Govt exam 2

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Obama's birth certificate controversy

"The Birthers" alleged that Obama was born in Kenya or Indonesia, not in HawaiiFrom 2008 to 2011, Obama benefitted by withholding his birth certificate. The controversy created a demographic of crazed kooks ("the birthers")In April 2011, Obama released his birth certificate after Donald Trump began to get traction with the public on the issue

polls reguarding redskins mascott

80% support keeping the Redskins team name 90% of native americans were not bothered

what was the policy dispute during the impeachment of Andrew Johnson

A struggle between the president and congress over reconstruction policy for the southern states post-Civil War•Johnson wanted leniency on the South

why ABC canceled the Rosanne Barr Show in 2018 (know Rosanne's controversial comments);

ABC canceled the Rosanne show after Rosanne disparagingly tweeted about Valerie Jarrett, a former advisor to President Obama Valerie Jarrett had taken part in a program discussing racial biases in everyday life on the same day Starbuck's shutdown its stores for racial bias training (5-29-18)

what ESPN did with Robert Lee after Charlottesville erupted over the statue of Robert E. Lee

ESPN moved him to another city to call a different game.

Which branch of government is constitutionally the most powerful


; why the Steve Scalise race controversy was made public in the media in 2015 some 13 years after Scalise's speech to a white supremacist group (think about what the curse of power means);

In Jan. 2015, the news media picked up on the story after Scalise was elected to the 3rd most powerful position in the U.S. House (i.e., Majority Whip) Scalise claims that he did not know that he had spoken to a white supremacist group in 2002, whose founder is David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the KKK

why Republicans and conservatives are more vulnerable to accusations of racism than Democrats and liberals (know recent examples detailed below slide);

Liberals/Democrats supported civil rights (1960s), welfare (1930s to today), and affirmative action (1970s to today), and these policies were targeted to help blacks, and thus liberals are considered to be non-racist in behavior, even when they make racist remarks Conservatives opposed civil rights and welfare and oppose affirmative action today, for non-racist principled reasons, but the culture considers conservatives as being on the wrong side of history

know the Department of Justice's conclusions about the Michael Brown shooting

The Justice Dept. concluded Officer Wilson's story of events was correct, that Michael Brown struggled for the officer's gun in the car, and then outside the car, charged the officer before being fatally shot

factors that Trump has in common with Nixon and Clinton

Trump survived too, not because the public strongly backed his position, but because public opinion was fairly evenly split, meaning it was not strong enough against him to scare his own party into voting against him

who holds the most powerful positions in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate (2 questions)

US House: Speaker of the House•Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)•US Senate: Majority Leader•Mitch McConnell (R-KY

why a professor at Essex County College was fired after making comments about white people attending a Black Lives Matter rally;

announcing that no whites would be allowed to march in a Black Lives Matter rally on Memorial Day (2017)

why wasn't Bush impeached when so many were calling for his impeachment;

but Bush was never linked to a crime and—the Democrats were poised to do well in 2008 and didn't want to take a risk on impeaching Bush, which could have backfired politically

What is Harvard professor, Leah Wright Rigueur's explanation as to why blacks were so jubilant after O.J. was acquitted

celebrating what feels like payback to rodney king from our system.

name a statue of a non-Confederate that has been torn down in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd—and—why would it be justified or unjustified

christopher columbus-genocide of native americans. natives were forced into slavery and punished or killed if didn't collect enough gold

why a Democratic Congress opposed President Obama over the closure of Guantanamo Bay

closure of facility

what changes have we seen in our country, both symbolic and substantive, in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd

confederate statues across the country are being taken down by local governments, universities, as well as in acts of property crime by non-peaceful, violent protesters Confederate statues are viewed as symbols of racism to opponents and symbols of Southern heritage/history to supporters.

know the details of the ESPN Jamele Hill case

jamele tweeted that trump was a white supremeist ; espn did not fire her

How Melody Cooper (Christopher Cooper's sister) described the history of white women falsely accusing black men (know quote);

many black people in america still tip toe through daily life

who was the one U.S. Senator who broke ranks and voted with the other political party in the removal vote—and—what relationship does this Senator have with Trump

mitt romney

to which scandal does Trump's impeachment scandal have the most in common

nixon and water gate

what Christian Cooper says he does to look less threatening as a black man in America (short answer)

people react differently to people who wear nerdy eye glasses and ones who doesnt

why Reagan and Clinton were able to garner public support to survive their impeachment scandals, while Nixon's wasn't able to win public support

public support

why Police Chief Arradondo and 4 other black police officers sued the Minneapolis police department for discrimination 13 years ago

sued the department alleging discrimination in promotions, pay, and discipline

what happened to Howard Cossell, Al Campanis, Jimmy "the Greek," Rush Limbaugh, Don Imus, Geraldine Ferraro, Shirley Sherrod, and Dr. Laura after they were embroiled in a race controversy (1 question);

they all either resigned or got fired

Soledad O'Brien's reaction to learning that Amy Cooper was a liberal and a contributor to Obama's presidential campaigns

they think liberals are phony.

): What Karen Bass, Chair of Congressional Black Caucus, said to refute Ralph Northam's claim that wearing "blackface" was commonplace for white people in 1984

thinks hes lying and should resign immediately. he said he particapated in it. still dont understand serious of his actions.

know list of critiques Wheeler lays out against BLM leaders and political ambitions

trained marxist anti police anti white anti capitalist

Which president(s) won reelection while fighting a very divisive war;


What a Baltimore police officer said in the Dondi Johnson trial involving a "rough ride

unsanctioned technique where the driver drove that caused injury or pain.

Why Dr. Laura felt that saying the n-word is not racist

when blacks say it its not bad but when whites say it its a horrible thing.

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