brain and behaviour chpt 9 review

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The body fluid compartments change with _______ upon severe water loss.

decreased blood pressure and decreased plasma volume

An excess of glucose in urine is symptomatic of

diabetes mellitus.

Injecting PYY3-36 into rats causes them to

eat less.

Amino acids that are not manufactured by our bodies are classified as


Endotherms may show a significant departure from their average body temperatures as a consequence of


One of the reasons we know that insulin is not the only cue for satiety is that

high doses of insulin initiate eating.

Research using fMRI shows that drinking glucose after fasting induces activity in the


Physiological saline is also sometimes described as


Under conditions of prolonged food deprivation, fat can be converted into glucose and a secondary form of fuel, called


Behavioral regulation of body temperature, like moving closer to the fire, is especially affected by lesions of the

lateral hypothalamus.

Research shows that mutations that result in defective leptin receptors (LepRa through LepRf) cause _______ both in lab animals and in humans.

morbid obesity

The response to increase in the salt concentration of the extracellular solution is called _______ thirst.


A general feature of homeostatic mechanisms is


The brain responds to hypovolemia by triggering both thirst and hunger for


In rats, lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) lead to all of the following except

self-maintenance of normal weight.

Research on the effects of leptin indicates that activation of POMC neurons in the hypothalamus

suppresses hunger.

The type of diabetes called _______ is characterized by a cessation of insulin production early in life.

type I diabetes

One of the reasons we know that glucose cannot be the only cue for satiety is that

untreated diabetics are hungry.

The receptors that detect drops in extracellular volume are located in the

ventricular system.

What percent of food energy is spent on basal metabolism?


Which event will trigger osmotic thirst?

A salty meal

Which items are incorrectly paired?

Bulimia nervosa; significant weight loss

Which therapeutic intervention would be most appropriate for someone suffering from treatment-resistant bulimia?

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Which intervention or research findings has not been an effective weight loss strategy?

Drugs that block the visual appeal of food

Which method is not a current strategy for treating obesity?

Drugs that increase digestive acid levels in the stomach

Which pair of hormones have opposing effects on NPY neurons?

Ghrelin and PYY3-36

Which pancreatic hormone promotes the conversion of glycogen to glucose?


_______ refers to the active process of maintaining a relatively stable internal environment.


Which pancreatic hormone promotes the conversion of glucose to glycogen?


What is the effect of injecting of anandamide into the hypothalamus?

It stimulates eating.

Which hormone monitors the body's longer-term energy reserves in the form of fat?


Leptin inhibits the secretion of _______ neurons, which work(s) in opposition to POMC neurons.


Which circumventricular organ contains osmosensory neurons?

Organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT)

The intestinal hormones, _______ and _______, both show a rapid increase in secretion in response to eating, and have the effect of appetite suppression.

PYY3-36; GLP-1

Which statement about anorexia nervosa is true?

People with anorexia think about food a great deal.

Which statement correctly describes osmotic pressure?

The tendency of a solvent to move across a membrane in order to equalize the concentration of solute on both sides of the membrane

Which molecule is known as antidiuretic hormone?


One of the primary causes of eating disorders is believed to be

a cultural that emphasizes thinness as being attractive.

Long-term energy storage is accomplished by storage of fat in _______ tissue.


The hormone _______ acts to conserve sodium by acting on the _______.

aldosterone; kidneys

The hormone _______ is generated in the kidney via a cascade of enzymatic actions in response to hypovolemia.

angiotensin II

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons and pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons have opposing effects on _______ and _______.

appetite; metabolism

About 10-20% of the energy we ingest is used for _______ processes.


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