Chem final

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In writing a chemical equation that produces hydrogen gas, the correct representation of hydrogen gas


A compound empirical formula is HO. If the formula mass is 34 amu, what is the molecular formula


The most reactive group of the nonmetals is the


Compared with ionic compounds, molecular compounds

Have Lower melting points

The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two elections in the same atom can

Have the same set of quantum numbers

No polar covalent bonds are not common because

One atom usually attracts electrons more strongly then the other

Which of these measurements has been expressed to four significant figures


The mass of 2.0 mol of oxygen atoms is

32 g

How many atoms of fluorine are present in a molecule of carbon tetrafluoride


The number of significant figures in the measurement 2010 cm is


The density of aluminum is 2.70 g/cm^3. What is the mass of a solid piece of aluminum with a volume of 1.50 cm^3

4.05 g

For an electron in an atoms to change from the ground state to an excited state

Emery must be absorbed

A formulae that shows the simplest whole number ratio of the atoms In a compound is the

Empirical formula

Magnesium bromide + chlorine yields

MgCl2 and Br2

A neutral group of atoms held together by covalent bonds is


The person whose work led to a periodic table based on increasing atomic number was


Chemists once theorized that a molecule that contains a single bond and a double bond split its time existing as one of these 2 structure. This is known as

Multiple bonding

A compounds empirical formula is N2O5. If the formula mass is 108 amu what is the molecular formula


Under suitable conditions, roughly what proportion of all chemical reactions are reversible

Nearly all

The first member of the noble gas family, whose highest energy level consists of an octet of electrons is


If 2 covalently bonded atoms are identical, the bond is

No polar covalent

What group of elements satisfied the octet rule without forming compounds

Noble gas

Argon, krypton and xenon are

Noble gases

A chemical formula includes the symbols of the elements in the compound and subscripts that indicate

Number of atoms or ions of each element that are combined in the compound

The periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic


A volume of 1 milliliter is equivalent to

1 cubic centimeter

What is the oxidation numbe of hydrogen in H2O


Which of the following is not an example of a molecular formula


What are shared in a covalent bond?


In an equation, the symbol for a substance in water solution is followed by


What is the oxidation number for hydrogen in KH


The density of pure diamond is 3.5 g/cm^3. What is the volume of a diamond with a mass of 0.25g

0.071 cm^3

Which of these measurements has been expressed to three significant figures


The liter is defined as


For the reaction represented by the equation 2H2 + O2 > 2H20, how many mol of water can be produced from 6.0 mol of oxygen

12 mol I

What is the percentage composition of Ch4

13.6 % C, 86.4 % F

What is the formula mass of (NH4)2SO4

132.16 amu

Chlorine has atomic number 17 and mass number 35. It has

17 protons, 17 electrons and 18 neutrons

Phosphorus 33 contains

18 neutrons

A sample of gold has a mass of 96.5 g and a volume of 5.00 cm^3. The density of gold is

19.3 g/cm^3

In the reaction represented by the equation N2 + 3H2 > 2NH3, what is the mole ratio of nitrogen to ammonia


What is the electron configuration for nitrogen, atomic number 7?

1s^2 2s^2 2p^3

The measurement o.020 L is the same as

2.0 x 10^-2

For the reaction represented by the equation C + 2H2 > CH4, how many miles of hydrogen are required to produce 10 mol of methane, CH4

20 mol

Neon 22 contains 12 neutrons. It also contains

22 protons

An aluminum isotope consists of 13 protons, 13 elections, and 14 neutrons. It's mass number is


The major difference between a 1s orbital and a 2s orbital is that

2s orbital can hold more electrons

The number of possible different orbital shapes for the 3rd energy level is


The number of significant figures in the measured value 0.032 g is


The number of significant figures in the measurement 0.000305 kg is


In the equation 2KClO3 > 2KCl + 3O2, how many moles of oxygen are produced when 3.0 mol of KClO3 decompose completely

4.5 mol

What is the percentage composition of CO

43, 57

What is the percentage composition of CuCL2

43.27, 52.73

In the reaction represented by the equation 2Al2O3 > 4Al + 3O2, what is the mole ratio of aluminum to oxygen


The number of orbitals for the d sub level is


The mass of 1 mol of chromium is

51.996 g

A sample of tin contains 3.01 * 10^23. The mas of the sample is

59.3 g

What is the oxidation number of sulfur in H2SO4


How many oxygen atoms are there in 0.500 mol of CO2

6.02 * 10^23

the number of atoms in 1 mol of carbon is

6.022 * 10^23

How is the measurement 0.000065 written is scientific notation

6.5 x 10^-5

The molar mass of CCL4 is 153.81. How many grams of CCL4 are needed to have 5.000 mol


In a mole of fluorine the 2 shared electrons give each other Florine atom how many election in the outer energy level


In drawing a Lewis structure, each nonmetal atom except hydrogen should be surrounded by

8 electrons

Carbon-14, the radioactive nuclide used in dating fossils, has

8 neutrons

An orbital that can never exist according to the quantum description of the atom is


How many molecules are there in 5.0 g of methyl alcohol, CH3OH


The mass of a sample containing 3.5 mol of silicon atoms is approximately

98 g

A mixture is

A blend of any two or more kinds of matter, as long as each maintains its own unique properties

A chemical formula written over the arrow in a chemical equation signifies

A catalyst for the reaction

It is easy to determine whether a substance is a metal if the sunstance is

A good electrical and heat conductor

A compound is

A substance, made of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded, that can be broken down into simpler, stable substances

Which of the following burns most slowly?

A large lump of coal

When a solid produced by a chemical reaction separated from the solution it is called

A precipitate

A polar molecule contains

A region of positive charge and a region of negative charge

A homogeneous mixture is also called

A solution

A measurement that closely agrees with an accepted value is best described as


The minimum energy required for an effective collision is called

Activation energy

The group of soft, silvery, reactive metals, all of which have one electron in an s orbital, is known as the

Alkali metals

Which of the following affect reaction rate

All of the above

Metals are malleable because the metallic bonding

Allows one plane of ions to slide past another

According to the law of conservation of mass, the total mass of the reacting substances is

Always equal to the total mass of products

A solid substance is

Always the same shape regardless of its container

What is removed when the ionization energy is supplied to an atom of an element?

An electron

According to the quantum theory of an atom, in an orbital

An electrons position cannot be known precisely

A positive ion is called a


Compared to the alkali metals, the alkaline-earth metal

Are less reactive

All atoms of the same element have the same

Atomic number

One half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together is called the

Atomic radius

Dalton incorporated the law of conservation of mass into his atomic theory by asserting that

Atoms are indivisible

Molar mass

Both A and b

At equilibrium

Both the forward and reverse reactions continue

A nonmetal is usually


Which of the following is not a physical change?


The molecular formula for a vitamin C is C6H8O6. What is the empirical formula


Of the following molecular formulas for hydrocarbons, which us an empirical formula


The word equation solid carbon + oxygen gas > carbon dioxide gas + energy, represent a chemical reaction because

CO2 has chemical properties that differ from those of C and O

What is the formula for the compound formed by calcium ions and chloride ions


A negative ion is known as


The value of the equilibrium constant for the reaction

Changes with temperature

Which branch of Chem studies reaction rates

Chemical kinetics

Which attempts to explain chemical reactions and physical interactions of molecules

Collision theory

The nucleus of an atom has all of the following characteristics except that it

Contains nearly all the atoms volume

What is the correct Lewis structure for hydrogen chloride?


The equation AX > A+ X


The reaction represented by the equation 2 HgO > 2Hg + O2


The reaction represented by the equation 2KCLO3 > 2KCL + 3O2 is a


In what kind of reaction does a single compound produce 2 or more similar substances

Decomposition reaction

Which of the following is and intensive property of matter?


A measure of the quantity of matter is


The quantity of matter per unit volume is


In what kind of reaction does one element replace a similar element in a compound


What two processed are at equilibrium in a saturated sugar solution

Dissolving and crystallization

The equation AX + BY > AY + BX

Double replacement

The reaction represented by the equation Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI > PbI2 + 2KNO3 is a

Double replacement

When an electron is acquired by a neutral atom, the energy change is called

Electron affinity

A measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons from another atom in the compound is called


Most of the volume of an atom is occupied by the


According to the law of conservation of mass. When sodium, hydrogen and oxygen react to form a compound, the mass of the compound is _____ the sum of the masses of the individual elements

Equal to

Bohrs theory helped explain why

Excited hydrogen gas gives off certain colors of light

The element that has the greatest electro negativity is


A theory is best described as a

Generalization that explains a body of known facts or phenomena

A chemist obtained the values 5.2246 g, 5.2353 g, and 5.2501 g for the mass of a sample

Good precision

Accros a period in the periodic table, atomic radii

Gradually decrease

Which of the following is an example of a heterogeneous mixture?


If electrons in a atom have the lowest possible energies the atom is in the

Ground state

The vertical columns on the periodic table are called


the liquid state of matter can be described as

Having a definite volume but not a definite shape

If a mixture is not uniform throughout, it is called


The shiny appearance of a metal is most closely related to the metals

Highly mobile valence electrons

Ionic compounds are brittle because the strong attractive forces

Hold the layers in relatively fixed positions

If a mixture is uniform in composition, it is said to be


The reason the boiling point of water is higher than the boiling point of hydrogen sulfide is partially explained by

Hydrogen bonding

A statement that can be tested experimentally is a


Valence electrons are those s and p electrons

In he highest every level

The B-F bond in BF is


The greater the electronegativity difference between 2 bonded atoms, the greater the percentage of

Ionic character

The energy required to remove an electron from an atom is the atoms

Ionization energy

At equilibrium, the total amount of the products

Is always equal to the total amount of reactants

What happens to the energy in a substance when it changes state?

It changes form, but it's neither destroyed nor increased

How does the value of K show that a reaction reaches equilibrium very quickly

K is zero

What is the empirical formula for a compound that is 31.9 % potassium, 28.9 % chlorine and 39.2 % oxygen


Matter includes all of the following except


A state of matter in which a material has no definite shape but has a definite volume is ___ state


If a material can be shaped or extended by physical pressure, such as hammering, which property does the material have


All of the following are examples of units except


The periodic law school states that the properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. What determines the position of each element in the periodic table

Mass number

The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is its

Mass number

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different


The idea of arranging the elements in the periodic table according to their chemical and physical properties is attributed to


Malleability and ductility are characteristic of substance with

Metallic bonds

Elements in which the d-sub level is being filled have the properties of


The pair of elements that forms a bond with the least ionic character is

Mg and Cl

In the chemical equation 2Mg + O2 > 2MgO

Mg represents the product magnesium

Predict the product of the reaction represented by the following equation MgO + CO2 >


When determining the size of an atoms by measuring the distance between bonded, identical, adjacent, nuclei, the radius of an atom is

One half the distance between nuclei

Multiple covalent bonds may occur in atoms that contain carbon, nitrogen or


What is the empirical formula for a compound that is 43.6% phosphorus and 56.4% oxygen


Most chemical bonds are

Partially ionic and partially covalent

A horizontal row of blocks in the periodic table is called


All known chemical elements are organized into groups based on similar chemical properties in the?

Periodic chart

The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called


The periodic table

Permits the properties of element to be predicted before the element is discovered

A quantum of electromagnetic energy is called an


If the atoms that share electrons have an unequal attraction for the electrons, the bond is called


The atomic number of oxygen, 8, indicates that there are 8

Protons in the nucleus of an oxygen atom

Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen, both colorless gases, form a red-brown gas when mixed. Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen are called the


A very low value of K indicates that

Reactants are favored

The radius of an atom extends to the outer edge of the

Region occupied by the nucleus

As the mass number of an elements isotopes of an element increases, the number of protons

Remains the same

A numerical result is said to have a good precision if

Repeated measurements agree closely

A reaction in which products can react to re-form reactants is


An active metal and a halogen react to form an


Metalloids are often


Bonding in molecules or ions that cannot be correctly represented by a single Lewis structure is

Single bonding

The equation A + BX > AX + B

Single replacement

The reaction represented by the equation Mg + 2 HCL > H2 + MgCL2 is a

Single replacement

The reaction represented by the equation Cl2 + 2KBr > 2KCl + Br2 is a


The Lattice energy is a measure of the

Strength of an ionic bond

The equation A + X > AX


In what kind of reaction do two or more substances combine to form a new compound?

Synthesis reactikn

What was the radioactive elements with atomic number 90 to 103 called

The actinides

The statement that an electron occupied the lowest available energy orbital is

The aufbau principle

If the lattice energy of. Compound A is greater than that of compound B

The bonds in compound A are stronger than the bonds in compound B

Which of these statements about density is true

The density of an object depends on the force of gravity

At equilibrium

The forward reaction rate is equal to the reverse reaction rate

Which of the following observations is quantitative

The liquid is cloudy

An atom is electrically neutral because

The number of protons and electrons are equal

The statement that no two electrons in the same atom can have the same four quantum numbers is

The pauli exclusion principle

If the surface are of reactants is larger

The reaction rate is generally higher

If the concentration of reactants is higher

The reaction rate is generally lower

An atom is

The smallest unit of matter that maintains its chemical identity

Which of the following observations is qualitative

The solid had a mass of 23.4 grams

When density is measured

The units are always kg/m^3

A plausible explanation of a body of observed natural phenomena is a scientific


Atoms naturally move

Toward low potential energy

Noble gases are in group 18, and are best known because they are

Un- reactive

The only pure substance listed below is


Which of the following is an extensive property of matter?


The distance between 2 successive peaks on adjacent waves is its


The forces of attraction between molecules in a molecular compound are

Weaker than the forces among formula units in ionic bonding

A change in the force of gravity on an object will affect its


What us the formula for zinc fluoride


In determining the atomic mass of elements the standard is the

c-12 atom

The symbols for units of length in order from largest to smallest are

km, m, cm, mm

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