BJU US History 4th Edition Chapter 11

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prayer meeting revival

aka 3rd great awakening. climax of american religious life, just before civil war. nearly one million people converted.

benjamin west

america's first great painter. born in america but studied and later lived in Europe

American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

americas first foreign mission board. a congregationalist organization. established by samuel mills.

pony express

an attempt to improve communication but was short-lived

charles bulfinch

architect who drew architectural designs for free to encourage people to build in the Federalist style. worked on US Capitol

benjamine Latrobe

architect, leader of greek revival. worked with bulfinch on US Capitol


art movement that rejected the balanced unemotionalism of the federalist and neoclassical styles. emphasized the emotional, colorful, and the imaginative

hudson river school

art school for painters. specialized in landscapes

federalist style

art style that was duplicate of neoclassical style in Europe. emphasized balance, emotional restraint, and a respect for artistic styles of Ancient Greece and rome

Charles Finney

as the first wave of revivals began to subside, this man tried to perpetuate the revivals with innovative methods. not necessarily born-again. new measures

brigham young

assumed leadership of the mormons when smith was killed

Edgar Allan Poe

author who delved deeper into the dark, tortured depths of man's soul. "the Tell-Tale Heart" "The Raven" master short-story writer before civil war.


banning of alcohol

adoniram judson

baptist missionary who went to India Asia Burma. funded by ABCFM. Went with Luther Rice

Eli whitney

best known for his invention of the cotton gin, but more important was his work with interchangeable parts. provided 10,000 rifles to US government

john deere

blacksmith from vermont who perfected the plow

robert owen

british utopian reformer who purchased Harmonie from the Rapines in 1825. They were basically communist

william h mcguffey

christian who supported the public education movement. in a series of elementary reading books he taught rules for living and grammar. 120 million copies of Eclectic readers was sold

Henry David Thoreau

essayist. "walden" celebrated the glory and nobility of man

Harmony society

established a society based on the idea of mutual helpfulness and support, they practiced celibacy so they died out

james fenimore cooper

first american writer to gain fame outside of america. novelist. "last of the mohicans"


followed the teachings of minister John Wesley

richard allen

former slave who God used as an instrument in reaching blacks.

frederick douglass

former slave who was one of the most brilliant eloquent and radical abolitionist. "slaveholders not only forfeit their right to liberty but to life itself"

joseph smith

founded mormonism and claimed to have a vision from an angel

mary baker eddy

founder of christian science. wrote a book which was kinda a cook book

dewitt clinton

governor of New York who urged to build a canal from albany to lake erie

timothy dwight

grandson of jonathan edwards. president of yale. confronted the problem of a rebellious student body

harriet tubman

helped with underground railroad

plank roads

highways that consist of a series of boards laid side by side

lowell mason

hymn writer who published several popular hymnbook and composed "nearer, my god, to thee" and "my faith looks up to thee"

noah webster

important christian figure in early american education. more than 100 million copies of his American Spelling Book were sold

cyrus mccormick

invented a reaping machine, a horse-drawn device that allowed one man to cut and stack ten to twelve acres of grain in a single day

robert fulton

invented the steamboat

samuel f b morse

inventor of the telegraph

circuit riding

land was divided into sections and then one minister who travel on horseback from settlement to settlement within his section


liberal unbiblical philosophy arising from unitarianism. brook farm. communal living based on the idea that man could transcend feelings by coming into harmony with his inner being

erie canal

linked Albany to a lake, it cost 6 million to build but paid for itself in less than 10 years

cane ridge

located in kentucky. site of the most significant camp meeting. 10,000-25,000 people.

samuel slater

man who memorized the construction of the textile machines in England and replicated it in Rhode Island

national road

most important early american road also known as the Cumberland road

greek revival

movement led by architects such as bullfinch and latrobe. re-created the columns and portraits of ancient greek and roman buildings

new measures

new and unusual method for conducting revivals. combined eastern(order) and western(aggressive sermons and extended meetings)

the liberator

newspaper started by garrison attacking the moral evil of slavery

horace mann

one of ht leading reformers in the drive for public education


one of the most prestigious unorthodox religions. denies the trinity. Jesus was a good religious teacher but nothing more.

gilbert stuart

one of west's students. one of the nation's finest portrait painters. several of george washington including his unfinished portrait of him featured on dollar bill

Samuel Colt

patented and manufactured "six-shooter" pistol with revolving cylinder which became the standard sidearm of the US army

utopian reformers

people who sought to establish small, perfect communities that would serve as models for the reform of society at large

Walt Whitman

poet "leaves of grass" celebrated the glory and nobility of man

john trumbull

possibly the greatest of the federalist artists. specialized in realistic historical paintings. battle of bunkers hill and signing of the declaration of independence

dorothea dix

quiet schoolteacher and writer who was a major reformer in mental health and asylums

sylvester graham

reformer in vegetarian diet. set up special food stores

toll roads/turnpikes

roads built by private companies

corduroy roads

roads made of logs

ralph waldo emerson

romanticist writer whose central belief was the goodness of man and the glory of nature. "nature" "self-reliance" he both got support and critics

seneca falls convention

the birth of the modern women's rights movement

camp meeting

the chief feature of western revivals. a series of religious services lasting several days and often held outdoors

penny newspaper

the daily paper (in contrast to more expensive weekly ones.) It was an important means of making information widely available and more affordable

baltimore & ohio railroad

the first economically successful railroad in America.


the government passed this law in 1790 which protected an inventors work so that no one else could copy it

William lloyd garrison

the most important and most militant abolitionist leader


their leader "had a vision" and wrote an extra book which takes precedence over God's word. salvation based on words


unorthodox religion, set a date for christ's return. March 21 1843-march 21 1844.


unorthodox religion. they danced and stuff during worship. practiced celibacy so they died off.

washington irving

writer who helped develop the greatest american contribution to world literature, the short story. "knickerbocker's history of new york" "the legend of sleepy hollow" and "rip van winkle"

george caleb bingham

"thorough democrat" he drew portraits of the common man in every day life

4 results of Awakening

1. multiplied thousands of people were converted 2. growth of foreign missions 3. moral sins declined 4. new methods of evangelism were formed

Stephen Foster

Americas most important composer of this period. "oh susanna" "my old kentucky home" "camp town races"

Francis Asbury

Father of American Methodism. worked for years to establish methodist congregations and developed "circuit riding"


Movement to eliminate slavery

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Romantic who attacked the idea of man's inherent goodness. "The Scarlet Letter"

clipper ship

a fancy slender ship that became the fastest sailing ship ever built. set record of 436 miles in a single day

the second great awakening

a great revival that was longer and more complex than the first

christian science

a group which denied the trinity, the inspiration of scripture, miracles, and atonement. neither christian nor science.

cotton gin

a machine containing a series of metal teeth mounted on rollers that separated cotton from the seeds


a religion that believed that God created the world then left it alone.

nat turner

a slave and radical preacher who led a slave rebellion in southampton county virginia. 60 whites and 100+ blacks died.

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