Biology Practice test

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Minerals dissolved in water enter root epidermal cells

by active transport.

The pollen grain grows a tube through the of the carpel to the ovary at the base of the carpel


The umbilical cord of a mammal connects the A) fetus and the placenta. B) amnion and the chorion. C) yolk sac and the allantois. D) embryo and the amnion.


18) A pollen grain is actually the A) male gametophyte. B) female gametophyte.


A mad scientist decides to start combining embryos and see what develops. He takes cells from the blastula of a frog with blue skin and transplants them into the blastula of a yellow-skinned frog. The embryo receiving the cells develops blue cells in its brain and spinal cord. The scientist must have transplanted the cells into the ________ of the recipient embryo. A) ectoderm B) mesoderm C) endoderm D) allantois E) yolk sac


An oak tree is a A) sporophyte. B) gametophyte. C) gamete. D) spore. E) zygote.


As a morula, the embryo consists of A) a solid mass of cells, each the size of the zygote. B) three differentiated layers of cells. C) a hollow ball of cells. D) cells that have different DNA content. E) a cluster of cells that are much larger than normal cells.


Conifers do not have flowers to attract pollinators. Instead, fertilization occurs A) via wind pollination. B) as the sperm and egg unite inside the woody cone. C) when the endosperm takes the place of the male gametes. D) when insects coated with pollen are trapped in the sticky resin. E) when birds transfer pollen in their droppings after eating the pine seeds.


The first leaves produced by an embryo while still inside the seed are A) cotyledons. B) endosperms. C) embryo sacs. D) coleoptiles. E) epicotyls.


The nervous system forms from the A) ectoderm. B) mesoderm. C) endoderm. D) yolk. E) chorion.


In humans, implantation in the uterus occurs at which stage of embryonic development?


10) In the alternation of generations, what is formed when a spore germinates? A) A plant that produces spores when mature. B) An increased number of spores. C) A plant that meiotically produces sex cells. D) A haploid stage called the gametophyte. E) A haploid stage called the sporophyte.


The diploid generation is called the .


Undifferentiated cells that can multiply and produce daughter cells of many different types are called _______.. Embryonic cells of this type can differentiate into any cell type of the body; they are derived from the

Stem cells, inner cell mass

Pollination occurs when pollen lands on the of a flower of the same plant species.


Which of the following characteristics helps differentiate between a monocot and a dicot? A) Presence of vascular tissue B) Seeds covered by a fruit C) Number of flower parts D) Presence or absence of an apical meristem E) Presence or absence of pollen grains


Which of the following is a common function of stems but NOT of roots? A) Absorption B) Support C) Anchorage D) Storage


Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) When mature, the carpel will become the seed and the anther will become the fruit. B) When mature, the ovules will become seeds and the ovary will develop into a fruit. C) When mature, the stamen will become the seed and the stigma will become the fruit. D) The filament and anther enclose the stigma and style. E) The style, which is vase-shaped, contains the ovary, stigma, and anther.


Which of the following would you be unable to locate in xylem tissue? A) Tracheids B) Sclerenchyma cells C) Sieve tube elements D) Vessel elements E) Cell walls with porous dimples called pits


The cells of an aging animal function less efficiently because A) cell metabolism is slower. B) organelles and cellular components decline. C) damaged DNA cannot be repaired. D) protein synthesis ceases. E) cells can no longer mitotically divide.


What cell type permits the continued growth of a plant throughout its life? A) Differentiated cells B) Ground tissue cells C) Meristem cells D) Mesophyll cells E) Secondary cells


Which of the following occurs in the placenta? A) Eroding blood vessels in the endometrium bathe chorionic villi in pools of maternal blood. B) Fetal blood and maternal blood mix. C) All substances in maternal blood that may be harmful to the fetus are prevented from moving across the walls of the villi. D) The amnion and the chorion grow into the endometrium. E) Hormones are absorbed to prevent them from influencing the developing fetus.


Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to xylem tissue? A) Xylem is composed of tracheids and vessel elements. B) Water and minerals are transported by xylem. C) Companion cells provide nutrition for tracheids. D) Vessel elements contain pits. E) Xylem cells are dead at maturity.


Your biceps muscle is derived from the A) endoderm. B) ectoderm. C) mesoderm. D) blastopore. E) amnion.


________ are modified leaves that are often brightly colored and scented to attract pollinators. A) Filaments B) Anthers C) Petals D) Stigma E) Sepals


The placenta is formed by the

chorion and the endometrium of the uterus.

) Which of the following is the result of gastrulation? A) A hollow ball of cells B) A zygote C) The formation of organs D) A three-layered embryo E) A blastula


14) ________ cells that convert sugar to starch in mature roots are part of the ________ tissue system. A) Phloem; vascular B) Periderm; dermal C) Xylem; vascular D) Parenchyma; ground E) Companion; ground


9) The sporophyte produces A) spores by mitosis. B) spores by meiosis. C) gametes by mitosis. D) gametes by meiosis. E) gametes by mitosis, followed by meiosi


A flowering plant produces pollen in the A) stigma. B) ovule. C) fruit. D) anther. E) style.


Cells that are alive, have thickened cell walls, and support the plant body are A) parenchyma cells. B) sclerenchyma cells. C) tracheids. D) collenchyma cells. E) vessel elements.


Grass flowers lack petals and sepals. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) These flowers are pollinated at night, so they don't benefit from showy petals or sepals. B) They are pollinated by flies, which don't require showy, scented petals. C) They are imperfect flowers lacking stamen or carpals. D) They are incomplete flowers lacking one or more floral parts.


In the stems of plants, where is sugar converted to starch and stored as a food reserve? A) Mesophyll layer B) Central vascular cylinder C) Sclerenchyma D) Parenchyma cells in both the cortex and pith E) Collenchyma associated with xylem cells


Parenchyma tissue is a component of the ________ tissue system. A) phloem B) dermal C) vascular D) ground E) epidermal


The dermal tissue system consists of A) phloem. B) collenchyma tissue. C) xylem. D) epidermis. E) parenchyma tissue.


Which of these hormones stimulates the production of milk? A) Colostrum B) Oxytocin C) Progesterone D) Prolactin E) Estrogen


) The cells that line the inside of the blastopore become the A) skin. B) muscles. C) nervous system. D) skeleton. E)digestive tract


All of these flower structures are modified leaves EXCEPT A) petals. B) carpels. C) sepals. D) stamens. E) pollen.


Most of the interior of a leaf consists of soft, thin-walled, living ________ cells. A) collenchyma B) guard C) sclerenchyma D) epidermal E) parenchyma


Parenchyma cells are located in all of the following structures EXCEPT the A) cortex. B) vascular tissues. C) mesophyll. D) pith. E) cuticle.


Plant cells that are actively dividing are ________ cells. A) differentiated B) conducting C) vascular D) ground E) meristem


Where are apical meristems located? A) Scattered throughout the plant B) In cylinders along the side of the root C) Between the xylem and the phloem D) In clusters in the parenchyma E) At the tips of roots, shoots, and branches


Which of the following is NOT true of sclerenchyma tissue? A) It is associated with xylem and phloem in the vascular tissue system. B) It dies at maturity. C) It is made up of cells with thickened cell walls. D) It provides support to strengthen the plant. E) It is a storage site for sugars and starches.


Which of the following is the correct order of the tissues in a young dicot stem, from the center of the stem outward? A) Pith → cortex → phloem → xylem → vascular cambium → epidermis B) Pith → phloem → cortex → xylem → vascular cambium → epidermis C) Cortex → vascular cambium → xylem → phloem → epidermis → pith D) Cortex → xylem → vascular cambium → phloem → pith → epidermis E) Pith → xylem → vascular cambium → phloem → cortex → epidermis


1) Spores and gametes are both haploid reproductive cells. What is the difference between the two? A) Spores germinate and grow into a multicellular haploid gametophyte, and gametes fuse to form a diploid zygote. B) Spores fuse to form a diploid zygote that eventually becomes the sporophyte, gametes. C) Spores are found only in plants that reproduce asexually, and gametes are found only in plants that reproduce sexually. D) Gametes germinate and grow into a multicellular haploid gametophyte, and spores carry out fertilization.


5) The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is an example of A) direct development. B) placental development. C) indirect development. D) internal development. E) external development.


At which stage is the human embryo most susceptible to toxic substances? A) Just before birth B) During cleavage C) During organogenesis D) During the fourth and fifth months E) During the last trimester


During mammalian development, a A) zygote becomes a blastula. B) gastrula becomes a morula. C) morula becomes a blastula. D) morula becomes gastrula. E) blastula becomes a zygote.


In humans, fertilization occurs in the A) ovary. B) testes. C) uterine tube. D) uterus. E) vagina.


In humans, implantation occurs A) just prior to fertilization. B) immediately after fertilization. C) when the zygote is a blastocyst. D) when the embryo is a gastrula. E) after the formation of the neural tube


Most fetuses can survive outside the womb after a minimum of ________ weeks. A) 15 B) 20 C) 32 D) 38 E) 45


Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between fungi and plant A) leaves. B) stems. C) roots. D) flowers. E) seeds.


Of the major tissue systems associated with land plants, the ________ tissue system covers the outer surface of the primary plant. A) ground B) meristem C) dermal D) vascular E) parenchyma


In monocots, the shoot is protected by a sheath called the


13) ________ results in the production of spores in flowering plants. A) Fertilization B) Germination C) Meiosis D) Spermatogenesis E) Mitosis


16) In flowering plants, the sperm does not have to swim to the egg. The sperm reaches the eggs by A) wind pollination. B) a pollen tube. C) burrowing through the embryo sac wall. D) cell division within the spore case. E) digestion of the seed coat.


One of the first events of animal development is the division of this cell, a process called __________


8) The sexual life cycle of plants is described as alternation of generations because it alternates between A) male plants and female plants. B) reproductive plants and vegetative plants. C) eggs and sperm. D) sporophytes and gametophytes. E) flowers and spores.


Flowers that make pollen, but not ovules, lack A) petals. B) sepals. C) stamens. D) carpels. E) filaments.


Meiosis produces a ________, which eventually gives rise to an egg in an unfertilized seed. A) microspore B) pollen tube C) sporophyte D) megaspore E) sepal


Which covers the outside of the plant body? _________


Taproots are characteristic of


A plant, such as an iris, that reproduces asexually most of the time probably A) is found in a changing environment. B) produces offspring that move into new environments. C) lacks the ability to make flowers. D) forms spores. E) has offspring that live in the same environment as the parents.


The spores germinate to produce the haploid generation, called the .


The inner cell mass of a human blastocyst

Gives rise to the embryo

Which stores starches? __________

Ground tissue

The tube enters an ovule through an opening in the_______ of the ovule.


The female gametophyte in angiosperms

Is produced by a megaspore

Plants grow through division of __________ cells and differentiation of the resulting daughter cells.


In a flowering plant, the male gametophyte is the ____.It is formed in the ____of a flower

Pollen grain, anthers

Which conducts water, minerals, and sugars within the plant body? _________

Vascular tissue

Water travels upward through plant roots and shoots within hollow tubes of __________, which contains two types of conducting cells, __________ and _________

Xylem, tracheids, vessel elements

24) An incomplete flower A) lacks one or more of the four basic floral parts. B) remains in the bud stage and does not bloom. C) produces sterile seeds. D) manufactures infertile pollen. E) is incapable of self-fertilization.


43) What are the results of double fertilization? A) Diploid zygote and diploid endosperm B) Egg cell and sperm cell C) Embryo sac and pollen sac D) Triploid endosperm and diploid zygote E) A zygote and an embryo


A human embryo is known as a fetus after ________ weeks. A) 2 B) 4 C) 8


Birds hatch out of their eggs looking like small versions of the adult. This is an example of A) direct development. B) genetic dwarfism. C) indirect development. D) internal development. E) external development.


What diffuse(s) from fetal blood to maternal blood in the placenta. A) Oxygen B) Wastes C) Alcohol D) Infectious organisms E) Nutrients


Why can't plants use N2 directly as a nutrient? A) Plants lack the enzymes necessary to convert N2 into NO3−or NH4+. B) Plants must use NO3− to carry out nitrogen fixation. C) Most soils are depleted of N2 as a nutrient. D) N2 diffuses out of leaves as quickly as it diffuses in, so it has to be "fixed" to remain in leaves. E) The N2 molecule is too large to enter the stomata.


If a beaver eats the bark all the way around a tree trunk (a process called "girdling"), why does the tree die? A) The tree is susceptible to insect and fungal diseases. B) The phloem is damaged, and the transport of sugars ceases. C) Cells of the lateral meristem can no longer divide. D) Water and minerals are no longer supplied to the leaves.


In a reptile the extraembryonic membrane that enclose the embryo in a watery environment is the


9) During the embryonic stage, a hollow ball of cells is known as a A) morula. B) blastula. C) gastrula. D) larva. E) chorion.


As early as the ________ month, as the brain and spinal cord grow, the fetus can demonstrate movement and respond to stimuli. A) second B) third C) fourth D) fifth E) sixth


What type of cell activity occurs in the meristem regions of plants? A) Mitosis B) Secondary growth C) Photosynthesis D) Increased water uptake of cells E) Storage of sugar


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