Botany Exam 2

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What is the difference between plasmogamy and karogamy?

Plasmogamy is the fusion of cytoplasm from two parent cells, and karogamy is the fusion of two nuclei to produce a zygote.

Describe the basic structure of a prokaryotic cell?

Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that lack organelles or other internal membrane-bound structures.

What are protists?

Protists are eukaryotic organisms that are not included in the plant, fungal or animals kingdom.

(True/False) Sexual reproduction is the most common type of reproduction in Algae.


All Protist are Single Celled.


Eldridge and Gould believed in the Gradualism Model when it came to the rate of evolution. T/F


Land plants were constructed from red algal species. True or false.


T/F Cyanobacteria have flagella.


T/F Darwin invented the periodic evolution model.


T/F Phenotype is entirely a result of the genotype.


T/F Protists are unicellular.


True or False. Prokaryotes are equipped with a nucleus surrounded by a nuclear envelope


True or False: All families of algae use starch as a form of energy storage.


What is the long tail called that some protists move back and forth to propel themselves?


Name three importance of fungi.

medically, plant pathogens, food spoilage, food production, production of antibiotics, synthesis of organic molecules, symbiotic relationships

The study of Fungi is called?


Name three benefits of Latin names.

one valid name, universal across all languages and cultures, governed by a set of rules, descriptive

What are the three broad areas of plant systematics?

taxonomy, phylogeny, evolutionary processes

Roughly how many species of red algae are there?

A) 6000

Which of these are NOT one of the 3 domains of life?

A) Eukarya B) Protista (A) C) Archaea D) Bacteria

which category of Algae are thought to be ancestors to land plants?

A) Green Algae (A) B) Red Algae C) Brown Algae

Which of the following statements about fungi is TRUE?

A) They are heterotrophic organisms, and most are multicellular. B) They are more closely related to animals than to plants. C) The largest living organism may be a fungus. D) All of the above. (A)

The color of yellow-brown algae is due to the lack of what pigment?

A. Chlorophyll A B. Carotenoids C. Chlorophyll B D. Fucoxanthin(A)

What is the oldest known fossil interpreted as eukaryotic algea?

A. Haptophytes B. Oomycetes C. Grypania(A) D.Euglenoid

What is the relationship called when both the fungi and another organism benefit?

A. Mutualistic B. Reciporcal C. Parasitic D. Symbiotic (A)

Which of the following is not a shape of bacteria?

A. Spheres B. Straight (A) C. Rods D.Spirals

Why would algae produce sexually and what is the advantage of doing so?

Algae produce sexually when under stress from the environment. They do this to attempt to adapt to a new challenge in their environment.

What is an example of a structure that early land plants evolved, and how did it help them to adapt to land rather than water?

An example of a structure that early land plants evolved would be cuticles. These are waxy layers that help retain water. Air is not as wet as water, so cuticles helped keep water which made the plants better situated to live on land

Name 3 important ways fungi benefit human culture.

Medicine, Food Spoilage, Food Production, Antibiotics

Of what ecological importance are algae?

Microscopic algae are the source of much of Earth's oxygen.

What are the basic characteristics of brown algae?

Mostly marine, with unicellular or multicellular body.

Name 4 of the 5 agents of change in plant evolution.

Mutation Gene Flow Nonrandom Mating Genetic Drift Selection

List three symbiotic relationships.

Nitrogen fixation, Azolla with Anabaena, Cycads with cyanobacteria

the distinguishing characteristic of basidiomycetes is the production of __________________?


Most prokayotes reproduce by simple type of cell division called

binary fission

Cyanobacteria is also known as:

blue-green algae

What is known as the closest ancestor of fungi?


List the three domains of life and two characteristics of each.

Bacteria: Prokaryotic, no nuclear envelope, 1 chromosome, circular chromosome, no organelles, no cytoskeleton, or chlorophyll-based photosynthesis Archaea: Prokaryotic, no nuclear envelope, 1 chromosome, circular chromosome, no organelles, or no cytoskeleton Eukarya: Eukaryotic, nuclear envelope is present, more than one chromosome, linear chromosome, organelles present, cytoskeleton present, or chlorophyll-based photosynthesis

Who was Carolos Linnaeus? What is his major contribution to biology?

Carolos Linnaeus was a Swedish Botanist, also called father of Taxonomy. He developed a Binomial Nomenclature and a hierarchical system of classification of nature which is a system of naming, ranking and classifying of organisms.

What are the principle pigments involved in photosynthesis and why are the leaves green?

Chlorophyll is the primary pigment in plants; it is a chlorin that absorbs yellow and blue wavelengths of light while reflecting green. It is the presence and relative abundance of chlorophyll that gives plants their green color.

From what type of organism is it though that fungi evolved?

DNA evidence suggests that almost all fungi have a single common ancestor. The earliest fungi may have evolved about 600 million years ago or even earlier. They were probably aquatic organisms with a flagellum

List three ways fungi are positively important to the world.

Decomposing, Medically, food production, symbiotic relationships

What are the components of systematics?

Discovering, describing, identifying, naming, and classifying

list the five clades of algae we studied

Euglenoids, dinoflagellates, photosynthetic stramenopiles, rhodophytes, and chlorophytes

There are 22k species of Ascomycetes described. True or False.

False, there are actually 32,300 species.

Name one role fungi play in food production.

Fermentation, baking, cheeses making, or eating directly.

What are 3 commercial uses of brown algae?

Food Fertilizers Algin

Why does the Hardy - Weinberg equation not hold true for our world?

For the equilibrium to hold true in a population there would have to be; no mutation, no migration, random mating, and no selection. In our world, none of the standards are held true.

What is the importance of fungi performing decomposition?

Fungi are the principal decomposers on Earth. The importance of this is fungi breaks down organic material that are within bodies of organisms. This releases carbon dioxide into the air, and returning nitrogenous compounds and various other materials into the soil. This process recycles molecules and allows other plants to use them , and then eventually animals when they consume the plants.

What is the life cycle of algae?

Gametic meiosis Zygotic meiosis Sporic meiosis

The three post-symbiotic events that occur are ________, _________, and __________

Gene loss, Gene transfer, and gene modification

Who were Gould and Eldridge? What is their major contribution to science?

Gould and Eldridge were the evolutionary scientist who proposed the theory of 'Punctuated Equilibrium'. It states that instead of gradual change there are period of rapid change followed by period of relative stasis. They made an observation that species may appear suddenly, live for a certain period of time mostly unchanged and become extinct.

What is the distinction between homologous features and analogous features?

Homologous features are a result of a common ancestor having branches in evolution that lead to separate species maintaining a trait from the ancestor, in contrast analogous features are features that evolved separately but serve the same function.

Why can't angiosperms just be split into monocots and dicots like in the past?

In the past, the division of angiosperms into monocots and dicots was based on the number of cotyledons the plants have, but it was also believed to be an evolutionary split of these two types of plants. We know now that some of the plants with two cotyledons are actually more primitive than monocots and belong in a different group.

What is the difference between common names and Latin names. Why is a distinction important for botany?

Latin names are used for classification and are universal in science. Common names are related to the areas and can have different meaning at different places. This distinction is important because Latin names help classify organisms in a universal way that everyone can understand. Common names can be helpful, but can often be misleading and difficult to understand in other areas of the world.

How are slime molds similar to some Fungi? What distinguishes them as not Fungi?

Slime molds are heterotrophic and their spore producing structures resemble those of some ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. Slime molds are actually protists and commonly have a phagocytotic amoeboid phase which is uncharacteristic of fungi which perform extracellular digestion and are typically encased in a chitin cell wall.

Describe the binomial system of nomenclature?

The binomial nomenclature system combines two names into one to give all species unique scientific names.

explain the pros/cons of the use of common botanical names.

The familiarity, easiness to remember, descriptiveness, and the use of everyday language are a few pros of using common names. Whereas the problem of having multiple names for the same thing, they can sometimes be misleading, and the fact that there are no rules or guidelines can be some cons of using common names.

What is the difference between the genotype and the phenotype of an organism?

The genotype is the genetic information that serves as a sort of blueprint for the organism, The phenotype in contrast is the physical characteristics of the organism and is a product of the interaction of the environment and the genotype of the organism.

What is the point of a Latin-based, systemized way of naming plants?

The goal of binomial nomenclature is to have only one specific name for each plant.

Why are the structures of brown algae called the holdfast, stipe, and blade instead of the root, stem, and leaf respectively?

The structures of brown algae aren't true roots, stems, or leaves because brown algae are non-vascular. Because these are non-vascular structures, they are not true stems, roots, or leaves and so are called by different names to avoid confusion.

Why are paraphyletic and polyphyletic groupings useful?

These groupings are generally useful because they simplify the discussion when referring to organisms with specific traits. Examples of these types of useful groupings are C4 plants (polyphyletic), protists (polyphyletic), and green algae (paraphyletic excluding embryophytes).

T/F Chytrids are mostly coenocytic.

They produce sexually normally and asexually in times of stress.

What is a paraphyletic grouping?

a paraphyletic grouping fails to include all descendants of a common ancestor.

What is the direct outcome of coral becoming stressed?

a. Algae leave the coral surface. (A) b. The coral evolves to deal with the more stressful environment. c. The coral loses its color. d. More algae is attracted to the coral.

Some prokaryotes form symbiotic relationships with which of the following?

a. Animals b. Plants c. Fungi d. B & C only e. A, B, & C (A)

Which of the Following is not a photosynthetic protist?

a. Brown algae b. Blue green algae (A) c. Red algae d. Green algae

What plant species are the ancestor to the land plant?

a. Brown algae b. Cyanobacteria c. Green Algae (A) d. Fungi

Which of the following is genetic variations does not include and outside source of genetic material?

a. Conjugation b. Mutation (A) c. Transduction d. Transformation

What are the names of the two models theorizing the rate of evolution?

a. Darwinism and Gradualism b. Punctuated Equilibrium and Gradualism (A) c. Punctuated Equilibrium and Darwinism d. Staircase Model and Gradualism

Which of these is NOT one of the five clades of algae?

a. Euglenoids b. Dinoflagellates c. Chytids (A) d. Chlorphytes

Which plant species is the very first oxygen liberators?

a. Fungi b. Cyanobacteria (A) c. Algae d. Bryophytes

The initial antibiotic Penicillin was derived from?

a. Fungi (A) b. Cyanobacteria c. Algae d. bryophytes

Which of these is NOT an assumption for gene pool and Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium?

a. No mutation b. No selection c. Small population (a) d. Randomly mating

Which of these do eubacteria and archaebacteria do not have in common?

a. No nucleus b. Cell walls of peptoglycen (A) c. No organelles d. Single celled

Which is most commonly associated with having peptoglycen cell walls?

a. Plasmids b. Eubacteria (A) c. Tabaco plants d. Archaebacteria

Which of the following phylogenetic relationships includes the ancestor but not all of their descendants?

a. Polyphyletic b. Monophyletic c. Paraphyletic (A) d. Multiphyletic

Fungi are used by humans for the following reasons except..

a. Production of antibiotics, b. cheese making, c. direct consumption, d. Destruction of crops.(A)

Which of the following is part of the thallus?

a. Stipe b. Holdfast c. Blade d. Plastids e. A, B, and C (A)

What sets Chytrid fungi apart from most fungi in other families?

a. They do not have chitinous cell walls b. They have motile cells (A) c. They are the primary fungi incorporated into lichens d. They do not reproduce using spores

What is the function of bacterial endospores?

a. To concentrate toxic secondary metabolites for later dispersal b. To quickly produce new asexual daughter bacterial cells c. To allow the cell to survive more extreme conditions (A) d. To form a protective layer around normal bacterial cells so the normal cells can survive more extreme conditions

Which of the following distinguish Chytrid from the other members of the Fungi kingdom?

a. motile spores or zoospores (A) b. most are parasitic c. they are mononucleated d. spores are haploid e. A & D

Which of the following does NOT describe a viroid?

a. smallest known agent of infectious disease b. lack capsids of any kind c. double-stranded molecules of DNA (A) d. no protein-encoding genes

Why doe algae reproduce sexually in times of stress?

algae will reproduce sexually to increase genetic variation as stress increases.

Brown algae is used commercially in ways through food, fertilizer, and algins. True or false?


Fungi are Heterotrophic (T/F)


Phycology is the study of algal biology (true/false)


Somatic mutations are not passed on. True or False


T/F Chytrids are mostly coenocytic.


T/F Extreme Halophiles, Extreme Thermophiles, and Methanogens are all large groups of Archaea.


T/F Green Algae can live in marine, brackish, freshwater, terrestrial (desert soils); snow; symbiotic


T/F Nitrogen fixation usually occurs in bacteria that are Anaerobic


T/F. A bacillus is a rod-shaped prokaryotic cell.


T/F. A common way of dividing up different types of algae is by color


The Hardy Weinburg equation is p2 + 2pq + q2 =1


True or False. Photosynthetic algae that utilize both organic and inorganic carbon sources are called mixotrophs?


True or False. The Bacteria and Archaea are two distinct lineages of prokaryotic organisms?


True or false. Cordyceps is a parasitic fungi mainly to insects and arthropods.


fungi digest their food from the inside out. True or false


Why is it so difficult to cultivate new varieties of wheat?

wheat exhibits allopolyploidy. This means that it has many genes for some traits and makes it more difficult to create new types.

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