Bis Midterm LS

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strong AI weak AI

- refers to field of AI that works toward providing brain-like powers to AI machines - machines that can still make their own decisions based on reasoning and past sets of data

cyber-vigilants espionage

-include individuals that seek notoriety or want to make a social or political point such as WikiLeaks. -includes governments that are after some form of information about other governments.

select three characteristics of the online transactional processing

-stores the information -processes the information according to defined business rules - updates existing information to reflect the new information

steps in the decision-making process

1. problem identification 2. data collection 3. solution generation 4. solution test 5. solution selection 6. solution implementation

Which of the following is a potential feature of a digital dashboard?

A graph of stock market prices, A running line graph of planned versus actual production for the past 24 hours, A hot list of KPIs refreshed every 15 minutes

What is the primary difference between a worm and a virus?

A virus must attach to something to spread, where a worm does not need to attach to anything to spread and can tunnel itself into the computer

________ process models represent the current state of the operation that has been mapped, without any specific improvements or changes to existing processes.


Which of the following represents the three areas where technology can aid in the defense against information security attacks?

Authentication and authorization, prevention and resistance, detection and response

What is represented by a circle in a business process model?

BPMN Event

BPMN notation displays the path in which the process flows in which part

BPMN flows

Cheryl Steffan is the operations manager for Nature's Bread Company, which specializes in providing natural products for health conscious individuals. Cheryl is responsible for compiling, analyzing, and evaluating daily sales numbers to determine the company's profitability and forecast production for the next day. Which of the following is an example of the type of information Cheryl would be using to successfully perform her job?

Best-selling product by day.

The best and most effective way to manage authentication is through ___________.

Biometrics is the most effective way to manage authentication.

Which of the following is a valid type of hacker?

Black-hat hackers, script kiddies, and crackers are all types of hackers.

CSF's and KPI's are the two core metrics used within a business to track progress or success. What is the relationship between CSFs and KPIs?

CSF's are business strategy elements where KPI's measure the progress of the CSF's

who is responsible for ensuring the speed, accuracy, availability, and reliability of the MIS?

CTO- technology officer

Which of the following is considered an operational decision or structured decision?

Determining how many employees are out sick Structured decisions are made frequently and are almost repetitive in nature; they affect short-term business strategies. Reordering inventory and creating the employee staffing and weekly production schedules are examples of routine structured decisions, where entering a new market is a type of unstructured decision.

Which of the follow represents a form of disruptive technology?

Disruptive technology is 1) a new way of doing things that initially doesn't meet the needs of existing customers, 2) tend to open new markets and destroy old ones, 3) enter the marketplace at the low end and eventually evolve to displace high-end competitors and their reigning technologies.

What is the difference between ecommerce and ebusiness?

Ecommerce is buying and selling of goods or services online; ebusiness includes ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations

social media policy terms:

Employee online communication policy detailing brand communication. Employee blog and personal blog policies. Employee social network and personal social network policies. Employee Twitter, corporate Twitter, and personal Twitter policies. Employee LinkedIn policy. Employee Facebook usage and brand usage policy. Corporate YouTube policy

_______ is the internet protocol web browsers use to request and display web pages using universal resource locators


What is data converted into a meaningful and useful context?


Which of the below would create transactional information?

Making an airline reservation

Jennifer Bloom is writing a paper and she must determine which of Porter's three generic strategies The Museum Company has implemented. Jennifer finds out that The Museum Company offers specialty products found only in museums around the world to affluent customers. What would Jennifer determine The Museum Company is using as its generic strategy?

Narrow market, high cost.

If a business is following a focused strategy then its competitive scope is ________.

Narrow market.

What is a category of AI that attempts to emulate the way the human brain works?

Neural network

Users agree to the following in a typical acceptable use policy:

Not using the service as part of violating any law. Not attempting to break the security of any computer network or user. Not posting commercial messages to groups without prior permission. Not performing any nonrepudiation.

Native advertising

Online marketing concept in which the advertiser attempts to gain attention by providing content in the context of the user's experience in terms of its content, format, style, or placement.

Netflix creates a unique recommendation listing for each customer that revisits its website. How would you classify Netflix's ebusiness strategy?


Which of the following is considered data?

Quantity sold, customer number, and order date

what evaluates an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to identify significant influences that work for or against business strategies?

SWOT analysis

what evaluates variables that search engines use to determine where a URL appears on the list of search results

Search engine ranking

Identifying competitive advantages can be difficult and explains why they are typically _______.


Which of the following represents the common ebusiness revenue models? (Check all that apply.)

The primary ebusiness revenue models include advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, and value-added services fees.


The process of computerizing manual tasks, making them more efficient and effective, and dramatically lowering operational costs

What is the primary goal of using As-Is and To-Be process models?

To determine what the problem is and then how to solve the problem

__________ process models show the results of applying change improvement opportunities to the current process model

To- Be


a program that secretly takes over another computer for the purpose Page 161of launching attacks on other computers

types of epolicies

acceptable use policy, information privacy policy, social media policy, workplace monitoring policy, email privacy policy, ethical computer use policy

what is included in the four basic options for BYOD policy

access only to nonsensitive systems and data, access but with IT control over personal devices, apps, and stored data, access, but preventing local storage of data on personal devices

what are keywords that advertisers choose to pay for and appear as sponsored links on the Google results pages.



agents, software, or businesses that provide a trading infrastructure to bring buyers and sellers together

affiliate program

allow a business to generate commissions or referral fees when a customer visiting its website clicks a link to another merchant's website

Personally Indentifiable Information (PII)

any data that could potentially identify a specific individual

swim lane layout

arranges the steps of a business process into a set of rows depicting the various elements.

what allows a business to generate commissions or referral fees when a customer visiting its website clicks on a link to another merchant's website?

associate program

sock puppet marketing is one example of....

astroturfing, the practice of artificially stimulating online conversation and positive reviews about a product, service, or brand.


attack computer systems by transmitting a virus hoax with a real virus attached. By masking the attack in a seemingly legitimate message, unsuspecting users more readily distribute the message and send the attack on to their co-workers and friends, infecting many users along the way

select three objectives that a leadership plan might include to achieve a solid business strategy

attracting new customers, decreasing costs, increasing sales

what is a chart or graph that presents grouped data with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent

bar chart

what are the most successful solutions or problem solving methods that have been developed by a specific organization or industry?

best practices

three generic business strategies Porter identified for entering a new market?

broad cost leadership focused strategy broad differentiation

__________ process modeling is the activity of creating a detailed flowchart or process map of a work process that shows its inputs, tasks, and activities in a structured sequence


__________- facing processes are invisible to the external customers but essential to the effective management of the business


a _______ process patent protects a specific set of procedures for conducting a particular business activity


a _________ process model is a graphic description of a process, showing the sequence of process tasks, which is developed for a specific purpose and from a selected viewpoint


what is the scientific process of transforming data into insight fir making better decisions?

business analytics

what is the analysis and redesign of workflow within and between enterprises?

business process reengineering

What are the four main types of ebusiness models?

business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-business (C2B), and consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

three examples of goods

cars, groceries, clothing

a dynamic process is continuously changing and provides business solutions to ever-changing business operations. As the business and its strategies change, so do the dynamic processes. Which of the following are examples of dynamic processes?

changing order levels based on currency rates managing layoffs of employees canceling business travel due to extreme weather

________is any proprietary software licensed under exclusive legal right of the copyright holder

closed source

open system

consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on publicly known standards that allow third parties to create add-on products to plug into or interoperate with the system.

source code

contains instructions written by a programmer specifying the actions to be performed by computer software


create the illusion that a large number of potential customers are clicking the advertiser's links, when in fact there is no likelihood that any of the clicks will lead to profit for the advertiser.

select three structured decisions that are almost repetitive in nature and affect short-term business strategies

creating employee staffing schedules, creating weekly production schedules, reordering inventory

two examples of services

cutting hair waiting tables

which of the following are dynamic reports

daily stock market price report available inventory report

Dark web/deep web

dark web is part of the deep web. like deep web content, dark web cannot be accessed by conventional search engines, but most often the reason dark web content remains inaccessible to search engines is bc content is illegal

what are the raw facts that describe the characteristics of an event or object?


three types of clickstream data metrics

demographics of registered visitors, number of abandoned registrations, length of stay on the website

three items contained in a typical internet use policy:

describes user responsibility for citing sources, describes the internet services available to users, states the ramifications if the policy is violated

the key term machine to machine refers to devices that connect directly to other __________


smart card

device about the size of a credit card containing embedded technologies that can store information and small amounts of software to perform some limited processing. Smart cards can act as identification instruments, a form of digital cash, or a data storage device with the ability to store an entire medical record.

which policy stating how, when and where the company monitors its employees?

employee monitoring policy

two unstructured decisions:

entering a new industry, entering a new market

three reasons why organizations should develop written epolicies:

establish employee guidelines, establish employee procedures, establish organizational rules

three steps to improve business processes

establish measures, document as-is process, follow process

what is the confirmation or validation of an event or object?


select two support value activities

firm infrastructure technology development

human generated structured data is data that humans, in interaction with computers, generate. which two sources of data are human generated structured data

gaming data input data

Input process output feedback

gas engine petal warning light

select three primary value activities

inbound logistics marketing and sales outbound logistics

Malicious codes....

includes a variety of threats such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.

Which of the following are epolicies a business should implement to protect itself?

information privacy policy, acceptable use policy, Internet use policy, and anti-spam policy are all epolicies a business must implement.

an ethical issue that focuses on who owns information about individual and how information can be sold and exchanged?

information property

__________ measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world.

information reach

sensitive PII

information transmitted with encryption and when disclosed, results in a breach of an individual's privacy and can potentially cause the individual harm

nonsensitive PII

information transmitted without encryption and includes information collected from public records, phone books, corporate directories, websites, etc

what are the two names for the assets that reside within the minds of members, customers, and colleagues and include physical structures and recorded media

intellectual capital knowledge assets

what is intangible creative work that is embodied in physical form and includes copyrights, trademarks, and patents

intellectual property

what are various commercial applications of AI?

intelligent systems

what is a sniffer

is a program or device that can monitor data traveling over a network. Sniffers can show all the data being transmitted over a network, including passwords and sensitive information. Sniffers tend to be a favorite weapon in the hacker's arsenal.

sock puppet marketing

is the use of a false identity to artificially stimulate demand for a product, brand, or service. A false identity on the Internet is known colloquially as a sock puppet or catfish, depending upon the level of detail attached to the false identity.

what are the quantifiable metrics a company uses to evaluate progress toward critical success factors (CSF's)

key performance indicators (KPI's)

which of the following are classified as static report types?

last year's salary report last year's sales report

three examples of features that may be included in a digital dashboard for a manufacturing team

list fo KPI's, list of outstanding alerts, graph of stock market prices

type of AI that enables computers to both understand concepts in the environment and to learn

machine learning


magazine published only in electronic form on a computer network. Flipboard is a social-network aggregation, magazine-format application software for multiple devices that collects content from social media and other websites, presents it in magazine format, and allows users to flip through the content.

what is a business function that moves info about people, products, and processes across the the company to facilitate decision making and problem solving

management info. systems (MIS)

___________ decisions concern how the organization should achieve the goals and objectives set by its strategy and they are usually the responsibility of mid-level management


3 primary decision-making challenges facing managers today

managers must apply sophisticated analysis techniques, like porter's strategies or forecasting, to make strategic decisions, manager must make decisions quickly, managers need to analyze large amounts of information

what is a website or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new product or service.


what are measurements that evaluate results to determine whether a project is meeting its goals


A ____________ is a simplified representation of abstraction of reality


Decision support systems (DSSs)

model information using OLAP, which provides assistance in evaluating and choosing among different courses of action. DSSs enable high-level managers to examine and manipulate large amounts of detailed data from different internal and external sources. Analyzing complex relationships among thousands or even millions of data items to discover patterns

_________ is the process within a genetic algorithm of randomly trying combinations and evaluating the success (or failure) of the outcome


which of the following is not included in the four basic options for BYOD policy?

no access for personal devices

what are two types of personally identifiable information?

nonsensitive PII and sensitive PII

what is the manipulation of information to create business intelligence in support of strategic decision making

online analytical processing (OLAP)

___________ refers to any software whose source code is made available free (not on a fee or licensing basis as in ebusiness) for any third party to review and modify.

open source

what type of decisions affect how the firm is run from day to day; they are the domain of operations managers, who are the closest to the customer

operational decisions

a(n) ________ is an exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention and is granted by a government to the inventor?


a static process uses a systematic approach in an attempt to improve business effectiveness and efficiency continuously. managers constantly attempt to optimize static process. which of the following are ex.) of static processes?

payroll, calculating taxes, creating financial statements

static process decision examples:

payroll, creating financial statements, calculating taxes

What are the first two lines of defense a company should take when addressing security risks?

people first, technology second

why is ebusiness able to take advantage of the long tail?

physical stores are limited by shelf space

what is an area of business intelligence, which extracts info from data and uses it to predict future trends?

predictive analytics

the person responsible for ensuring the ethical and legal use of info within a co. is the Chief _______ officer


a business _________ is standardized set of activities that accomplish a specific task, such as processing a customer's order


what occurs when a company develops unique differences in its products or services with the intent to influence demand

product differentiation

intellectual ____________ is intangible creative work that is embodied in physical form and includes copyrights, trademarks, and patents


select all the activities for which transactional information is created.

purchasing stocks, withdrawing cash from an ATM, making airline reservations

case-based ___________ is a method whereby nee problems are solved based on the solutions from similar cases solved in the past



reduce product costs, create high-quality products, retain competitive advantages


refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply could not have existed before the advent of ebusiness, including comparison-shopping sites such as Kelkoo and bank account aggregation services such as Citibank

what occurs when steps are added to the value chain as new players find ways to add value to the business process.


structured data has a defined length, type, and format and includes numbers, dates, or strings such as Customer address. which two sources typically store structured data

relational database spreadsheet

what is a document containing data organized in a table, matrix, or graphical format allowing users to easily comprehend and understand info?


what indicates the earning power of a project

return on investment

what is another name for a pivot


three examples of analytical information

sales trends, market projections, future growth projections

________- structured decisions occur in situations in which a few established processes help to evaluate potential solutions, but not enough to lead to a definite recommended decision


machine generated data is created by a machine without human intervention. which two sources represent machine generated data?

sensor data point-of-sale data

a(n) __________ bot is a software that will search several retailer websites and provide a comparison of each retailer's offerings including price and availability


three characteristics of managerial decisions

short term, daily, monthly, and yearly time frames semistructured, ad hoc reporting decision types middle management and director employee types

which of the following is a type of unplanned downtime?

smoke damage, water damage, static electricity, frozen pipe

Using ones social skills to trick people into revealing access credentials or other valuable information is called ______________.

social engineering

two sources of unstructured data?

social media data satellite data

_______ documents are the original transaction record


items typically contained in an employee monitoring policy ...

state the consequences of violating the policy, always enforce the policy the same for everyone

operational decisions are considered ________ decisions, which arise in situations where established processes offer potential solutions


what produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a faster car or larger hard drive?

sustaining technology

Employees need to understand that email privacy exists to an extent and that corporate email is solely owned by _________.

the company

When thinking about a washing machine as a system, which of the following represents the feedback?

the light indicating that the washer is off balance and has stopped

click fraud

the practice of artificially inflating traffic statistics for online advertisements. Some unethical individuals or click fraud scammers even use automated clicking programs called hitbots.

dynamic process static process

throwing a bird in the air throwing a rock in the air

what is the basic business system that serves the operational level (analysts) and assists in making structured decisions?

transaction processing system

what are KPI's

turnover rates of employees, average customer spending, number of new customers

a value chain analysis views a form as a series of business processes that each add ____________ to the product of service


an _____ is a data characteristic that stands for a value that changes or varies over time


technique that induces websites or users to pass on a marketing message to other websites or users, creating exponential growth in the message's visibility?

viral marketing

what is the primary difference between a worm and a virus

viruses attach to something, worms tunnel themselves

_________ includes the tasks, activities, and responsibilities required to execute each step in a business process


a virtual _________ is a work environment that is not located in any one physical space.


what spreads itself not only from file to file but also from computer to computer?


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