Bones, Location, Articulation, and Markings

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Articulate serperiorly with frontal, laterial with maxillas, posterily with ethmoid, medial with each other.

Temporal Bones Articulation

Articulate with the Parietals superiorly along the Squamous Suture. Posteriorly and Medially with the Occipital. Anterior to the Sphenoid, Zygomatics and Inferior to the Mandible.

Ethmoid Bone Articulation

Articulates Superiorly with Frontal. Anteriorly with Lacrimals and Nasals. Inferiorly with Vomer and Posteriorly with Sphenoid.

Occibital Bone Marking 2

Foramen Magnum opening for your spinal cord.

Frontal Bone Location


Femur markings 3

Fovea Capitis- dimple in head of femur POLA

Frontal Bone Marking

Glabella, ridge of the bone intermedial to orbits. POMA

Sphenoid Bone Marking

Greater Wing- plate of bone you call Temple

Femur markings 1

Head- rounded know on proximal/medial aspect POA

Maxillas Marking

Incisive Fossa- opening for blood vessels and nerves

Ethmoid Bone Marking 4

Middle Nasal Concha- 2 small projections on the Superior and Lateral aspect of Nasal Cavity. Support for Nasal Membranes.

Parietal Bones Markings


What are the 14 Facial Bones?

Nasal AKA Inferior nasal concha (2), Lacrimal bones (2), Mandible. Maxilla (2), Nasal bones (2), Palatine bones (2), Vomer, Zygomatic bones (2)

Inferior Nasal Concha Markings

No Markings

Lacrimal Bones

No Markings

Palatine Bones Markings

No Markings


No markings

Vomer Markings

No markings

Occibital Bone Marking 3

Occipital Condyles- 2 rounded knobs on the Lateral aspect of the Foramen Magnum, Points of Articulation.

Ethmoid Bone Marking

Orbital Plate- makes up medial aspect of Orbits Poras

Sphenoid Bone Marking 2

Orbital Plate- posterior and lateral aspect of the Orbit.

Zygomatics Marking

Orbital plate makes up lateral aspect of your orbits.

Frontal Bone Marking 2

Orbital plate(roof of orbits)

Maxillas Marking

Orbital plate- make up floors of your orbits

Maxillas Marking

Palatine Process- anterior 2/3 of your hard plalet

Ethmoid Bone Marking 3

Perpendicular Plate- Superior aspect of your Nasal Septum.


Point of Attachment


Point of Muscle Attachment


Point of Muscle Ligament Attachment


Point of stabilization


Points of Muscle Attachment

Frontal Bone Articulation

Posterior with the parietals along the coronal suture(frontal suture). Inferiorly with the Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Lacrimals, Nasals, Zygomatics and Maxilla

Zygomatics Marking

Temporal Process makes up anterior part of the Zygomatic Arch.


TemporoMadibular Joint Syndrome

navicular marking 1

navicular tuberosity

Fibula marking 2

neck- narrow region just distal to head

Femur markings 2

neck- narrow region just lateral to head.

talus marking 5

neck- narrow region posterior to head.

Calcaneus articulation

superior with talus, anterior with cuboid


anterior aspect of knee(knee cap)

Tibia marking 7

anterior crest- front edge of tibia. POMA

Patella marking 2

apex- most inferior point. POLA

Patella marking 3

articular surface- backside of patella. POA

Calcaneus marking 1

attachment for achilles

Patella marking 1

base- relatively flat superior aspect POMA

How many Facial Bones?


metatarsals articulation

1st and 3rd articulate posterior with corresponding cuneiform.


2 bones that make up bridge of nose

How many Cranial Bones? Names?

8 Cranial Bones, 1 Frontal, 1 Ethmoid, 1 Occipital, 1 Sphenoid, 2 Parietal, 2 Temporal

Femur marking 13

Adductor tubercle- bump on superior aspect of medial epicondyle. POMA

Characteristics ALL Vertebrae Have

All Verterbrae except one have a body. Body- round/oval structure main weight bearing structure of the bone. Intervertebral disc are found in the body.

Mandible Markings 7

Alveolar Process Edge where teeth meet the bone.

Maxillas Marking

Alveolar process- teeth meet bone

Sphenoid Bone Location

Anterior and Inferior of the Cranium

Lacrimal Bones

Anterior and medial aspect of your orbit. Articulate anterior and inferior with Maxillas. Posterior with Ethmoid and Superior with Frontal.

Parietal Bones Articulation

Anteriorly with frontal along the Coronal Suture. Laterally with the Temporals and Sphenoid along the Squamos Suture(Temporal Suture). Posteriorly with the Occibital along the Lambdoid Suture. Medially with each other along the Sagittal Suture

Sphenoid Bone Articulation

Articulates with every other Cranial bone. Articulates anteriorly with Frontal Ethmoid, Vomer, Maxillas, Palatines. Posteriorly with the Temporal and Occipital. Superiorly with the Parietals and Frontal.

Sphenoid Bone

Bat Shaped bone AKA Keystone of the Cranium

Mandible Markings 2

Coranoid Process Wing-like projection on the superior aspect. POMA

Ethmoid Bone Marking 2

Cristi Galli- Spike like projection on the Cribriform Plate attachment for your membranes(meninges)

Temporal Bones Marking 2

External Acoustic Meatus (Opening for a Qtip, ear hole)

Occibital Bone Markings

External Occipital Protuberance is a point of muscle attachment.

Maxillas Marking

Infraorbital foramen- hole inferior to your orbits, opening for blood vessels and nerves

Ethmoid Bone

Irregular shaped bone

Ethmoid Bone Location

Located behind nose, make up most anterior aspect of Cranial Cavity.


Location of Ligaments


Lower jaw, only movable bone in the skull. Articulates superior with the Temporals at the Temporal Mandibular joint

Temporal Bones Location

Make up Lateral aspect of Cranium

Zygomatics (cheek bones)

Make up lateral aspect of your face. Articulate superior with Frontal, posterior to Sphenoid and Temporal, Medial with Maxillas.

Palatine Bones

Make up posterior aspect of hard palate. Articulate Anterior/lateral with Maxillas, superior with Vomer, posterior with Sphenoid.

Parietal Bones location

Make up superior and lateral aspect of cranium

Occibital Bone Location

Makes up posterior and inferior aspect of Cranium.

Mandible Markings 4

Mandibular Angle Corner of your jaw. POMA

Mandible Markings 1

Mandibular Condyle (2 knobs) rounded know on the posterior/superior aspect POA

Mandible Markings 6

Mandibular Foramen posterior and medial aspect of the Mandible. Opening for blood vessels and nerves.

Temporal Bones Marking 5

Mandibular Fossa- depression just anterior and medial to the Acoustic Meatus. Point of articulation with the Mandible.

Mandible Markings 3

Mandibular Notch Intermediate to Condyle and Coronoid Process

Temporal Bones Marking

Mastoid Process(bump behind the ear) POMA

Mandible Markings 5

Mental Foramen Opening on lateral aspect of Mandible for blood vessels and nerves

Tibia articulation

Proximal with femur, distal with talus, lateral with fibula

Sphenoid Bone Marking 3

Sella Turcica- little saddle of bone

Inferior Nasal Concha

Small shell like bone on the lateral aspects of the nasal cavity. Articulates Laterally with Maxillas

Temporal Bones Marking 3

Styloid Process-Spike like projection just medial to acoustic meatus. POMA

Occibital Bone Articulation

Superiorly with the Parietals along the Lambdoid Suture. Laterally with the Temporals. Anteriorly with the Sphenoid. Inferiorly with the Atlas.

Frontal Bone Marking 3

Supraorbital Foramen(hole in the bone) opening for blood vessels and nerves


Tibial plato


Upper Jaw. Articulate superior with frontal, Lacrimals and Ethmoid. Anterior with Nasals, lateral with Zygomatics, Medial with Inferior Nasal Concha, Vomer and each other.

Characteristics ALL Vertebrae have

Vertebral Foramen Hole posterior to the body. Opening for Spinal Cord.

Temporal Bones Marking 4

Zygomatic Process- posterior aspect of the Zygomatic Arch. POMA


crescent moon shaped on medial aspect of foot.


cube shaped bone

Tibia marking 10

fibular facet- depression on posterior aspect of lateral condyle. POA

Tibia marking 11

fibular fossa- groove on distal/lateral aspect. POA (notch on Tibia)

Femur marking 4

greater trochanter- large know on proximal/lateral aspect POMLA

talus marking 4

head- round anterior end. POA

Fibula marking 1

head- round know on proximal end. POA POLA

Tibia marking 2

medial meniscus fossa- depression on medial aspect of tibulial plato LOC, LOM

Tibia marking 1

intercondylar eminence- pair of projections on tibulial plato. POS

Femur marking 14

intercondyle fossa(notch)- depression on posterior/distal aspect intermediate to condyles. LOL

Femur marking 6

intertrochanter crest- large prominent bone running between trochanters. POMA

femur marking 7

intertrochanter crest- rough line of bone on anterior aspect lateral to neck. POLA

calcaneus(heel bone)

largest bone of the tarsals, most posterior.

femur marking 9

lateral condyle- large knuckle like process on distal/lateral aspect. POA

Tibia marking 5

lateral condyle- round process on proximal/lateral aspect. POMLA, POA

femur marking 10

lateral epicondyle- bump on side of lateral condyle. POMLA

Talus marking 2

lateral malleolar facet- smooth surface lateral aspect. POA

Fibula marking 3

lateral malleolus- large process on distal end (outside ankle bone) POLA POS

Tibia marking 3

lateral meniscus fossa- depression on lateral aspect of TP. LOM

Femur marking 5

lesser trochanter- small knob just distal to neck on posterior aspect POMA

femur marking 8

linea aspera- raised line along posterior aspect of shaft. POMA


location of muscle


longer, stronger, larger bone of the leg.

Tarsal bones

make up ankle and posterior aspect of foot.

femur marking 11

medial condyle- large knuckle process on distal/medial aspect POA

Tibia marking 4

medial condyle- large round process on proximal/medial aspect. POMLA

cuboid marking 1

medial cuneiform- all 3 articulate posterior with navicular and articulate anterior with corresponding metatarsals.

femur marking 12

medial epicondyle- bump on side of medial condyle. POMLA

talus marking 3

medial malleolar facet- small flat surface on medial aspect. POA

Tibia marking 8

medial malleolus- large process oon distal/medial aspect. (inside ankle bone) POMLA POS


only bone of the ankle, most superior bone of the tarsals.

femur marking 15

patellar surface- smooth grooved surface on anterior/distal aspect POA

Calcaneus marking 2

peroneal tubercle- bump on lateral aspect. POMA

cuboid articulation

posterior with calcaneus, medial with navicular and lateral with cuneiform, anterior with 4th and 5th metatarsals.

Patella articulation

posterior with femur, sesamoid bones- incased in tendon. Helps stabilize joint

navicular articulation

posterior with talus, anterior with all 3 cuneiforms, lateral with cuboid

Femur articulation

proximal with acetabulum. Distal with Tibia. Anterior with Patella.

Fibula articulation

proximal with the lateral condyle of fibula and medially with both tibia and talus.

Talus articulation

proximal/medial with tibia, lateral with fibula, anterior with navicular, inferior with calcaneus

Tibia marking 9

talus fossa- depression on distal end. POA

3 ankle bones

tibia, fibula, talus

Tibia marking 6

tibial tuberosity- small knob on anterior aspect intermediate to condyles. POLA

Talus marking 1

trochlea- smooth curves superior surface. POA


wedge shaped bone found in the inferior and medial aspect of the nasal cavity. Makes up the inferior part of the Nasal Septum. Articulates superior with the Ethmoid, posterior with the Sphenoid, inferior with the Maxillas and Palatine Bones.

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