Business Ethics Final

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According to the text, what are the four signs of an ethical collapse?

1. Weak board of directors 2. Pressure to meet the numbers 3. Fear and silence 4. Doing good deeds that distracts from a cover up

According to Lewis Smede's, the author of Forgive and Forget, what are the three parts of the definition of forgiveness?

1. Surrender the right to get even 2. reinterpret the person who wronged you 3. gradual desire for the welfare of the person who wronged you

Be prepared to answer the following questions from the Tone at the Top article posted on Brightspace. Why employees do not report unethical conduct.

1. They feel like nothing would be done 2. No confidentiality 3. Retaliation from superiors/coworkers 4. Not sure who to contact

What do the following passages of scripture teach us regarding the Employer's responsibility to their employees? (Jeremiah 22:13)

Also about making sure your workers are paid for their work

List and briefly describe Compensatory Justice from the text

Compensating someone for a past injustice

What are the main components of SOX (Section 302)

Corporate Responsibility for financial records

What are the main components of SOX (Section 401)

Disclosures in periodic reports

What are the main components of SOX (CEO & CFO Expectations)

Ensure compliance, and assure that financial records are accurate

Be prepared to answer questions regarding Organizational Behavior and Structure as it relates to Jethro's advice to Moses. How does organization structure impact organizational behavior and ethics?

Having proper organizational structure makes the organization much more functional. People know what is required of them and know who to talk to if there is disputes.

Be prepared to answer questions from the Nehemiah assignment and our discussion in class regarding Nehemiah's ethical leadership. Based upon the chapter(s) on ethical leadership in the textbook, what ethical leadership qualities did Nehemiah exercise while a cupbearer and as he rebuilt the walls?

He showed trust from the king, he was honest with the king, he protected his workers, etc.

Be prepared to answer questions from the Nehemiah assignment and our discussion in class regarding Nehemiah's ethical leadership. How did Nehemiah respond to the condition of the walls of Jerusalem? Why do you think he responded this way?

He was distraught and wept for days but also prayed to God

Be prepared to answer questions from the Nehemiah assignment and our discussion in class regarding Nehemiah's ethical leadership. What was Nehemiah's position under King Artaxerxes? Why was this position so important? How did he respond to the King when the King asked him what was troubling him?

He was the cupbearer He was in a position of trust He was nervous since he could have been killed but answered honestly and trusted in God

What are the main components of SOX (Internal Controls Expectations)

Important to verify that the controls in place are effective and should be tested to make sure they work

Be prepared to answer questions from the Corporate Governance paper regarding the following: What are the keys to successful corporate governance?

Incorporate guidelines, make sure there's accountability, and ensure employees buy into it

What do the following passages of scripture teach us regarding the Employer's responsibility to their employees? (Deuteronomy 24:15)

Make sure your workers are paid

What has He not given us according to II Timothy 1:7?

Not given us a spirit of fear, fear of others, the untried, the unknown, fear of failure, etc

Describe a situation in your life that you were asked to do something unethical or someone you knew was doing something unethical. Please apply the Steps to an Effective Appeal to the situation. What did you do right? What would you do different if you had the opportunity to apply the Steps to an Effective Appeal?

Personal Question

Make sure that you are prepared to apply your Personal Ethics Statement and the Four Levels of the Ethical Framework to an Ethics Case. Laws, Rules, Regulations Professional Standards Organizational Policies Biblical Principles

Personal Question

What has God given us according to II Timothy 1:7?

Power, love, and sound/disciplined mind

Be prepared to answer questions regarding Organizational Behavior and Structure as it relates to Jethro's advice to Moses. What advice did Jethro give to Moses?

Pray to God for the people. Delegation will not work if God is not in it.

What are the main components of SOX (What is PCAOB and its primary responsibilities)

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and they audit public companies and give independent reports

Describe Internal Controls.

Rules, policies, and procedures that makes sure information is reliable, accurate, and complies with the law

Be prepared to answer questions from the Corporate Governance paper regarding the following: Define and describe internal controls and provide two examples.

Rules, policies, and procedures that makes sure information is reliable, accurate, and complies with the law 1. Segregation of duties 2. Pre-approval of transactions 3. Access controls (passwords, etc) 4. Physical controls (locks on doors) 5. Training

Be prepared to answer questions from the Nehemiah assignment and our discussion in class regarding Nehemiah's ethical leadership. What are some of the ways in which we may be attacked or opposed in the workplace based upon your study of Nehemiah?

Some people may threaten us or intimidate us.

What do the following passages of scripture teach us regarding the Employer's responsibility to their employees? (James 5:4)

Talks about the employers fraud by not paying his workers their wages

Please describe the challenges that Cynthia Cooper experienced when confronting the unethical behavior at MCI Worldcom. How was she able to work through this difficult situation?

The CFO and other executives were hostile towards her and would not give her information. She held onto her values that she learn through public accounting and felt an obligation to the shareholders.

List and briefly describe Utilitarianism from the text

The belief that an action is viewed as ethical if the consequences are good. Supports actions that have more good than bad.

What is the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX)?

federal law that mandates certain practices in financial record keeping and reporting for corporations

What are the main components of SOX (Section 404)

management assessment of internal control

What led congress to pass this major piece of legislation?

multiple financial scandals in early 2000s

Be prepared to answer questions regarding Organizational Behavior and Structure as it relates to Jethro's advice to Moses. What were the criteria for choosing those who Moses would select to provide guidance to the Israelites?

1. Able bodied 2. Men who fear God 2. Trustworthy (Hate Bribes)

List and describe the three prongs of the fraud triangle.

1. Pressure (family, health etc) 2. Rationalization (for the greater good, etc.) 3. Opportunity (inadequate controls, etc.)

List and describe the Steps to an Effective Appeal that we covered in class

1. Prepare to make appeal 2. Search your heart (right motives) 3. Appeal in timely manner 4. Gather the Facts (make sure it's accurate) 5. Emulate Christ 6. Choose words wisely 7. Seek wise counsel 8. Always respond in Biblical/Christ manner 9. Prepare to appeal again

List and describe the Four Main responsibilities of Leadership according to the text

1. Fulfilling the mission 2. Obeying the law 3. Being Ethical 4. Good Citizenship

Be prepared to answer the following questions from the Tone at the Top article posted on Brightspace. What are the important considerations of Investors as they look at a company.

1. Management team 2. Products/Services 3. Corporate Reputation 4. Governance

Be prepared to answer the following questions from the Tone at the Top article posted on Brightspace. Types of workplace loyalty

1. Personal Loyalty (lowest level of loyalty) 2. Institutional Loyalty 3. Integrated loyalty (highest level of loyalty)

According to the class notes and discussion in class, what are some of the common pressures faced by employees?

1. Personal/Organizational financial difficulties 2. Family problems 3. Health issues 4. Low compensation 5. Lack of promotion/recognition 6. Lack of preparedness 7. Fear of failure 8. Competitiveness 9. Other individuals (peers, superiors) pressure

How was Rita Crundwell able to embezzle $52 million dollars from the City of Dixon, Illinois? How did she get caught?

There was a lack of division of labor and was in charge of most of the financial aspect and was able to embezzle money to a secret account. She took a vacation and the replacement reviewed the bank accounts and saw the fraud.

Please describe the failures on the part of the Board of Directors, President, staff etc. of Michigan State University related to the Larry Nassar case.

They did not properly investigate the accusations and they even lied to the police in their investigations. They repeatedly took Larry's side over the victims.

Be prepared to discuss how the Ukrainian manager applied some of the same principles that Nehemiah applied.

They made their workers feel safe, they did not let fear take over, they had a plan and kept to the plan

Be prepared to answer questions from the Nehemiah assignment and our discussion in class regarding Nehemiah's ethical leadership. How did the opposition attack Nehemiah and the people? What was Nehemiah's response? Why do you think he responded this way?

They mocked them and planned to kill them Nehemiah placed armed guards and protected them

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