BUSMHR Review Questions

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4. Equity theory: measures inputs and outputs and

Comparison of the ratio of outputs to inputs

7. Which of the following situations is most likely to result in conflict?

Competition for limited resources

2. More exposure you have to a differing situation, the more accepting you are this is...

Contact Hypothesis

What are the different needs that activate motivation's direction, intensity, and persistence?" This statement reflects which theories of motivation?


4. A team is generating ideas. Joe says "I will make a list of the ides on the board". He is acting as


15. ___ are powerful forms of social control that influence

Group roles and norms

14. Research has clearly indicated that self-managed teams perform better than traditional work groups

False Not much research

7. It is clear from research that personal friendship helps organizational productivity

False i. Cannot be validated but sometimes having friends at work is positive

3. The tendency to experience group think decreases as the group becomes more cohesive

False, it increases

5. A person in the encourager role will

Foster group solidarity by accepting and praising various points of view

3. Ted was dissatisfaction with his job. He said that the company policy, supervision and working conditions were responsible for his dissatisfaction. According to Herzberg's theory, ____ are the extrinsic factors that create job dissatisfaction

Hygiene Factors

1. A person who clarifies key issues for a group has taken on the role of

Information seeker/giver

6. Which three roles are especially important to groups

Initiator, orienter and energizer

9. ___ refers to the amount of effort we invest in an activity


6. Eileen signed up for a photography class after seeing some cool pictures. She is most likely experiencing


5. At co., managers are in process of submitting budget for next fiscal year. In evaluating alternatives managers should consider all of the following except?

Is this the choice that I, personally, would make?

4. Multitaskers end up switching tasks hundreds of times a day. This makes them __ in their work environment

Less efficient

7. ___ is the most frequently experienced emotion


8. Which of the following situations is most likely to produce conflict

Maria can't finish her report until Juan provides the financial spreadsheet. Juan is late and Maria is afraid she won't make the deadline

3. A follower is a person who

Serves as a passive audience

Non-rational models of decision making explain how managers actually make decisions


5. Positive practices that escalate positive outcomes because of their associations with positive emotions and social capital are having a(n) ___ effect


3. Identifying and modeling appropriate ways for people to interact with colleagues is part of the...

Anti bullying strategy

3. Gandhi stated, "If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" this is an example of...


2. Meg is a member of a group raises money for a homeless shelter. The group is arguing over fundraising methods. Meg calls for a vote. She took on what role?


2. The need for prestige and reputation is part of the need for


10. Mar will receive a promotion and a raise if she completes a difficult assignment this is...

Extrinsic Motivation

1. Efficacy is a component of a person's core self-evaluation; it influences how we perceive ourselves but does not influence how we perceive the world


1. Most common response to incivility is that employees work harder to avoid its source


1. One of the principles of conscious capitalism is to be shareholder centric


10. Contact hypothesis states that the more members of different groups interact, the more intergroup conflict they will experience


5. Sanjay promotes the benefits of little or no conflict within an org. He states that this leads to great productivity. Yes or no?

No. Org. conflict is inevitable and can have constructive consequences

4. Nate is manager at a small appliance store. He's working with an unhappy customer who is yelling at him. Nate's policy on handling customer complaints is to give the customer what they want even at the cost to the company. This represents the ___ handling style


16. Formal groups perform two basic functions they are..

Organizational and individual functions

17. Which of the following statements about groups is not true?

People who do not conform to group roles are given high status by the group

4. ___ is one characteristic that describes an organization without positive organizational behavior

Single Minded Focus on Winning

1. At C Company, employees and teams had higher performance, greater job satisfaction, and increased organizational commitment when their managers showed ___ behaviors

Theory Y

1. Attentional deficit can result from lack of sleep, conflicting priorities, or counterfactual thinking


1. Flexspace includes the concept of working from home, at Starbucks etc.


1. In a complex decision context, there is no one right answer, but many unknowns obscure cause-and-effect relationships. In this kind of situation, the most effective decision making method is intuition


1. Jo is motivated by the feeling that she's done the best she can do. This represents intrinsic motivation


10. Rational model of decision making explains how managers should make decisions....


11. Teams are the cornerstone of work life in today's organizations


12. In a true team, leadership must be shared


6. In ___, one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party


10. Norms only emerge on their own in group situations; they are not consciously formed


11. Managers wishing to reduce conflict between members in groups should isolate them


13. Ash wakes up at night about a report at the end of the month, she is experiencing a social work-family conflict


2. Best thing a manager can do to create functional conflict is to urge coworkers to hunker down and slog through, to simply persist


3. Integrating style of conflict handling is appropriate in all conflict situations


3. Maslow's and Herzberg's theories are both examples of process theories


4. People with a high need for affiliation will make the best managers


5. Organization should work to discourage positive deviance in the workplace


7. A holistic hunch represents a judgement that is based on conscious integration stored in memory


7. Expectancy theory is a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness


8. A norm is a set of expected behaviors for a particular position


8. Tacit knowledge is information that can easily be put into words


9. Instinct, insight and intuition are the same thing


According to Schein, a crowd is merely a large group


2. People with high levels of positive psychological capital tend to display

Hope Resiliency efficacy optimism (HERO)

2. The two dimensions of decision-making style are value orientation and tolerance for ambiguity


2. Waypower is the ability to see alternatives to achieving a goal, even when faced with adversity


4. Donna is highly agreeable. That means she is well suited for integrative negotiations


4. Groups share norms and have goals


5. In Herzberg's theory, job satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from different sets of factors


5. The rational model of decision making explains how managers should make decisions


6. According to self-determination theory, a manager should provide tangible resources, time, contacts, and coaching to improve employee competence


6. Employees who flourish report less stress and more organizational commitment and job satisfaction. They perform better and are absent less than employees who don't flourish


6. The members of management in the business school go out to dinner. They are both a formal and informal group


7. Functional conflict is also known as constructive or cooperative conflict


8. In equity theory, you compare your outputs and inputs to those of another person


8. Light tactics of conflict include making threats; heavy involve violence


9. A group role is a set of expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole


9. A manager should document conflict of two employees fighting


13. All work groups progress through the stages of group development to become effective teams

a. False Not all do - some stop at various stages

1. Which is the following does not reflect mindfulness?

a. Pat is biking to school and is cut off and falls. She gets up and starts kicking her bike.

1. Which statement about incivility is false?

a. Personality is highly unlikely to contribute

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