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1. What is a responsibility of the Field Sanitation Team? a. Supervising the placement, construction and maintenance of field latrines and then conducting regular sanitation inspections. b. Construction and maintenance of field waste disposal facilities c. Informing the unit XO of field sanitation violations d. Nothing


16.Using a lensatic compass, what method of orientation can be used on rough, rocky or difficult terrain? a. Center-hold b. Compass to cheek c. Eye to Compass d. None of the above


18.Does M8 paper detect vapors? a. NO b. YES c. YES: Only Muscarinic Vapors d. YES: Only Nerve Agent Vapors


20.What is the hand signal for enemy contact RIGHT? a. Extend Right arm away from body until it is parallel to the ground, Bend Right arm is perpendicular to ground, Repeat b. Extend Right Arm straight upward c. Bend Left arm overhead towards right side d. Extend arms and fists, Bend arms to shoulders, repeat


21.When zeroing an M16 series rifle from mechanical zero, your shot group is located Left of the silhouette of the target. How should the WINDAGE knob of the rear sight be adjusted? a. Windage knob should be adjusted clockwise b. Windage knob should be adjusted counterclockwise c. Windage knob does not need to be adjusted d. The rear sight does not need to be adjusted.


23.What action can be performed during the Care Under Fire phase of TCCC? a. Application of hasty tourniquet for extremity hemorrhage b. Application of Chest seals c. Splinting of an arm fracture d. Head to toe assessment


26.A palpable radial pulse should be considered roughly equivalent to at least what blood pressure? a. 80/P mmHg b. 70/P mmHg c. 90/P mmHg d. 120/80 mmHg


28.This type of seizure is sometimes preceded by an "aura" and consists of two phases (Tonic/Clonic and Postictal) a. Grand Mal b. Petit Mal c. Hypoxic d. Median Mal


32.Unit field sanitation teams should consist of: a. 1 Non-commissioned officer, 1 Junior enlisted soldier b. 2 Non- commissioned officers c. 2 soldiers PFC or higher d. 1 Officer, 1 Non-commissioned officer


4. What are the three aspects of the Department of Defense Insect Repellent System? a. Permethrin on Uniforms, 33% DEET on skin, Proper wear of uniform b. Permethrin on skin, 66% DEET on uniforms, Proper handwashing techniques c. 100% DEET on skin, Use of electric bug zappers, adequate hydration d. Mosquito nets, Proper wear of uniform, Staying home


45.When disinfecting a canteen of water, how long should a soldier wait after adding the calcium hypochlorite solution before using the water for any purpose? a. 30 minutes b. 1 hour c. 2 hours d. 4 hours


49.Waste collection points should be placed at least ____ FEET from Dining facilities, wells, surface water, and base camp boundaries a. 100 feet b. 200 feet c. 300 feet d. 100 meters


51.The most significant sign of heat stroke is a body core temperature of ___ and a rectal temperature exceeding ____ a. 106 degrees F / 108 degrees F b. 102 degrees F/ 102 degrees F c. 110 degrees F/ 112 degrees F d. 98.6 degrees F/ 100 degrees F


55.True or Fales? Detainees are to be treated with the same ethics and medical standards of care as for allied forces. Triage by medical condition only. a. True b. False


57.The sources of the Law of Land Warfare are _______ and _______ a. Lawmaking Treaties or Conventions (The Hague and Geneva Conventions), Customary International Law b. Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 5 of the NATO Treaty c. Treaty of Versailles, Treaty of Paris d. US Military Code of Conduct, International Maritime Law


61.True or False? Medical personnel can provide consultation to interrogators so long as they are not also detainee treatment providers. a. True b. False


64.Restraints in addition to the two-point standard may be applied when detainees become combative or dangerous to themselves or others. Once the detainee becomes oriented and cooperative, the restraints in addition to the two-point standard should: a. Be removed b. Remain in place but be reassessed for trauma c. Loosened but not removed d. Replaced with less restrictive restraints


66.What form is used to document emergency medical treatment on a detainee? a. DD 1380 b. SF 600.2 c. SF 1380 d. DA 689


7. Packaged Field Water is considered Class 1 Potable Water, what can Class 1 water be used for? a. Drinking water, medical treatment, DFAC operations, Ice production b. Decontamination of personnel, Heat casualty cooling, Cargo washing c. Vehicle coolant, Aircraft washing, Field Laundry


72.Upon discovery of a detainee attempting suicide by hanging, the responding MP should FIRST: a. Immediately call for backup and notify Emergency medical and BH personnel b. Initiate TC3 assessment c. Notify Mortuary Affairs and the MP commander d. Check for a carotid pulse and assess for signs of life.


75.An individual who is a detainee, former detainee, relative, or friend of a detainee or former detainee or any other person acting on behalf of a detainee or former detainee. a. Prohibited Person b. High Value Detainee c. Security Internee d. General Population


79.Evacuation technique used to move a conscious casualty to cover a. Hawes Carry b. Cradle-drop drag c. Neck Drag d. Fireman's carry


82.M9 paper should be placed in what three locations on a LEFT handed individual a. Left Shoulder, Right Wrist, Left Ankle b. Left Shoulder, Left Wrist, Left Ankle c. Right Shoulder, Right Wrist, Right Ankle d. Right Shoulder, Left Wrist, Right Ankle


84.Per AMEDDC&S PAM 350-10, What is the first step (1a.) in Disassemble, Assemble, and Perform a Functions Check on a M9 Pistol? a. Place the safety lever in the "SAFE" position b. Pull the slide to the rear c. Depress the magazine release button, remove the magazine from the pistol d. Look into the chamber to ensure that it is empty


86.The declination diagram on a military map can be found: a. In the bottom right quadrant b. In the top right quadrant c. In the bottom left quadrant d. In the top left quadrant


87.During care under fire you come across a casualty who is not breathing and has no carotid pulse, what should you do for this casualty? a. Nothing b. Apply deliberate tourniquet c. Attempt to insert an NPA d. Attempt CPR


89.True or False? The point from which the azimuth originates is the center of the azimuth circle. a. True b. False c. Not this one


94.What are the 4 Major factors that must be considered when establishing a Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) per AMEDDC&S Pam 350-10? a. Size, Slope, Surface, Obstacles b. Size, Sesame Street, Surface, Obstructions c. Level, degrees, debris, trees d. Dust, Sand, Snow, Debris


96.What is the sequence of buttons used to input a 5 digit SC PT frequency (Channel is already set to 1)? a. FREQ, CLR, #####, STO b. FREQ, #####, STO, CLR c. CLR, 0, FREQ, STO d. STO, CLR, FREQ, 1


35.True or False? It is a command responsibility to ensure all personnel get adequate restorative sleep. a. True b. False


12.A detainee presents to the clinic with 20/60 vision. Does this individual qualify for corrective eyewear? a. YES: Detainees with vision worse than 20/20 are qualified for corrective eyewear b. YES: Detainees with vision worse than 20/40 are qualified for corrective eyewear c. NO: Detainees are not authorized corrective eyewear d. NO: Detainees must be cleared by the MTF commander to receive corrective eyewear


13. A detainee who is being restrained with a two-point restraint should have restraints place on: a. All four limbs b. One arm and opposite leg c. Both arms d. Both legs


15.What are the guidelines concerning the photographing of Detainees during treatment? a. Photography is not allowed for any reason without a detainee's consent b. Healthcare personnel may photograph detainees to document preexisting conditions, injuries, and wounds while ensuring that the detainee's identity is clearly visible c. All detainees must be photographed per the Geneva Convention d. Photography of detainees is permitted however no identifying characteristics can be included in the photographs.


17.A fill is a man-made terrain feature. How tall must a fill be in order to be represented on a military map? a. 1 foot b. 10 feet c. 20 feet d. 100 feet


24.Using the "Rule of 9's" what is the TBSA percentage of a casualty with burns to the anterior torso and the anterior and posterior aspects of the left arm? a. 9% b. 27% c. 54% d. 90%


31.What was the percentage of casualties attributed to DNBI in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003? a. 1% b. 4% c. 20% d. 60%


42.Water that is cool, aerated, significantly free from color, turbidity, taste and odor, and is generally pleasing to the senses. a. Potable Water b. Palatable Water c. Non-Potable Water d. Potato Water


46.The relative loudness of a noise, expressed in decibels, that plays a large part in determining the degree of hazard. a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Nature of Noise d. Exposure


5. What length of time is required for a soldier to properly acclimatize in a new environment? a. 1 week b. 2 weeks c. 4 weeks d. 12 weeks


54.In regard to Toxic Industrial Material Exposure, chemical actions and effects can generally be broken down into: Irritants, _____, Anesthetics, Systemic Poisons, and _____. a. Corrosives, Pyretics b. Asphyxiants, Carcinogens c. Muscarinic, Inhalants d. Pruritic, Analgesic


60.True or False? Detainee consent for release of medical records is required to disperse individual medical records? a. True b. False


63.Who is responsible for providing guards and escorts for detainees undergoing medical treatment/screening? a. Healthcare Personnel b. Military Police Commander c. Military Intelligence Commander d. Detainee population


65.How soon should capillary refill be checked after applying mechanical leather restraints? a. Within 1 minute b. Within 5 minutes c. Within 10 minutes d. Within 40 minutes


68.Theater Internment Facilities (TIF) typically maintain at least what level of medical care capabilities? a. Role 1 b. Role 2 c. Role 3 d. Role 4


70.True or False? Muslim detainees observing Ramadan should be considered to be on a hunger strike a. True b. False


71.What form is used to document Behavioral Health Evaluations for detainees? a. SF 600 b. SF 513 c. DA 670-1 d. DD 689


78.Movement Technique used when cover and concealment are good but enemy fire prevents the individual from getting up. a. Low Crawl b. High Crawl c. 3-5 second buddy rush d. Crouching


8. Open air burn pits are used in lieu of a commercial incinerator or other equipment at a location with more than ______ personnel and that is in place longer than _____ days. a. 45/45 b. 100/90 c. 100/120 d. 50/30


81.In regard to correcting a malfunction on an M4A1 carbine, what does the T in SPORTS stand for? a. Take the unfired cartridge out of the chamber b. Tap the forward assist c. Turn the weapon to the side to observe the chamber d. Throw the weapon away and find a new one


88. For EFMB testing purposes what scale map is used for Land Navigation? a. 1:25000 b. 1:50000 c. 1:1000000 d. None of the above


9. Captured Healthcare Personnel are considered what kind of detainee? a. Security Internee b. Retained Personnel c. Unlawful Enemy Combatant d. High Value Internee


90.When donning JSLIST, Donning the chemical protective overboots is performed to establish what level of MOPP? a. MOPP 1 b. MOPP 2 c. MOPP 3 d. MOPP 4


93.What is considered the most dominant position in Army Combatives a. Collar-Cross choke b. Rear Mount c. The Guard d. The Suplex


97.When conducting a 9 Line Medevac request, what line is used to denote Number of patients by Precedence? a. Line 1 b. Line 3 c. Line 5 d. Line 7


99.A casualty with Burns covering 20-80% of the TBSA if the casualty is receiving and responding to IV therapy and does not involve hands, feet, face, genitalia, or perineum is considered to be what Evacuation precedence? a. Urgent b. Priority c. Delayed d. Convenience


10.Detainees should receive medical screening how often? a. Daily b. Weekly c. Monthly d. Annually


100.What type of fracture is NOT related to the hip or pelvic complex? a. Acetabular b. Perineal c. Popliteal d. Pelvic


11. How long can a detainee refuse food before being considered to be on a hunger strike? a. 24 hours b. 34 hours c. 72 hours d. 96 hours


22.What does the acronym SALUTE stand for? a. Safety, Action, Location, Unity, Treatment, Enemy b. Slope, Air, Light, Up, Timeline, Entity c. Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment d. Sierra, Alpha, Lima, Uniform, Tango, Echo


25.A normal respiratory rate for an adult is between ___ to___ breaths per minute a. 10/22 b. 8/20 c. 12/20 d. 12/28


34.What are the required ratios of personnel-to-latrines for males and females? a. 15-1/5-1 b. 20-1/10-1 c. 25-1/17-1 d. 30-1/20-1


36.Field Latrines must be at least ____ METERS from food operations a. 50 meters b. 75 meters c. 100 meters d. 400 meters


37.Field Latrines must be at least ____ METERS away from Water sources a. 10 meters b. 30 meters c. 50 meters d. 100 meters


38.The Work/Rest cycle for HARD work in heat category 4(RED) is: a. 40/20 min b. 30/30min c. 20/40 min d. 10/50 min


39.The Work/Rest cycle for EASY work in Heat category 5 (BLACK) is: a. 20/40 min b. 30/30 min c. 50/10 min d. 60/0 min


40.A soldier performing normal duties in a hot and dry climate may require as much as ___to___ gallons of water FOR DRINKING PURPOSES. a. 1-2 b. 2-4 c. 2-6 d. 4-8


41.A guide for planning to meet water requirements in a temperate climate IF showering facilities are made to be available is: a. 5 gal/man/day b. 10 gal/man/day c. 15 gal/man/day d. 50 gal/man/day


44.How many 5 gallon water cans can be disinfected using one ampoule of calcium hypochlorite suspended in ½ canteen cup of water? a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20


48.Food can be held at requisite holding temperatures for a maximum of ____ hours before being considered unsafe. a. 2 hours b. 3 hours c. 4 hours d. 6 hours


50.What type of Latrine is the preferred means of disposal for human waste during FTX and Contingency operations? a. Slit Trench Latrines b. Portable Latrines c. Chemical Latrines d. Cat-Hole Latrines


53.Per ATP 4-25.12, Hypothermia is defined as a core temperature below ___ degrees F. a. 90 degrees F b. 98.6 degrees F c. 95.0 degrees F d. 85 degrees F


56.A person who is not entitled to treatment either as a peaceful civilian or EPW by reason of the fact that the person has engaged in a hostile conduct without meeting the qualifications established by Article 4 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. a. Enemy Combatant b. Civilian Internee c. Unlawful Enemy Combatant d. Detainee


6. Which of the following is an extremely irritating gas that reacts with body fluids to produce hydrochloric acid in the throat, lungs, and eyes? a. Carbon Monoxide b. Smoke used for obscuration and signaling c. Bore/gun gases d. Fuel, solvents, grease, and oils


62.Regarding the four P's of abuse prevention, the term "Procedures" is defined as: a. Has a command philosophy that places honor and dignity at the top of priorities b. It is not good enough to tell everyone to do the right thing, put it in writing c. Have systems in place that by nature reduce the potential for abuse d. Continuous exercise of a professional demeanor and conduct is required


69.Upon medical recommendation, a detainee participating in a hunger strike may: a. Cease being provided food for the duration of the strike b. Be force fed only in order to sustain life c. Be placed in isolation and be denied contact with other detainees d. Be released on grounds of compassionate discharge


73.If detainees are preparing their own food, ____ gallons of water per day per man are required a. 5 gallons b. 6 gallons c. 8 gallons d. 20 gallons


74.One 33-gallon refuse collection container is required per ____ detainees. If detainees prepare their own food, One 33-gallon refuse collection container is required per ____ detainees. a. 10, 20 b. 17, 25 c. 25, 17 d. 36, 18


77.Anything used to keep oneself, equipment, and position from being identified: a. Cover b. Concealment c. Camouflage d. Camels


85.On a military map, Black topographical symbols indicate: a. Vegetation b. Water c. Cultural (man-made) features not including Roads d. Roads


95.Radio transmissions should not be made within ___ meters of a unexploded ordnance (UXO) a. 50 meters b. 75 meters c. 100 meters d. 300 meter


14.What are the 4 P's of abuse prevention? a. Priorities, Politics, Prevention, Presence b. Policies, Punching, Past Medical History, Prevention c. Pears, Poodles, PAP smears, Pessimism d. Priorities, Policies, Procedures, Practices


19.This movement technique should be used when under fire or there is inadequate cover/concealment to utilize a different technique a. Quick Time March b. Running like hell c. Bounding d. Low Crawl


2. Up through World War II, what percentage of casualties were DNBI related? a. 0% b. 20% c. 30% d. 80%


29.During ventilation of a casualty using a BVM, O2 is supplied to the BVM reservoir at 15Lpm. What percentage O2 is being provided to the casualty? a. 20-30% b. 45-65% c. 75-85% d. 90-100%


30.You are instructed to set up a casualty decontamination station, which of the following is NOT a site selection factor? a. Terrain b. Availability of protective shelters or buildings to house clean treatment facilities c. General Tactical Situation d. At least 25 meters upwind of any contaminated area


43.What water disinfectants are used at the unit level a. Calcium Hypochlorite b. Water purification tablets, chlorine c. Water purification tablets, iodine d. All of the above


47.The proper holding temperature for Cold Foods is ___ Degrees F, for Hot foods it is ____ Degrees F. a. 39/141 b. 0/100 c. 20/80 d. 41/135


58.What articles of the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field provides special protection for three classes of Medical Personnel? a. Article 5,6,7 b. Article 12,13,14 c. Article 20, 21,22 d. Article 24, 25, 26


59.Healthcare Personnel may enter holding areas of a Theater Internment Facility (TIF) for a variety of reasons including: a. Conducting inspections b. Providing Emergency Medical Treatment c. Performing Autopsies on deceased individuals d. A and B e. All of the above


67.When providing medication to a detainee, medical personnel must follow all steps EXCEPT: a. Verify identity of detainee b. Obtain their signature on the medication issue register c. Watch/verify detainee takes prescribed dose d. Segregate detainee from other detainees prior to administration of medication


76.Becoming a hostage while providing medical care to detainees is always a possibility. Personnel should remember if they find themselves in a hostage situation that hostages: a. Should remain calm and alert b. Should not make any promises they cannot fulfill c. Should avoid political or religious discussions d. All of the above


80.Evacuation technique used for an unconscious or severely injured casualty a. Hawes Carry b. Cradle-drop drag c. Neck Drag d. Fireman's carry


83.A dark green color on M8 or M9 detection paper is indicative of what agent? a. Blister Agent (H) b. Vapor Agent (A) c. Muscarinic Agent (M) d. Nerve Agent (V)


91.Which is a more accurate grid coordinate? a. 6-digit grid coordinate b. 8-digit grid coordinate c. 10-digit grid coordinate d. 12-digit grid coordinate


98.A casualty with a simple fracture of the tibia is considered to be what Evacuation precedence? a. Urgent b. Priority c. Minimal d. Routine


27.What sign/symptom is NOT an indicator of High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE)? a. Gait Ataxia (early warning sign) b. Headache c. Hallucinations d. Confusion e. Cervicalgia


3. Which of the following represent health threats to soldiers in the field? a. Food-borne illnesses b. Toxic industrial materials c. Hazardous noise d. Climatic or environmental extremes e. All of the above


33.Handwashing facilities must be stocked with: a. Potable Water b. Palatable Water c. Soap d. Paper Towels e. Hand Sanitizer f. A,C,D g. All of the above


52.Host Factors that influence exposure, susceptibility or response to Cold environments and injury include but are not limited to: a. Age b. Previous cold injury c. Fatigue d. Gender e. Race f. All of the Above


92.Which of the following is/are signs of mild nerve agent poisoning? a. Sudden unexplained headache b. CSF drainage from ears c. Sudden drooling/Excessive salivation d. Nausea e. Muscle spasm/twitching at site of exposure f. Diarrhea g. A, C, D, E h. All of the Above


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