Building and Using Queries

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Query Design Grid

the bottom pane of the Query Design View window in which you specify the fields, sort order, and limiting criteria for the query


A question presented in a way that allows the database to process and generate specific data from one or more tables.

Filter by form

A way to filter data that allows two or more criteria to be specified at the same time.

Filter by Selection

A way to filter records for an exact match.

Simple Query Wizard

An Access wizard that lets you quickly select the records and fields for a query.

AND criteria

Criteria placed in the same row of the query design grid. All criteria on the same row must be true for a record to appear on the resulting datasheet.


Entries (rules and limited conditions) that determine which records are displayed when finding or filtering records in a datasheet or form or when building a query.

OR criteria

In Access, criteria placed on different rows of the query design grid. A record will appear in the resulting datasheet if it is true for any single row.

Criteria syntax

Rules by which criteria need to be entered. For example. text criteria syntax required that the criteria are surrounded by quotation marks (""). Date criteria are surrounded by pound sign (#).


Structured Query Language is the standardized language used to request information from a database. SQL enables many users to access the same databases at the same time.

Field selector

The button to the left of a field in Table Design View that indicates which field is currently selected. Also the thin gray bar above each field in the query gri8d.

Logical view

The datasheet of a query is sometimes cal;led a logical view of the data because it is not a copy of the data, but rather, a selected view of data from the underlying tables.

Join line

The line identifying which fields establish the relationship between two related tables.

Field Lists

a list of the available fields in a table or query that the field list represents

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