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A licensed physical therapist who submits a recommendation on behalf of a licensee who is petitioning to terminate a probationary status early MUST meet which of the following requirements? A: Five years of full time clinical practice prior to submission B: No record of citations at the time of submission C: Personal knowledge of the activities of the petitioner since the disciplinary action was taken by the board D: Bi-monthly follow up with the probation officer through telecommunication regarding the petitioner's compliance

ANSWER :C: Personal knowledge of the activities of the petitioner since the disciplinary action was taken by the board A) There is not a listed minimum duration of time that the licensed physical therapist needs to have been in clinical practice. All that is required is that the practitioner is licensed. B) Regarding citations, as long as the licensed physical therapist is fully licensed and able to practice actively then submission on behalf of the petitioner can occur. A citation may be on the licensee's record, but if restitution for the citation was made and the licensee can practice actively without probation, then a recommendation can be submitted on behalf of the petitioner. D) Telecommunication with a probation officer is not a requirement in order to submit a recommendation.

How many years must an instructor of a continuing education course maintain attendees' records of completion? A: Four B: Five C: Six D: Seven


How many continuing education hours are required for first time license renewals that are submitted prior to the expiration date of the original license? A: 15 B: 20 C: 25 D: 30

ANSWER: 15 hours

A licensee that has been properly requested by the board to provide patient records has how many days prior to being penalized? A: 15 B: 20 C: 25 D: 30


A licensee receives notification of a public letter of reprimand that will be issued from the Physical Therapy Board of California for an accusation of unprofessional conduct. The licensee has until how many days prior to the letter being issued to verbalize agreement or disagreement with the allegation? A: 15 B: 30 C: 45 D: 60

ANSWER: A: 15 A) A licensee must respond by 15 days prior to the issuance of a public letter of reprimand. The notification will be sent 30 days prior to the actual letter of reprimand being sent.

Which of the following criteria MUST be met in order for a licensee to be accepted in a substance abuse rehabilitation program? A: Agreement to any medical and/or psychiatric examination that is ordered B: Notification of employer of the desire to enroll C: Submission of at least three witness testimonies about the current use of drugs and/or alcohol D: History of drug or alcohol use that has lasted a duration of six months

ANSWER: A: Agreement to any medical and/or psychiatric examination that is ordered

Which of the following criteria MUST a physical therapy facility meet in order to accept a foreign educated applicant for clinical practice? A: Complete a clinical site information form BL Have a minimum of three full time licensed physical therapists on staff C: Pay the annual credentialing fee of $1000 D: Complete three site visits with a representative of the board

ANSWER: A: Complete a clinical site information form A) For each applicant taken, the facility needs to have filled out and sent a Clinical Site Information Form. This is developed by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). B) Three full time licensed physical therapists is not the minimum that must be met in order to take a foreign educated applicant. A single full time clinician that is credentialed by the APTA as a clinical instructor and is on site to supervise the applicant during patient care is sufficient. C) There is no credentialing fee listed in association with the acceptance of foreign educated applicants at a physical therapy facility. D) Site visits are not listed as a requirement for accepting foreign educated applicants.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding license renewal for a licensee serving full time in the military? A: If discharge from active duty occurs within 60 days of the end of the renewal period then no fee is required B: A renewal fee of 50% of full price is needed for each renewal period C: If participation is primarily in training versus active duty during a renewal period, then a full fee is to be paid D: Should service last a duration longer than three years, then a new license will need to be issued

ANSWER: A: If discharge from active duty occurs within 60 days of the end of the renewal period then no fee is required B) A renewal fee is not required for a licensee when they are engaged in full time military service. C) Full time active duty or training in the military allows the licensee to not have to pay a license renewal fee. D) While a licensee is engaged in full time active service or training, the license will not expire. It can be renewed following discharge regardless of the length of service.

A member of the Physical Therapy Board of California is performing a review following a patient complaint claiming unprofessional conduct of a treating licensee. As part of the review, the board member asks to see the patient's records. Which of the following actions is the MOST appropriate? A: Obtain written permission from the patient to release the records B: Have the board member seek approval from the facility supervisor C: Provide the patient records within 30 days of the board member's request D: Instruct the board member to consult with the physician who referred the patient

ANSWER: A: Obtain written permission from the patient to release the records A) The members of the Physical Therapy Board of California have the right and authority to perform inspections of facilities that are providing physical therapy services. This includes the ability to examine patient records so as to ensure proper delivery of care. However, written authorization for the release of the records is still a requirement.

A licensee who is petitioning to shorten a six year sentence of probation will still have to practice under the probationary status for a MINIMUM of how many years? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Four

ANSWER: A: One A) A licensee must serve a MINIMUM probationary period of one year prior to the status being removed when a probation of greater than three years is initially given.

A physical therapist who owns a clinic and has two physical therapist assistants and four aides is able to supervise how many of the aides providing patient related care? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Four

ANSWER: A: One A) A physical therapist is only able to supervise one aide in patient-related tasks. The number of physical therapist assistants or aides working in the clinic does not impact this number.

A licensee is at a board meeting, attempting to reinstate a suspended license following allegations of sexual misconduct with a patient. The licensee reports that informed consent was given by the patient. Which of the following statements is TRUE in regards to this issue? A: Patients are incapable of providing informed consent to a licensee B: Consent needs to be provided in writing, signed, and dated by both parties C: If the licensee is found guilty of unprofessional conduct and has the license revoked, reinstatement cannot occur for a minimum of 5 years D: The board has the right to suspend the licensee's license for a duration up to 18 months

ANSWER: A: Patients are incapable of providing informed consent to a licensee A) A patient under the care of a licensee is determined to be unable to provide free or full informed consent with relation to sexual activity. B) Regardless of the type of consent that is given, a patient is incapable of providing full consent to sexual activity while in the care of a licensee. C) For unprofessional conduct a minimum of three years must transpire prior to reinstatement (If revoked) D) The board may suspend a license up to 12 months following an incident of unprofessional conduct.

What is the MOST likely punishment for sharing information about the National Physical Therapy Exam? A: Payment of the cost associated with the board's investigation B: Misdemeanor with a fine not to exceed $1,000 C: Felony with a maximum of three months of imprisonment D: Involved applicants must retake the exam

ANSWER: A: Payment of the cost associated with the board's investigation A) The guilty party is responsible for the cost of litigation associated with an investigation as well as the cost of a judge hearing if necessary. B) A fine for subversion of an examination cannot exceed $10,000, not including the cost of litigation. If caught, the candidate is sentenced with a misdemeanor. C) A felony is not the level of punishment that the candidate will receive as this type of offense results in a misdemeanor. D) If convicted, the guilty party will most likely be denied an application for licensure and will not be allowed to retake the exam. While it can be true that the applicant may be required to retake the examination it is not guaranteed. What is guaranteed is that the guilty party will be responsible for the cost of the investigation.

A student has failed the National Physical Therapy Examination two times within the past eight months. Prior to the third examination attempt, which of the following steps MUST occur? A: Payment of the re-examination fee B: Completion of a certified remediation course C: Written appeal to the Physical Therapy Board of California D: A duration of six months prior to the next exam attempt

ANSWER: A: Payment of the re-examination fee

What governing body is responsible for the suspension of physical therapy licenses? A: Physical Therapy Board of California B: American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties C: Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy D: Institutional Review Board

ANSWER: A: Physical Therapy Board of California

Which of the following entities is responsible for establishing and administering the substance abuse rehabilitation program? A: Physical Therapy Board of California B: California Physical Therapy Association C: Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy D: American Physical Therapy Association

ANSWER: A: Physical Therapy Board of California

Which of the following items of information MUST be included in a written protocol for the administration of a topical medication? A: Procedure for application of the medication B: License number of the administering physical therapist C: Patient allergies D: List of similar medications in the prescribed medication class

ANSWER: A: Procedure for application of the medication

Which of the following Physical Therapy Board of California responsibilities is considered the HIGHEST priority? A: Protect the welfare and safety of the public B: Ensure financial growth of the profession C: Develop defining lines between similar occupations D: Facilitate ease of accessibility to healthcare services

ANSWER: A: Protect the welfare and safety of the public

Which of the following abbreviations indicates a physical therapist who has obtained licensure? A: RPT B: PTLA C: SPT D: DPT


The physical therapy board is able to penalize a licensee who has failed to make child support payments in which of the following ways? A: Suspension of licensure B: Fine for the amount owed C: Revocation of licensure D: Require employer to withhold pay to fulfill amount owed

ANSWER: A: Suspension of licensure -You cannot be fined or have your pay withheld for the amount owed by the PTBC for failing to make child support payments BUT they can suspend your license

Which of the following terms is considered identical and interchangeable with the term physical therapy aide? A: Technician B: Specialist C: Intern D: Practitioner

ANSWER: A: Technician

Which of the following criteria MUST be met in order for proper documentation practice to occur? A: The name of any physical therapy aide that provides patient care must be listed B: When countersigning for a student's daily treatment note the clinical instructor shall at a minimum provide their full first name and first initial of their last name C: A physical therapist licensed applicant's documentation is to be signed off weekly D: The signature of a physical therapist assistant does not need to be present if a licensed physical therapist is observing treatment

ANSWER: A: The name of any physical therapy aide that provides patient care must be listed A) If an aide provides any patient directed treatment, then the name and title of that individual needs to be listed in the patient's record. B) Proper signature shall include the first initial of the licensee's first name followed by their full last name. C) A physical therapist licensed applicant's documentation is to be signed off on the same day that treatment was delivered. D) Even in the presence of supervision, a physical therapist assistant that provides patient treatment needs to sign the patient's record.

What is the MINIMUM number of years that must occur before a licensee can petition a revoked license that resulted from unprofessional conduct? A: Three B: Four C: Five D: Six

ANSWER: A: Three A) Three years is the minimum amount of time that must happen prior to petitioning for a modification of a revoked license. The board can specify that a petition may be filed two years after the revocation order for good cause, but that is not an option above.

How many years does a licensee who has been issued an initial license have until the required renewal? A: Two B: Three C: Four D: Five


What is the MINIMUM number of recommendations that a licensee MUST have when petitioning to shorten the duration of a license suspension? A: Two B: Three C: Four D: Five

ANSWER: A: Two B) 3 recommendations can be given but exceeds the minimum that is required for petitioning a suspension. C) 4 recommendations can be given but exceeds the minimum that is required for petitioning a suspension. D) 5 recommendations can be given but exceeds the minimum that is required for petitioning a suspension.

A licensee who has been issued a citation in addition to a $3,500 administrative fine is MOST likely guilty of which of the following violations? A: Two accounts of being intoxicated while on the job B: Failing to report an act of child abuse C: Inability to provide requested patient records to the board within 16 days without good cause D: Renewing a physical therapy license after the expiration date

ANSWER: A: Two accounts of being intoxicated while on the job A) The amount of $3,500 suggests that the therapist received more than one citation. When a therapist has two citations of a similar nature, the therapist is liable for an administrative fine that is not to exceed $5,000. A standard single citation fee shall not be less than $100 and shall not exceed $2,500. B) Failing to report an act of child abuse is guilty of a misdemeanor with a fine up to $1000 and/or imprisonment up to six months. C) A licensee has 15 days to provide requested patient records to the board. Following the 15th day, the licensee will be charged $1,000 per day that the records are not provided. D) The delinquency fee for license renewal is $150.00 in addition to the $300.00 required for license renewal.

Which of the following conditions is an initial requirement in order to participate in an alcoholic diversion program? A: Voluntary admission B: Psychiatric evaluation C: Recommendation by a supervisor D: Physician prescription

ANSWER: A: Voluntary admission A) Voluntary admission is required by the individual who is struggling with dangerous drugs or alcoholic beverages. B) A psychiatric evaluation may be prescribed to evaluate an applicant for participation in a diversion program. However, voluntary admission is required prior to this. C) A recommendation from a supervisor is not required. A supervisor can recommend participation in the program, but as long as drug or alcoholic consumption is not impacting the individual's ability to safely administer care to patients, the supervisor's recommendation will not result in admittance to the program. Also, voluntary admittance is still required unless the program is recommended for a disciplinary action. D) A physician can prescribe participation in a diversion program. However, a prescription is not required for participation.

A board member may delegate the task of inspecting and examining the reports of a physical therapy facility to which of the following professions? APhysical therapist BNurse practitioner CMedical Doctor DChiropractor

ANSWER: APhysical therapist

An applicant who is seeking to transfer licensure into California has begun practicing while awaiting the issuing of a renewable license. Which of the following conditions MUST be met in order for clinical practice to happen legally during this period? A: Work cannot exceed 30 hours a week B: Supervision is to be provided by a licensed physical therapist C: Previous employment is to have been for a minimum duration of six months D: A professional letter of recommendation shall be sent by a colleague to the board

ANSWER: B) While an applicant is awaiting to receive a renewable license by the board, practice can occur under the status of applicant. In order for this to occur however, it must be under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. This pertains to both physical therapists and physical therapist assistants seeking to transfer licensure. A) There is not a maximum number of weekly work hours that are allowed for a practitioner awaiting licensure transfer. C) As long as the practitioner has passed the NPTE, graduated from an approved program, and had a license in a state or territory outside of CA, application for licensure transfer can occur. There is no requirement for a minimum duration with regards to previous employment. D) A professional letter of recommendation is not required for licensure transfer.

Which of the following administrative fine amounts BEST represents the MAXIMUM a licensee could pay for a citation involving a violation carried out against a senior citizen? A: $2,000 B: $4,000 C: $6,000 D: $8,000

ANSWER: B: $4,000 A) $2,000 may be a fine that a licensee receives for a standard citation as the maximum amount is $2,500 in such an instance. C) $6,000 exceeds the amount that a licensee can be fined for a violation carried out against a senior citizen. D) $8,000 exceeds the amount that a licensee can be fined for a violation carried out against a senior citizen.

A licensee receives a certificate for 1.5 continuing education units. How many additional hours are needed to complete the minimum requirements for a license renewal cycle? A: 10 B: 15 C: 20 D 25


Which of the following statements regarding law and ethics and life support continuing education for a first time license renewal is TRUE? A: 1 hour in law and ethics and 2 hours in life support are required B: 2 hours in law and ethics and 4 hours in life support are required C: Law and ethics is required but life support is not D: Life support is required but law and ethics is not

ANSWER: B: 2 hours in law and ethics and 4 hours in life support are required

How many calendar days does a licensee have to notify the board of a change of address? A: 15 B: 30 C: 45 D: 60


A licensee who was recently arrested has how many days to report the arrest to the board? A: 15 B: 30 C: 45 D: 60

ANSWER: B: 30 B) A licensee who has been arrested has 30 days to report it to the board. If the report does not occur in that time, the licensee can be found guilty of unprofessional conduct.

A licensee who is unable to practice actively due to a physical disability is going to start practicing as a volunteer at homeless shelters a few hours a week. Which of the following statements is TRUE for this practitioner? A: The two year license renewal fee has to be paid with each cycle during which services are provided B: 30 hours of continuing education is required every renewal cycle C: Practice in neighboring jurisdictions can occur without transferring the license D: Full license reinstatement can occur if at least 1,000 hours of volunteer service have been provided

ANSWER: B: 30 hours of continuing education is required every renewal cycle B) Even though a physical therapist or assistant may operate in a volunteer capacity, the licensee is required to maintain the continuing education requirements. A) A volunteer licensee may have the license renewal fee waived. This applies to any volunteer licensee regardless of the number of hours that volunteer service is provided. C) Even though the service being provided is in a volunteer manner, it can only occur in the jurisdiction that the licensee resides. In this case it would be California. D) The duration of provided care does not matter when returning to full-time clinical practice. Instead, the board must be provided a signed form by a physician stating that the licensee's disability no longer exists or that the disability does not impair the clinician's ability to deliver patient care safely.

In order for a licensed physical therapist assistant to properly serve as a clinical instructor for a physical therapist assistant student, which of the following criteria MUST be met? A: The assistant shall have practiced clinically for a minimum duration of two years B: A licensed physical therapist shall be on site to supervise patient care C: The assistant shall conduct weekly case conferences with the student D: A licensed physical therapist is to perform a practical scenario to assess the clinical skills of the student prior to patient care

ANSWER: B: A licensed physical therapist shall be on site to supervise patient care A) There is not a minimum duration of time that is required in order for a physical therapist assistant to serve as a clinical instructor. There is however, the requirement to be credentialed by the American Physical Therapy Association. C) Weekly case conferences are not a requirement for the physical therapist assistant clinical instructor. They are a requirement for the supervising licensed physical therapist. Each week the physical therapist is to have reviewed the patient cases that the student saw and document having reviewed the case. D) It is not required that the physical therapist perform a practical scenario to evaluate the clinical skills of the student prior to providing patient care.

For a foreign educated applicant to fulfill the clinical service requirements, which of the following conditions MUST be met? A: The facility where patient care occurs shall have been in business for a minimum of three years B: A mid and end point evaluation about skill level is to be conducted by the supervising physical therapist. C: One site visit shall occur by a representative of the American Physical Therapy Association D: 12 months of full time work are to be completed

ANSWER: B: A mid and end point evaluation about skill level is to be conducted by the supervising physical therapist.

Which of the following entities is responsible for selecting the treatment facility for a licensee in a substance abuse rehabilitation program? A: Employer B: Board's rehabilitation evaluation committee C: Local law enforcement D: California Physical Therapy Association

ANSWER: B: Board's rehabilitation evaluation committee

A patient receiving treatment at an outpatient facility has a physician referral that recommends iontophoresis for lateral epicondylitis. The medication to be used is not specified on the referral, but the patient recalls the physician stating that the medication is for inflammation. Which of the following courses of action is BEST for the licensee to take? A: Administer dexamethasone to address the inflammation B: Contact the physician for a referral of the desired medication C: Discuss the policy for iontophoresis with the facility supervisor D: Perform a trial of iontophoresis with a saline solution

ANSWER: B: Contact the physician for a referral of the desired medication

Which entity is responsible for the creation of the written examination (NPTE) for licensing? A: American Physical Therapy Association B: Federation of State Boards of Physical therapy C: Physical Therapy Board of California D: American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties

ANSWER: B: Federation of State Boards of Physical therapy B) The uniform exam that determines whether or not an applicant has sufficient knowledge for initial licensure is developed by the Federation of State Boards of Physical therapy (FSBPT).

Which of the following penalties does NOT apply to a licensee guilty of false advertising? A: Misdemeanor B: Felony C: Suspension of licensure D: Revocation of licensure

ANSWER: B: Felony A) A misdemeanor is the crime that a licensee guilty of false advertising can be sentenced with. C) Suspension of licensure is an action that can be taken by the board against a licensee who is guilty of false advertising. D) Revocation of licensure, although more serious than a suspension is an action that can also be taken by the board depending upon the severity of the offense of false advertising.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding a physical therapy corporation? A: If a shareholder in a corporation owns 25% or more of the total shares, then that shareholder cannot own shares in another corporation B: Following the death of a shareholder, the shares that were owned shall be sold or transferred back to the corporation within six months of the date of death C: Corporations are not able to enter into partnership agreements with other corporations so as to preserve competitiveness of the market D: A shareholder who loses shares as a result of disqualification must never have any ownership of that corporation in the future

ANSWER: B: Following the death of a shareholder, the shares that were owned shall be sold or transferred back to the corporation within six months of the date of death A) A shareholder is able to own shares in more than one corporation. This is true regardless of the amount of ownership that may be present in a single corporation. C) Corporations have the right and ability to enter into partnership agreements or become a part of other corporations. D) Even following disqualification, it is up to the corporation and the remaining shareholders to decide if the disqualified shareholder can repurchase their shares following the resolution of the disqualification

A licensee has seen a patient through direct access for 12 visits. In order for treatment to continue which of the following steps is BEST to take? A: Perform a patient re evaluation within the next two sessions B: Have the patient follow up with the physician C: Consult with the physician through telephone to discuss the outcome of care and rationale for progressing forward with more D: Objectively document the patient's progress in a treatment note and have the patient sign it stating that further care is desired

ANSWER: B: Have the patient follow up with the physician

Which of the following dates BEST represent when a physical therapy license is set to expire? A: Last day of the month that graduation from an approved program occurred B: Last day of the birth month C: Upon the day that the previous license renewal happened upon D: Upon the day that the individual passed the national examination

ANSWER: B: Last day of the birth month

Which of the following statements with regards to elder abuse is true? A: A telephone call by the mandated reporter must occur within one hour of receiving the information B: Law enforcement officials are to be provided with the identity of the person who is to have allegedly injured the patient C: It is determined to be abuse if the patient sustained an injury through excessive voluntary use of narcotics D: If a facility supervisor determines that a report is not required, then one does not need to be filed

ANSWER: B: Law enforcement officials are to be provided with the identity of the person who is to have allegedly injured the patient

A clinic owner receives an order of abatement for a first offense of improper physical therapist to physical therapist assistant ratio. Which of the following actions is BEST to take? A: Payment of a $500 fee for non compliance with the correction to be made within six months of the payment date B: Make a written request for an extension to implement corrections if not able to make the changes within the timeframe specified by the board C: Provide documented evidence and support as to why the improper ratio exists D: Acknowledge the improper ratio as a first offense and established warning

ANSWER: B: Make a written request for an extension to implement corrections if not able to make the changes within the timeframe specified by the board A) With an order of abatement, a specific amount of time to make the corrections will be given by the board on a case by case basis. As this is an order for abatement, action has yet to be taken to make the correction, therefore a fine is not required at this time. C) With an order of abatement, a change is required. Providing evidence and support as to why the improper supervision ratio will not fulfill the requirements of change. D) Even though this is a first offense, it is not a warning. Any order of abatement requires action to make the necessary changes within the timeframe specified by the board.

Which of the following penalties is the WORST that an aide may receive for identifying as a physical therapist assistant to patients? A: Felony B: Misdemeanor C: Fine of $2500 D: Incarceration for one year

ANSWER: B: Misdemeanor

A licensee continues to administer treatment to a patient despite the patient having no functional limitations and all goals met. Which of the following punishments represents the WORST disciplinary action that the licensee may receive? A: Misdemeanor with a $1000 fine B: Misdemeanor with a $600 fine C: Felony with a $1000 fine D: Felony with a $600 fine

ANSWER: B: Misdemeanor with a $600 fine

Which of the following qualifications MUST be present in order for an individual to apply for a physical therapy license? A: Over 21 years of age B: No addiction to alcohol or any controlled substance C: Successful completion of an educational program accredited by the Physical Therapy Board of California D: Absence of misdemeanors from criminal record unless they are based in fraudulent activity of which two offenses are allowed

ANSWER: B: No addiction to alcohol or any controlled substance A) An applicant for licensure does not need to be 21 as the minimum age is 18. C) Accreditation of physical therapy programs is done by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education or CAPTE. This is through the American Physical Therapy Association and not the Physical Therapy Board of California. D) Fraudulent activity is one of the areas of criminal activity that the board can deny licensure if committed.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding a licensee whose license is in a retired status? A: Volunteer physical therapy service can be performed B: No renewal fee is required C: Participation in ten hours of continuing education is to occur every year D: A brand new license will have to be obtained if the licensee desires to practice actively

ANSWER: B: No renewal fee is required A) As the status of the licensee is retired, the individual cannot engage in any physical therapy practice even if it is in a volunteer capacity. If volunteer practice is desired, then a license renewal with a volunteer designation is needed. C) A retired licensee is exempt from continuing education requirements. However, if the licensee desires to come out of the retired status, then continuing education will have to be performed in order to renew the license. D) A new license will not have to be obtained if the licensee desires to come out of retirement.

Which of the following entities is the corporation referred to in the Moscone-Knox Professional Corporation Act? A: American Physical Therapy Association B: Physical Therapy Board of California C: California Physical Therapy Association D: American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties

ANSWER: B: Physical Therapy Board of California B) The Moscone-Knox Professional Corporation Act is the corporation law that must be followed for professional services that require licensure. Specific to physical therapy, in the state of California it is the board that regulates and ensures lawful compliance for the profession and those providing services as licensees.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the use of electroneuromyography in patient care? A: It can be performed to formulate a physical therapy diagnosis B: Physician authorization must be granted prior to performance upon a patient C: A physical therapist assistant trained in tissue penetration can perform it D: To obtain certification in it, 50 examinations have to be performed

ANSWER: B: Physician authorization must be granted prior to performance upon a patient B) A physical therapist who has obtained certification in the performance of tissue penetration must receive physician authorization prior to performing it upon a patient. A) A physical therapist who uses tissue penetration for diagnostic or prognostic purposes is in violation of the Medical Practice Act. C) A physical therapist assistant is not the physical therapy entity that can perform tissue penetration as the physical therapist is the specified profession of the two that can perform it. D) 200 examinations have to be performed in order to obtain certification in electroneuromyography. This is in addition to 400 hours of training under a certified healthcare practitioner, such as a physical therapist or a physician.

A foreign educated applicant is seeking to obtain licensure in California. Which of the following achievements allows the applicant to decrease the required duration of clinical service? A: Passing the National Physical Therapy Examination B: Taking four units worth of an approved ethics continuing education course C: Teaching a class at an accredited physical therapy program D: Obtaining a grade point average of 3.7 or above while in a physical therapy program

ANSWER: B: Taking four units worth of an approved ethics continuing education course B) Three months of clinical service can be waived for completion of four units of an approved ethics course by the California Healthcare Board. A month can also be waived for each month of clinical service performed in another state besides California. A) Passing the written examination is a requirement in order to begin clinical rotations but does not allow for a decrease in the required duration of clinical service. C) Teaching a class is not a factor that decreases the amount of clinical service required. D) Grade point average does not impact the duration of clinical service.

How many continuing education hours per license renewal cycle are required in law and ethics and life support education respectively? A: One and three B: Two and four C: Three and five D: Four and six

ANSWER: B: Two and four B) For each license renewal cycle two hours are required for the law and ethics portion and four hours are required for life support education.

A therapist of record and a physical therapist assistant are aware of an incidence of spousal abuse involving their patient. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A: The therapist of record shall be in charge of reporting the incident B: Upon mutual agreement one of the clinicians can be responsible for notifying authorities C: Following instructions provided by the clinicians on how to contact authorities, reporting then becomes the patient's responsibility D: The facility's supervisor shall be notified and will then be in charge of the reporting process

ANSWER: B: Upon mutual agreement one of the clinicians can be responsible for notifying authorities

A physical therapy company used a model to create a before and after ad on the internet for a new postural neck program. Which of the following conditions will cause the advertisement to be illegal? A: Reporting that a model was used for the ad B: Using different angles and lighting for each image C: Listing what procedures or interventions were performed D: Stating that the results may not occur for all patients

ANSWER: B: Using different angles and lighting for each image A) Reporting that a model was used for the ad is a requirement in advertising. C) Listing what procedures were used is required so that those that see the advertisement know what process resulted in the change. D) Stating that the results may not occur for all patients is a requirement in advertising.

A direct access patient has been seen for three sessions, including the evaluation. It has been 40 days since the evaluation, and today's session occurs on a Friday. The patient desires to schedule an additional appointment for the following week. Which of the following days of the week is the LAST day the licensee can see the patient? A: Tuesday B: Wednesday C: Thursday D: Friday

ANSWER: B: Wednesday

Which of the following points in time BEST represents when a license applicant is able to identify as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant? A: After passing the national examination B: When a regular renewable license has been issued C: Following 120 hours of clinical practice D: Upon the recommendation of a supervising physical therapist

ANSWER: B: When a regular renewable license has been issued

Which of the following procedures is a proper way to transfer a patient from the therapist of record's care? A: Verbally tell the patient B: Write down the name of the new therapist in the patient's chart C: Place the patient on a colleagues treatment schedule to perform a re-evaluation D: Contact and inform the patient's physician

ANSWER: B: Write down the name of the new therapist in the patient's chart

To discuss patient care with the therapist of record, it is BEST to talk with the physical therapist who: A: performed the most recent progress note B: did the initial evaluation C: saw the patient most recently D: has seen the patient for the most number of visits

ANSWER: B: did the initial evaluation

A licensee has a license that has been designated as inactive for the two year renewal cycle due to military service. The licensee desires to renew and activate the license to resume clinical practice. Which of the following statements regarding this license is TRUE? A: 15 hours of continuing education are required prior to receiving an active license status B: Exemption from continuing education requirements may be granted if one year's worth of military service was performed in California C: If a disabling injury is sustained for a duration of one year during service, exemption from continuing education requirements occurs D: License renewal fees are not required if discharge from service occurs within 90 days of the end of the renewal period

ANSWER: C) Exemption from continuing education requirements for physical disability is allowed when the disability is one year or longer in duration during the renewal period. A) A full renewal cycle of 30 continuing education hours are required prior to receiving an active license status. B) To claim exemption from continuing education requirements as a result of being involved in the military, the duties and responsibilities of the military must relocate the licensee out of state. D) An individual in the military is exempt from paying the renewal fees while engaged in active service. However, upon renewal the standard fee is required unless discharge from service occurs within 60 days of the end of the renewal period.

A licensee who was cited for unprofessional conduct in 2014 has recently been issued an additional citation for driving under the influence in May of 2018. In what year will the original citation in 2014 be eliminated from the licensee's record? A: 2019 B: 2021 C: 2023 D: 2025

ANSWER: C: 2023

How many hours does a mandated reporter have to create a written report after receiving information of suspected child abuse? A: 12 B: 24 C: 36 D: 48

ANSWER: C: 36 C) The written report must be completed and sent within 36 hours of receiving the information.

Which of the following statements is TRUE when comparing an electroneuromyography and kinesiological electromyography certification? A: Following an electroneuromyography certification the licensee can also perform kinesiological electromyography B: Completion of gross anatomy is required for kinesiological electromyography but not electroneuromyography C: Both require the licensee to pass a written exam issued by the board D: Renewal for each certification is to occur every year

ANSWER: C: Both require the licensee to pass a written exam issued by the board

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding a physical therapist's supervision of a foreign educated applicant? A: Two way communication such as a telephone is sufficient while the applicant is treating B: In the absence of being physically present during patient care, discussion of treatment with the applicant must happen by the end of the business day C: Certification by the American Physical Therapy Association as a clinical instructor shall occur prior to the applicant participating in clinical service D: Weekly correspondence is to take place with a representative of the physical therapy board about the applicant's progress

ANSWER: C: Certification by the American Physical Therapy Association as a clinical instructor shall occur prior to the applicant participating in clinical service

Which of the following responsibilities fall under the scope of a physical therapy license? A: Diagnosis of disease processes B: Use of electricity for wound cauterization C: Corrective treatment of bodily or mental conditions D: Implementation of radioactive materials for therapeutic intervention

ANSWER: C: Corrective treatment of bodily or mental conditions

An applicant who graduated from a foreign school wants to become licensed in California. Which of the following requirements is TRUE for the applicant? A: Participation in 12 months of clinical rotations is required prior to attaining national licensure B: Identification as a license applicant shall occur until the therapist passes the National Physical Therapy Exam C: Eligibility only for the physical therapy assistant examination may occur following evaluation of international education D: To begin clinical rotations only a submission of documentary evidence for completion of a program outside of the United States is required

ANSWER: C: Eligibility only for the physical therapy assistant examination may occur following evaluation of international education C) If the applicant's education is determined to be insufficient by the Physical Therapy Board for physical therapist licensure, further evaluation of the applicant's education can occur. If determined appropriate, the board could recommend the applicant to take the physical therapist assistant examination to pursue that career course. A) An applicant from a foreign school does not need more than nine months of clinical rotations. B) An applicant from a foreign school will continue to be considered a license applicant even following passing of the National Physical Therapy Exam. Upon passing the written exam the applicant can then participate in the required clinical rotations where the title of applicant will still be used. Following successful completion of clinical rotations the applicant can then use the title of physical therapist or physical therapist assistant D) Clinical rotations are not able to start until the applicant has submitted documentary evidence for completion of a program and passed the National Physical Therapy Examination.

An applicant who has passed the national examination has how many years to pay the initial license fee prior to the application for licensure being given the status of abandoned? A: One B: Three C: Five D: Seven


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding licensees email addresses? A: All licensees shall obtain one as it is required for the distribution of physical therapy related information B: The public shall be able to access and view it online C: If changed, the licensee has 30 days to notify the board D: When working for a company, the email associated with the company must be on file with the board

ANSWER: C: If changed, the licensee has 30 days to notify the board

Which of the following statements regarding patient care is TRUE for a licensee with a recently expired license? A: Continuation can occur as long as no compensation is received B: Continuation can occur for 30 days C: It must stop until a valid license is issued D: It must stop for a minimum of 30 days

ANSWER: C: It must stop until a valid license is issued A) Even if no compensation is received, a valid license is needed in order for clinical practice to occur. B) In the presence of an expired license, no patient care can continue even if it is for a duration of 30 days. D) Even in the presence of a temporary suspension for 30 days, a valid license will be required when practice resumes.

Which of the following conditions MUST be met in order for a licensee to properly treat through direct access? A: Refer to a secondary physical therapist for assessment if the patient is not progressing towards functional goals B: Disclose financial interest to the patient if reimbursement exceeds $1000 C: Notify the patient verbally and in writing of the details associated with care D: Submit weekly progress notes to the patient's physician

ANSWER: C: Notify the patient verbally and in writing of the details associated with care

Which of the following entities is responsible for the administration and enforcement of discipline upon licensees? A: American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties B: American Physical Therapy Association C: Physical Therapy Board of California D: California Physical Therapy Association

ANSWER: C: Physical Therapy Board of California

Which of the following methods is considered appropriate for providing patients with the Notice to Consumers form 12-01 (NTC 12-01)? A: An email within 30 days of the initial evaluation B: Verbally stating the information and documenting that the conversation occurred C: Posting it in a visible location in the clinic D: Showing the document at the beginning of the first three appointments

ANSWER: C: Posting it in a visible location in the clinic C) There are two methods that the NTC 12-01 form can be properly provided. One is to have it in a visible area in the clinic displayed prominently. The second is to provide a copy of it to the patient or their representative. If the last option is taken, it is to then be signed and dated by the patient or the representative and then maintained in the patient's medical chart.

A physical therapy aide is going to perform passive range of motion on a patient's shoulder. Which of the following criteria needs to be met in order for the aide to perform this intervention? A: Discussion of the outcome of the treatment shall occur between the physical therapist and the aide by the end of the business day B: The physical therapist must be available for contact via telephone during the intervention C: Prior assessment of the aide's ability to perform passive range of motion by a physical therapist D: The aide shall have worked in a physical therapy setting for a duration of six months prior to performing patient related tasks

ANSWER: C: Prior assessment of the aide's ability to perform passive range of motion by a physical therapist C) Evaluation and documentation of an aide's competency at performing a patient related task shall occur prior to performance on a patient.

When creating a continuing education class, which of the following requirements apply? A: It should be a minimum of two hours in duration B: A class created by three individuals or entities requires only the primary contributor to be cited C: Resources used in the presentation shall be provided in a bibliography D: A summary shall be given in written form at the end of the class

ANSWER: C: Resources used in the presentation shall be provided in a bibliography C) A bibliography is required for a continuing education presentation so that the participants are able to reference the material used. A) A class must be a minimum of 50 minutes to equal an hour's worth or 0.1 continuing education units. B) In a case where there are multiple individuals or entities responsible for the creation of a continuing education class, each individual and/or entity's function or role must be cited. D) Although a summary may be nice to have, it is not a requirement.

A physical therapist who has employed a physical therapist license applicant and a physical therapist assistant should recall which of the following differences between the two? A: Countersignature of documentation should occur on the same day for the assistant but is not necessary for the applicant B: A discharge summary cannot be performed by an applicant C: Telephone communication is considered sufficient supervision for the assistant but not the applicant D: An applicant is able to supervise physical therapy aides providing patient related care

ANSWER: C: Telephone communication is considered sufficient supervision for the assistant but not the applicant C) A physical therapist license applicant requires direct and immediate supervision while practicing. This means that the supervising physical therapist should be at the facility and in the line of sight of the applicant. This is not required for a physical therapist assistant as long as the assistant is able to have contact with the physical therapist during the patient's treatment, such as through a telephone. A) An applicant's documentation must be co-signed on the same day that services were delivered. C) An applicant can perform as a physical therapist with supervision by a licensed physical therapist. Therefore, a discharge summary can be performed by a physical therapist license applicant. D) Due to the applicant being under the direct and immediate supervision of the physical therapist, the applicant is unable to provide supervision to an aide performing patient related tasks.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding a physical therapist assistant license applicant? A: Clinical practice can occur under the direct supervision of a licensed physical therapist assistant B: Practice can begin following a facility evaluation by a board member C: The applicant must cease practicing following failure of the first attempt of the national examination D: During clinical practice the applicant can identify as a clinician

ANSWER: C: The applicant must cease practicing following failure of the first attempt of the national examination

What is the fee for renewal of licensure for therapists and assistants whose licenses will expire this year? A: $150 B: $200 C: $250 D: $300

ANSWER: D: $300

A licensee who practiced beyond the scope of physical therapy now has a suspended license. What is the MAXIMUM amount of time in months that the licensee can be suspended for this offense? A: 3 B: 6 C: 9 D: 12

ANSWER: D: 12 D) 12 months is the maximum amount of time that a licensee can be suspended for a violation pertaining to practicing outside the scope of physical therapy.

What is the MAXIMUM number of days that an applicant can practice while awaiting the results of the first licensing examination? A: 30 B: 60 C: 90 D: 120

ANSWER: D: 120 D) 120 days are what are allowed while awaiting the results of the first administered licensing examination. If the applicant has not taken the first administered licensing exam that follows graduation, once the 120 days are up, clinical practice must cease.

Which of the following topical medications are NOT approved for physical therapy use? A: Bactericidal B: Anti-inflammatory C: Debriding agents D: Antifungal

ANSWER: D: Antifungal

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding a physical therapist assistant student? A: Clinical training must occur under the direct and immediate supervision of a licensed physical therapist assistant B: A name tag that is worn for patient treatment must be in bold 14-point font C: The student must be identified as a physical therapist assistant license applicant during clinical rotations D: Any documentation performed by the student must be co-signed by the clinical instructor the same day that treatment occurred

ANSWER: D: Any documentation performed by the student must be co-signed by the clinical instructor the same day that treatment occurred

Which of the following licensed professionals are NOT able to own shares in a physical therapy corporation? A: Podiatrists B: Registered nurses C: Speech-language therapists D: Chiropractors

ANSWER: D: Chiropractors

Which of the following signatures is a correct form a physical therapist can use? A: Dr. John Doe, PT B: Dr. John Doe, Physical Therapist C: Dr. Jane Doe, DPT D: Dr. Jane Doe, Doctor of Physical Therapy

ANSWER: D: Dr. Jane Doe, Doctor of Physical Therapy D) In written communication, use of the title "Doctor" or the abbreviation "Dr." can precede a licensee's name, if the licensee's name is immediately followed by an unabbreviated specification of the applicable doctoral degree. In this case, there needs to be a specification as to which doctoral degree the therapist has.

A licensee whose license has recently expired has how many years until a new license will have to be obtained? A: Two B Three C: Four D: Five


An outpatient clinic currently has three full-time physical therapists and one physical therapist assistant. Which of the following numbers is the MAXIMUM number of additional full-time assistants that can be hired at this clinic? A: Two B: Three C: Four D: Five

ANSWER: D: Five D) A physical therapist is able to supervise two assistants who are helping in the practice of physical therapy. With three full time physical therapists and one assistant on staff, five additional positions are open for assistants.

Which of the following criteria is NOT considered by the board when determining to deny or reinstate a revoked license to a licensee who has committed a crime? A: Nature and severity of the crime B: Evidence that may be associated with the crime C: The level to which the licensee has complied with rehabilitation if required D: How long the licensee had been practicing clinically

ANSWER: D: How long the licensee had been practicing clinically A) The nature and severity of the crime is utilized to determine how to proceed with either denying or reinstating a license. B) The evidence of a crime will be taken into consideration to see if it is sufficient for denying licensure or not. C) If rehabilitation is required, the extent that the licensee has complied with it will impact the board's decision.

Which of the following tasks can be performed by a physical therapist assistant? A: Document a patient re-evaluation B: Supervise an aide providing patient related care C: Be the sole physical therapy representative at a patient case conference D: Manage a physical therapy clinic

ANSWER: D: Manage a physical therapy clinic D) A physical therapist assistant is able to manage a clinic but if so, only a managerial role can be done as clinical practice is prohibited for the assistant.

A physician offers to pay for patient referrals from a physical therapist for patients that are out of the scope of direct access physical therapy care. In order for this relationship to be lawful which of the following criteria needs to be met? A: The amount of cash given to the physical therapist cannot exceed $3,000 per year B: Disclosure of the relationship to the California Physical Therapy Board C: Notice of compensation shall be disclosed verbally and in writing to the patients D: No cash incentive can be present at anytime during patient care

ANSWER: D: No cash incentive can be present at anytime during patient care A licensee receiving compensation by a physician for referrals is termed a kickback. This is unlawful and prohibited.

A licensee who is employed by a university may refer a patient to another facility owned by the same university if which of the following conditions are met? A: The institution has been fully credentialed for a minimum of five years B: Disclosure is sent to the physical therapy board C: A maximum of 15% of patients are seen within the institution D: No compensation is provided to the employee for the referral

ANSWER: D: No compensation is provided to the employee for the referral A) There is not a minimum duration of time that an institution has to be credentialed prior to a referral within the institution being lawful. B) Disclosure to the board of the referral is not needed. C) There is not a maximum percentage of patients that can be referred within a university institution.

Which of the following terms is interchangeable with "physical therapy"? A: Kinesiotherapy B: Exercise physiology C: Neuromuscular therapy D: Physiotherapy

ANSWER: D: Physiotherapy

Which of the following activities is an example of a non patient related task that a physical therapy aide can perform? A: Increasing weight for a leg press machine exercise B: Verbal cueing for isometric abdominal training C: Administering soft tissue mobilization to an involved body region D: Providing physical support with a gait belt during ambulation

ANSWER: D: Providing physical support with a gait belt during ambulation

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding a licensee that is in an inactive status? A: Cannot be disciplined by the board B: Physical therapy practice can only occur for a maximum of 15 hours a week C: License renewal is to occur every year D: Requirements for continuing education are waived

ANSWER: D: Requirements for continuing education are waived A) Even though the licensee is in an inactive status, the board is still able to issue disciplinary action. B) While the licensee is in an inactive status, no physical therapy practice of any kind or amount can occur. C) An inactive license is to be renewed at the same frequency as an active license, every two years.

Which of the following statements about license renewal is TRUE? A: The license needs to be renewed by the first day of the licensee's birth month B: A criminal offense with a plea of no contest does not need to be disclosed during license renewal C: A license that is not renewed for three years following expiration cannot be reissued D: The board will mail a notice 60 days prior to the expiration date of the license

ANSWER: D: The board will mail a notice 60 days prior to the expiration date of the license B) Any criminal offense needs to be disclosed upon renewal, even if a plea of no contest was issued.

A new outpatient orthopedic physical therapy clinic is looking for ways to advertise through various forms of public communication. Which of the following statements is allowed for advertising? A: "Free initial consultation!" B: "Prices as low as $19.99!" C: "Guaranteed pain-free today!" D: "Be treated by the best physical therapy clinic in town!"

ANSWER:A: "Free initial consultation!"

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding physical therapy aides? A: Must be at least 18 years of age B: Certification is to happen through a credentialed educational program C: Supervision of patient care can be solely provided by a physical therapy licensed applicant D: Skill and competency assessments are required to be administered by a licensee monthly

ANSWER:A: Must be at least 18 years of age

Identification tags of a physical therapy student shall be in which of the following font point types? A: 14 B: 16 C: 18 D: 20


Which of the following ages represents the earliest that a 16 year old's patient record can be discarded? A: 19 B: 21 C: 23 D: 25


Which of the following requirements MUST be met in order for a licensee to properly notify a physician about seeing a direct access patient? A: A physical therapy evaluation and one follow up is to have occurred prior to physician contact B: Facility supervisor shall sign the patient's record C: Written authorization is to be given by the patient D: Disclosure of any financial interest in seeing the patient shall be sent to the physician

ANSWER:C: Written authorization is to be given by the patient

Where is the Physical Therapy Board of California located? A: Bakersfield B: Fresno C: Los Angeles D: Sacramento

ANSWER:D: Sacramento

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