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Which academically forgiven courses must be repeated at Clemson?

All courses

In which two ways can a support area requirement be satisfied?

- A list of classes provided by the major - An approved minor

What are the suggested topics covered by each?

- Appointments: choose major/ career path, personal statements/ grad school essays, mock interviews, resumes/ cover letters, in depth internship/ job search assistance - Drop Ins: resumes, taking a career assessment, part- time jobs, general internship/ job search assistance, career center services

What are the services provided by Student Enrichment?

- Career resources - Internships - Global engagement - Mentoring - Professional development

What are the steps you should take when facing an ethical dilemma?

- Define the problem - Identify feasible options - Assess the effect of each option or stakeholders - Establish criteria for determining the most appropriate action - Select the best option based on the established criteria

What three important pieces of information can you get from using "Course Lookup" in Degree Works?

- Description - Pre-requisites and Co-requisites - Sections offered

Academic dishonesty is considered any breach in the principles outlined in the Academic Integrity Statement. The catalog further identifies what four items or acts as academic dishonesty?

- Giving or receiving unauthorized aid on any work submitted to fulfill academic regulations - Plagiarism - Attempts to copy, edit, or delete computer files, or use a computer account that belongs to another person - Failure to have an approved proctor during examinations

What are the four dilemma paradigms discussed in the text?

- Individual vs. Community - Short term vs. Long Term - Justice vs. Mercy - Truth vs. Loyalty

What two main problems can be managed by macroeconomic policies?

- Inflation - Mass Unemployment

What are the steps necessary to avoid an ethical lapse?

- Is the action illegal? - Is it unfair to some parties? - If I take it will I feel badly about it? - Will I be ashamed to tell my family, friends, coworkers, or boss? - Will I be embarrassed if my action is written up in the local newspaper?

What are five getting started helpful hints for a professional and impactful resume?

- Keep it short - Make it over - Use action verbs - Focus on results - Format it appropriately for storage/ searching

What are the components of a curriculum for a major?

- Major requirements - General education requirements - Sometimes a minor/ support requirement - Sometimes an emphasis area - Required electives

What are the steps for working a career fair?

- Pre register online - Dress and act the part - Arrive early - Have a game plan - Research beforehand - Follow up

What were the two other signs that moved Federal Reserve officials to the sidelines, deciding not to raise short-term interest rates at this time?

- Surge in market volatility - Concerns of slowing global growth

While free markets (capitalism) are considered a better solution than a planned economy (communism), free markets can lead to some problems. What are the three problems cited?

- The over production of negative externalities (e.g. pollution/congestion) - The underproduction of goods with positive externalities (e.g. education, health care, public transport). - Non-provision of Public Goods (national defense, law and order)

What are the three categories of internship program?

- UPIC Programs - Off campus internship program - International internship program

Reports generated by various streams of accounting...

... such as cost accounting and management accounting, are invaluable in helping management make informed business decisions.

"Breaking Down Financial Accounting" discusses established accounting principles. Complete the sentence: The establishment of these accounting principles is to....

... to provide consistent information to investors, creditors, regulators, and tax authorities.

One of the general education requirements for Clemson undergraduates is Cross-Cultural Awareness (CCA). The CCA requirement may be met in one of two ways

1) Successful completion of a specific Clemson University course from the list of approved CCA courses 2) Through a University approved cross-cultural experience. This method for completing the CCA requires participation in an international experience, and successful completion of IS 1010.

What does advertising provide to existing and prospective customers?

Advertising provides a direct line of communication to existing and prospective customers for a product or service

Who will help you complete the "Approval of Credits to be Earned at Another School" form?

Advisor or department head

What is a brand?

A brand is an identifying symbol, mark, logo, name, word and/or sentence that companies use to distinguish their product from others

What is a restriction?

A class that is restricted by your major or class standing

What is a double dip?

A class that satisfies two requirements

What is a prerequisite?

A course/ requirement that must be met before a course can be attempted

What is the difference between a financial advisor and a financial planner?

A financial advisor is a broad term for a professional who helps manage your money. A financial planner helps companies and individuals create a program to meet long-term financial goals.

What is an ethical dilemma?

A morally problematic situation

What options are available for mock interviews? What must you do to schedule an in- person interview with a counselor?

A scheduled mock interview and a virtual mock interview. To schedule an in person interview with a counselor, provide your resume, a job description of what job you are interested in, and make sure to send the request in two weeks in advance

What are potential uses for the "Interview Room Space" at the Michelin Career Center? What items must you provide when using this space?

A scheduled phone/ Skype interview or in person interviews. You have to provide a phone or phone line and must schedule at least 2 days prior to the date you need the room

What is accounting?

Accounting is the systematic and comprehensive recording of financial transactions pertaining to a business.

What is the difference between an ethical dilemma and an ethical decision?

An ethical dilemma is a "right versus right problem" while an ethical decision is a "right versus wrong decision"

What are the two categories of Career Counseling Services?

Appointments and Drop- Ins

What is the difference between business intelligence and analytics?

BI includes all components (collection of data to when it is accessed), and analytics is the process performed on data delivered by BI in order to generate insights to drive decisions, actions, and revenue.

What is the recommendation under "Have a game plan"?

Check the website to see what organizations will be at the career fair, then make a list and a map of which recruiters to visit and where they are located

What two sources provide valid emphasis areas for your intended major?

College of Business tab in the Undergraduate Catalog and Curriculum Worksheets

If a student believes there is evidence that another student committed an act of academic dishonesty, what should he/she do?

Contact the course instructor to discuss the incident. If, in the opinion of the instructor, there is evidence that a student has committed an act of academic dishonestly, the instructor must make a formal written charge of academic dishonest to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies

What is economics primary concern?

Economic primary concern is helping individuals and society decide on the optimal allocation of limited resources

What is the difference between an elective and an excess elective?

Electives are required, but an excess elective occurs when you complete more than the number of required elective hours for your curriculum

How will directing in a multinational setting differ from working strictly in the United States?

Employee attitudes toward work/problem solving differ by country, language barriers create communication difficulties so they need to be trained in cross-cultural management, the style of leadership that is acceptable to employees also vary from nation to nation so incentive systems vary as well.

Who has the responsibility to enforce the Academic Integrity Policy?

Every member of the Clemson University community

What are the three types of study abroad programs listed?

Faculty-Directed Programs, Exchange programs, and Third-party Programs

How does financial accounting compare to cost accounting?

Financial accounting is the process accountants use to generate the annual accounting statements of a firm. Cost accounting helps businesses make decisions about costing and considers all the costs related to producing a product.

How does financial accounting compare to management accounting?

Financial accounting is the process accountants use to generate the annual accounting statements of a firm. Management accounting uses about the same process but utilizes info in different ways (monthly/ quarterly reports).

What do accountants and auditors in the public sector do?

Government accountants and auditors work in the public sector to maintain and examine the records of government agencies and also to audit private businesses and individuals who pay taxes.

What five skills do social media managers need?

Graphics production skills, an aptitude for writing, a customer-service mindset, a solid understanding of SEO and content marketing, and social advertising experience

What are the six primary symbols in Degree Works and what do they mean?

Green checkmarks- Requirement is satisfied Blue waves- Requirement is in process Red checkboxes- Requirement has not been satisfied @- Wildcard Colon between course numbers- Indicates a range between the courses listed *- Pre Req exists for this course

What does human resource management provide to help the rest of the organization be successful?

HRM provides the knowledge, necessary tools, training, administrative services, coaching, legal and management advice, and talent management oversight that the rest of the organization needs for successful operation.

Under "Help with your courses", and under "Tutoring (if available)" then under "How can tutors help me?" how can tutors help you?

Help you work through difficult concepts, ask guiding problems to lead you toward solving problems yourself, suggest learning and studying strategies

What do MIS students learn?

How businesses use info to improve the company's operations, how to manage various information systems to best serve the needs of managers/staff/customers, how to create systems for finding and storing data, and about computer databases, networks, computer security, and much more

What is inflation?

Inflation (measured in percent) is measure of how much a bunch of products have increased in price from last year.

Why is the information obtained through market research important?

Information obtained through market research is important because it provides insight about how past and present customers reacted to a product based on spending habits, location, and needs. This helps marketers shape the targeted audience in order to reach a larger consumer base in the future

What is the primary reason why a company would choose an investment banker over other forms of equity financing?

Investment banks

Why do you think this is a good learning strategy?

It helps you keep the material fresh in your mind

At it's core, entrepreneurship is a mindset- a way of thinking and acting.

It is about imagining new ways to solve problems and create value. It is the ability to recognize, methodically analyze an opportunity, and capture its value.

What is Financial Management?

It is the planning, organizing, direction and controlling of the financial activities such as procurement/utilization of funds of the enterprise.

What is insurance? How do insurance companies make insurance more affordable?

It's a contract, represented by policy, in which an individual or entity receives financial protection/reimbursement against losses from an insurance company

Under "Help with your courses", and "Peer-Assisted Learning - How to Participate", describe "What is Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL)?"

It's a peer led program for students in challenging undergraduate courses

What are the two primary functions of a stock exchange?

It's an institution where stocks, bonds, options and futures, and commodities are traded. Its where individuals and institutional investors go to buy and sell for investment purposes.

Under "Coaching and Consultations", what topics may be covered in Academic Coaching?

Learning and studying strategies, time management, organizational, goal setting, and self management skills

Who is the Registration Coordinator for the management classes?

Liz Laxton

What are the key differences between MIS and Computer Science, especially in focus, objective, and core skills?

MIS Focus- Organization Objective- More efficient or effective business Core Skill- Problem solving CS Focus- Software Objective- Reliable computer program Core Skill- Logic/ Procedure

What does a strengthening U. S. Dollar do to the price of foreign goods and bought by American consumers?

Makes foreign goods cheaper for Americans to purchase, also dampens inflation

What factors must be taken into account when making staffing decisions for an international organization?

Management must be familiar with the country's national labor laws, must decide how many managers and personnel to hire from the local labor force and whether to transfer home-based personnel.

What is the primary concern of corporate finance?

Maximizing shareholder value through long-term and short-term financial planning and the implementation of various strategies

What does the Consumer Price Index measures?

Measures what Americans pay for (goods and services such as washing machines and haircuts)

What is the name of the policy central banks use to control short-term interest rates?

Monetary Policy

Is TCEL a comprehensive list of transferable work?


What is operations management?

Operations management is a field that deals with planning, organizing, and supervising in contexts of production, manufacturing or the provision of services.

What services are generally performed by public accountants?

Preparation, review, and auditing of financial statements, tax work including the preparation of income tax returns, estate/ tax planning, advice involving accounting systems, mergers/ acquisitions, and more.

According to the Study Cycle when should you review your notes from class? Hint: Looks for two occasions.

Preview before class and review after class

What is the Mission of the Tiger Ties Mentor Program?

Promote engagement, career, and professional development To have a successful transition from backpack to briefcase

What are the primary differences between a public accountant and a corporate accountant?

Public - Public accountants work for firms that provide accounting services to other companies - Public accountants work for a public firm like a partnership or a sole proprietor - Tend to work longer hours during the "busy season" (January to April) - Serve many clients in different industries - May serve in different places each week or even travel to different sites Corporate - Involves working for a company that exists for reasons other than just accounting - Work in the accounting function of companies that produce goods and services - Typically work long hours around the annual audit and quarterly reporting dates - Extremely knowledgable about the accounting for their company - Work for the same employer all year

Why do sales representatives build relationships with customers?

Sales representatives focus on relationship building in order to help create trust between a buyer and a seller

What are the four steps of an intense study session?

Set a goal Study with focus Reward yourself Review

If your study abroad is an exchange or third-party program, when and what form must you use to ensure the courses are accepted by Clemson?

Students must complete the Request for Approval of Courses to be Taken Abroad Form before you study abroad

Complete the following statement. The international experience is either a...

Study abroad, internship or other work experience, research, military service, or service-learning program, or some combination of these of at least 3 months duration or Other type of international program of shorter duration which incorporates specific features designed to intensify the cross-cultural experience and must be a minimum of 4 weeks in duration

What is supply chain management?

Supply chain management includes all the activities that must take place to get the right product in the right consumer's hands in the right quantity and at the right time- from raw materials extraction to consumer purchase. SCM focuses on planning and forecasting, purchasing, product assembly, moving, storage, distribution, sales, and customer service.

What does the Academic Forgiveness Policy say about classes where a student was found in violation of Academic Integrity Policy?

The Academic Forgiveness Policy cannot be applied if a student was found in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy in that class.

What is the Academic Forgiveness Policy?

The Academic Forgiveness policy allows a student enrolled beginning Fall 2013 or after to eliminate up to three courses from their GPA calculation in that a D or F was earned.

What is the text's definition of business ethics?

The application of ethical behavior in a business context

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

The approach that an organization takes in balancing its responsibility toward different stakeholders when making legal, economic, ethical, and social decisions

How are financial accounting transactions summarized? *What is the name of the three main financial accounting reports?

The balance sheet, the income statement, and the flow statement which record the company's operating performance over a specified period.

What is Corporate Finance?

The division of a company that deals with financial and investment decisions

How is the fee assessed if you are full-time business major with junior or senior status based on credit hours?

The fee is $1059 per semester for in-state students and $1087 per semester for out-of-state students

How is the fee assessed if you are a freshman or sophomore business major, a non-business or part-time major taking 3000- or 4000-level business courses?

The fee is $106 per credit hour for instate students and $108 per credit hour for out of state students

What is human resource management?

The function within an organization that focuses on the recruitment of, management of, and provision of directions for the people who work in that organization.

What is the goal in creating a brand?

The goal is to make the brand memorable and appealing to the consumer.

What is fiscal policy?

The group of mechanisms used to control the economy by adjusting it's expenditure. It goes hand in hand with government spending and inflation

How did core inflation, measured by the Fed's preferred gauge, bolster the Federal Reserve's "wait-and-see" approach? What was the core inflation rate? What is the target inflation rate?

The latest price growth data largely bolster the Federal Reserve's recent wait-and-see approach to its rate-setting policy. Wednesday's report suggests core inflation measured by the Fed's preferred gauge held steady at 1.9% for the year ended January, unchanged from December, according to economists at Morgan Stanley. This is a tick below the Fed's 2% price growth target, a level it considers healthy for the economy. Fed officials have pointed in recent weeks to muted inflation pressures as one reason why they can pause from raising their short-term rate.

Marketing was previously used to primarily sell goods and services. What kinds of businesses use marketers today?

The list of entities that can be marketed now includes events, experiences, places, organizations, properties, people, information, and ideas

Why is "creating value" an important marketing responsibility?

The people who create value are critical in the process of determining if new products or services should be developed, or if there are new and valuable ways to repurpose existing offerings

What does Gross Domestic Product measure?

The size of the economy (Equal to the sum of the incomes of all the people in a country or sum of the market value of all the goods and services a country produces)

Why is it successful?

There is an increased demand for social savvy candidates across the business

What is the new expectation for human resource management at the executive table?

They are expected to sit at the executive table and recommend processes, approaches, and business solutions that improve the ability of the organization's people to effectively contribute.

What do Public Relations Managers do?

They plan and direct the creation of material that will maintain or enhance the public image of their employer/client

What is Interest Rate?

When you loan money to somebody, you expect something extra in return. This excess is called the interest. Interest rate is a positive number that measures how much excess you will get. It is the rate at which interest grows over time.

When breaking down Corporate Finance, what decisions are made by corporate financial professionals?

Whether to pursue a proposed investment, whether to pay for the investment with equity, debt, or a hybrid of both, and whether shareholders receive dividends

If a course you have previously taken is not found in TCEL, can it be evaluated? If so, when?

Yes, once you apply are accepted to Clemson

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