Biology Module 6 Test

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What is the ratio of carbohydrates in a monosaccharide?

1 carbon: 2 hydrogen: 1 oxygen

How do enzymes affect the speed of chemical reactions in the body?

it speeds it up

What happens to the speed of a chemical reaction when a catalyst is present?

it speeds up


large molecule formed by joining smaller organic molecules together


positively charged particle in an atom's nucleus

Carbohydrates functions

provide energy

Lipid functions

store energy

Van der Waals forces

attractive forces between molecules

Which biological macromolecule is not considered a polymer?

a lipid


a mixture that has a uniform composition thought

Which of the following is an atom that has lost an electron?

a positive ion

Which of the following can be classified as a van der Waals force?

a weak electrostatic interaction between two polar molecules

Which property of water helps plants to transport water from their roots to their leaves?


What is a radioactive isotope?

an atom whose nucleus is unstable and emits particles and energy


atom that is negatively or positively charged because it has lost or gained one or more electrons

Bond energy is the amount of energy it takes to break a bond between two ___



building blocks of matter; contains subatomic particles neutrons, protons, and electrons

Protein functions

building blocks of protein

What are the major classes of biological macromolecules?

carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acid

amino acid

carbon compound joined by peptide bonds; building block of proteins

Which of the following can reduce the amount of energy needed for a chemical reaction to take place?



center of an atom; contains neutrons and protons

During a chemical reaction ___ break and reform

chemical bonds

endothermic reactions

chemical reaction that absorbs more energy that it releases

exothermic reactions

chemical reaction that release more energy than it absorbs

Which property causes water to from beads?



combination of 2 or more different substances

nucleic acid

complex macromolecule that stores and communicates genetic information


compound whose atoms are held together by covalent bonds

water and carbon dioxide are examples of ____


A molecule is held together by ___

covalent bonds

A catalyst can ____ the amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction


Which of the following compounds are examples of nucleic acids?

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)

ionic bond

electrical attraction between 2 oppositely charged atoms or groups of atoms

Which of the following is not found in the nucleus of an atom?


Which process changes a chlorine atom into a negative chloride ion?

electron gain

Two atoms may form several covalent bonds to share several pairs of _____


____ are made up of only one type of atom


Chemical reaction

energy requiring process by which atoms or groups of atoms in substances are reorganized into different substances

Substrates are to____ as keys are to locks.


Which of the following compounds can be classified as a proteins?


____ are catalysts for chemical reactions in living things


A solution is a mixture of substances that is ____ disturbed through the entire mixture


Scientists make observations and do experiments as a way to gather ___


A theory is a specific idea that has been proven to be true


An atom becomes an ion when its number of proton changes


Carbon's outer energy level is full


Not all chemical reactions involve changes in energy


Polar molecules have two regions with a light positive charge


Some ions are positively charged, and some ions have no changes


The three basic structures of carbon-based molecules are straight chain, bent chain, and ring chain


an exothermic chemical reaction absorbs more energy that it releases


chemical reactions can occur whether or not energy is added to the reactants


Which of the following are potential applications of radioactive isotopes?

food preservation, fossil dating, cancer treatment, medical imaging

Which of the following functions can be attributed to nucleic acids and nucleotides?

genetic information storage and transmission

Vertical rows are called?


Which property allows water to resist changes in temperature?

high specific heat


homogenous mixture formed when a substance is dissolved in another substance

activation energy

minimum amount of energy needed for reactants to form products in a chemical reaction


mixture that can react with an acid or a base to maintain in the pH within a specific range

polar molecule

molecule with oppositely charged regions


negatively charged particle that occupies space around an atoms nucleus

Oil and water don't mix because ____ molecule can't easily dissolve in a polar molecule


DNA and RNA are nucleic acids polymers that are made up of?


A scientist begins his or her research by making _____ theories



organic compound made of amino acids joined by peptide bonds; primary building block of organisms


organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a ratio of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms foe each carbon atom

Shared pairs of electrons fill the ___ energy levels of bonded atoms


Acids have

pH values < 7

Bases have

pH values >7

Which of the following factors influence enzyme activity?

pH, temperature


particle without a charge in an atoms nucleus

Which of the following joins amino acids together?

peptide bonds

Horizonal rows are called?


Carbohydrates that provide structural support, like chitin, are usually?


activation energy is the energy required to?

start a chemical reaction

Which of the following compounds can be classified as lipids?

steroids, unsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, phospholipids

Covalent bonds are generally very ____



substance formed by a chemical reaction; located on the right side of the arrow in a chemical equation


substance in which another substance is dissolved


substance that releases hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water; an acidic solution has a pH less than 7


substance that releases hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water; a basic solution has a pH greater than 7


substances that exists before a chemical reaction starts; located on the left side of the arrow in a chemical equation


substances that is dissolved in solvent


substances that speeds up a chemical reaction by reducing the activation energy

What physical factors affect the action of enzymes?

temperature and pH

How are water molecules in a rain drop held together?

van der Waals forces

Quantitive data

volume, mass, tempature

hydrogen bond

weak electrostatic bond formed by the attraction of opposite charges between a hydrogen atom and an oxygen, fluorine, or nitrogen atom

active site

specific place where a substance binds on an enzymes


A subunit of nucleic acid formed from a simple sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.

Why is the active site of an enzyme important to enzyme activity?

It allows the enzyme to catalyze very specific reactions.

How does a substrate affect an enzyme?

It binds and makes it possible for the reaction to take place

Which of the following is not a property of water?

It combusts

Which properties of water make it a compound necessary for life to exist on our planet?

Its solid form is less dense than its liquid form; ice floats, It is an excellent solvent, It is adhesive and cohesive, It is a polar molecule capable of forming hydrogen bonds.

Qualitative data

Sounds, smells, sights

Why is the sequence of amino acids important to protein function?

The order of amino acids determines the shape a protein will take.


hydrophobic biological molecule composed mostly of carbon and hydrogen; fats, oils, and waxes

Where do enzymes act as catalyst?

in living things


large molecule formed from smaller repeating units of identical, or nearly identical, compounds linked by covalent bonds

Nucleic acid functions

map for making proteins

Which of the following functions can be attributed to lipids?

membrane and barrier formation, energy storage, building blocks for cholesterol and other hormones


proteins that speeds up a biological reaction by lowering the activation energy needed to start the reaction


pure substance composed of only one type of atom; cannot be broken down into another substance by physical or chemical means


pure substance with unique properties; formed when two or more different elements combine


reactant to which an enzyme binds

___ are the substances changed during a chemical reaction


Which statement is true of chemical equations?

reactants come before the arrow, products come after.

Equilibrium occurs when reactants and products are made at the ___

same rate

Which of the following molecules can be identified as carbohydrates?

simple sugars, disaccharides, glucose, polysaccharides

A ____ dissolves in a solution


Blood plasma is an example of a



the components in a mixture remain distant


the measure of concentration of hydrogen atoms (H+) in a solution

Why are intermolecular forces, such as van der Waals forces, important to biological function? Multiple choice question.

they are easy to form and break apart, making them ideal for short-term interactions.

How do enzymes affect a chemical reaction, making it easier to occur?

they reduce the activation energy.

Carbon atoms can form covalent bonds with up to four atoms


Carbon atoms form the building blocks of most living things


Ions usually form when electrons are transferred from one atom to another


Slightly charged regions of water molecules form hydrogen bonds


The formation of an ion results in a full outermost energy level


Water is a polar molecule


activation energy is required for a chemical reaction to start


some chemical reactions release more energy than they absorb, while others absorb more energy than they release


theories can change over time as new evidence is discovered



two or more atoms of the same element having different numbers of neutrons

covalent bond

type of chemical bond formed when atoms share electrons

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