BOP midterm 1

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Respiratory Rate characteristics

Rate: number of respirations per minute Rhythm: breathing pattern Depth: amount of air being inhaled and exhaled


Respiration that are regular in rhythm, but slower than normal in rate


eye disease in which the lens becomes covered in an opaque film that affects sight, eventually causing total blindness.

treatments of eye disorders

eyeglasses, contact lenses and corrective surgery.


far-sighted. TX- convex corrective lens, refractive surgery

remodeling phase

final phase of wound healing, extends from 21 days onward, cells produce a fibrous protein substance called collagen that gives the wounded tissue strangth and forms scar tissue

lag phase

first phase when the blood vessels contract to control hemorrhage, and blood platelets form a network in the wound that acts like glue to plug the wound.

transfer forceps

forceps used to transfer sponge or sterile object in a sterile environment


groove, either straight or criss-cross, etched or cut into the blade or tip of an instrument to improve is bite or grasp.


impairment of vision as a result of old age. TX- conductive keratoplasty


increased intraocular pressure results in damage to the retina and optic nerve with loss of vision, usually occurs in people ages 40-60.


innermost layer that perceives and transmits light to the optic nerve

otitis externa

is caused by dermatologic conditions, such as seborrhea or psoriasis, trauma to the canal, or continuous use of ear plugs or ear phones.

otitis media

is often caused by an upper respiratory tract infection caused by a virus or an allergic reation that results in swelling and inflamation.


localized collections of pus that may be under the skin or deep within the body and that cause tissue destruction

carotid artery

located between the larynx and the stercoleidomastoid muscle in front and the side of the neck


locking mechanisms on the handles of many sergical instruments

Anthropometric measurements

measurements include height, weight,body mass index (BMI) and other body measurements, such as fat composition and head and chest circumference.


metal rod with a smooth, rounded tip that is placed into hollow instruments to decrease injury to body tissue during insertion

types of local anesthetics

most frequantly used lidocane (xylocaine), chloroprocaine (nesacaine), and bupivacaine (sensorcaine) They begin acting quickly 5 to 15 min and last 1-3 hours depending on the anesthetic


most frequently used for counting the pulse site


movement or exercising of a body part by means of an externally applied force


near-sighted. TX- concave corrective lens, or surgery on adults who have had a stable eye prescription over a year


open condition of a body cavity or canal


opening or widening the circumference of a body orifice with a dilating instrument


patient Lays flat on the back, used to examine the chest, abdominal area, heart and extremities

Semi Fowlers

patient Sitting on tablewith back at a 45 degrees angle, used for postsurgical examinations and for patients with head trauma or head pain


patient assumes a kneeling position with the buttocks elevated, with head and chest on the table. used for proctologic examinations

Dorsal Recumbent

patient is in supine position with legs bent at the knees and feet flat on the table, used to examine the genital and rectal area


patient is in supine position with the feet elevated at a 45 degree angle (head lower than feet)


patient is laying on back, w/ knees bent, thighs apart, and feet resting in stirrups. The position is used for pelvic exams in females,rectal exams& some operations.


patient lays flat on stomach with head turned to the right like a P. used to examine back, spine, and lower extremities


patient lies on the left side with the left arm behind the body and the right arm forward, both legs are flexed at the knees but the right leg is sharply bent and psotioned next to the left leg. used to examine rectal area, perform enemas and douches, and insert suppositories

Fowlers position

patient sitting on table with back at a 90 degree angle, used for examination and treatment of the head, neck, and chest helpfull for patients with breathing problems

Diurnal rhythm

patterns of activity or behavior that follow day-night cycles

MA role Assisting the Physician during Surgery

Skin preparation Positioning the patient Passing instruments Specimen collection Completing the surgical procedure Postoperative responsibilities


The act of scraping a body cavity with a surgical instrument, such as a curette.


an increase in the depth of breathing

corneal abrasion

an injury, such as a scratch or irritation, to the outer layers of the cornea

Pulse Sites

arteries: temporal, carotid, apical, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, and dorsalis pedis.


bluish coloration of the skin caused by a deficient amount of oxygen in the blood

mosquito forceps

small surgical forceps with delicate tips for clamping small vessels and tissues

types of visual acuity charts

snellenchart, E chart, shapes chart

vitreous humor

soft, jelly-like material behind the lens in the vitreous chamber; helps maintain the shape of the eyeball

signs and symptoms of eye disorders

squinting, frequent rubbing of the eyes, headaches, blurred vision or fading of words at reading level.

middle ear (tampanic cavity) consists of

starts with the tympanic membrane then ossicles:malleus,incus,stapes. then ends at the oval window.

polypropylene bags

sterilization pouches with sterilization indicators on the outside used to autoclave surgical instruments. good for up to 6 months


surgical needle that comes packaged with suture material attached to it

ishihara test

test for color blindness

external ear consists of

the auricle or pinna and the external auditory canal, which transmits sound waves to the tympanic membrane.

Stroke volume

the heart pumps an amount of blood into the aorta.

Aqueous humor

the limpid fluid within the eyeball between the cornea and the lens


the process of chemical and physical change in the body that produces heat


the use of touch during the physical examination to assess the size, consistency and location of certain body parts

second intention, aka granulation

tissues that are severely damaged or purposely kept open or that fail to close. healing from the bottom to top.


to cut or seperate tissue with a cutting instrument or scissors


tough, fibrous, white outer coat extending from the cornea to the optic nerve

test used for hearing

tuning fork, machine audiometer


uneven curvature of cornea. TX- glasses, contacts, surgery


used for sterilization by steam pressure, usually at 250 F / 121 C for a specific time. unwrapped items 20min, small wrapped items 30 min and large or tightly wrapped items for 40 min.

Three-Point Scale for Measuring Pulse Volume

3+, full, bounding 2+, normal pulse 1+, weak, thready


Absence or cessation of breathing

Unloading the Autoclave

Allow the load to dry for at least 15 minutes. Dry, wrapped packs may be removed with clean, dry hands, but it is safer to wear heat-resistant gloves. Place the packs on a dry, dust-free surface.

How to open the autoclave

At the end of the cycle open the door ¼ inch; allow pack to cool before removing from autoclave.

inner ear (labyrinth) consists of

Cochlea,semicircular canals,vestibule chamber


Constant ringing in ears

irrigation for the ear

Ear irrigation—to remove excess cerumen Direct solution toward roof of canal Abbreviations—AU (both), AD (right), AS (left) Straightening ear canal Adult—pull pinna up and back Child under 3—pull ear lobe down and back


Elevated body temperature (High fever)

Sterile technique

Everything that is sterile is white, and everything that is not sterile is black. There is no gray! Sterile surfaces must never come into contact with nonsterile surfaces.

examination of the throat begins with

Examination of the nose and throat begins with the nasal cavity, then the throat and the nasopharynx. Throat cultures may be done to determine the presence of a streptococcal infection.

Irrigation of eye treatment

Eye irrigations relieve inflammation, remove drainage, dilute chemicals, or wash away foreign bodies. Sterile technique and equipment must be used to avoid contamination. Pour solution from inner canthus out, with head tilted toward affected eye.

wrapping instrument packs

Inspect muslin wrappers before each use. Discard any wrappers with holes. Wrap all hinged instruments in the open position to allow full steam penetration of the joint. Place a gauze sponge around the tips of sharp instruments to prevent them from piercing the wrapping material.

hemostat forceps

Jaws may be fully or partially serrated, without teeth May be curved or straight Used to clamp small vessels or hold tissue Mosquito forceps (4 inches) are smaller and used for very small vessels Crile forceps (5 inches) are medium sized Kelly forceps (6 to 7 inches) are larger

pupils, equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation


Loading the Autoclave

Packs should be rested on their edges.

Cardinal Signs

The vital signs are the patient's temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. These four signs are abbreviated TPR and BP, referred to as cardinal signs.


Threads or metal used to sew body tissues together

First intention

a clean,sugical wound that has been sutured closed and heals quickly without much scarring.


a condition in which an individual must sit or stand to breathe comfortably.


a febrile condition or fever


a highly vascular membrane in the eye between the retina and the sclera

macular degeneration

a progressive deterioration of the portion of the retina called the macula lutea, resulting in loss of central vision


a rigid or flexible endoscope used for examining the sigmoid colon.


a specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat


a term that describes a strenuous respiratory effort marked by a snoring sound


a transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images


abnormal or crackling breath sounds during inspiration


abnormal rumbling sounds expiration which indicates airway obstruction by thick secretions or spasm


abnormally prolonged and deep breathing, usually associated with acute anxiety or emotional tension

menieres disease

chronic inner ear disorder, characterized by tinnitus, nerve deafness, vertigo

ciliary muscle

circular smooth muscle that contracts to control the shape of the lens

muslin wrap

cloth wrap available in several sizes colors used to autoclave surgical instruments. good for 28 days

allis tissue

come in different lengths; used to grasp tissue, muscles or skin surrounding a wound

reasons for hearing loss

conduction problem or sensorineural impairment


difficult or painful breathing


pulse located in the temple area of the skull


rate, rhythm, volume, condition of artery wall

penrose drain

rubber drains placed in a wound at the end of a surgical procedure to drain excess fluid

proliferation phase

second phase of wound. wound healing and new growth period, which last 5 to 20 days. tissues repair themselves, new cells form, and wound continues to contract and seal.

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