Business Ethics Test #2

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D. violence by a customer

A patient becomes violent on hospital premises after being turned down for the clinical trial of a new drug therapy. This scenario fits which of the following workplace violence categories? A. traditional criminal intent B. violence by one worker against another C. violence stemming from a personal relationship D. violence by a customer

B. bribery

A payment in some form for an act that runs counter to the legal or ethical culture of the work environment is called ______. A. insider trading B. bribery C. illegal transaction D. manipulation

B. somewhat less (about 70-80%)

According to data presented in the chapter, about how much do women earn in comparison with men doing the same job? A. a lot less (about 40%-50%) B. somewhat less (about 70%-80%) C. almost the same (95%) D. about the same (100%)

C. exist and are not any more expensive than animal testing

Alternatives to animal testing for cancer drugs _____. A. do not exist B. exist but are prohibitively expensive C. exist and are not any more expensive than animal testing D. exist and are far cheaper than animal testing

B. whistleblowing

Going to an official government agency and disclosing an employer's violation of the law is ______. A. insider trading B. whistleblowing C. free speech expression D. tattle telling

C. is similar to other technology companies, most of which lag on diversity

Google _____. A. has the most diverse workforce of any major US company B. uses a strict quota system in its hiring practices C. is similar to other technology companies, most of which lag on diversity D. promotes women at higher rates than men

C. upon request or complaint

How often should managers in a workplace anticipate an inspection from the OSHA? A. every day B. once a month C. upon request or complaint D. never

A. the courts may rule that it is not reasonable

If an ADA accommodation is significantly expensive, _____. A. the courts may rule that it is not reasonable B. the courts may rule that it must be provided anyway C. the EEOC guidelines do not apply D. the federal government must subsidize the expense

D. 300

In the United States, CEO pay is on average ____ times as high as the pay of the average worker in the same company. A. 30 B. 50 C. 100 D. 300

B. more advanced in the EU than in the US

Laws protecting animal rights in cosmetic testing are _______. A. more advanced in the US than in the EU B. more advanced in the EU than in the US C. more advanced in Asian than in the US D. more advanced in Asia than in the EU

A. the industrial revolution

Protecting owners' interests was a common feature of _______. A. the industrial revolution B. the Information Age C. the Dodd- Frank Act D. muckraking


True of False? Sexual harassment is unethical but not illegal.


True of false? Employees are more likely to develop some degree of brand loyalty when they have a common sense of purpose and identity with the company.


True or False? All ethical standards are relative and should be treated as such.


True or False? Globalization is evidence that business is culturally neutral.


True or False? Religion continues to be a forceful influence on ethical systems?


True or False? The United Nations Global Compact is a set of standards that is binding worldwide.


True or False? Workplace drug testing is completely prohibited in some states.


True or false? Advance permission from employees is required before they can be electronically monitored under federal law.


True or false? All fifty states require that an employee refrain from acting in a manner contrary to the employer's interest.


True or false? Because legal and cultural differences allow bribes in some other countries, U.S. firms and their employees are permitted to pay them.


True or false? Cosmetics manufacturing is an area where testing with synthetic human skin is an acceptable substitute for animal testing.


True or false? Diversity programs may fail due to resistance from employees within a company.


True or false? Minimum wages are established by federal law only?


True or false? Minimum wages have at least kept pace with the cost of living, because of the automatic cost-of-living adjustment clause in the law.


True or false? Most US companies prohibit employees from disclosing or discussing salaries among themselves.


True or false? The first amendment does not protect employees at work who criticize their boss or their company.


True or false? The percentage of income earned by the top 1 percent of households in the United States has more than doubled since the early 1980s.


True or false? The right to work without joining a union is controlled by federal law.


True or false? There are no similarities between legal protections in the workplace for religion and disability.


True or false? There are not yet viable alternatives to animal testing in medical research


True or false? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.


True or false? U.S. union membership today is at the lowest level since the 1950s.


True or false? emotional intelligence is a willingness to step into someone else's shoes.

A. collegiality

Understanding the various personalities at work can be a complex task, but it is an important one for developing which of the following? A. collegiality B. emotional intelligence C. empathy D. personality harmony

C. business success during the industrial revolution

Values of Protestant Christianity were often used to justify _________. A. mercantilism B. Standard Oil's overseas investments C. business success during the Industrial Revolution D. secular humanism

· May conflict with the duty of loyalty owed to the employer · Common antipathy to tattletales · Loose whistle-blowing claims or from corrupt intent/ motivation can destroy trust within an organization · If identity is found out, whistleblower can be fired, prevented from being promoted, blacklisted, and will be resented

What are the challenges of whistleblowing?

1. Determine whether there is sufficient evidence of negligence, abuse, or public danger to warrant action 2. Explore and exhaust all internal channels 3. Analyze one's own motives for possible bias, jealousy, or other possible corrupt intent 4. Consider the likelihood of success, negative effects on an otherwise valuable organization, and personal repercussions

What are the criteria for whistleblowing?

§ Engineers in a large corp. are morally permitted to go public with information about the safety of a product if the following conditions are met: o If the harm that will be done by the product to the public is serious and considerable o If they make their concerns known to their superiors o If, getting no satisfaction from their immediate superiors, they exhaust the channels available within the corp., including going to the Board

What are the general standards of whistleblowing for engineers?

D. individual, organizational, and societal

What are the levels upon which business ethics exists? A. compliance and governance B. federal, state and local C. normative and descriptive D. individual, organizational, and societal

A. empowerment

Which of the following is especially important for developing and maintaining employee loyalty to the brand? A. empowerment B. engagement C. commitment D. dedication

Humanistic business model

a business model for balancing profitability and responsibility fairly, especially with regard to stakeholders

Collective bargaining

a negotiation process aimed at getting management's agreement to a fair employment contract for members of the union

Employment at will

affirms that either the employee or the employer may dissolve an employment arrangement at will

B. web design business

An employee who works in the graphic design department of a large advertising agency most likely cannot moonlight after business hours for a friend's _____. A. bakery business B. web design business C. construction business D. landscaping design business

C. Yes, some states extend this protection because there is no law at the federal level

Are individual states allowed to have laws protecting LGBTQ applicant or employee rights? A. Yes, but it is not really necessary because federal law already protects them B. No, because it would violate federal law, which prohibits it C. Yes, some states extend this protection because there is no law at the federal level. D. No, because the Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell V. Hodges now protects these rights.

A. $7.25 per hour

As of 2018, the current federal minimum wage is ____. A. $7.25 per hour B. $10 per hour C. $12.50 per hour D. $15 per hour

A. pay attention to culture

Businesses today are concerned with balancing profitability with responsibility. Therefore, they should ________. A. pay attention to culture B. go beyond compliance C. hire moral people D. hire outside consultants to monitor their supply chain

B. the approach preferred by many companies

Diversity and inclusion at all levels of a private- sector company is ______. A. mandated by federal law B. the approach preferred by many companies C. required by state law in thirty states D. contrary to the company's fiduciary duty to stockholders

B. internal marketing

Efforts to get employees to believe in the product, to commit to the idea that the company is selling something worth buying, and even to think about buying it are part of _____. A. brand loyalty B. internal marketing C. employee engagement D. company identity

A. insider trading

The buying or selling of stock, bonds, or other investment based on nonpublic information that is likely to favorable affect the price of the security being traded is which of the following? A. insider trading B. bribery C. illegal transaction D. manipulation

C. the duty of loyalty

The common law concept that requires an employee to render loyalty and faithful service to the employer is ___. A. the duty of confidentiality B. a non-compete agreement C. the duty of loyalty D. trade secret protection

A. acculturation

The fact that a McDonald's in Indonesia might provide sambal chili sauce to its customers rather than ketchup is as an example of __________? A. acculturation B. consumerism C. enculturation D. globalization

C. shows significant decline since 2000

The middle class in the United States ______. A. has steadily increased every year since WWII B. has steadily declined every year since 1990 C. shows significant decline since 2000 D. has grown since the recession of 2008

C. title VII of the civil rights act

The primary law prohibiting religious discrimination in the private sector workplace is ______. A. the first amendment of the constitution B. state law C. title VII of the civil rights act D. the declaration of independence

Non-compete agreement

ensure that employees with access to sensitive information will not compete with the company during or for some period after their employment there

Universal values

ethical principles that apply everywhere despite differences in time, geography, and culture


going to an official government agency and disclosing an employer's violation of the law


refers specifically to the cultural transmission and socialization process that stems from cultural exchange

Duty of loyalty

requires that an employee refrain from acting in a manner contrary to the employer's interest

Diversity dividend

the financial benefit of improved performance resulting from a diverse workforce


the process by which humans learn the rules, customs, skills, and values to participate in society

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