Buddhism part 2

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Name and explain the Four Noble Truths

1. Life is filled with suffering, physical, mental, and emotional 2. The cause of suffering is desire - cravings and constantly wanting things and frustrated when they don't get things they want 3. To cease suffering, one must cease desiring 4. The path to the end of suffering is the Noble Eightfold path.

How does a pagoda differ from an ordinary stupa?

Basically, stupas are simple, small mounds, whereas, pagodas are large, elaborately decorated domes. Both are used to house relics of the historical Buddha. Pagodas are towers in eastern Asia, usually with roofs curving upward at the division of each of several stories and erected as temples or memorials. Stupas were mall mounds made of stone or brick that housed the relics of the historical Buddha and were usually located near a temple.

Name two similarities and two differences between jesus and Siddhartha.

Similarities: 1. Both had miracles associated with their respective births. 2. Both were tempted before they began their public life. 3. Both had world religions 4. Both spoke about compassion Differences: 1. Siddhartha never claimed to be divine while Jesus was both human and divine. 2. Jesus was born of humble means while Siddhartha was born into royalty.

Doctrine of Anatma

"no soul" no God, no self, only change

Name the four major sites of pilgrimage related to the life of Siddhartha Guatama. Why are these significant?

1. Lumbini Gardens: Traditional site of the birth of Siddhartha Gautama. 2. Bodh Gaya: The bodhi tree under which the Buddha meditated and gained his enlightenment was located at Bodh Gaya. 3. Sarnath: It was the Deer Park near Varanasi where Siddhartha Gautama preached his first sermon about the Four Noble Truths. This was also the place where he gained his first disciples. 4. Kushinara: Is the traditional place of the death of Gautama.

Briefly describe Mindfulness of Breathing meditation

A meditation that focuses on one's breathing to gain power and concentration and calm oneself.

Why would Buddhists say there is no such thing as pure pleasure?

Buddhists would say that suffering comes when one possesses the illusion that something or someone will bring pleasure, and that, in reality, it is an illusion.

Name a difference between a Theravadan temple and a Mahayanan temple.

In a Theravadan temple, there are usually images of the Buddha and stories about the life of the Buddha depicted in paintings or statues, whereas, in Mahayanan temples are likely to have a number of enshrined images of many people from the past who have become enlightened and thus are called buddhas (with a lower-case "b") Monasteries are often connected to Buddhists temples. Mahayana temples include images of other buddhas and bodhisattvas besides images of Shakyamuni.

Why is meditation important for Buddhists?

It helps people to cultivate the awareness of their dreams, goals, and self identities and engage in good karma.

What is impermanence

Nothing stays the same Life is ever changing Thoughts, attitudes, emotions are impermanent.

What is suffering?

Physical suffering - pain, illness Mental suffering - mental illness, feelings, ignorance, incompetence Emotional - isolation, loneliness, discomfort discontent, dispair

What is an opportunity for dialogue between Catholic and Buddhists monastics?

The discussion of suffering, as it is a common theme between Catholics and Buddhists. Both Christianity and Buddhism have strong, vibrant monastic traditions.

What is the origin of the Rains Retreat?

The sangha began as a mendicant ("begging") order of monks. They wandered, preaching the Dharma during all but the three months of the monsoon season. The three-month period became known as the "Rains Retreat." Though a monastic retreat, lay Buddhists also consider the Rains Retreat to be a time of great holiness.

What are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?

The three jewels are considered the core of Buddhism, which are Sangha, Buddha, and Dharma. In becoming a Buddhist, one proclaims refuge in these Three Jewels: I take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dharma. I take refuge in the Sangha.

How is compassion manifested?

Through loving one another and showing kindness.

How do Theravada and Mahayana Buddhists celebrate the birth of the Buddha?

Visakha or "Buddha Day" is the most holy day of the year for Theravada Buddhists. They light colorful lanterns and candles around the monasteries where the celebrations occur. For Mahayanans, it entails a bathing of the sacred image of Buddha followed by a procession. The bathing is a reminder that there are faults in everyone's life that need to be washed away.

List the three major categories of the Noble Eightfold Path.

Wisdom, morality, and meditation.

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