biology lap 9

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characteristics specific to euglena

have chloroplast, eyespot, considered animal-like protists

nutrition of a paramecium

heterotphic and some parasitic

nutrition of an amoeba

heterotrophic (phagocytosis) and some parasitic

nutrition of a plasmodium

heterotrophic and parasitic

nutrition of trypanosomes

heterotrophic and some parasitic

example of a nonvascular plant

hornworts, liverworts, mosses


1 cotyledon parallel venation scattered vascular bundles flower parts occur in threes

example of a monocot

orchid & lily

most species in the phylum Apicomplexa are

parasitic and have complex life cycles

the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae is used to make all of the following except a. bread b. vaccines c. ethanol d. penicillin


algae differ from protozoans in that algae are


to what phylum does a plasmodium belong to?

phylum Apicomplexa

phylums in the fungus-like protist group

phylum Oomycota & phylum Myxomycota

to what phylum does a paramecium belong to?

phylum ciliophora

which phylum is present in both plant-like protists and animal-like protists

phylum euglenaphyta

to what phylum does euglena belong to?

phylum euglenophyta

phylums in the plant-like protist group

phylum phaeophyta, phylum chlorophyta, & phylum euglena

to what phylum does an amoeba belong to?

phylum protozoa

to what phylum do the trypanosomes belong to?

phylum sarcomastigophora

example of gymnosperm

pine trees

algae are classified into phyla based on all of the following except their

presence of absence of flagella

the artificial fabric rayon is made from

processed wood fibers

biologists think that the first fungi on Earth arose from


protozoans are members of the kingdom...


common name of an amoeba


what is the common name for animal-like protists?


motility of an amoeba


example of a dicot

roses & carnations

nutrition of euglena

autotroph and some heterotroph

nutrition of the kingdom plantae

autotrophic and few heterotrophic

what is the nutrition of protists?

autotrophs, heterotroph, saprophytes, parasite

the life cycle of a vascular plant is characterized by

a large sporphyte and a small gametophyte

how do fungi obtain their food

secrete an enzyme and then absorb the digested nutrients through their cell walls

unlike animals, fungi

secrete enzymes and then absorb the digested nutrients through their cell wall

what are the two groups vascular plants are divided into?

seedless and seeds


seeds enclosed in fruits


seeds not enclosed in fruits

which of the following is NOT an asexual reproductive structure of a fungus: a. septum b. sporangium c. conidiophere d. sporangiospore


how do protists reproduce?

sexually, asexually, multiple fission, and binary fission

one disease caused by a mastigphoran is

sleeping sickness

phylum Myxomycota

slime mold

one characteristic specific to trypanosomes

some species cause sleeping sickness

black pepper is the ground-up seed of a pepper-plant, which makes pepper

a spice

what is the common name for plant-like protists?



anchor the plant absorb and transport water & minerals

protists are thought to have evolved from...

ancient prokaryotes

what are the three different groups found in Kingdom Protista?

animal-like protists, fungus-like protists, and plant-like protists

fungi of the genus Cephalosporium are used to produce


example of an organism in phylum phaeophyta

brown algae

motility of a paramecium


common name of a paramecium


all of the following plants are used for the medicinal value except the a. cinchona tree b. white willow c. coconut d. foxglove


characteristicS specific to a plasmodium

complex life cycles and all are animal parasites

what are gymnosperms called


motility of trypanosomes


how do protists move?

flagella, cilia, pseudopods

what are angiosperms called

flowering plants

example of angiosperm

flowers, fruiting plants

a plasmodial slime mold will generally form a fruiting body when

food or water is scarce

why are plants important (6)

food supply medicines clothing fuels ornamental provide oxygen

how do fungi reproduce asexually?

form asexual spores produced of rhizopus or by budding

how do seedless plants reproduce?

form spores

how do seeded plants reproduce?

forming seeds

each of the following is a part of a seed except the a. embryo b. endosperm c. seed coat d. gametophyte


example of an organism in phylum chlorophyta

green algae


large surface area for absorbtion of light for photosynthesis to occur

example of green algae


which of the following is formed from the tests of dead sarcodines a. granite b. limestone c. sandstone d. pearls


ferns are a type of

vascular plant

phylum Oomycota

water mold

separate sperm-containing and egg-containing structures are produced by

water molds

which of the following is not a fungal product of importance to the food-processing industry? a. vitamin B2 b. wheat rust c. citric acid d. gluconic acid

wheat rust

the plant tissue that transports water from the roots to the leaves is the


example of unicellular fungi


all of the following are structures used for protist movement except: a. cilia b. flagella c. zoospores d. pseudopodia



2 cotyledons net veration ring of vascular bundles flower parts occur in fives

which of the following is not a condition or disease that can be caused by fungi? a. athlete's foot b. AIDS c. ringworm d. candidiasis



body of the fungus

are plantae terrestrial or aquatic


scientific name for a nonvascular plant


how do fungi reproduce sexually?

by fused hyphae

why is fungi important

cause diseases, source of food, medicines, can damage crops

organelles found in plant-like protists and plant cells but not in animal cells

cell wall, plastid, central vacuole

what are the cell walls of plantae made up of?


what are the cell walls of fungi made up of?



cross sections that can divide hyphae

amoebas move by means of a process known as

cytoplasmic streaming

what is the common name for fungus-like protists?


fungal diseases that affect human internal organs are often caused by

dimorphic fungi

septate hyphae

divided hyphae


group of cells in which some cells have specialized function but can survive as individuals

pine trees are a type of


what are the two groups vascular seed plants are divided into?

gymnosperms and angiosperms

throughout most of their life cycle, most fungi are


one characteristic specific to an amoeba

has endoplasm and ectoplasm

all protists are capable of

either asexual or sexual reproduction

the automobile fuel gasohol is made in part with

ethanol produced by yeast

what is the domain for kingdom protista, fungi, and plantae


is the kingdom plantae eukaryotic or prokaryotic


all fungi are

eukaryotic and nonphotosynthetic

characteristics for the kingdom fungi

eukaryotic, non photosynthetic, heterotrophic, mostly unicellular, some unicellular


fake feet


feed on dead or decaying organisms

example of a seedless plant

fern or horsetail


fine branching tubes that make up the body of the fungus

motility of euglena


filaments of fungi are called


example of brown algae

kelp and seaweed

multiple fission

many cells split into individual cells

common name for sarcomastigophorans


sniffling, sneezing, and respitory distress may be symptoms of an allergic reaction to

mold spores

example of multicellular fungi


what are the two group vascular seed angiosperm plants divided into

monocots and dicots

is the kingdom plantae mulitcellular or unicellular


one characteristic that is not found in any protozoan is


what is one thing specific to the paramecium?

multinuclei (micro & macro)

mat of hyphae


motility of a plasmodium


coenocytic hyphae

not divided hyphae

common name for the organisms in phylum apicomplexa

sporozoans or apicomplexans

in cultivating wheat, early farmers selected wheat peanuts whose

stalks did not break easily in the wind


study of fungi


support the leaves, transport substances from roots to leaves

the body portion of a seaweed is called a


sexual reproduction in ciliates involves

the exchange of haploid micronuclei between two individuals


the study of plants

legumes are valuable crops because they have protein-rich seeds and because

they improve the nitrogen content of soil


to form a bridge between 2 organisms to exchange genetic material

scientific name for a vascular plant


vascular plant

true vascular tissue, roots, streams, and leaves

example of a saprophyte

turkey tail fungus

body plan of a paramecium


body plan of a plasmodium


body plan of an amoeba


body plan of euglena


body plan of trypanosomes


what is the body plan of protists?

unicellular, multicellular, & colonial

what are the two major groups that plants are divided into

vascular and nonvascular

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