Biology Chapter 7 Study Questions

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a. Clearing trees for farming

Beginning in the late 1700s, people who settled in the islands of Hawaii changed the islands by a. Clearing trees for farming b. Mining Silver c. Fishing only during the spawning season d. Making the islands a natural Preserve

b. The overall reaction of cellular respiration c. The overall reaction of photosynthesis e. The combustion of fossil fuels

Besides the reaction shown above, what other chemical reactions would be most useful for Simon to include in her model? Select 3 answer choices a. The reactions that produce the acids in acid rain b. The overall reaction of cellular respiration c. The overall reaction of photosynthesis d. The reactions that form fossil fuels e. The combustion of fossil fuels

a. Pcbs persist in the environment through biomagnification

Chemicals called PCBS were manufactured in widely used up until the 1970s. Unfortunately, these chemicals are harmful to humans and Wildlife. Some legislators are concerned about PCBs accumulating in mud and sand deposits in their regions. They commissioned a laboratory analysis, which shows that the pcbs are present in the mud and sand, but in very low amounts. Which statement about pcbs is most useful for evaluating the laboratory analysis? a. Pcbs persist in the environment through biomagnification b. Current laws been the manufacturer in the use of pcbs c. Scientists have no evidence of pcbs harming populations of earthworms, insects, or other small animals d. Scientists have developed new, safer chemicals that can replace pcbs in many industrial processes

b. Contour plowing

Farmers can reduce soil erosion by a. Increasing irrigation b. Contour plowing c. Grazing cattle on the land d. Plowing up roots

c. Both acid rain and global warming are caused by the burning of fossil fuels

Human activities have caused both acid rain and a global increase in temperature, or global warming. How are these two effects acid rain and global warming related to each other? a. Acid rain is a side effect of global warming at the local level b. Acid rain has a side effect of efforts to reduce global warming c. Both acid rain and global warming are caused by the burning of fossil fuels d. Both acid rain and global warming are caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

d. Preserve ecosystems while providing for human need

Ideally, sustainable development should a. Put the protection of the environment ahead of human needs b. Provide for human needs at the expense of the environment c. Use more natural resources to make Goods to meet human needs d. Preserve ecosystems while providing for human needs

a. Caused native species to die out

Imported plants and animals in Hawaii have a. Caused native species to die out b. Increase the native bird species c. Improve soil fertility d. Increase crop yields

d. Smog

The gray brown Haze often found over large cities is called a. Acid rain b. Greenhouse gases c. Particulates d. Smog

c. Acid rain

The sulfur and nitrogen compounds in smog combine with water to form a. Ozone b. Ammonia c. Acid rain d. Chlorofluorocarbons

a. The ability to grow a lot of food

A benefit of monoculture farming practices is a. The ability to grow a lot of food b. The ability to spend less money or fertilizer c. The use of less water for irrigation d. Disease and pests resistance of the crops

b. Building apartments at the site of an abandoned Factory in the city

A developer wants to build A new housing development in or around a large city. Which of the following plans would be least harmful to the environment? a. Clearing a forested area outside of the city to build houses b. Building apartments at the site of an abandoned Factory in the city c. Building a neighborhood in a meadow at the edge of the city d. Filling a wetland area and building Oceanfront condominiums

a. Wolves hunt across large territories, so habitat fragmentation puts them at risk

A population of Timberwolves lives in a large tract of forest. A developer proposes building a six-lane Highway across the middle of the forest. The developer claims that the Timberwolves would be minimally affected because the highway would replace only about 1% of the land in the forest. Which statement provides the strongest argument against the developers claim? a. Wolves hunt across large territories, so habitat fragmentation puts them at risk b. Wolves have been observed roaming the land where the highway would be c. At least one wolf has built a den in the land where the highway would be d. Deer, rabbits, and other prey of wolves have been observed roaming the land where the highway would be

a. Global emissions of greenhouse gases decrease by 50%

A scientist uses a computer model to predict that the Earth's average temperature will increase between 1.8 degrees Celsius and 3 .2 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. The precise increase in temperature depends on people's decisions in the future. Which event of the near future would increase the likelihood of the lowest possible temperature increase? a. Global emissions of greenhouse gases decrease by 50% b. A major volcanic eruptions strike somewhere on Earth c. New technology reduces consumer prices for coal, oil, and natural gas d. Global missions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) decrease by 50%

d. Trees

An example of a renewable resource is a. Oil b. Natural Gas c. Coal d. Trees

c. Control pest insects

An example of sustainable resource use is the use of predators and parasites to a. Harm natural resources b. Pollinate plants c. Control pest insects d. Eat unwanted plants

c. The agreement may help guide World governments but does not force their actions

An organization of climate scientists reached an agreement on global climate change. They agree that the problem is serious and that a variety of measures should be enacted worldwide. The measures include a global reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions and a switch to renewable energy resources. What is the effect, in practice, of the agreement of scientist? a. The agreement dictates the laws of world governments, which have no right to alter the laws b. The agreement forms the basis of laws enacted by World governments, which always include scientific oversight c. The agreement may help guide World governments but does not force their actions d. The agreement supersedes the actions of world governments because of the importance of global climate change

b. Increases

As DDT moves up the trophic levels in food chains or food webs its concentration a. Stays the same b. Increases c. Decreases d. Is eliminated

b. Ocean acidification

As explained by the chemical reaction shown in the illustration, which of these events is caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? a. Biomagnification b. Ocean acidification c. Increased rates of photosynthesis d. Increase rate of fossil-fuel formation

b. Examples of ecosystem goods and services

Breathable air and Drinkable water are a. Always free to everyone b. Examples of ecosystem goods and services c. Not easy to find in healthy Ecosystems d. Provided by city governments

a. Precipitation patterns are changing on a global scale

Brian is evaluating the following statement. " The expression global warming is only a partial description of the changes occurring to Earth's atmosphere. Global climate change has the more accurate description." Which observation provides the strongest evidence in support of the statement? a. Precipitation patterns are changing on a global scale b. Sea level is rising because of melting polar ice caps c. Coral reefs are dying or stress because of warmer seawater d. Carbon dioxide levels have been increasing globally for the past 150 years

c. A drastic reduction in the use of fossil fuels, cement, and flaring

Carbon dioxide is a significant greenhouse gas in Earth's atmosphere. Graph shows the estimated anthropogenic (human-caused) carbon dioxide emissions in gigatons (Gt) per year, from 1850 to the present Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Based on the graph, which strategy would be most effective to include in a solution to global climate change? a. A moderate reduction in non anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide b. A more efficient method for gaining energy from fossil fuels c. A drastic reduction in the use of fossil fuels, cement, and flaring d. A moderate reduction in forestry and other land use

b. Kill insects

DDT was used to a. Fertilize soil b. Kill insects c. Form ozone d. Feed animals

b. The claims are accurate, but the argument is faulty because ozone in the upper atmosphere protects life on the surface

Johan Claims that the ozone is one of the harmful components of smog, that is the result of human activity, and that it harms human health. Based on these claims, he argues that the use of chlorofluorocarbons should be encouraged, because CFCs help break up the ozone Which is the most accurate evaluation of Johann's claim and argument? a. The claims are accurate and the argument is supported by evidence b. The claims are accurate, but the argument is faulty because ozone in the upper atmosphere protects life on the surface c. The claims are inaccurate in the argument is faulty, because ozone is essential for human health d. The claims are inaccurate because ozone is a natural part of the atmosphere, but the argument is supported by evidence

c. A cow releases large amounts of methane, an especially potent greenhouse gas

Juanita claims the cattle ranching contributes more significantly to Global Climate Change than most other forms of Agriculture. Clayton doubts this claim because carbon dioxide is released by all animals, not just cows. Which observation most strongly supports Juanita's claim? a. A cow is an especially large animal, and so it releases more carbon dioxide than it typical animal b. A cow is raised for food for humans, and so it does not decompose as many wild animals do c. A cow releases large amounts of methane, an especially potent greenhouse gas d. A cow eats large amounts of grass, which how remove greenhouse gases through photosynthesis

b. Nearly all of the land is now covered by and anthromes, or human altered biomes

Natural biomes once covered nearly all of the land of the United States. How is the land of United States change today? a. About half of the land is now covered by an anthromes, or human altered biomes b. Nearly all of the land is now covered by and anthromes, or human altered biomes c. Human activities have removed Wildlife from about half of the land d. Human activities have removed plant life from about half the land

c. Subject to biological magnification

One property that makes DDT hazardous over the long run is that DDT is a. An insecticide b. A perfect pesticide c. Subject to biological magnification d. Deadly to herbivores

a. Their footprint decreases, because the family uses fewer energy resources and reduces their emissions of greenhouse gases

Shari And her family change their use of Transportation. They use their private automobiles less often, And instead rely more on public transportation, bicycles, and walking. How does their change in Behavior affect their ecological footprint? a. Their footprint decreases, because the family uses fewer energy resources and reduces their emissions of greenhouse gases b. Their footprint decreases, because the family travels across a smaller area of land c. Their footprint increases, because vehicle such as buses and subways use more energy than a private automobile d. Their footprint is not affected, because the families' use of resources is approximately the same as before

b. Renewable resources can be replaced effectively by healthy ecosystems

Sustainable development favors the use of renewable resources, such as harnessing the energy of wind or sunlight. It does not favor the use of non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels. Which property of renewable resources explains the role in sustainable development? a. Renewable resources involve materials or energy found in nature b. Renewable resources can be replaced effectively by healthy ecosystems c. Renewable resources are less expensive and more useful than non-renewable resources d. Renewable resources involve synthetic or artificial materials that are not found in nature

d. Poor farming practices

The 1930s Dust Bowl in the Great Plains was caused by a. Deforestation b. Contour plowing c. Using renewable resources d. Poor farming practices

b. By reducing the amount of space needed for landfills

The Tran family enacts a conservation plan to recycle Solid Waste, including glass, metal, and Plastics. After one month, they calculate that their plan has reduced their Solid Waste output by 30%. However, the plan did not alter the volume of glass, metal, and plastic resources that the family used. How does the conservation plan help reduce the ecological footprint of the Tran family? a. By preserving material resources for use in the future b. By reducing the amount of space needed for landfills c. By reducing the cost of material resources d. By increasing the cost of material resources

d. Move the arena to the city center, where it can be accessed by public transportation

The city has approved the construction of a 15,000 seat arena for a professional basketball team. Which revision to the building plans for the arena would most help it meet the goals for sustainable development, as defined by the United Nations? a. Plant a lawn and trees along the outside of the Arena b. Remove the systems for heating and air conditioning from the arena c. Move the arena to the edge of the city, where it would replace farmland d. Move the arena to the city center, where it can be accessed by public transportation

a. Spending only as much money as you earn

Using environmental resources in a way that does not cause long-term environmental harm is like a. Spending only as much money as you earn b. Borrowing money that you cannot pay back for a long time c. Printing more money when you need it d. Lending money to people who can't pay it back

b. Although people are traveling more by car, pollution has decreased

What is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from the graph in figure 6-3 above? a. Less energy is used when people travel further by car b. Although people are traveling more by car, pollution has decreased c. Pollution increases as energy consumption increases d. Energy consumption is change more than total emissions

c. Environmental harm from the burning of fossil fuels

What is one negative consequence of the Industrial Revolution? a. Fewer jobs for people living in cities b. More expensive clothes c. Environmental harm from the burning of fossil fuels d. People working longer hours at their jobs

a. Point source pollution

What is shown in figure 6-2 above? a. Point source pollution b. Non-point source pollution c. Water conservation d. Water treatment

c. Identifying causes and effects of climate change

What is the purpose of this simplified version of the UGC diagram? a.Identifying the process of the carbon cycle b. Explaining the role of carbon in the greenhouse effect c. Identifying causes and effects of climate change d. Predicting how the climate will change in the future

a. Desertification

When farming, overgrazing, climate change, and / or seasonal drought change Farmland into land that cannot support plant life, it is called a. Desertification b. Depletion c. Deforestation d. Monoculture

a. Deforestation

Which concept does the graph in figure 6-1 illustrate? a. Deforestation b. Desertification c. The decrease of tree Heights over time d. The increase of young trees over time

b. Greenhouse effect

Which icon represents the mechanism that affects Earth's temperatures, and that now is causing the temperature to increase? a. Greenhouse gases b. Greenhouse effect c. Carbon d. Global sea-level rise

b. A worldwide ban on the use of CFCs

Which is the most likely explanation of the trend shown in the data? a. The natural cycle of CFCs in the atmosphere b. A worldwide ban on the use of CFCs c. A gradual thinning of the ozone layer d. A natural process that absorbs CFCs

b. Desertification

Which of the following is not considered a sustainable development strategy for management of Earth's resources? a. Contour plowing b. Desertification c. Crop rotation d. Selective harvesting of trees

d. They cannot be replaced after they are used up

Which of the following is true about non-renewable resources? a. They can be replaced through sustainable development b. There are plenty for people to use for a very long time c. Using them up will help keep the environment healthy d. They cannot be replaced after they are used up

a. Yes, because the solar panels have an economic benefit and they tap a renewable energy resource

Would using the solar panels and prove this sustainability of the mall? a. Yes, because the solar panels have an economic benefit and they tap a renewable energy resource b. Yes, because using solar panels always improve sustainability, regardless of the expense or efficiency c. No, because of solar panels would meet only part of the electricity needs of the mall d. No, because the solar panels could provide only a long-term economic benefit, not a short-term benefit

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