Business English: Pronoun Who and Whom

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Allison asked me who my boss is.

(Who is the complement of boss.)

Who do you think will win the next presidential election?

(Who is the subject of the verb phrase will win.)

Edmund is the one to whom I spoke.

(Whom is the object of the preposition to.)

Whom should we hire for the marketing position?

(Whom is the object of the verb phrase should hire.)

The Father of Accounting to __________ the professor referred is Luca Pacioli.

*whom - Choose the objective pronoun whom (the professor referred to HIM).

I wonder __________ the speaker is talking about.

*whom - Choose the objective pronoun whom (the speaker is talking about HIM).

In making introductions, who should be introduced to __________?

*whom - Choose the objective pronoun whom (who should be introduced to HIM).

__________ have you asked to maintain our company's social media accounts?

Choose the objective pronoun Whom (have you asked HIM).

For __________ does the bell toll?

Choose the objective pronoun whom (the bell does toll for HIM).

Former president Woodrow Wilson once said, "At every crisis in one's life, it is absolute salvation to have some sympathetic friend to __________ you can think aloud without restraint or misgiving."

Choose the objective pronoun whom (you can think aloud to HIM).

Please tell us the name of __________ you recommend for the position.

Choose the objective pronoun whomever (you recommend HIM).

LinkedIn has an older base of individuals __________ choose its service over Facebook and Google+.

Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE chooses its service).

A University of Illinois sociologist found that those __________ have better social skills earn an average $3,200 more yearly than those with poorer social skills.

Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE has better social skills).

Adam Smith, __________ is known as the Father of Capitalism, was born in 1723.

Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE is known).

James Franklin is the one __________ launched the New-England Courant in 1721, which marks the birth of the American newspaper.

Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE launched the New-England Courant).

Greg Eason, __________ recently passed the bar exam, immediately hung out her shingle.

Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE recently passed the bar exam).

Do you know __________ will be taking your place?

Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE will be taking your place).

Female CEOs, __________make roughly 85 percent of what male CEOs make, took their case to the media.

Choose the subjective pronoun who (THEY make roughly 85 percent).

He is the vocational counselor __________we believe has the most connections to local employers.

Choose the subjective pronoun who (we believe HE has the most connections).

Gordon will promote __________ has the highest annual sales.

Choose the subjective pronoun whoever (HE has the highest annual sales).

I have hotel recommendations for __________ plans to travel to Iceland this summer.

Choose the subjective pronoun whoever (HE plans to travel to Iceland).

Because you are a member of the audit review team, you have a better overall picture of the operations than __________.


The subjective (or nominative) pronouns

I, you (singular), he/she/it, we, you (plural), they and who.

Equate the subjective pronoun he with who and the objective pronoun him with whom.

If the sentence sounds correct with he, complete the sentence by replacing he with who. If the sentence sounds correct with him, complete the sentence by replacing him with whom. Do you know who the coach is? (Invert: The coach is he/who.) Whom do you think we should ask? (Invert: You do think we should ask him/whom.) The person to whom we gave our evaluation was Elijha. (Invert: The evaluation was given to him/whom.) Whom would you like to include in the acknowledgment? (Invert: You would like to include him/whom in the acknowledgment.)

Barack Obama sent text messages to millions of supporters to let them know __________ he had selected as his running mate.

Use the objective pronoun whom (he had selected HIM).

Please put the call through to __________ is in charge of the project.

Use the subjective pronoun whoever (HE is in charge).

__________ is Stacy often mistaken to be?


__________ is the customer who wanted a replacement?


__________ may I say is calling?

Who - Choose the subjective pronoun Who (may I say HE is calling).

We are not sure __________ discovered the security breach.

Who - Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE discovered the security breach).

This is the applicant __________ impressed the hiring team.

Who - Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE impressed the hiring team).

__________ is chosen to lead the delegation will command attention at the caucus.


__________ is first on the list will be called next.


__________ is nominated for the position must be approved by the full membership.


__________ is suggested by Mr. Arthur must be interviewed.


__________ did you call for assistance?


__________ did you say to call for reservations?


__________ do you think we should hire to oversee our accounting needs?

Whom - Choose the objective pronoun Whom (do you think we should hire HIM).

__________ presentation was most persuasive?

Whose - Choose the possessive pronoun Whose, not the contraction for "who is" or "who has" (who's).

Everyone thought the new manager would be __________.


Good employees like you and __________ are always on time.


objective pronouns

her, him, it, me, them, us, and you


is the objective-case form. It may function as the object of a verb or as the object of a preposition.


is the subjective-case form. Like other subjective-case pronouns, who may function as the subject of a verb or as the subject complement of a noun following a linking verb.

This __________ our best decision yet.

may be - Choose the two-word verb may be, not the adverb maybe.

Possessive pronouns

my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your and yours.

How can you believe __________ to be guilty?

us - We is a pronoun used as the subject of a verb, Us is also a pronoun, but it is used as the object of a verb

Some of the recent decisions made by __________ supervisors will be reviewed by the management council when it meets in January.

us - We is a pronoun used as the subject of a verb, Us is also a pronoun, but it is used as the object of a verb

Is the manager __________ we thought it would be?


Ms. Hernandez, __________ we thought would never be hired, did well in her first assignment.


The manager praised the clerk __________ worked late.


The sales rep sent notices to customers __________ she felt should be notified.


The visitor who asked for me was __________?


Was the new CEO __________ we thought it would be?


Will you recommend an electrician __________ can rewire our building?

who - Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE can rewire our building).

Calvin, __________ left last week, was our most talented social media intern.

who - Choose the subjective pronoun who (HE left last week).

Do you know __________ been invited to give the keynote address?

who's - Choose who's, the contraction for "who has." Don't choose the possessive pronoun whose.

A bonus will be given to __________ brings in the most new clients.


Discuss the problem with __________ is in charge of the program.


Johnson said to give the parking pass to __________asked for it.


Please call __________ you believe can repair the machine.


Reservations have been made for __________ requested them in advance.


The committee members have promised to cooperate with __________ is selected to chair the committee.


The winner will be __________ is the top salesperson.


You should hire __________ you feel has the best qualifications.


The contract will be awarded to __________ submits the lowest bid.

whoever - Choose the subjective pronoun whoever because it functions as the subject of the clause (HE submits the lowest bid).

By __________ are you currently employed?


Did the caller say __________ he wanted to see?


For __________ was this new printer ordered?


Here is a list of satisfied customers __________ you may wish to contact.


Many of us thought Mr. Alison was a nice person with __________ to work.


Marcia is one on __________ I have come to depend.


She is the one __________ Kevin helped yesterday.


The candidate __________ the party supports will win.


The man __________ I saw yesterday walked by today.


Ralph Dupree is the investment counselor of __________ I spoke.

whom - Choose the objective pronoun whom (I spoke of HIM).

When I return the call, for __________ should I ask?

whom - Choose the objective pronoun whom (should I ask for HIM).

Please make an appointment with __________ you consider to be the best internist.


We will interview __________ you recommend.


You may give the tickets to __________ you wish.


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