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Stepmother would get upset when Father would lose money. Why?

Because any extra money should go to Wei Ping's dowry.

Why does Stepmother address Xing Xing by her given name?

Because they were worshiping ancestors and she didn't want Wu to know how she was treating Xing Xing.

Where did Xing Xing head off to?

Cave festival

Was Xing Xing ultimately discovered?


Explain the idea of guidance.

Everyone is guided by someone else and guides someone else.

Describe how Father died.

Fell into a ravine, squished by a boulder.

Describe Xing Xing's family.

Focused on her half sister, stepmother was the boss, Xing Xing was kind of mistreated.

What is that Xing Xing finds in the hole that is so marvelous?

Green dress, pearls, feathered cloak and gold shoes.

Why is the man so angry at the slave boy at the end of chapter thirteen?

He let Xing Xing jump off the oxcart.

Where does Xing Xing go every day?

Her father's grave.

What reasons did the go-betweens give that explained why Wei Ping was unsuited for marriage?

Her feet were too long.

Why does the doctor use the name Yao Wang?

In honor of the medicine king.

On page 59, there is a simile comparing mother's voice to something. Describe the simile and explain what it means.

It compared her voice to an orphaned child's and it means that it was very humble and not full of pride.

What is mean by "lack of talent in a woman is a virtue?"

It means that women can't be held to blame for their mistakes because they lack talent and good skills.

Explain what is going to be different about the festival this year.

It will be China united, with more spectacles and people coming from far away places.

Why did Stepmother hold such a distaste for Xing Xing?

Jealous of her relationship with her father.

What is Xing Xing's nickname?

Lazy One

What does Stepmother do for Xing Xing?

Makes her a dress.

What is the purpose of foot binding?

Making girl's feet small so they can find a husband.

Describe Master Tang.

Master Painter

How does Master Tang feel about Xing Xing's ci and Xing Xing's appearance?

Master Tang likes the ci and thinks Xing Xing has grown into a beautiful

What does Wei Ping say that is so hurtful to Xing Xing?

No one cares about your feet.//No one will find you a husband.

Can Yao Wang return to Xing Xing's village? Why or why not?

No, he's fat, it would be hard going to the village again and then turning back to where he was.

What is a ci? How do most people prepare them?

Poetry, most people prepare them by memorizing them.

What does Xing Xing wish to eat and why?

Raw egg, because it was delicious and she was hungry.

In chapter nine, how is Xing Xing feeling?

Sad and lost.

How does Wei Ping manipulate Xing Xing and what does she have her do?

She calls her sister, and she wants to go to the pool with her.

Mother's true feelings toward Xing Xing are revealed. What are these feelings and how do you know?

She is jealous and thinks of Xing Xing as a wife of her father.

How does Xing Xing trick Wao Pang?

She makes everyone think she's his daughter and now he has to follow her where she goes.

Explain the circumstances causing Wei Ping to panic.

She thinks her mother doesn't think she'll marry soon enough.

Why does Xing Xing suppose Stepmother is not angry?

She uses Xing Xing's real name.

What can the reader infer from the last paragraph about Xing Xing's mother?

She's dead.

"Fins like red clouds at sunset" is an example of what type of figurative language? What does it stand for?

Simile. It means the fins were red.

Xing Xing inherited her father's taste for what?


Why does Xing Xing wish she was a bird?

So she could fly up to a boat mast where the air was cooler.

What does the name, Xing Xing, stand for?


At the end of chapter five, Xing Xing is happy. Why?

Stepmother and Wei Ping approved of her.

What can the reader infer has happened to the beautiful fish? Why do you think this?

Stepmother killed the fish and gave it as food, this from the mention of taste of fish and serving fish to so many.

Describe what Xing Xing returns to when she makes it home?

Stink, Stepmother's arms around Wei Ping. Bad state.

What is it that Xing Xing finally understands about the fish?

The fish is the reincarnation of her mother.

Who is Xing Xing sent on a journey to find?

The lang zhong.

Explain why the people are angry with Yao Wang.

The people are angry at Yao Wang because he's not a real doctor.

Describe what happened to Wei Ping's foot.

The raccoon bit of her left foot's two biggest toes.

What did Xing Xing find in the storeroom and what does it tell her?

A letter, it tells her that in the hole are her mother's finest things for her to use how she pleases.

Explain Xing Xing's stance on learning and understanding.

*Learning means understanding, first listen with your ears, then with your heart.

Did the Qi work?

*The Qi helped her understand her mother was dead.

What confirms that Stepmother killed Xing Xing's fish?

*The fish's bones inside the dung heap.

What does Xing Xing discover in the woods? What does she decide to do?

3 blind raccoon kits, she kills two for food and takes the other one for proof that they were blind.

How many days is Xing Xing with Yao Wang before he allows her to talk? What does she tell him?

5, she tells him the full truth about the dates, Wei Ping being given credit, the raccoon, her toes.

What does Stepmother have built and why?

A barrow, to carry Wei Ping to the festival so she wont be as tired.

What is a golden pheasant and what does it represent?

A bird, it was a good omen for rice paddies and in that case for Xing Xing.

What does Stepmother give Xing Xing to take? Why?

A potion, to calm the qi.

Stepmother sends Xing Xing on a mission. Where and why does she send her?

To Master Tang's wife to sell the carp bowl.

What is Stepmother asking the ancestors for?

To care for the Wu daughters.

What is Xing Xing's half-sister's name?

Wei Ping

What task is Xing Xing doing for Master Tang?

Writing calligraphy (poems) on his paintings.

What fare does Xing Xing fear?

Xing Xing fears being sold.

Stepmother has created a plan. What is it?

Xing Xing will sell green dates to a lang zhong and tell him that Wei Ping is the source.

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