Both of the above

The dicrotic notch refers to the

Brief rise in aortic pressure caused by backflow of blood rebounding off the aortic semilunar valve

Select the correct statement about the movement of materials at the capillary level

Carbon dioxide moves from its production site into the interstitial fluids and capillaries

The function of hemoglobin is to

Carry oxygen

In muscle contraction, calcium acts to

Change the shape of the troponin-tropomyosin complex

In an isotonic contraction, the muscle

Changes in length and moves the "load"

Poor nutrition may lead to

Chronic hypertension

Which is NOT a risk factor for essential hypertension?

Circulatory shock

Which ion is NOT directly involved in a muscle action potential?


Normal heart sounds are caused by which of the following events?

Closure of the heart valves

The first heart sound is caused by the

Closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves

The second heart sound is cause by the

Closure of the semilunar valves

Negative chronotropic factors are

Factors that decrease heart rate

The Frank-Starling law of the heart states that they heart contracts less forcefully when it fills with more blood


The sheet of connective tissue beneath skin around a muscle, providing a pathway for nerves and blood vessels is called the


When cardiac muscle cells die the result is

Fibrosis (scarring)

Which is the best definition of blood pressure?

Force per unit area exerted on the wall of a blood vessel

Which blood proteins serve as antibodies that tag foreign substances for elimination from the body?

Gamma globulins

Blood group antigens, including the ABO blood group antigens on the surface of blood cells, are comprised of


If cardiac muscle is deprived of its normal blood supply, damage would primarily result from

Lack of oxygen in myofibers

Athletes sometimes complain of oxygen debt, a condition that results where insufficient oxygen is available to completely break down pyretic acid. As a result, the pyretic acid is converted to

Lactic acid

Acute hypertension may be a result of

Large-scale blood loss

Immediately following the arrival of the stimulus at a skeletal muscle cell there is a short period called the _____________ period during which calcium ions are released from the terminal cisterae


All of the following can be expected with polycythemia except

Low blood viscosity

Which of the following is a regulatory function of blood?

Maintenance of normal pH in body tissues

When old red blood cells are worn out, their components are recycled. The globin from the hemoglobin is

Metabolized as amino acids

Blood bypassing a capillary bed flows through its


Which of the following is a precursor of a monocyte?


No visible cytoplasmic granules are present in


The myocardium requires ________ oxygen than skeletal muscle and has _______ mitochondria

More, more

Each muscle fiber is stimulated by a nerve ending know as

Motor end plate

A motor neuron and the myofibers it innervates is known as a

Motor unit

Heart sounds other than those caused by closing of valves are called


Muscle cells work together in groups known as motor units. These consist of a motor neuron and

Muscle fibers innervated by it

The number of muscle fibers in a contracted state in an otherwise relaxed muscle is known as

Muscle tone

Which of the following is a precursor of a basophil?


Which of the following is a precursor of an eosinophil?


Oxygen is stored in myofibers on/in


When a muscle fiber is stimulated by acetylcholine, _____ channels on the plasma membrane open


Which is the correct sequence of events in a cardiac myocardium action potential?

Na+ inward flux, Ca++ inward flux, K+ outward flux

What provides a long-term control for blood pressure?

Nervous system

The most abundant human leukocytes are the


The father is RH- and the mother is RH+. They have had three children without adverse problems due to the RH factor. The mother is pregnant again. In terms of RH factor, the risk to the fetus now within the uterus

Never was a problem

Which of the following chemicals does NOT control blood pressure?

Nitric acid

Which will decrease blood pressure?

Nitric oxide

If a doctor orders a blood test requiring the use of serum,

No anticoagulant should be added

Which provides a positive choronotropic effect on the heart?


When neither anti-A nor anti-B agglutinates with a patient's blood, their blood type is


Which is a risk factor for essential hypertension?


Initiation of cardiac action potential in contracting cardiac muscle cells begins with

Opening voltage-gated fast sodium channels

Angina pectoris is

Pain accompanying myocardial ischemia

In muscle action potential, the wave of positive mV charge travels through the ____________ to the sarcoplasm from the sarcolemma


A sustained and frequent muscles stimulus brings about


Which statement is true about an EKG?

The T wave indicates ventricular repolarization

Select the correct statement about the function of myocardial cells

The all-or-none law as applied to cardiac muscle means that the atria or ventricles contract as a unit or not at all

A sarcomere is

The area between two z disks

Pulse is measured in

The arteries

If the vagus nerve to the heart were cut, the result would be

The heart rate would increase by about 25 beats per minute

Which is NOT directly involved in maintaining your blood pressure?

The thymus

Fred's blood was determined to be AB positive. What does this mean?

There are no antibodies to A, to B, or to Rh antigens in his plasma

Which of the following are composed of myosin?

Thick filaments

Which of the following are composed of actin?

Thin filaments

When erythrocytes are worn and tattered, some of the hemoglobin molecules are recycled. Transferrin assists in this by

Transferring the iron to the red bone marrow where it can be reused

Sickling of red blood cells can be produced in those with sickle-cell anemia by

Travel at high altitudes

The warm-up period required of athletes in order to bring their muscles to peak performance is called


Calcium ions bind to ___________________ in skeletal muscle cells


What causes sounds heard in an artery when blood pressure is measured?


The blood vessel type removing carbon dioxide and wastes from tissues is the


Vascular resistance is NOT affected by

Venule vasoconstriction

The tricuspid valve is closed

When the right ventricle is in systole

A motor unit is

a motor neuron and myofibers it stimulates

The blood vessel type allowing exchange of respiratory gases, delivery of nutrients, and removal of wastes to and from the tissues is the


Glucose delivered to a recovering myofiber is used to

Reestablish glycogen stores

Which of the following periods is when a muscle is temporarily unable to respond to stimuli?

Refractory period

The major function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle contraction is to

Regulate intracellular calcium concentration

The diameter of blood vessels most directly affects


Where is the pacemaker of the heart located?

Right atrium

The time from when the ventricular contractile myofibers are depolarized until they depolarize is represented by the

S-T segment

The muscle cell plasma membrane is called


An elaborate network of membranes in skeletal muscle cells that functions in calcium storage is the

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

A drop in blood pressure stimulates the cardiovascular center to

Send a parasympathetic nerve system impulse to the baroreceptors

You obtain a tube of blood from a patient. No anticoagulants are used in the tube, so the blood clots. The tube is centrifuged and you remove the liquid from atop the clot and cells. The liquid thus obtained is called


Which is NOT a vital sign used to assess the cardiovascular system?

Serum cholesterol

The influence of blood vessel diameter on peripheral resistance is

Significant because resistance goes up when the diameter goes down

During a normal cardiac cycle, the atria contract when they are directly stimulated by the

Sinoatrial node

Initiation of a normal heart beat is the responsibility of the

Sinoatrial node

Which requires nervous system input for stimulation of muscle contraction?

Skeletal muscle

Bradycardia is a _________ heartbeat while tachycardia is a ________ heartbeat

Slow, fast

Smooth muscle is significantly different from striated muscle in several ways. Which of the following is true?

Smooth muscle can shorten and stretch more than striated muscle

The primary organs whose macrophages are responsible for phagocytizing worn out red blood cells are the

Spleen and liver

An increase in venous return most directly affects

Stroke volume

The neurotransmitter used at a motor end pate is


A heart beat is normally initiated when

Enough Ca++ enters the cells of the sinoatrial node to reverse their resting potentials

Formed elements found in the blood that are about 7 to 9 um in diameter with no nuclei are


The process of forming new red blood cells is called


Select the correct statement about factors that influence blood pressure

Excess red cell production would cause a blood pressure increase

When red blood cells wear out, the iron of hemoglobin is saved and recycled. The remainder of the heme is

Excreted as bile pigments (bilirubin)

How does exercising assure greater blood delivery to the active muscles?

Exercising provides increased venous return to the heart

On average, normal resting cardiac output for an adult is about

5 liters/min

Normal cardiac output is about ______ L/min


The stroke volume for a normal resting heart rate is _____ ml/beat


The first thing that stops a muscle contraction after a motor neuron stops releasing acetylcholine is

Acetylcholinesterase destroys the acetylcholine as it is removed from the membrane receptors

Hemorrhage with a large loss of blood causes

A lowering of blood pressure due to change in cardiac output

Cardiac Ischemia can result in

A myocardial infarction

Cardiac ischemia can result in

A myocardial infarction

Select the correct statement about cardiac output

A slow heart rate increases end diastolic volume, stroke volume, and force of contraction

Muscle tone is

A state of sustained partial contraction of muscles

Rigor mortis occurs because

ATP required to detach myosin actin molecules depleted

Which anatomical component of intrinsic audtorhythmicity system of the heart functions to assure that the ventricles contract after the atria?

AV node

The normal lymphocyte percentage of white blood cells is

About 25%

The normal neutrophil percentage of white blood cells is

Above 50%

The neurotransmitter initiating a muscle action potential is


Which is the correct equation for the relationship between blood pressure (BP), cardiac output (CO), and peripheral resistance (PR)?

BP = CO x PR

When you go from sitting or lying down to standing too quickly, you feel dizzy. The drop in blood pressure stimulates vasoconstriction and increased heart rate to compensate. This is called

Baroreceptor reflex

Which is NOT a term referring to the immune system proteins made by plasma cells?

Beta globulins

If a person has hepatitis, the liver may not convert bile pigments normally or transport them appropriately to the gall bladder. Thus, pigments accumulate in the blood; this is called jaundice. Which bile pigment would you expect to be in highest concentration in the blood of a person with this condition?


The role of calcium ions in muscle contraction is to

Bind to regulatory sites on troponin and to remove contraction inhibition

The cardiac muscle contraction occurs when

Ca++ enters the myofibers through slow channels

During contraction of heart muscle cells

Calcium comes in from the extracellular space and then is additionally released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

The molecule binding calcium to smooth muscle cells is


An individual who is blood type AB negative

Can receive any blood type in moderate amounts except those with the Rh antigen

Gas exchange occurs in


After nervous stimulation of the muscle cell has ceased, the acetylcholine is

Destroyed by the acetylcholinesterase

Red blood cells do not consume any of the oxygen they transport because they

Do not have mitochondria

If the osmotic pressure in the blood vessels is lower than that in the tissues, tissue _____________ will result


In skeletal muscle, each myofiber is surrounded by


Which of the following surrounds the individual muscle cell?


Which blood protein carries oxygen from the lungs and to the tissues?


Which of these is NOT a normal plasma protein?



Holds a reserve supply of oxygen in muscle cells

Which of the following is NOT a complication of aplastic anemia?


Blood pressure peaks

In the morning

Input from the sympathetic nervous system causes the heart rate to


What might trigger erythropoiesis?

Increased tissue demand for oxygen

Peripheral resistance

Increases as blood viscosity increases

Blood flow to the skin

Increases when environmental temperature rises

The effect of endurance-type athletic training may be to lower the resting heart rate. This phenomenon

Is caused by hypertrophy of the heart muscle

After nervous stimulation of the muscle cell has ceased, the acetylcholine

Is destroyed by acetylcholine esterase

The velocity of blood flow

Is slowest in the capillaries because the total cross-sectional area is the greatest

In the dynamics of blood flow through capillaries, hydrostatic pressure

Is the same as capillary blood pressure.

Which of the following surrounds a bundle of myofibers?


A lack of intrinsic factor, leading to a deficiency of vitamin b 12 and large, pale red blood cells called microcytes, is characteristic of

Pernicious anemia

You obtain a tube of blood from a patient. EDTA anticoagulant is in the tube, so the blood does not clot. The tube is centrifuged and you remove the liquid from atop the cells. The liquid thus obtained is called


Which formed element is NOT a cell


Control of blood flow through a capillary bed occurs at its

Pre-capillary sphincter

Which of the following is NOT required for erythropoiesis?

Production of vacuoles

Place the following in the correct developmental sequence

Proerythroblast, Late erythroblast, Normoblast, Reticulocyte

Aldosterone will

Promote an increase in blood pressure

On an EKG, depolarization of the ventricles is represented by the

QRS complex

Which component of an electrocardiogram indicates electrical activity associated with ventricular depolarization?

QRS complex

Which takes the longest time in contracting skeletal myofiber?


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