Business English Semicolon and colon

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Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

As reported in Forbes, the happiest companies to work for are Johnson & Johnson, Broadcom, and Chevron. Do not place a colon after a verb (are) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Our summer sale begins tomorrow; visit our website today for a sneak preview.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Send checks to these employees. Their payments are long overdue. Tracey Barry Juan Gonzalez Cathy Overby James DeLoach

Use a colon to represent the word to in ratios.

With a ratio of 1.6:1, Pembroke Pines, Florida, has the highest ratio of women to men in the United States.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

Many companies are facing a serious crisis: their sales have decreased .

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Chris researched, visited, and booked the location; Zach hired and supervised the caterers; and Stephanie ordered and sent the invitations.

Colons are placed after the salutation of a business letter when mixed punctuation is used. Omit the colon after the salutation when open punctuation is used.

Dear Dr. Washburn: Dear Human Resources: Dear Anita:

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Google has also acquired these popular online products: YouTube, Blogger, and Picasa. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.Use commas to separate three or more equally ranked words in a series. Remember to place a comma before the final conjunction in the series (and).

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Web advertising attempts to reach large international audiences; television advertising is aimed at national or local audiences. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

For graduation you must complete courses in mathematics, accounting, English, management, and business communication. Do not place a colon after a preposition (in) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Fortune selected the following companies as the world's most socially responsible: The Walt Disney Company, John Deere, Cisco Systems, Starbucks, and Unilever. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

German shoppers generally bring their own plastic or cloth bags for groceries; therefore, they were unaccustomed to Wal-Mart's bagging techniques. Because a conjunctive adverb (therefore) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Super Bowl ads have become more interactive; many companies now persuade viewers to go to Twitter to tweet about their ads. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

​These individuals were the highest paid actors in 2014 according to Forbes: Robert Downey Jr., Dwayne Johnson, and Bradley Cooper.

John Muir, who founded the Sierra Club,________________ from Sweden when he was eleven years old.

emigrated Choose emigrated, which means "to move from a country."

Our employees will do everything possible to _________________ your complete satisfaction.

ensure Choose ensure, which means "to make sure, certain, or safe."

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. A pilot project—refer to page 6 of the report—may help us justify the new system. b. A pilot project, refer to page 6 of the report, may help us justify the new system. c. A pilot project (refer to page 6 of the report) may help us justify the new system.

A pilot project (refer to page 6 of the report) may help us justify the new system. Use parentheses to set off and de-emphasize a nonessential sentence element.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Many companies are struggling because of decreased sales; Powertex is one company that has seen a 35 percent drop in revenue.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Anthony identified the problem, William offered suggestions, and Charlene critiqued each idea. Use commas to separate short independent clauses in a series.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Boston is often called "Beantown" and "The Hub of the Universe". b. Boston is often called 'Beantown' and 'The Hub of the Universe." c. Boston is often called "Beantown" and "The Hub of the Universe."

Boston is often called "Beantown" and "The Hub of the Universe." Use double quotation marks to enclose words used humorously.The period is always placed before the closing quotation mark.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

These were the most popular websites in 1996, when the World Wide Web first started gaining in popularity:1. AOL 4. Yahoo2. Webcrawler 5. Infoseek3. Netscape 6. Prodigy Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a vertical list of items.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Three similar types of tropical storms with different names are cyclones, typhoons, and hurricanes. Do not place a colon after a verb (are) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items. Use a colon to separate two independent clauses if the second clause explains, illustrates, or supplements the first.

Tallahassee is the _________________ of Florida.

capital Choose capital, which refers to a city serving as the seat of government

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Among the oddly named towns in the United States are What Cheer, Iowa; Peculiar, Missouri; Cheesequake, New Jersey; and Goose Pimple Junction, Virginia. Use commas to separate cities and states.Use semicolons to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series contain internal commas.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

BJ Fogg, director of Stanford University's Persuasive Technology Lab, said: "Finding the right balance will take time, if it is ever achieved. Unlike face-to-face conversations, there's really no good way yet for people to let one another know that they are being too revealing." Use a colon to introduce a quotation of two or more sentences.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Babe Ruth, renowned former American League baseball player, once said: "The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime." Use a colon to introduce a quotation of two or more sentences.

introductory expression introduces several items punctuated by internal commas, then use dashes or parentheses.

Basic employee rights—for instance, minimum wage, overtime, and child labor protection—were first mandated in 1938 with the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act. (Dashes are used because the introductory expression for instance introduces several items punctuated with internal commas.)

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Bishop Rock off the coast of Great Britain is the smallest island in the world; it is the size of about three tennis courts. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

If you want to tie all actions at a cash register to an individual, install fingerprint scanners; as a result, you will experience fewer instances of theft. A dependent clause that precedes an independent clause (If you want to tie all actions at a cash register to an individual) is followed by a comma.Because a conjunctive adverb (as a result) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.

One of the biggest _________________ storm in years occurred in Post Falls, Idaho.

lightning Choose lightning, which refers to "the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity."

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

CareerBliss saw a surge of highly ranked companies in one specific area: STEM-related industries (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces one item.

Semicolons are used primarily when two independent clauses are separated by a conjunctive adverb or a transitional expression

Common conjunctive adverbs include therefore, however, consequently, and then. Kevin learned a lot from his Toastmasters experience; therefore, he started a student chapter on campus.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Consumers expect courteous, professional service; therefore, many companies are providing enhanced training to employees who have direct contact with customers. Use a comma to separate two or more adjectives (courteous and professional) that appear before a noun (service) and independently modify it. You can say courteous and professional service. Because a conjunctive adverb (therefore) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Four companies, The Walt Disney Company, Google, BMW, and Rolex, were ranked by Forbes as having the best reputations in the world. b. Four companies: The Walt Disney Company, Google, BMW, and Rolex, were ranked by Forbes as having the best reputations in the world. c. Four companies—The Walt Disney Company, Google, BMW, and Rolex—were ranked by Forbes as having the best reputations in the world.

c. Four companies—The Walt Disney Company, Google, BMW, and Rolex—were ranked by Forbes as having the best reputations in the world. Use dashes to set off and emphasize a parenthetical element that contains internal commas.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. In 2014, Janet Yellen, an American economist, became the first woman to chair the Federal Reserve. b. In 2014 Janet Yellen, an American economist, became the first woman to chair the Federal Reserve. c. In 2014, Janet Yellen, an American economist; became the first women to chair the Federal Reserve.

b. In 2014 Janet Yellen, an American economist, became the first woman to chair the Federal Reserve. Introductory prepositional phrases of fewer than four words (In 2014) require no commas.When an appositive (an American economist) provides information not essential to identifying its antecedent (Janet Yellen), set it off with commas

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. The computer was producing "garbage," that is, the screen showed gibberish. b. The computer was producing "garbage"; that is, the screen showed gibberish. c. The computer was producing "garbage;" that is, the screen showed gibberish.

b. The computer was producing "garbage"; that is, the screen showed gibberish. .When an introductory expression (that is) immediately follows an independent clause, use a semicolon before and a comma after the expression if the words following the introductory expression form an independent clause.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Three of the best-paying U.S. cities for women: San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara, are in Silicon Valley. b. Three of the best-paying U.S. cities for women—San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara—are in Silicon Valley. c. Three of the best-paying U.S. cities for women, San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara, are in Silicon Valley.

b. Three of the best-paying U.S. cities for women—San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara—are in Silicon Valley. Use dashes to set off and emphasize a parenthetical element that contains internal commas.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. She said she held AA and BS degrees didn't she? b. She said she held A.A. and B.S. degrees, didn't she? c. She said she held AA and BS degrees, didn't she?

c. She said she held AA and BS degrees, didn't she? Academic degrees (AA, BS) do not contain periods.Use a question mark to punctuate a question added to a statement.

Paul invested $20,000 as _________________ to start a new business.

capital Choose capital, which means "the wealth of an individual or firm."

We offer _________________ shipping for all purchases.

complimentary Choose complimentary, which means "free."

Lucia feels fortunate because she enjoys working with her _________________.

coworkers Most words beginning with the prefix co are not hyphenated (coworkers).

The interviewer gave me a _________________ handshake when she introduced herself.

hearty Choose hearty, which means "done or expressed in an open, cheerful, and energetic way."

Do you think Lucas meant to _________________ that he is planning to resign?

imply Choose imply, which means "to suggest without stating."

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Did the office manager really say, "Stamp this package Fragile?" b. Did the office manager really say, "Stamp this package Fragile"? c. Did the office manager really say, "Stamp this package Fragile?

Did the office manager really say, "Stamp this package Fragile"? Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation.Commas are used to separate a short quotation from the rest of a sentence.Use a question mark at the end of a direct question. Because the incorporating sentence is a question, not the quote, place the question mark after the closing quotation mark.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. If you want to impress the interviewer, research the company before the interview. b. When a job candidate knows about a company's management structure; that candidate has an immediate advantage over others.

If you want to impress the interviewer, research the company before the interview. All of these sentences have dependent clauses that precede independent clauses. A comma, not a semicolon or colon, should separate the clauses.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Incidentally telematics enables a car to wirelessly exchange data with external sources such as smartphones, MP3 players, and navigation systems. b. Incidentally—telematics enables a car to wirelessly exchange data with external sources such as smartphones, MP3 players, and navigation systems. c. Incidentally, telematics enables a car to wirelessly exchange data with external sources such as smartphones, MP3 players, and navigation systems.

Incidentally, telematics enables a car to wirelessly exchange data with external sources such as smartphones, MP3 players, and navigation systems. Use a comma to set off a nonessential parenthetical expression (Incidentally) that interrupts the flow of the sentence.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. One American company is going to try to sell Mexican food in Mexico, namely Taco Bell. b. One American company is going to try to sell Mexican food in Mexico, namely, Taco Bell. c. One American company is going to try to sell Mexican food in Mexico: namely, Taco Bell.

One American company is going to try to sell Mexican food in Mexico, namely, Taco Bell. If the list or explanation that follows the introductory expression (namely) is not a series or independent clause, use commas before and after the introductory expression.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Standardized tests are often used by schools to measure student success; however, they are often criticized as discriminating against minorities.

Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces one item, two items, or a list of items.

Text messages are now used to deliver the following types of information: medical, financial, educational, and political.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Texting interrupts work and is more intrusive than e-mail; use it only when response time is important. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

The city to host the 2024 Summer Olympics will be announced in Lima, Peru, in 2017; the 2024 Summer Paralympic Games will be held in the same city. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

The company is considering expanding its operations to selected South American markets; for instance, Brazil, Venezuela, and Chile.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Meg Whitman said, "When people use your brand name as a verb, that is remarkable." b. Meg Whitman said: "When people use your brand name as a verb, that is remarkable." c. Meg Whitman said; "When people use your brand name as a verb, that is remarkable."

Meg Whitman said, "When people use your brand name as a verb, that is remarkable." Commas are used to separate a short quotation from the rest of a sentence. Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation. Use a period at the end of a statement. The period is always placed before the closing quotation mark.

Colons are used after the "http" part of website addresses.


Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

One of the hottest industries is petroleum; five of the top ten companies on the Global 500 list operate in this industry. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Smart companies assume their computer networks will be broken into; consequently, they develop computer-use policies to limit the damage. Because a conjunctive adverb (consequently) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Some of the cities expected to bid on the 2024 Summer Olympics are Boston, USA; Rome, Italy; Nairobi, Kenya; Doha, Qatar; and Brisbane, Australia. Use commas to separate cities and countries.Use semicolons to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series contain internal commas.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Some of the most popular products sold on, along with the companies that market them, include the HERO, GoPro; Minecraft Playset, LEGO; and Fire TV Stick, Amazon. Use commas to separate products and companies.Use semicolons to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series contain internal commas.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Speakers at past conferences included Indra Nooyi, CEO, PepsiCo; Ahmet C. Bozer, president, Coca-Cola International; and Stacey Popham, director, Kraft Foods Group. Use commas to separate names, titles, and organizations.Use semicolons to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series contain internal commas.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Special discounts were offered at the Holiday Inn, Clairemont Avenue; Embassy Suites, Lexington Parkway; and Best Western, Riverfront Street.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

The Brookings Institute identified a key indicator of one's economic prospects: Internet access. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces one item.

Which idea is expressed correctly?

The most common consumer complaints involve the following: Identity theft Debt collection Imposter scams

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Janet Yellen, chair of the Federal Reserve, said: "In government institutions and in teaching, you need to inspire confidence. To achieve credibility, you have to very clearly explain what you are doing and why. The same principles apply to businesses." Use a colon to introduce a quotation of two or more sentences.

Use a colon to introduce long one-sentence quotations and quotations of two or more sentences. Remember to enclose the quotation in quotation marks.

Oprah Winfrey said: "Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Other socially responsible companies include the following. Please check the Fortune website for the complete list.Whole Foods Market BMW Johnson & Johnson Do not use a colon when an intervening sentence falls between the introductory statement and the list.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Experts at Entrepreneur magazine suggest the following tips for choosing a business name:1. Choose a name that will appeal to your target customers.2. Don't select a name that is long or confusing.3. Stay away from cute puns that people may not understand. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a vertical list of items.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Texting is a leap backward in the science of communication; in fact, it is similar to Morse Code. Because a conjunctive adverb (in fact) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. The Economist, a British magazine, featured an article called "Airlines' Worsening Customer Service: The Blame Game." b. The Economist, a British magazine, featured an article called "Airlines' Worsening Customer Service: The Blame Game." c. "The Economist," a British magazine, featured an article called Airlines' Worsening Customer Service: The Blame Game

The Economist, a British magazine, featured an article called "Airlines' Worsening Customer Service: The Blame Game." Italicize magazine titles and use quotation marks to enclose article titles.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Shipments have been made to Cincinnati, Ohio; Houston, Texas; and Reno, Nevada.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. In addition, the Forbes list included the following cities: Raleigh, Baltimore, and San Jose. b. In addition, the Forbes list included the following cities, Raleigh, Baltimore, and San Jose. c. In addition, the Forbes list included the following cities; Raleigh, Baltimore, and San Jose.

In addition, the Forbes list included the following cities: Raleigh, Baltimore, and San Jose. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

The law of supply and demand can function only under the following condition: producers must know what consumers want. Use a colon to separate two independent clauses if the second clause explains, illustrates, or supplements the first.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Our goal is to encourage, not hamper, creativity and innovation. b. Our goal is to encourage—not hamper, creativity and innovation. c. Our goal is to encourage, not hamper creativity and innovation.

Our goal is to encourage, not hamper, creativity and innovation. .Commas are used to set off a contrasting statement (not hamper) that appears in the middle of a sentence.

Two or more closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction (and, or, nor, but, so, yet, for) require a semicolon. generates most of its revenue through product sales; Amazon Prime subscription fees are another revenue source.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

A company's balance sheet is a statement of assets, liabilities, and owner's equity. Use commas to separate three or more equally ranked words in a series. Remember to place a comma before the final conjunction in the series (and).Do not place a colon after a preposition (of) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

A department manager often uses the following skills: direction, facilitation, and mediation.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

A semicolon is a weaker punctuation mark than a comma.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. "It has been my observation, said Henry Ford, that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time." b. "It has been my observation," said Henry Ford, "that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time". c. "It has been my observation," said Henry Ford, "that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time."

"It has been my observation," said Henry Ford, "that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time." Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation.Commas are used to separate a short quotation from the rest of a sentence.Use a period at the end of a statement. The period is always placed before the closing quotation mark.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Dr. Ben Carson said: "Tell the truth. If you tell the truth all the time, you don't have to worry three months down the line about what you said three months earlier. Truth is always the truth. You won't have to complicate your life by trying to cover up." Use a colon to introduce a quotation of two or more sentences.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Forbes reported that the best three cities for newlyweds are: Houston, Texas, Seattle, Washington, and Dallas, Texas. b. Forbes reported that the best three cities for newlyweds are: Houston, Texas; Seattle, Washington; and Dallas, Texas c. Forbes reported that the best three cities for newlyweds are Houston, Texas; Seattle, Washington; and Dallas, Texas

Forbes reported that the best three cities for newlyweds are Houston, Texas; Seattle, Washington; and Dallas, Texas. Do not place a colon after a verb (are) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence. Use semicolons to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series contain internal commas.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Four U.S. cities offer the best opportunities for new college graduates, namely, Washington, Seattle, Minneapolis, and San Francisco. b. Four U.S. cities offer the best opportunities for new college graduates; namely, Washington, Seattle, Minneapolis, and San Francisco. c. Four U.S. cities offer the best opportunities for new college graduates; namely Washington, Seattle, Minneapolis, and San Francisco.

Four U.S. cities offer the best opportunities for new college graduates; namely, Washington, Seattle, Minneapolis, and San Francisco. When an introductory expression (namely) immediately follows an independent clause, use a semicolon before and a comma after the expression if the words following the introductory expression form a series.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Computer hackers can easily access passwords; thus many people are now using password managers to generate and secure strong passwords. Because a conjunctive adverb (thus) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb. Do not place a comma after a one-syllable conjunctive adverb.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

Send checks to these employees. Their payments are long overdue. Tracey Barry Juan Gonzalez Cathy Overby James DeLoach

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. The most commonly observed holidays in this country are: Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year's Day. b. Barack Obama used several social media platforms during his campaign: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. c. New patents were recently awarded to: Menlo Ventures, MMetrics, and Dagstik.

wr c New patents were recently awarded to: Menlo Ventures, MMetrics, and Dagstik. Only one of these sentences uses a colon appropriately (campaign:). Colons may introduce a list only if the list follows an independent clause. Colons should not be used to introduce a list following a verb (are) or a preposition (to) because the introductory clause is not independent.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Researching the company before an interview is a smart savvy thing to do. b. Researching the company before an interview is a smart, savvy thing to do. c. Researching the company before an interview, is a smart savvy thing to do.

Researching the company before an interview is a smart, savvy thing to do. Use a comma to separate two adjectives (smart, savvy) that equally describe a noun (Researching the company); no comma is needed before the verb is.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. The graduating class of 18' will face promising job prospects. b. The graduating class of 18 will face promising job prospects. c. The graduating class of '18 will face promising job prospects

The graduating class of '18 will face promising job prospects An apostrophe replaces 20 in 2018.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Who was it who said, "If I'm going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don't do it at all."? b. Who was it who said, "If I'm going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don't do it at all?" c. Who was it who said, "If I'm going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don't do it at all"?

Who was it who said, "If I'm going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don't do it at all"? Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation.Commas are used to separate a short quotation from the rest of a sentence.Use a question mark at the end of a direct question. Because the incorporating sentence is a question, not the quote, place the question mark after the closing quotation mark.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. I work hard to increase the self-esteem of my coworkers. b. I work hard to increase the self-esteem of my co-workers. c. I work hard to increase the selfesteem of my coworkers.

a. I work hard to increase the self-esteem of my coworkers. Use a hyphen in a word with the prefix self.Do not hyphenate most words with the prefix co.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Jamaica, Colombia, and Saint Lucia—these are the only three countries in the world where more women than men own and run businesses. b. Jamaica, Colombia, and Saint Lucia: these are the only three countries in the world where more women than men own and run businesses. c. Jamaica, Colombia, and Saint Lucia, these are the only three countries in the world where more women than men own and run businesses.

a. Jamaica, Colombia, and Saint Lucia—these are the only three countries in the world where more women than men own and run businesses. Use a dash to separate an introductory list from a summarizing statement.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Kahlil Gibran said, "A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle." b. Kahlil Gibran said; "A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle." c. Kahlil Gibran said, "A little knowledge that acts, is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle".

a. Kahlil Gibran said, "A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle." Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation.Commas are used to separate a short quotation from the rest of a sentence.Use a period at the end of a statement. The period is always placed before the closing quotation mark.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Three of the largest U.S. charities are the United Way, the Salvation Army, and Feeding America. b. Three of the largest U.S. charities are: the United Way, the Salvation Army, and Feeding America. c. Three of the largest U.S. charities are—the United Way, the Salvation Army, and Feeding America.

a. Three of the largest U.S. charities are the United Way, the Salvation Army, and Feeding America. Do not place a colon or a dash after a verb (are) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Wow! A total of 89.9 percent of the voters approved! b. Wow, a total of 89.9 percent of the voters approved! c. Wow. A total of 89.9 percent of the voters approved!

a. Wow! A total of 89.9 percent of the voters approved! Use an exclamation mark after a word, phrase, clause, or sentence expressing strong emotion.

I can always turn to my supervisor for good _________________ about doing my job better.

advice Choose advice, which is a noun meaning "a suggestion or recommendation."

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Additional costs in selling the house are title examination, title insurance, transfer tax, preparation of documents, and closing fee. Do not place a colon after a verb (are) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

Good public speakers follow four steps when presenting claims: signpost the idea, state the idea, support the idea, and summarize the idea.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Heidi Golledge, CEO of CareerBliss, said: "Each year CareerBliss evaluates the companies dedicated to creating happier work environments. As we evaluate the factors that impact happiness such as growth opportunity and company culture, it is also important to understand what types of industries are creating happier work environments overall." Use a colon to introduce a quotation of two or more sentences.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

In addition to its popular Web-search tool, Google offers many other products: Google Books, Google Finance, Google Groups, Gmail, Google Translate, and Google Earth. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.Use commas to separate three or more equally ranked words in a series. Remember to place a comma before the final conjunction in the series (and).

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

In order to be awarded a business method patent, the method of doing business must be concrete, useful, nonobvious, and unique. Do not place a colon after a verb (be) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

WWhich sentence is punctuated correctly?hich sentence is punctuated correctly?

Incorrect. In this sentence in fact is a parenthetical adverb. Set it off with commas. The United States, in fact has the most companies on the list.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Incorrect. Use a colon to separate two independent clauses if the second clause explains, illustrates, or supplements the first. a. Coca-Cola made a major change that will affect communication and boost revenue, it disconnected voice mail at its Atlanta headquarters.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Incorrect. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction. a. Some companies hire "white hat" hackers their job is to test how well an organization's network will withstand assaults by real hackers.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Investors' expectations were high; consequently, competitive bidding for the new IPO was brisk. Because a conjunctive adverb (consequently) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Jay Leno held a contest between a texter and a Morse coder; the person using Morse Code was able to send a message faster than the one using text messaging. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Latvia has a high unemployment rate; however, the country also offers the highest unemployment benefits in the world. Because a conjunctive adverb (however) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Lindsay arrived, she greeted the receptionist, and she waited for her interview to begin. Use commas to separate short independent clauses in a series.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Many Americans are fighting back against unsolicited "robo" telemarketing calls; that is, consumers are blocking all auto dialed calls.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Many employee manuals do not cover texting at work; this omission makes it difficult to know what to do. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

Michael Jordan said: "Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

New York, New York, was chosen as the city where people age thirty-five and under would most like to live; Arlington, Texas, came in second. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Not everyone who knows you professionally will be happy to receive a text; hence establish a relationship first. Because a conjunctive adverb (hence) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb. Do not place a comma after a one-syllable conjunctive adverb.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Of all the discoveries and inventions in human history, the four greatest are said to be these: speech, fire, agriculture, and the wheel. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Polygraph examinations generally consist of four elements: a preexamination interview, a demonstration, questioning of the examinee, and a postexamination interview. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Ritz-Carlton employees are expected to do the following: greet guests warmly and sincerely, anticipate and fulfill guests' needs, immediately resolve guests' problems, and continuously seek opportunities to innovate and improve. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.

the introductory expression form a series or an independent clause, use a semicolon before the introductory expression and a comma after it.

Several books give tips for making wise investment decisions; for example, Jim Kramer's Get Rich Carefully is an excellent resource. (A semicolon is used because for example introduces an independent clause.)

colon to separate two independent clauses if the second clause explains, illustrates, or supplements the first.

The company's new directors faced a perplexing dilemma: they had to choose between declaring bankruptcy and investing more funds to recoup previous losses. (The second clause explains what the "perplexing dilemma" is.)

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

The computer virus that attacks Apple laptops is called "Thunderstrike." Do not place a colon after a verb (is called) that introduces one item.

Semicolons are also used to separate three or more independent clauses that appear in a series and contain internal commas.

The first step consists of surveying all available information related to the company objective so that an understanding of all problems can be reached; the second step involves interviewing consumers, wholesalers, and retailers; and the third step consists of developing a research design in which the actual methods and procedures to be used are indicated.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

The introduction of a speech should include these parts: an attention getter, a thesis, a personal credibility statement, and a preview of the main points.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

The most commonly observed holidays in the United States are the following: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.

Semicolons are used to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series contain internal commas.

The three U.S. cities with the largest populations are New York, New York; Los Angeles, California; and Chicago, Illinois. According to Harvard Business Review, the three best-performing CEOs in the world are Jeff Bezos,; John Martin, Gilead Sciences; and John Chambers, Cisco Systems.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

Theresa uses these social networking sites in the job-search process: Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Which sentence is expressed correctly?

These are the traits that will help you be promoted: a strong work ethic, effective communication skills, and integrity.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Three of the top ten socially responsible companies in the world are based in one U.S. state: California. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces one item.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Twenty-three new companies were added to the Global 500 list; seven of these companies are based in China. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. We are astonished needless to say about the misstatement of financial data. b. We are astonished, needless to say, about the misstatement of financial data. c. We are astonished, needless to say; about the misstatement of financial data.

We are astonished, needless to say, about the misstatement of financial data. Use commas to set off a nonessential parenthetical expression (needless to say) that interrupts the flow of the sentence.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

We collected many signatures; then we submitted the petition.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

We have asked for catering menus from three local restaurants: Circa at Dupont, Old Ebbitt Grill, and Ben's Chili Bowl. Use a colon after an independent clause that introduces a list of items.

list or explanation that follows the introductory expression is not a series or an independent clause, use commas before and after the introductory expression.

We value one trait in our employees above all others, i.e., integrity. (A comma is used because i.e. introduces neither a series nor an independent clause.)

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Women now earn the majority of bachelor's degrees in health professions, public administration, education, and psychology; in addition, women outpace men in degrees in foreign languages and journalism. Use commas to separate three or more equally ranked words in a series. Remember to place a comma before the final conjunction in the series (and). Because a conjunctive adverb (in addition) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. You can use your smartphone to pay for parking in Salt Lake City, Utah, Boston, Massachusetts, and Dallas, Texas. b. You can use your smartphone to pay for parking in Salt Lake City, Utah; Boston, Massachusetts; and Dallas, Texas. c. You can use your smartphone to pay for parking in: Salt Lake City, Utah; Boston, Massachusetts; and Dallas, Texas.

You can use your smartphone to pay for parking in Salt Lake City, Utah; Boston, Massachusetts; and Dallas, Texas. Use semicolons to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series contain internal commas. Do not place a colon after a preposition (in) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. San Francisco experiences severe parking problems; therefore, it was the first city to use sensors to alter meter prices depending on the number of available spaces. b. San Francisco experiences severe parking problems, therefore, it was the first city to use sensors to alter meter prices depending on the number of available spaces. c. San Francisco experiences severe parking problems; therefore it was the first city to use sensors to alter meter prices depending on the number of available spaces.

a. San Francisco experiences severe parking problems; therefore, it was the first city to use sensors to alter meter prices depending on the number of available spaces. Because a conjunctive adverb (therefore) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. Would you please upload your quarterly financial reports to the SEC website. b. Would you please upload your quarterly financial reports to the S.E.C. website. c. Would you please upload your quarterly financial reports to the SEC website?

a. Would you please upload your quarterly financial reports to the SEC website. Uppercase abbreviations (SEC) do not contain periods.Use a period at the end of a polite request (a command or suggestion phrased as a request).

Select a, b, or c to indicate the correctly punctuated sentence. a. The first multilevel garage was built in Chicago in 1910 the first parking meter was patented in 1935. b. The first multilevel garage was built in Chicago in 1910, the first parking meter was patented in 1935. c. The first multilevel garage was built in Chicago in 1910; the first parking meter was patented in 1935.

c. The first multilevel garage was built in Chicago in 1910; the first parking meter was patented in 1935. Use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses not separated by a conjunctive adverb or a coordinating conjunction.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

According to SplashData, the five most common passwords used on the Web are 123456, Password, 12345678, QWERTY, and abc123. Do not place a colon after a verb (are) that introduces a horizontal list in a sentence.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

According to the Fortune Global 500 list, the four biggest companies in the world are Wal-Mart Stores, United States; Royal Dutch Shell, Netherlands; Sinopec Group, China; and China National Petroleum, China. Use commas to separate companies and countries.Use semicolons to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series contain internal commas.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Oil accounts for a large percentage of the world's energy consumption; thus the petroleum industry is vital for both business and consumers. Because a conjunctive adverb (thus) joins two independent clauses, use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb. Do not place a comma after a one-syllable conjunctive adverb.

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