Black Psychology (Phia Salter) Ch. 1 People

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Mamie Clark and Kenneth Clark

Best known for their work on racial preferences among Black children. White and Black doll study. Black children who attend segregated schools had low self esteem. Used against Brown v. Board of Education. Separate but equal was unconstitutional. Kenneth Clark was the first and only African American to be president of the APA.

William Cross

Developed model of the development of racial and ethnic identity "Nigrescence Model" Accounted for the progression of African Americans through sequential stages to arrive at a mature racial identity. Stages: pre-encounter, immersion-emmersion, internalization, and internalization commitment.

Francis C. Sumner

First African American to receive PhD in psychology in the U.S. Father of Black Psychology Chair of the Department of Psychology at Howard Univ. 1928-1954. Established grad and undergrad programs in psychology. Produced many influential Black psychologists.

Inez Beverley Prosser

First African American woman to receive her PhD in Psychology. Dissertation: The Non-Academic Development of Negro Children in Mixed and Segregated Schools. Examined personality differences. Black children were better served in segregated schools. Her studies were part of Plessy v. Ferguson.

Charles Henry Thompson

First PhD in Educational Psychology in 1925 from Univ. of Chicago. Instructor of psychology and social science at Sumner High and Junior College. Professor of Education, Dean of the Graduate School, and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Howard Univ. Editor in chief of Journal of Negro Education.

James Jones

His book: Prejudice and Racism-- provides the analysis of the different types of racism (individual, institutional, and cultural). Director of the APAs Minority Fellowship Program

Henry Tomes

APA executive director of public interest

Joseph L. White

One of the only black psychologists that commented on the race riots. "Toward a Black Psychology" -- argued the need for a Black psychology.

Margaret Beale Spencer

Played an important role in supporting our understanding of the development of African American children and adolescents. Found that children as young as 3 years old are influenced by and have awareness of societal racial bias. The Board of Overseers Professor within the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education.

Reginald Jones

Published more than 20 books on African American psychology. His book: Black Psychology

Ruth Howard

Social work, nursing education, and developmental and clinical psychology. Graduated from Univ. of Minnesota. Dissertation: A Study of the Development of Triplets. All ages. Co-director with her husband for the Center for Psychological Services. Helped organize the National Association of College Women.

Robert Guthrie

Sought to level the academic playing field by writing "Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology" First African American psychologist to deposit his papers in the National Archives of American Psychology. Focused on the needs of the minority and community. Has held several teaching positions and studied multiracial issues as a senior research psychologist in D.C.

Janet Helms

Vast contributions to multiracial counseling, race relations, and racial identity theory and development. Developed the Racial Attitude Identity Scale (RAIS) Her book: Black and White Racial Identity--one of the first books published on racial identity. Trained more than 40 doctoral students. Founded the Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture.

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